Hello everyone! Pokebron here I am a new fanfic writer and this is my first fanfic. Most of my fanfic's are either going to be about pokemon or MLP, why you may ask? Well..read my name for that answer Also, I only got one OC at the moment named Draco so check him out on my deviantart to see what he looks like also, you can get the web link at my bio as well as information about me. Also if there is anything I need to improve on tell me in the review section and I will do my best to improve on it. I may do some other fanfic's besides just pokemon and MLP so expect more from me when it comes. Without further ado the fanifc shall begin! My OC Draco shall be in this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon! Just my OC Draco!

Draco's Adventure:

A New Adventure

A cottage In the woods near Pallet town

"Ahhh!" well..falling off the bed is a good way to start the morning, I sat up rubbing my aching head from the fall, I then get up and take a shower, then after that I look at myself in the mirror, In the reflection my left eye is red, and my right is green, I also have blonde hair, I then head to the closet for some clothes, my clothes are way different though, they are made by my Mom she's a Fairy Type user, she's also a Master Magician, the clothes she makes for me are mostly cloaks that a magician would wear, And a magician hat to match the outfit.

I throw one on and head downstairs for breakfast I than greet my mother "Good Morning Mom!"

She replies "Good morning sweetie, I made breakfast for you eat up." I ate my breakfast and then my mom handed me a pokeball, I look up at her and she said " You have been wanting to start your adventure since you were twelve years old, but you never got to after you went into that coma four years ago, but you can start now."

I then said " Thank you mom!" I then say " Wait! But won't I need a trainers license and a starter kit?"

My mom then says " I already got it for you and your starter kit it's in your bag by the door, now are you going to release your Pokemon?"

"Ooh yeah!" I throw the pokeball into the air and my starter pokemon is, "Dratini!" I look to my mom then I wrap my hands around her I then Say " Thank You!" Now some of you are wondering why do I have a dragon type as my starter when my mom has fairy type, well your answer is my dad is a dragon type user and is the champion of the Johto region, and his name is Lance I always wanted not to be like my dad but to be the best pokemon dragon master out there.

My mom then said "Now if your going to make it to Virdian city you better hurry!"

I then thank my mom once more I grab my bag and I rush out the door with my Dratini on my shoulder. I then hit Viridian forest, and on my way all of a sudden " Hey! You!" I turn around and see a and see a boy that looks to be about 8 years old he has a bug catching net and hat.

I responded " Need something kid?"

He then says " I am not a kid! Battle me!" he holds out a pokeball

And I then say " Okay I accept your challenge" I thought to myself in my head (I will need the practice anyway.) "Dratini come on out!" Dratini jumps off my shoulder and gets in a battle stance in from of me.

The kid then throws out a Caterpie and says " Caterpie use string shot!"

I then say quickly " Dodge it and use Dragon tail!" I didn't know what moves dratini had so I shout out moves that my dad used when he was battling with his dratini,Dratini then swung its tail and it hit Caterpie, but it wasn't down yet.

The boy then said " Caterpie use tackle!"

I then say quickly " Quick! Use double team!" Then multiple dratinis were form and then Caterpie got confused on who to tackle, I then said " Finish it off with Dragon Tail!"

But then the boy said " Dodge it!" But it was already too late the dragon tail had hit the Caterpie directly and the Caterpie fainted. The boy then return his pokemon to his pokeball and then walked over to me and said " Great battle!"

The boy then runs off to find a pokemon center before I can say anything, by that time Dratini had return to my shoulder and then I said to my Dratini " That was a good battle huh!? And it was just our first!"

Dratini responds " dratini!"

I then try to think of a name but then I realized that I don't know what gender my Dratini is, "hmm..I will just have to figure it out tomorrow.." I then set my sleeping bag up and a little small one for Dratini. Before sleep took over me I thought one last thing.

(My adventure has just begun)

And that's all I have who is this boy that are main character faced? And will he meet with him again? Will there be another tense battle stay tune for another chapter! Pokebron out!