Naomi faced the wall, mumbling the words "seiko". "N-Naomi..?" Naomi's mum said. "S-Seiko..? Is she there..?" Naomi continued to stare. "S-She's not.. r-real!" The door was closed; the light was off and her curtains were shut. Naomi hadn't slept for 56 hours, though she hadn't been tired. Naomi turned around and gave her mother a stare.. "she's real.." Naomi whispered. "N..o.. she isn't... she's imaginary.." Naomi's face had gone to anger, and she had started throwing anything in reach, making her mother run out in tears, shutting the door softly. Naomi opened her cellphone, and a picture of Seiko was there. "WHY WON'T ANYONE BELIEVE ME!?"

Naomi's mother ran downstairs and once again, called the doctor. "D-Doctor! It's happening again! But.. this time.. she gave me such a stare.." Naomi's mum said, crying. "I don't know what to do.. She hasn't slept for 3 days and 2 hours.. just talking to that 'Seiko'"

Outside the house, was a Satoshi walking down the road, passing Naomi's house. He heard the 'She hasn't slept for 3 days' part. "What..?" Satoshi thought. "No.. If she's going insan- Is that her eye through the window?" It was; Naomi's bloodshot eye was staring at Satoshi through a crack of her curtains. "!" She shut it instantly. "Mmm.." Satoshi said worriedly. "Should.. I check on her?" He knocked on the door and Naomi's mother with tears streaming down her face awnsered it. "Er.. Hello Mrs. Nakashima.. Can I see Naomi? She.. hasn't came to school for a while." Satoshi said. "Please do.." Naomi's mother said.

Naomi sat on her bed staring at the picture, and didn't notice that the door had opened. "Naomi..?" her mother said. Naomi didn't say a word. "Okay.. Satoshi.. you can come in." He walked over, and Naomi's mother shut the door. "Naomi..? It's me.. Satoshi.." Naomi's head didn't turn; neither did her eyes blink. "You haven't gone to school for a long time.. So I'd gues- !" Satoshi noticed blood marks on her arm and a pair of bloody scissors. "Please don't tell me you've been cutting yourself." Naomi burst into tears. "I'm sorry Seiko!" she said. Now.. thats what has been making her not do anything? "Er..?" Satoshi thought. "I killed you! I'm sorry! You were paralysed and it was help you or kill you! I was possessed! Forgive me!" "Naomi!" Satoshi said. He put his hand near her shoulder, and her face finally turned to him. "You're tired. You need rest. She forgives you. I know she does." Naomi stopped her crying and then blunk. "Ye-yeah.. I guess I do.. Noone believes me that Seiko's real.. noone thinks I'm sane.. I'll try go to school tomorrow. okay..?" Naomi said softly. "Okay." Satoshi said smiling, before leaving the room, He kissed her on the cheek.

"Is.. she alright?" Naomi's mum said. "Y-yeah.." Satoshi said. "I spoke to her and she said she'd try to go to school tomorrow." "Good.." Naomi's mum said. "Can I have your phone number incase anything bad like this happens again?" "Oh! Sure!" Satoshi said. They exchanged numbers and then Satoshi left.

Well! I hope you enjoyed this. More will come soon!