Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, that would be property of Rick Riordan.

Heras POV:

It has been several years since we defeated the titan regime and claimed our domains. I would love to say that everything has been perfect since then but that of course would be a lie. Even though Oceanus surrendered peacefully the same could not be said for the other ocean spirits. Zeus had to tame some of the more rebellious sky and storm spirits. Hades has been nonstop busy with securing the Underworld. He has to make sure Tartarus is locked down, that the souls of the dead reach their proper resting place and so much more. Hades has been so busy he has missed several of the council meetings, Zeus requires us to have to discuss our domains. Carolos has been busy quelling rebellions from the Ouare, which are difficult fights according to Cal. He spends most of his time quelling these rebellions, because as Cal tells me, this world is full of mountains. Our relationship is as strong as ever, but he still has not asked me to marry him. Every time I ask him why he tells me that he is working on a special project for me before he asks me. The Fates informed me that since I was the Goddess of Marriage, the first man I was 'with' I would be bonded to for eternity. So on those rare nights that Cal and I sleep in the same bed I've slept naked. This has led to some intense making out and petting but Cal always stops himself from 'getting carried away' as he calls it. A part of me thinks it's sweet that he wants to wait until we are married, but another part is telling me to make him do me. Our brothers know nothing of our relationship, I think our sisters suspect something but I've yet to ask them, naturally our mother knows.

"What's got you thinking so hard?" a voice says from beside me startling me.

I look over to see Zeus sitting next to me with a smirk on his face.

"Hello Zeus, what can I do for you on this lovely day?" I ask gently.

He looks me up and down, 'is he checking me out?'

I clear my throat to break him out of his ogling.

"Oh nothing Hera, I was just walking about and saw you here alone so I thought I would offer my company."

"Well thank you brother, how is our queen fairing?"

"Metis is well" Zeus says with a smile on his face.

"What's got you so happy little brother?"

If even possible his smile grows even wider, "Metis is with child" he declares proudly.

I squeal and give him a hug, "Congratulations brother, this is wonderful news, the first of a new generation of Olympians." I could not but help and think of what mine and Carolos first born would look like.

Zeus smiles at me but then he looks distracted for a moment.

"If you will excuse me sister, I have someone I need to go see."

"Of course Zeus" and with that he flashed away.

I decide to focus on my domains, so I am caught by surprise when from behind me two strong arms wrap around me and lips are pressed to my neck.

"Hello beautiful" says that wonderful voice that belongs to the man I love.

"Hello to you as well my love" I say as I turn around in his arms and pull him in for a deep kiss.

We break apart and I look into those ice blue orbs that hold so much love and admiration when he looks at me. How could a girl not fall in love with a man that looks at her like that?

"So what is going on in that pretty little head of yours?" he asks placing a kiss to my temple.

"I was checking up on my domains."

"Ugh, don't mention domains" Cal says in his adorable pouty voice, which causes me to laugh.

"You are so cute when you pout, baby brother" I tease him.

"Don't call me baby brother" he pouts.

I laugh so hard at this which causes him to laugh with me. We eventually calm down and sit in one of the gardens on Olympus and talk about our days. Suddenly there is a massive bolt of lightning shot into the air, which means Zeus is calling us to an emergency council meeting.

"What do you think this is about?" Cal asks.

I just smile, "I don't want to ruin the surprise my love."

Cal rolls his beautiful eyes before picking me up bridal style and kissing me. As I go to deepen the kiss, he flashes out making me fall to the floor.

'He is so going to pay for that later.'

I flash to the throne room and am met with a sight I did not expect: our grandmother, Gaia, the primordial goddess of the earth.

General POV:

The seven Olympians were greeted by the sight of their powerful grandmother in their throne room. They all bowed, Zeus grudgingly so, to her.

"To what do we owe the pleasure Grandmother?" Carolos asked as he returned to his throne.

"I'm here to warn you of a danger to your thrones" Gaia stated bluntly.

"What threat" Zeus shouts while gripping the Master Bolt tighter.

"Calm down brother, I'm sure Grandmother is getting to that" Hestia says.

"The greatest of all monsters is headed to Olympus and seeks to destroy it."

Carolos paled when she said the 'greatest of all monsters' while praying 'please not him'.

Gaia smirked at her youngest grandchild's face, "Yes Carolos I speak of my son: Typhon."

All the gods paled at this, they had learned of Gaia's most powerful child from Metis. Typhon is the father of all monsters and was even feared by the Titan Lord Kronos.

"Why would he seek to destroy us Gaia?" Hades asks.

"Because Hades, I've instructed him to seek vengeance upon Olympus."

"What have we done to earn your wrath?" Demeter asks.

"What you did to my other children has angered me."

"You told us to overthrow the Titans!" Zeus yells at the earth mother.

"I'm not talking about the war you imbecile; I'm talking about afterwards when you sentenced them to Tartarus."

Carolos knew that his grandmother assisted them overthrow the Titan regime because Kronos had gone back on his promise to free the Hundred Handed Ones and Elder Cyclopes.

"What would you have us do Grandmother? Have the Titans free to run around causing chaos and always challenging our rule?" Cal asked.

"It matters not what they would do, but because of what you have done I have sent my most powerful son to destroy you. I only warn you, because of the love I bear towards your mother."

With that Gaia flashed out of the room.

After a moment of silence, Demeter spoke, "What can we do?"

"The only thing we can do, we fight" Cal stated.

"Can Typhon even be beaten?" Poseidon asks.

"Perhaps not but we will meet him in battle none the less. I refuse to sit here and wait to be destroyed." Zeus states with growing confidence.

"I think you four should seek refuge while we fight" Cal says to his three sisters and to Metis.

"What? You can't expect us to go hide while," Hera started but was cut off by Zeus.

"No he is right Hera; this is going to be dangerous."

The three sisters look determine to argue but Metis understands why she cannot fight. The four brothers talk their sisters down after much arguing.

"I'll take them to mother" Cal states making his way to his sisters and sister in law. They all join hands and flash away to the home of Rhea.

Carolos POV:

Well that could have gone better. As soon as we flashed out of the throne room, my sisters started yelling at me. I tune it out as best as I could as we head towards to the palace built in the base of Mt. Ida, my mother's abode. The Fates declared that the peaceful Titans had to have little to no impact on the world so most of them have homes hidden from the mortals or live on Olympus. Rhea lives in a palace created by Hades and I, since he rules everything under the earth and I rule mountains. My brother and I also protect the place with our power and only we seven can enter her home. Once I told Mother of our predicament she paled and almost fainted. Once she got her bearings back she went into full panic mode, ordering me to go get my brothers and hide from her monstrous half-brother. After arguing, Mother was letting me go. She said I was stubborn like my father, which I told her dad said I got it from her. She playfully slapped my head then gave me a kiss and a hug. I gave each of my sisters a hug, lingering a little longer with Hera, before flashing to Olympus to meet my brothers. I arrive back on Olympus and notice my brothers were all geared up for battle. I quickly flash on my own armor.

"Are we ready?" Zeus asks.

We all look at each other and nod our heads. When battle is upon us, Poseidon becomes quiet and serious while Hades' bored expression becomes extremely focused. We flash to the land that lays beyond the body of water the mortals call the Ionian Sea.

"What in the Fates name is that thing?" Poseidon yells pointing at a massive creature surrounded by a wall of storm clouds.

Trying my best to keep the fear out of my voice I answer, "The most powerful of the Earth Mother's children, the Storm Giant, the Father of all Monsters," I swallow the knot in my throat before finishing, "Typhon."

A/N: Thanks for reading and special thanks to everyone who fav/followed and reviewed. And if you are curious the land they flashed to is Italy.