Hello everyone

First of id like to apologize for those who follow this story, it has not been updated for quite some time.

This is with reason! It went completely sideways when I wrote it, mostly because I did not have a plan for the story, I just made it up as I went on. This reflected in the story progressing WAY too fast and as such, I lost interest in the story.

THAT BEING SAID, I have now flagged it for REWRITING, meaning I will look at the story, edit chapters, replace chapters, even as far as deleting everything except first chapter and rewrite it.

If anyone feel the need to continue this story, as it it is, I give you my permission to do so, if someone wants to write this story with me, I would love a partnership to do so.

If you simply have great ideas for me to use in this story, feel free to add your two cents as well, ill be happy to make this story in to a sort of challenge were I write everything from the ideas you guys give me.

ANYWAY, this is where I'm ending this note, my first order of business will be to update " Dragon Slaying Devil ", since that story is right where I left it, and I have some great ideas for it, also I'm contemplating writing 2k chapters insted of 4k+ and then just update more often, let me know what you guys think of this in either a review for this note or in a PM.

Keep in mind PM's will be answered almost as soon as I see them whereas the reviews will mostly simply be looked at.

~Payn3 OUT!~