Whoo! My first Blaine Winchester fic! So, this is going to be kind of confusing, but, Glee season 2 and Supernatural season 5 are going to be in the same timeline. However, since there's a time jump between 5 and 6, I'm skipping over season 3 of Glee entirely.

Okay, so…I do not own Glee or Supernatural. They belong to Fox and the CW respectively.

August 1993

Westerville, Ohio

Dean was getting restless. John has been hunting a chimera along the coast of Lake Erie for about three weeks now. Sam was reading up on mysterious goings-on in Westerville. The older brother sighed and headed for the door. "Sammy, I'm going out for a bit. Remember- if you see or hear anything strange, don't do anything. Call me."

"Got it." Sam replied, not looking up from his newspaper.

Dean hid the gun (just in case he runs into a ghost) in his pants under his shirt and walked out. He walked until he spotted a burger joint and a group of giggling girls in the window. A group of hot, giggling girls. He stared in the window for a few minutes, then he heard a scream coming from a nearby alley. He ran towards the source of the scream and saw a wraith attacking a teenage girl. Dean pulled out his gun and shot the wraith until it disappeared in a puff of smoke. The girl gasped and backed up against the wall, trembling in fear. Dean put his gun away and walked towards her. "Hey. You okay?"

The girl turned to Dean. "Yeah…you saved me. Thanks."

Dean shrugged and tried not to look smug. "All in a days' work."

"What was that thing?" The girl asked.

"A wraith." Dean replied simply.

"You don't sound surprised." The girl noticed.

"That's because it wasn't the first wraith I ran into." Dean admitted.

The girl was even more confused. "Wait…what are you saying? Are…do supernatural beings really exist?"

"Unfortunately." Dean shrugged. "My dad, my little brother, and I: we hunt all things supernatural."

"Oh…okay…" The girl nodded slowly, still processing the information.

"I'm Dean, by the way." Dean introduced.

"Lin. Lin Navarro." Lin and Dean shook hands. "So, since you saved my life, I owe you a favor."

"Oh. It's okay, really." Dean said, faking modesty. 'Please say sex. Please say sex. Please say sex.'

"Come on, I insist!" Lin exclaimed. "Oh- I know! How about a movie? Have you seen Jurassic Park?"

"No, I haven't." Dean shook his head. "So, tonight?"

"That actually sounds good!" Lin smiled. She pulled out a pad of paper and pen and wrote down her phone number and address. "Pick me up at seven."

Dean smiled, and glanced at the address. "Oh, um…I…don't have my license yet, so…"

"Oh. That's no problem. Where do you live? I'll pick you up."

"I live in the Motel 6 just up the street. Room 105." Dean smiled.

Lin nodded. "Okay. See you tonight."

"Okay. See you." Dean smiled and silently pumped his fists.


After feeding Sam dinner and reminding him of the rules again, Dean left with Lin. Lin and Dean were beginning to crush on each other hard. After the movie, Lin invited Dean over to her house. They went upstairs to her room and started making out. Unbeknownst to them, someone watched in the window. A short girl with glowing white eyes. Oh, don't worry- it's not Lillith. Actually, it was the angel Castiel. He had the day off, and decided to observe the humans. He took a special interest in Dean and the girl he was with. He always wondered what it would be like to have a special connection with a being of the opposite sex. If he could possess Dean without him knowing, and let Dean have full control, it can't be that bad, could it?

So, Castiel snuck through the window and aimed to possess Dean, but he moved out of the way too fast, so Castiel ended up possessing the girl. The girl gasped slightly. Before Castiel could fix his error, Dean was on top of the girl, both their pants down…


Lin felt something strange during her intercourse with Dean. She felt a little out of it for a few seconds, then regained control. What happened? The next morning, Lin stared at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. A white light shone above her.

'Be not afraid. For I am an angel of the Lord: Castiel.'

"Castiel? As in the angel of Thursday?" Lin asked.

'You've done your homework. I owe you an apology. I possessed you while you were having intercourse.'

"May I ask why?" Lin asked, with controlled anger.

'I wanted to see what it was like to connect with someone like that.'

"What- there are no girl angels?" Lin asked sarcastically.

'None that I'm…attracted to.'

Lin sighed and bowed her head. "Okay. Fine. Apology accepted. I hope I never see you again."

'Understood. Farewell.'

Lin sighed. Possessed by an angel. Hmm. 'Well, hopefully, that's the end of it.'

Little did she know, Dean and Castiel left her a nine month souvenir of their tryst.