"So, let me get this straight." Blaine was talking to Kurt on the phone while he ate dinner. "You set your dad up with Finn's mom to get Finn to fall in love with you?"

"I realize this plan sounds crazy, but, it could work." Kurt insisted.

Blaine held back a sigh of frustration. He loved his friend, but he can be so delusional when it comes to Finn. "Okay...what if your dad and Finn's mom fall in love and get married? You and Finn will be stepbrothers. And you don't strike me as the incestuous type."

"Well, I'm hoping it won't come to that. But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

"I just don't want you to be disappointed if Finn rejects you." Blaine said. "I mean...I don't know him very well, but from what I've seen, he's straight as a pole."

"A lot of closeted gays are like that." Kurt reasoned. "I'm just helping Finn along, and the way I've decorated our room, he's bound to realize he's gay."

"Or you just want him to be gay." Blaine put in.

Kurt scoffed. "Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it."


"I gotta go. It's time for me to fix dinner." Kurt said curtly, then hung up.

Blaine sighed and carried his dishes into the kitchen. "Fine. Don't come crying to me when Finn rejects you, then." He muttered to himself. His phone rang. He answered it without looking at the caller ID. "Well, I hope you're calling to apologize."

"For what?" Dean asked.

Blaine was embarrassed. "Oh, God. Sorry, Dean. I wasn't looking at the ID and I thought you might be Kurt."

"It's okay. You two had a fight or something?"

Blaine sighed. "Sort of. Anyway, what's up?"

"We found Cass." Dean replied.

"You did? Where is he?"

"Lecroix, Louisiana." Dean answered. "He's completely human now, so..."

"You need me to go get him so you and Sam can go hunt." Blaine guessed.

"Yes. We found Pestilence." Dean said. "Sam is emailing you a boarding pass."

"Okay. I'll call you when I find him."


There is only one hospital in Lecroix. Blaine found Castiel's room pretty quickly. A doctor was speaking to Castiel as Blaine entered the room.

"Doctor, this is my son Blaine." Castiel introduced. "Blaine, this is Dr. Fredricks."

Dr. Fredricks shook Blaine's hand. "Nice to meet you, Blaine."

"You, too." Blaine replied. "Thank you for taking care of my dad."

"You are most certainly welcome." Dr. Fredricks replied. "Your father's gonna be fine. He was a little dehydrated and he has a bug bite, so nothing serious."

"That's good."

Dr. Fredricks turned to Castiel and gave him some calamine lotion then handed him the release form. His pager beeped. "Whoops. Duty calls. I'll be back in a few minutes for the form." He left.

Blaine took a deep breath and turned to Castiel. "Can you write?"

Castiel picked up the form and stared at it. "Not in English."

"Okay." Blaine took the form and the pen and filled it out. He signed it with the name Castiel Anderson. He handed it back to Castiel just as the doctor walked back in.

Castiel handed the release form to the doctor. "Here you go."

"Thank you." The doctor looked over the form quickly. "All right, you two are free to go."

"Thanks." Blaine said. He and Castiel left. "Okay, let's get some food in you and head to the airport."

"To where?"

"Davenport, Iowa." Blaine replied. "They found Pestilence."


Castiel and Blaine tracked Sam and Dean down to a hospital in Davenport. They found Pestilence, but the Horseman already had them under his thrall. Castiel tried to attack, but he forgot he's completely human now and thusly fell under his thrall. Blaine flattened himself against the wall outside the room and saw Pestilence's shadow. Concentrating hard, Blaine used his telekinesis to fling Pestilence forward against the wall, held him in place, and took off his ring.

"I should have known the Nephilim would be involved." Pestilence grunted. Dean, Sam, and Castiel recovered and walked out into the hall. "You're too late, anyway."

Dean stabbed the horseman in the back, killing him. He sighed and turned to Blaine. "Great thinking, Blaine. Good work."



They all headed back to Bobby's house and told him what happened.

"Well, it's nice to actually score a home run for once, ain't it?" Bobby asked. Dean stared at him. "What?"

"Last thing Pestilence said. 'It's too late.'" Dean said.

"He get specific?" Bobby asked.

Sam shook his head. "No."

"We're just a little freaked out that he might have left a bomb somewhere." Dean said. "So please tell us you have actual good news."

"Chicago's about to be wiped off the map." Bobby announced. "Storm of the millennium. Sets off a daisy chain of natural disasters. Three million people are gonna die."

"Huh." Dean lay his head on the table.

"I don't understand your definition of good news." Castiel said obliviously. Dean shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Well...Death, the horseman - he's gonna be there. And if we can stop him before he kick-starts this storm, get his ring back-"

"Yeah, you make it sound so easy." Dean said sarcastically.

"Hell, I'm just trying to put a spin on it." Bobby shrugged.

"Well...Bobby, h-how'd you put all this together, anyways?" Sam wanted to know.

Bobby hesitated before responding. "I had, you know...Help."

"Don't be so modest. I barely helped at all." Everyone turned to see Crowley. "Hello, boys. Pleasure, et cetera. Go ahead. Tell them. There's no shame in it."

Sam turned to Bobby. "Bobby? Tell us what?"

"World's gonna end. Seems stupid to get all precious over one little...Soul." Bobby shrugged.

"You sold your soul?" Blaine asked, aghast.

"Oh, more like pawned it. I fully intend to give it back." Crowley replied.

"Well, then give it back!" Dean demanded.

"I will." Crowly said dismissively.

"Now!" Dean demanded again.

"Did you kiss him?" Blaine asked.

"Blaine!" Dean snapped.

Blaine shrugged. "Just wondering."

"No!" Bobby exclaimed. Crowley cleared his throat and holds out his phone, which has a picture of him and Bobby kissing on it. "Why'd you take a picture?"

"Why do you have to use tongue?" Crowley asked.

Dean stood up. "All right. You know what? I'm sick of this. Give him his soul back now."

Crowley shrugged. "I'm sorry. I can't."

"Can't or won't?" Dean asked.

Crowley held out his hands. "I won't, all right? It's insurance."

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked.

"You kill demons." Crowley said simply. "Gigantor over there has a temper issue about it. But you won't kill me... As long as I have that soul in the deposit box."

"You son of a bitch." Bobby growled.

"I'll return it. After all this is over, and I can walk safely away. Do we all understand each other?" Crowley asked.


They headed to Chicago, which was practically a ghost town. Bobby, Sam, and Blaine killed a bunch of demons who held a group of humans hostage. Dean, for want of a better phrase, greeted Death like an old friend at a Pizzaria. Death gave Dean his ring on the condition that he'd get it back.

Blaine headed back home to Ohio. It was apparently Lady Gaga week in glee club. Most of the members were dressed in Lady Gaga outfits. Kurt walked towards Blaine, looking upset.

"Kurt? What's wrong?" Blaine asked.

"You were right." Kurt replied, dully. "I was stupid and lovesick."

"I take it Finn didn't like the way you decorated your room." Blaine guessed.

Kurt scoffed and shook his head. "That's an understatement. He practically called me faggy."

"What?!" Blaine cried, angrily. The lights flickered, stunning some of the students still wandering the halls.

"Calm down." Kurt whispered.

Blaine sighed. "Sorry. Did you at least punch him?"

"No, I did not. Violence is not the answer, Blaine." Kurt said. "My dad overheard him, however, and gave him a lecture, then kicked him out."

"Oh." Blaine nodded. "Well, I hope Finn learned his lesson."

"Me, too." Kurt replied. "I'm sorry about what I said."

"You're forgiven." Blaine smiled. "So, how are things between your dad and Finn's mom?"

"They're okay. Carole agrees that what Finn did was unacceptable." Kurt replied. "What about you? How are things going in your family drama?"

Blaine laughed softly. "Well, Uncle Bobby sold his soul in order to be able to walk again and Uncle Sam is going to say yes to Lucifer in order to trap him in the cage."

"So, just another normal day at home?" Kurt half-joked.

"Haha. Yeah." Blaine replied.


A few days later, Blaine started walking across the almost-empty parking lot after school. He saw Rachel heading towards who Kurt described as Jesse St. James. He also saw a group of kids hiding behind cars, each of them holding something small in their hands. Someone crept up behind Rachel and was about to throw an egg at her. Almost without thinking, Blaine used his telekinesis to pull Rachel to the ground so the egg would hit Jesse instead. The group of Vocal Adrenaline kids came out of their hiding places and were about to throw eggs. Blaine used his telekinesis again to move Jesse in front of Rachel so the eggs would hit him instead. Rachel stood up, bewildered and trying to process what just happened.

"What the hell, Jesse?" One of Jesse's teammates, a black girl with curly black hair demanded angrily.

"Well, looks like he's made his choice." Another teammate said.

"What?! No!" Jesse exclaimed. "Guys, I don't know how this happened, but I did not mean to step in front of Rachel."

"So, what- the devil made you do it?" The girl asked in disbelief.

"Maybe! I don't know." Jesse shrugged.

"Well, then prove it." The girl gestured to the egg Jesse was holding.

Jesse turned to Rachel, who looked hurt and angry. "Go ahead. Break it like you broke my heart."

"I loved you." Jesse said. He raised the egg to smash it on Rachel's head and Blaine made Rachel take a giant step back and the egg fell to the floor.

"Guess you love your career more." Rachel said, her voice shaking. She turned and stormed off. She started sobbing quietly and marched past Blaine, who watched her run back inside the school. He turned back to Jesse and his friends, who got into their cars and drove off. Blaine saw the Impala pull into a parking space and jogged over. He climbed into the car.

"Hey, Dean. What's up?" Blaine asked.

Dean sighed heavily. "Your uncle said yes to Lucifer."