A/N: LAST CHAPTER! I don't know if I should jump out of joy or curl into a ball and cry…

I love every single one of my readers, especially you guys who have kept up with me from chapter one!

Hope you all had a wonderful New Year!

Warning for really sappy ending…


Alec POV

"Izzy, I look ridiculous!"

"No, Alec, you don't. You look hot!"

"Izzy! You can't say things like that!

"Why not? It's the truth."

"Because you are my sister!"

"Would you rather I had Magnus to tell you that you're hot, then? Because he will."

"No, he won't, because I look ridiculous."

"Who look ridiculous?" Magnus came into the room.

"Alec thinks he look ridiculous." Jace answered him, "And I have to agree with him. I mean, Hawk Eye, who doesn't look ridiculous like Hawk Eye?"

"Oh shut up, you stupid ninja! Who are you to talk? A ninja?! That is the most unimaginative thing there is." Izzy said.

"I think Alec look ravishing." Magnus purred as he looked me up and down. I blushed, obviously. "And also, Jace, a ninja? I knew you were a hopeless case, but this hopeless?"

Jace mumbled something about finding Clary, before he left the room.

"I told you so Izzy. He didn't say it." My smile was just a tad bit smug. Izzy pulled a grimace.

"What didn't I say?" Magnus laughed.

"You were supposed to tell him that he look hot." Izzy sulked.

"But Izzy, how superficial do you think I am?" Magnus smiled at her.

We all laughed at that.

"Oh babe, you´re not superficial at all… I mean it isn't like you refuse to leave the bathroom before your make-up look absolutely perfect."

"Hey! You have seen me without make-up on!

"That was because you were so tired that you didn't realize I was already in the bathroom when you stepped in."

"GUYS!" Izzy shouted, "Just kiss and shut up, we are supposed to go to a party."

"Yeah darling, shush!" Magnus smiled and kissed me. And then we were off to the party…

It was horrible! There were too many people there! But I guess that is kind of the point of parties, that as many possible as show up. Just because I like parties with max five guests, doesn't mean that everybody else does that too.

And even if it was a little crowded there, in what other place do you see Snow White (also known as my sister) talking to a "fluffy" teddy bear (Clary), a rat (Simon) and Jace the ninja? And I can't really say that I don't like Magnus costume.

I looked over to where Magnus was standing and our eyes met. He smiled and started to make his way over to me.

"Hello sexy!" he greeted me.

"I could say the same." I grinned back.

"Magnus! Hi, I didn't know you would be here!" A man, who looked suspiciously like me, came up to us.

"Will! Hi!" The two men hugged before Magnus introduced me to the other man. Apparently they worked together.

"How come you haven't dressed up, Will!" Magnus asked.

"I have dressed up. Can't you see?" Will huffed.

"In all honesty, you look like your usual self."

"There you see, I have dressed up. I dressed up as myself! Why should I dress up as somebody else when I'm already perfect?" Will snickered. Both Magnus and I laughed.

"Magi-pie! There you are! I've been looking for you!" a high pitched voice shrieked just behind my ear. I turned around to see platinum blond hair and blood red lips.

'Yeey, Camille's here…" I thought.

I saw Will sneaking away from us, my guess is that he doesn't like Camille either.

"Camille! I thought you said that you wouldn't be able to make it here." Magnus groaned, but he hid it behind a fake smile.

"Well Rags here made me come." She swatted the man beside her on the upper arm.

"I hate that nickname Camille, you know that. Hi Magnus. Alec."

"Ragnor! Why in god's name are you only wearing a diaper? And is that an axe in your hand?!"

"Well yes, it's my custom. I'm an axe murderer in a diaper." With that Ragnor went away, dragging Camille with him.

"You have the oddest friends, Magnus." I said.

"I know…" he said with a small smile.

A while later I found myself on the dance floor, despite my protests, with Magnus. We were dancing to some up beat song, or rather Magnus was dancing while I was awkwardly swaying from side to side.

"Alec you need to loosen up some!" Magnus yelled at me. I pulled a grimace.

He tried to teach me how to dance, fortunately I was saved by the switch of songs.

I started to make my way off the dance floor, when I felt Magnus's arms around me.

"Alec, this is a slow song, you can't abandon me now. Please only this one last song then I'm happy." He gave me his puppy eyes, and really, who can say no to those eyes? I had no other choice then to take him in my arms and dance one last song, but it wasn't like I was like complaining.

We danced in silence for a bit, just enjoying each other's company.



"You know I love you, right?"

I stopped dancing.

"M-Magnus. I-I… I..."

"It's okay. You don't need to say it back. Just know I love you."

We started to dance again.

When the song ended, Magnus and I stepped outside for some fresh air.

"Magnus?" He hummed, not moving from where he was resting his head on my chest. "I… I want to say it back to you," he looked up at my face, immediately knowing what I was talking about, "but-but I'm not ready to do it yet. Some day in the future I'll be ready, but that day is not today."

He smiled really brightly, and then he kissed me oh so sweetly.

"Can't wait for that day to come."

A/N: Malec sweetness overload!

It's over… I don't know what to say… Big hug to all of you guys. Hopefully I'll see some of you in another story (I don't know when I'll start another story, but I'll do it!)!

Until next time,
