A/N: This story encapsulates two related genres – westerns & weird westerns, taking in such varied influences as the From Dusk Til Dawn series, 6th gun, and Howard Hawks & John Ford westerns which also xovering with urban fantasy.

Title: Weird Weird West

Rating: R

Story: Action\Adventure

Feedback: In lieu of a Faithbot yeah.

E-Mail: KeithColl

Disclaimer: None of the chars involved belong to me, nor do I seek to make a profit from my usage of these characters.


London 2010

"The explosion at one of Germany's major power stations devastated near-by Dresden and spread pollution miles in every direction. Accident investigators in haz-mat suits are currently on-site, but although terrorism is suspected, human error or mechanical failure cannot be ruled out."

"Good lord." Giles stared numbly at the TV as he turned it off. Ever since he could recall the world had been going to hell, the Cold War, corrupt politicians, growing drugs epidemics, and an unceasing wave of Islamic terrorism.

It certainly made his efforts in the supernatural world seem increasingly pointless. After the Mass Calling, things had slowed in the supernatural world for a while, vampires and minor demons unable to cope with the sudden wave of Slayers. But in 2006, Wolfram & Hart had become more active in their opposition, and the hardliners, the Shadow Council were lurking in the darkness making plans.

It was far from the better world he'd hoped that would arise from Sunnydale's ashes.

Giles narrowed his eyes, an all-too familiar acidic ball forming in his belly, the sacrifices he'd made, the pain he'd endured, and the friends who'd died. "What a bloody waste."

Hearing a knock at the door, Giles took a calming breath. "Come in, please." He managed a welcoming smile when a pant-suited young woman strode in. "Ms. Madison, how may I help you?"

"That report you requested of the Devon Coven & Highlands Circle."

"Ah," Giles barely managed not to snatch the proffered neatly-typed report out of the reformed Sunndydaler and Council Magical Affairs Liaison's hands. Instead he waited until she'd placed it on the 18th century antique desk, a Giles family heirloom, placed between them before grabbing at the document and racing through its contents.

"Is that report correct?" Amy's voice vacillated between hope and disbelief. "The end-times are being caused supernaturally?"

"It's rather more complicated than that, but yes that's the essence," Giles glanced up from the report and then back down.

"But if all we've gone through the last few years was supernaturally caused, doesn't it have a supernatural solution too?" Amy pressed.

Giles bit back a sigh as he reluctantly put the report down. Clearly he wasn't going to get any peace to think until he gave the young woman at least some answers. "According to this report the trouble, you might think of it as an infection, doesn't go back these past few years rather it goes back decades, over a century."

"But do you have a solution?"

Giles forced a smile, Amy was persistent, he'd give her that if nothing else. "I have the beginnings of an idea, nothing more." Giles' smile became rather more genuine as he thought of a reason to distract the young witch. "In fact, it's one you can help me with. I need you to research the following topics for me-." He talked for a couple of minutes, the witch's eyes widening with his words until he finished with. "On your way out, could you send Andrew in please?"

Giles could tell Amy was desperate to ask more questions, but the witch quelled her curiosity with a curt nod, turned and walked out. Seconds later and the door burst open again, heralding the arrival of Giles' highly efficient and highly irritating personal assistant, the younger man having made serving him his redemption.

Personally Giles was far from sure just who of the two of them was serving a redemption. Still, Andrew was a surprisingly effective administrator.

Even as he comforted himself with that thought, the door crashed open and Andrew bounded in. "Greetings Mr. Giles!" Giles resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the younger man's overly-effusive salutation. "And what may I do for you this fine day!"

Giles nodded. "I need you to do some research for us."

"Research?" Andrew beamed. "My favourite thing in the whole wide world. Next to World of Warcraft of course."

"Of course, Giles muttered.

"So what do you want me to research? A ritual? A demon? A vampire?"

"Well for a start," Giles grinned slightly, anticipating his junior's confusion. "Personnel records."

Andrew stared blankly at him. "Huh?"

New York

"Hey Faith!" Xander blinked as he checked his phone. "Giles wants the pair of us back in England…" Xander peered at the phone before continuing. "We're not the only ones either, according to this, we're to fly over to the California office, pick up somebody, and then fly onto London."

"Oh, Angel is coming in?" Faith beamed, obviously enthused at the idea of seeing her idol.

"No," Xander shook his head, "his son, Connor."

"The son not the father?" Faith's forehead furrowed and her full lips thinned. "Weird."

"Yeah, but I suppose we'll find out why when we get to London," Xander shrugged.

Sao Paulo

"Huh," Willow stared at her cell trying to make sense of what it said. "That's weird."

"What's weird?" Kennedy mumbled sleepily from alongside her in bed.

"Giles wants us in London, pronto." Willow paused. "And for me to research a time travel spell."

"Time travel?" Kennedy grunted. "Never knew that Giles had a ganja problem."


"Honey," Riley turned his attention away from observing Slayer practice, the gym echoing to the thumps of sparring, and looked towards the readout of his cell. "Can you manage things here for a few days? Giles needs me in London."

Lagos, Nigeria

The brows on Wood's forehead deepened as he read and considered Giles' text before rising and hurrying through to Rona and Vi's room. "Girls," he knocked on the door and waited for an answer before entering, he'd made the mistake of not waiting once before.

Never again.

"Come in, Robin," Rona replied.

"Thanks," he strode in to find the two Slayers sat cross-legged on their shared bed. "I've been called back to England-."

"It'll be those highly questionable expenses reports," Rona barbed.

Vi grinned as she sung. "Somebody's in trouble!"

Wood continued on over the commentary. "So I'll need you two to step in and run the African operation for me while I'm gone."

Vi smiled sunnily back at him. "No problem, Director Wood, sir!"

Wood shook his head. "The continent is doomed."

Madrid, Spain

Dawn strode out onto her apartment's balcony, utilising the sunlight to re-read her cell's display for the umpteenth time. "Looks like I'm going back to England."


Giles looked up from his note-taking as Andrew burst into his office. "Mr. Wells," he fixed his administrative assistant with the steeliest gaze he could manage, "I trust you have a reason for this intrusion." He paused for a beat before continuing. "A very good one."

Andrew momentarily wilted then beamed. "Everybody has confirmed they're coming in. I've also done some net research and found reputable currency dealers, western outfitter retailers, and replica firearms dealers who I've ordered from."

"What have you ordered?" Giles peered over the neatly typed pages Andrew passed him. "This seems more than satisfactory. How much-." Giles shook his head. "Doesn't matter, it's a rush job of the utmost importance. Put a note on the invoices indicating I've already approved payment to the Accounts Department. And when are they being delivered? I'd like to check everything before we do the spell."

Andrew hesitated before answering. "I had them sent to our NY office so the Slayers could bring them up to meet us when we land in Washington, that way we don't have to worry about getting weapons through customs. I know we have diplomatic immunity, but even so, these things can get complicated."

Giles smiled and nodded. "Very efficient, Andrew." Giles paused. "Have rooms been readied at the mansion for our guests?"

"I instructed Housekeeping on my way here." Andrew preened momentarily before hurrying out.

"Always anticipating," Giles praised, a smile playing on his lips. Andrew could be a wittering pain, but as a personal assistant he was worth his weight in gold.

Now all he had to do was explain the plan to the others, and put it into action. As a historian he bitterly regretted his advanced years, this was one venture he'd love to be more personally involved in.