Alright! New Chapter as promised! This is officially my longest chapter in this particular story! And I had to cut it off or it would have just kept going!

Some questions that have been asked:

What plans do you have for the Slytherins?

Ahhh, this one is a tough one to answer. I think I start to cover it here in this chapter. But all will be reviled with this soon.

Fred and George could stay with a friend of Draco?

They are actually safer where they are at the moment. Once they meet their mate they will be with them and out of harms way. No worries!

Is Neville an earth Spirit?

Yes he is! I know, pretty common thing for him. But it works for this story.

Are Neville and Luna Mates?

No! I have decided not to use every cliche pairing in the fandom. They are not mates, I have only seen Neville with this person once or twice and I have never seen Luna with hers at all. So Tune back for those two.

What is Luna?

She is a full seer. She will be involved more soon.

What about having a house elf follow Dumbles to his hide out to find James?

That is a wonderful idea, but I already have a plan in place to find James and the others with him. That is a few chapters away still though.

Ginny and Ron as Arthur or Dumbles children. (This is a really common question)

The honest answer? I haven't really decided yet with them, I don't know if I want Molly to have slept with Dumbledore or have basically rapped Arthur to have them. Neither option is appealing to me really so I am open for ideas.

Who is the Twin's mate?

Not telling! lol It should be in the next three chapters if I am planning correctly.

Disclaimer: I NO OWN HP

The Spell is Broken: Memories Returned

Chapter 9

The Snake Princess Returned


"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time but it aint goin' away."

~Elvis Presley



All occupants of the house had thoughts swirling around their heads about what is to happen tomorrow. They all drifted to sleep, and the house was silent.

That Night- Harry and Draco's Dream

"Harry?" Draco called to the elf as they came into the dream world. It was about 15 seconds and Harry appeared before him looking slightly frazzled but overall happy. "How was everything?"

"Draco!" Harry smiled large and stepped forward to embrace his dominate mate. He snuggled there before he began to tell about his day. "It was a rather interesting day. This morning my father told be that because of the way the blocks worked having them removed was like coming into a second inheritance. He saw my mother in his dream last night, it won't happen again, but they have seen each other and spoken. Father was in such a good mood this morning."

"Good," Draco sighed as he settled Harry and himself on the ground like the night before. "Sev deserves to be happy, being able to see James will be good for him."

Harry nodded and kept talking, "Father then went to Tom and showed him his memories from yesterday. It seemed he was already having some doubts about things. He ended up coming over tonight with his mate Rodolphus to spy on the Order meeting with Father. When Tom spoke to Rodolphus this afternoon it snapped the already fraying bonds on his Veela. It almost killed him, but he is free."

"Rodolphus is free of the binds?" Draco asked cautiously, his mind flashed to his own father. "How did that work?"

"Hmm," Harry hummed thinking back to the conversation in the floo room earlier. "It seems that when the bindings were originally cast all those years ago his body tried to reject them like our mother's did. But because he had already given birth the protection wasn't as strong. When Tom talked to him this afternoon it snapped the memory spell and the veela began to break free of the binding. He almost died Draco, if Father hadn't been there he very well might be dead now."

"Damn," Draco cursed thinking about what his Uncle must have gone through this afternoon. "Well at least he is free of the bindings now. What else happened?"

"I sent a letter to Hermione today asking her to be ready no later than 9am," the elf said. "We are going to take her straight to Gringotts to be purged. Tom and Rodolphus are going as well. Tom to get his removed and Rodolphus to be cleared of any remaining. Out of curiosity, where is your father?"

"Hmm," Draco hummed thinking about it for a moment. "He should still be in the manner that Tom is in. My father is over protective of his older brother as he is a dominate and my uncle is submissive. Why?"

"I think I might be able to talk to Tom and Rodolphus about going back early in the morning and dragging him to the bank to be purged as well," Harry said thoughtfully. Draco's breath caught at the idea of his father being free to return home.

"If you do I need you to warn me so I can get Narcissa out of the house or she might blow the whistle on this whole thing," Draco warned his younger mate. "She is very nosey and will know the minute something happens. It's a wonder she isn't already aware that I have completed my inheritance."

"Alright," Harry acknowledged with a small nod. He was to comfortable for any other kind of movement. "I will talk with my father and the others in the morning. If they don't think the risk is worth it, we will wait. If they do agree you'll have a letter by 10am."

"Thank you," Draco breathed hugging the little elf closer to his chest. "Enough of this, lets talk of other things."

And for the next several hours the two talked about different things. From childhood memories (both good and bad) to favorite foods and books. Eventually Harry felt the pull of the real world as Kreacher tried to wake him. Harry looked up at his mate and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Good morning my Love, See you tonight."

End Dream Meeting

Harry's Bedroom, Grimmuald Place

August 2


Harry opened his eyes in his room to find Kreacher pulling the covers off the bed.

"Master Harry is awake," The elderly house-elf croaked at seeing his eyes following him. "good, good. Breakfast will be ready soon; other masters and guests are already down stairs."

Harry groaned slightly and stretched as he sat up and cast a tempus charm. The numbers 0650 floated in the air. At seeing the time he jumped from the bed and raced into the connecting bathroom to ready for the long day ahead of him.

15mins later he strolled into the down stairs kitchen to find the rest of the house already awake and enjoying some coffee. The smell of breakfast wafted through the kitchen as Kreacher magically prepared everything. Sirius and Remus were seated at opposite ends of the table, Sirius appearing to be more zombie than incubus at the moment as he slowly drained his coffee. Remus was sipping his lightly sugared coffee while reading the Prophet. Severus was looking over what appeared to be lesson plans for the following year with his back to the door. Tom and Rodolphus were seated facing the door but were absorbed in what appeared to be an intimate conversation.

"Good morning," Harry chirped as he settled next to his father. A fresh cup of tea appeared before him and he inhaled gently before taking a sip. He hummed when he found it just the way he liked it. "How is everyone today?"

There was a general grunt from his Godfather who was still looking like a zombie at the head of the table. Remus sighed at his mate as Harry giggled slightly.

"Well apart from your godfather," Severus said amused looking up from his work. "We are all ready to get this day going."

"I actually have a question," Harry asked a little hesitantly. There was a pause as everyone at the table looked at him sensing that it is a serious question. Harry turned to look across at his fellow submissive. "What about purging your brother?"

"Ah," Rodolphus seemed to pause as did everyone else. "Well."

"Hmm," Severus hummed in thought as did Tom.

"I don't see any large concerns except for Narcissa," Tom said thoughtfully. "I can always 'order' Lucius and Draco to my manor for a special mission. Or perhaps to 'test' Draco for his worth. Some stupid thing my insane self would do."

"That might stop her for a time, but won't she get suspicious?" Harry asked worried for his mate and future in-laws.

"It will buy us time to think of a plan to get rid of her," Tom assured the younger man. His eyes took on a mischievous twinkle. "Would this have anything to do with a certain young blonde veela?"

"What?" Harry squeaked wide eyed. "!"

"Uh huh," Rodolphus hummed in acknowledgment before hitting his mate in the chest. "Leave him alone. He will tell us when he is ready."

"Ruin all my fun," Tom grumbled crossing his arms. Harry had to blink a few times to take in what he was seeing. He knew from the last few days that the man wasn't what he had come to expect, but to see him so open was a bit of a shock. Tom sighed before looking at Severus "So what is the plan for today?"

"Well, You two and I will go get Rabastan then if we are going to purge him before going to Gringotts," the dark elf began to explain putting away his lesson plans. "We want to get a start on your purges as quickly as possible. Harry will go with Remus and Sirius to pick up Hermione. They will take her straight to the bank as well. Once there we may need to stun her to get her to do what we need. She is under fresh bindings since hers fell on her birthday in September."

"She trusts me," Harry spoke up leaning forward slightly, "She may not like that we won't tell her what's happening but once we start to descend into the kingdom I am hoping her curiosity will take over."

Just then breakfast appeared on the table. With a quick glance at the clock showing 0730 they put their conversations aside to eat. About 0745 they were finishing up and the table was cleaned off.

"If you are going to purge Rabastan perhaps you should send a letter now requesting Draco and Lucius presence at your manner," Harry suggested remembering his promise.

Tom nodded in agreement, before he could say anything parchment and a quill appeared on the table. Kreacher apparently had been listening and provided them with what they needed. Hedwig also chose that moment to sweep into the kitchen. She landed on the back of the free chair to Harry's other side.

"You certainly have a smart bird there Harry," Tom commented as her reached for the parchment. Hedwig puffed up with pride at the complement, Harry looked at her fondly and smoothed a hand down her front. He then leaned over and pulled a piece of parchment to himself as well. "Though we are probably going to have to charm her a different color, she is very distinct."

Hedwig let out am offended hoot and shuffled to sit on Harry's shoulder, she almost seemed to be trying to hide behind him. He gently reached up and rubbed her belly.

"You know its true girl," Harry cooed softly to the snowy bird. She hooted softly and started to preen his hair in response. "That's my girl."

There was silence in the room for a few moments as the two wrote their respective letters. When Harry was done he passed it across the table to be folded into the same envelope as Tom's. Hedwig glided from Harry's shoulder to land in the middle of the table but facing her master. Harry knew that he would be the only one she would consent to having cast magic on her at this point. He summoned his wand from his holster and gently tapped her head. It was like paint dripped from the tip of his wand down her feathers. Where a snowy owl had sat a moment before now sat a generic brown owl with black eyes. Hedwig looked over herself and ruffled her feathers in obvious dislike of the situation. She turned her eyes on Tom and seemed to glare at him while she lifter her leg to allow the letter to be attached safely.

"Ah now Hedwig," Harry sighed and reached out to stroke her once again. "You turn white again once you pass back into London. The faster you fly the faster you turn white again. Just be nice to Lucius and Draco dear."

She hooted softly and nibbled his fingers before taking flight back the way she came.

"Alright," Severus sighed and stood slowly. He glanced at the clock to find it nearly 0815. "Tom, Rodolphus, time to go get Rabastan. He probably will need to be coaxed a little."

Rodolphus rolled his eyes at the statement in agreement before standing and dragging Tom up too.

"See you soon," Harry said to his father. He stepped forward to give him a hug before he left. As Tom and Rodolphus came around the table he stopped them and gave both hugs. Tom was a bit stiff but did return it. Rodolphus just hugged back just as tight before ruffling the youngers hair. Then the three were gone.

Death Eater Hideout- Location Unknown


In the receiving room of Tom's Manor, the floo flared bright and out stepped the Slytherin Lord followed shortly by his mate and his friend. They spelled themselves clean and made their way out of the room into the ornate Manor. The wood of the walls was a dark color and spoke of age as did the paintings that told stories long lost to modern hearts. It was obvious that it had remained empty for years and only recently had it gained inhabitants.

There were candles burning in the lamps scattered along the hallways that barley lit the way. The windows were all covered in dark heavy draperies as if Vampires lived there instead of humans. Tom sighed as he once again took in the dark and dank halls that he called home. Severus reached out and squeezed his shoulder and Rodolphus took his hand. Tom snapped his fingers and five house elves stood in front of them in a quite pop.

"Master Slytherin Sir!" the oldest house elf beamed at the man, he took in his appearance and the fact he was holding hands with Rodolphus and his smile seemed to get even bigger. "OHH You is right again sir! I am so happy!"

"Right again?" Tom asked surprised sharing with the two other men. The five elves called their agreement and moved closer to them. "What do you mean Fiz?"

"We remembers when you came back different," Fiz squeaked reaching out and grabbing Tom's pants leg. "We don't remembers all of it, but whatever spell the bad man used didn't fully work on us. We don't know why sirs. We remembers when you first started being mean and not right. We don't remember anything before that, it is cloudy but we remembers when you changed."

"Really now," Severus muttered intrigued. Tom could almost see the mental notes being taken. He nudged the dark elf and raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, right, not now."

"Fiz I need you to start getting this place back into true living conditions," Tom told the ageing elf. The others around him looked excited. "I know I haven't been the best master. I apologize and when we return in the next few days I will explain everything to all of you. Jaz I need you to go find Rabastan and send him to the floo room. Tell him we are going out and I need his help with something. I don't care what you need to do to get him there, just do it. If he raises his wand to hurt you in anyway either get out of there or stun him."

The house elf named Jaz nodded and popped away.

"Master Slytherin sir," Fiz squeaked out again. Tom looked to the small creature. "It is good to have you back sir. We will do as told and get the manor ready."

The rest popped away to inform the other elves of their duties. The three made their way back into the floo room to wait for their last member.

"Well, that is another interesting fact to add to the ever-growing things to ponder," Severus sighed as he sat down in the chair. Tom, in a way very uncharacteristic of the man, flopped down on the sofa.

"I should have called them weeks ago," Tom moaned putting his face in his hands. "As soon as you restored me I should have done it. We could have started this process weeks ago."

"We can't think of it in should haves Tom." Rodolphus murmured to his lover. He gently sat down next to the taller man. "We need to think of the now, and the future. We can still fix this. We ARE fixing this."

"I know," Tom sighed and sat up slightly to look at the man his mind forgot but his heart never had. He smiled slightly and took the younger man's hand. "I can't wait to actually remember everything. Things have just felt wrong since Severus restored me. Now I know why."

They were interrupted by the loud sound of someone stomping down the corridor. The three shared a bemused look as a flustered looking Rabastan stumbled into the room.

"Bloody house elf," The man muttered. He looked terrible, he obviously wasn't well. His clothes hung off his frame, his hair was stringy and thin, and his skin was a grey color. Rabastan could not seem to recover from his stint in Azkaban and none of them knew why. Now though there might be a reason behind it. He looked up to see his brother and lord sharing a couch and his eyes widened drastically at their joined hands. "My lord?"

The question came out as nearly a squeak. This caused Severus to chuckle from his chair. Rabastan turned a confused glare at the normally dour man. He stood and stepped toward Rabastan.

"It's okay," Severus said softly and grasped the man's tense shoulder. "Everything will make sense shortly, but I need you to come with us now."

The younger Lestrange brother looked at his older brother. He man looked healthier than he had since they went into prison. Rodolphus nodded at his brother to trust him. Rabastan looked as his lord and bowed his head. "I will go."

"Good," Tom smiled slightly. The two on the couch stood together and with their hands still joined walked back to the floo. "We will be flooing directly into Gringotts."

"Gringotts?" the man questioned looking absolutely baffled. Severus squeezed his shoulder one more time before guiding him to the fireplace. Tom and Rodolphus flooed out together in a flash of emerald flames.

"Trust us friend," Severus said softly as he stepped into the fireplace with Rabastan. He threw down his powder and clearly stated "Gringotts, London!"

The clock on the mantel chimed 9am as the flames dies away leaving the room feeling cold.

Granger Residence, Hampstead

09:00 AM

Just as the clock in the cold manor struck 9am three wizards appeared in a dark alley way down the street from Hermione Granger's home. There was nothing said as the three quickly made their way up the quite street to the little home. Harry reached out and knocked on the door and there was shuffling inside before the door opened to reveal his bushy haired friend.

"Harry, Remus, Sirius," Hermione smiled and opened the door wider to allow the three to enter. As soon as the door was shut she threw her arms around Harry. The elf laughed and returned the enthusiastic hug.

"Are you packed?" Remus asked jumping right to this point. The two broke apart and the you witch nodded.

"Yes, my trunk is shrunk in my pocket and my parents have already left for work. I said goodbye to them before they left this morning."

"Good," Sirius nodded once. For once the man was actually very serious. This caused Hermione to pause and actually look at them.

"What's wrong?" She questioned. Harry laid his hand on her arm to get her attention.

"Do you trust me?" He questioned softly looking her in the eye. She searched his green gaze for a moment before nodding. "Then I need you to not ask any questions and to do as your told. You will know exactly what is going on within the hour."

"Harry," Hermione said softly, she took his hand and squeezed it tightly. "I have been you friend for nearly seven years now. We have been through life and death adventures. I trust you with my life."

"Good," Remus stated this time. He stepped forward and held out his hand to the young witch. She studied him for a moment and took in the changes. Even though he was under a glamour which she didn't know she could see changes. He stood straighter and had a confidence that he never had before. She reached out and took his hand in complete trust. He smiled at her and pulled her to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders "I am going to apparat us. Hold on."

With a small pop the two were gone. Harry and Sirius looked at each other before they both cast spells that would allow them to monitor the house. Hopefully the Grangers really were just muggles who adopted a young girl and not in Dumbledore's pocket. When that was done Sirius wrapped his arm through Harry's and apparated them out as well. They had been in and out in 15mins.

Gringotts, Diagon Alley, London


Tom and Rodolphus stepped out of the floo first followed shortly by Rabastan and Severus. They were in the private flooing room behind the main teller's hall. The goblin on duty took one look at them and summoned a guard to escort them to the elevator down.

"Good," Severus sighed as the walked behind the guard. "They are expecting us."

"Where are we going exactly," Tom asked puzzled as they were led deeper into the bank. The brothers were looking around in curiosity.

"To see the Emperor," Severus replied and smirked when the other three stumbled slightly in shock.

"I knew you had already seen him," Tom muttered as he regained footing. "I didn't think we would have to go see him to do our purging as well."

"Purging?" Rabastan asked puzzled. The poor man was even more confused than he was earlier.

"Ah," Severus muttered looking at the confused man. "Yes, purging. It will be explained afterward. But for now, know this. Almost every person in the Wizarding World is under an enchantment cast by Dumbledore. We are working with the goblins to rectify this. And to answer you question Tom, we don't have to go to him but as my son and I are labeled as Goblin Friend he as offered to do so."

Rabastan just shut his mouth and nodded. He didn't think he wanted to know anymore at that moment any way. He would ask what he meant later. His mind was just so muddled by Azkaban. Or so he thought.

Tom just shot the black-haired man a small glare at the smug answer.

Before anything else could be said they reached the elevator that would take them down into the kingdom. The four got in the small carriage with the guard who pressed them only button and they began their decent.

The ride was quite and dark until the cavern opened up just as it had before. Tom and the Lestrange brothers sucked in breaths of shock at the amazing scene. The three were looking around in undisguised awe.

The elevator settled gently onto the ground the doors opened to reveal that Princess Springwind had come to greet them just as before.

"Your majesty," Severus smiled and bowed before the young goblin. She smiled in return before looking at the three new men. "Gentlemen may I introduce Princess Springwind, daughter of Emperor Silverblade."

"Your majesty," Tom greeted and bowed. "My name is Thomas Marvolo Riddle Slytherin, Lord of the Agent and Noble House of Slytherin."

"I am Rodolphus Rigel Lestrange Slytherin, Lord of the Noble House of Lestrange and Consort to the Lord Slytherin," Rodolphus smiled and bowed to the young woman. His brother looked at him in surprise but accepted it.

"I am Rabastan Arsenio Lestrange, Spare Heir to the Noble House of Lestrange," Rabastan introduced himself and bowed as well. Severus chuckled and spoke.

"That's not actually his title," Rabastan looked even more confused at this. His brother just shrugged when he looked at him. "Let him introduce himself again after the purge."

"Of course," The Princess smiled at the men. She motioned to one of the young goblin soldiers behind her. "Welcome to the main Goblin Kingdom. If you'll follow Fang, he will take you to the palace. The rest of you party has entered the bank and will making their way down shortly. I will wait for them here."

"Yes, your majesty," the four men said and bowed once again. They turned and followed Fang through the city in silence. When they reached the palace there were healers waiting for them at the door. One took each of them except Severus by the sleeve and lead them to the ritual rooms set up. There was one left on the step who stood waiting for the last person to be purged today. The three shot looks back at Severus as they were guided forward, he just waved them on and turned to wait for his son and friends. He glanced at his watch to see it was nearly 0930.

Gringotts, Diagon Alley, London

09:15 AM

There was a soft pop as Sirius and Harry appeared in the apparation point in Gringotts. Remus and Hermione were already there waiting on them. There was a guard there waiting to escort them down into the kingdom.

"Come," the guard spoke as he turned to leave the area. "The others have just finished their decent into the kingdom. The lift will be waiting for us when we arrive."

"Harry?" Hermione asked hesitantly as they started to walk deep into the bank. Harry looked over and reached his hand out to her to take.

"It's okay," He said softly as he laced his fingers through hers. "Everything will be revealed shortly. But I want you to think about something for me, over the last few months have you noticed anything different about yourself? Have you had any odd thoughts that seemed to come out of nowhere and seemed out of character for you?"

"What?" Hermione asked confused slowing down slightly at his words. Harry tugged gently on their hands to get her back up to their speed. "How could you know…?"

"Ah," Harry smiled slightly as they neared the elevator. "So, you've already noticed. Good. That will make this a little easier. You are under a powerful memory spell a powerful glamour spell. You are not who you think you are."

"Then who am I?" the bushy haired girl asked automatically with a but of hurt in her voice. "If I am not who I think I am, who I have grown up as, Who. Am. I?"

"That is a very good question," Sirius commented from behind the pair. The elevator doors opened and the five stepped in. "Shocked us all really when found out who you were."

"So, you already know?" Hermione asked as the elevator began to descend. "Where are we going anyway?"

"As to where we are going," Remus spoke up and smiled at the young witch. "We are going to see the emperor of the goblins. Harry here has managed to earn himself the title of Goblin friend."

"That is so not surprising," Hermione snorted. Harry pouted at her before speaking.

"As to knowing who you are, well we only found out the day before yesterday when we were here."

"On your birthday?" she questioned slightly confused. Before anymore could be said the elevator entered the cavern and the occupants could see the kingdom spread out bellow them. All she could say is "Wow"

The last few moments of the trip were spent in silence as Hermione turned this way and that to see everything through the bars of the elevator. Eventually the elevator touched bottom with a soft bump and the doors opened once more to reveal Springwind waiting for their arrival. When Harry noticed who was waiting to greet them he stepped out first and bowed before her.

"Princess," He smiled at her. "Good to see you again."

"Ah little elf," The Goblin Heiress laughed and stepped forward to tug him into a small hug. In the background Hermione was trying to comprehend what all she was seeing. "This must be the snake heiress."

"Yes!" Harry smiled, and Sirius gave Hermione a little nudge forward. The girl stumbled slightly before remembering her manners.

"Your Majesty," She curtsied blushing and more than a little confused about the snake heiress comment. "My Name is Hermione Jean Granger, Muggleborn."

"Well met young witch," the goblin smiled and nodded her head. "My name is Springwind, I am the daughter of Emperor Silverblade. Sirius, Remus good to see you again."

"Your majesty," The two smiled a bowed slightly.

Harry stepped forward and offered the Princess his arm when she gestured to follow her. She accepted it with a smile and they began the walk to the palace. Hermione stepped up to Harry's other side when the he motioned her forward. He held out his other arm and she hesitantly took it.

"May I ask a question?" Hermione inquired softly looking at the young princess.

"Of course," Springwind smiled, trying to her at ease. "You may ask anything you like. Here we are friends."

"What did you mean by snake heiress?" Hermione asked after a moment. She figured that it was a reference to Slytherin, but she didn't think she could be anyone that important. Harry turned his head to look at the woman who he loved as a sister.

"That is part of what I meant a few moments ago," He began to explain as the palace came into view. "While we were her on my birthday it became apparent that everything we know is wrong. Many people have been be spelled to forget and hide who and what they are. I received a letter from you that you had sent to the goblins via Dobby on your own birthday. The letter spoke of your glamour and bindings falling on your birthday this past September. Inside was also a family tree from an inheritance test you did on yourself."

"I..don't" Hermione shook her head, her eyes going foggy as Harry talked. "That..can't be…"

"But it is Hermione," Sirius said softly from right behind her. "You are not a muggleborn. Far from it in fact. You are the Heiress to one of this world's oldest families."

"But why..." she muttered and turned misty eyes on Harry.

"Because you were a wrench in an old man's plans to rule our world," Springwind spoke in a bitter voice. "He has ruined the lives of so many people, we are working to correct this."

The conversation stopped as they walked through the gates towards the stairs of the palace. Hermione was once again in awe of what she was seeing. Harry spotted his father at the top of the stairs and smiled at him and received a small one in return.

"Hermione," Springwind said as the started to climb, the witch looked over at her. "This is healer Firebound, he is going to remove your bindings and glamour."

The last goblin healer on the steps bowed slightly before taking the young witch by the sleeve and leading her inside just as the others had done shortly before. She shot a confused glance in Severus' direction, but he just nodded slightly to her in greeting before turning to his son. She disappeared around the corner without a fuss.

"Well then," Springwind said with a smile. "Its going to be a few hours while they are all sorted. Anyone want brunch?"

There were four affirmative replies and the group disappeared into one of the informal dining rooms to wait for their friends.

Malfoy Manor- Wiltshire, England

0945 AM

Lucius, Draco and Narcissa were all sitting around the dinning room table finishing their breakfast in silence. Not a word had been said the entire morning as Draco and Lucius had no reason to talk to the woman and she was glad neither felt the need to speak to her. Just as their plates disappeared from the table a generic brown owl swopped through the window and landed at the head of the table in front of the Malfoy lord. He raised a blonde eyebrow in question and got a disgruntled hoot in response.

"Well you are a grumpy thing aren't you," he said in amusement as he reached forward to release the letter from her leg. As soon as it was free she stole a left-over piece of bacon and took flight again. Though she did manage to cuff Narcissa on the head as she went by.

The former Black screeched at the bird as if she was one herself.

"Narcissa," Lucius said sharply at the woman. She settled and glared at her 'husband' at the reprimand. When she was done making a fuss he turned to the letter in his hand. He recognized the writing as the Dark Lord's. He took a deep breath before cracking the seal,


You and your son will report to my manor by 3pm this afternoon. Do not bring the woman. It is time to test your son's worthiness to join my ranks. Be prepared to stay for a few weeks.

There was no signature but there was a picture of the dark mark at the bottom. He sighed after reading the missive and looked towards his beloved son. Draco was watching him in curiosity, as was Narcissa.

"It's from the Dark Lord," he stated and handed the letter to his son. "It's time for your trials."

"Oh Draco," Narcissa smiled in glee clapping her hands slightly. "This is wonderful! It's time for you to join in our fight."

"Yes mother," The young veela muttered absently as he read the missive himself. His father had also handed him the envelope it felt to heavy to be empty. He peaked inside discreetly to find another letter with his name on it in familiar handwriting.

Lucius was watching his 'wife' with hidden disgust. He knew that she wasn't actually happy that Draco was old enough to 'join the fight' so much as she was happy that the Dark Lord might find him lacking and murder him. What she didn't know is that he was aware of her and her part in everything just as Draco is.

"We will leave here at 250 this afternoon Draco," Lucius said to his son and got an affirmative response. "Narcissa you have been told not to come. It also stated that we will be gone for a few weeks. I don't care what you do in that time."

Narcissa tried to look disappointed but the two Malfoys could see right through her act. She nodded and stood before sweeping from the room. Lucius flicked his wand and the doors shut and a privacy ward went up around the room.

"Finally," the older blond muttered leaning back in his chair. Draco looked at him amused before putting Tom's missive on the table and pulling the second letter out of the envelope. Lucius looked at his son and raised an eyebrow. Draco smiled at him and opened the letter;


It's good to finally be able to send you something in the real world. I promised last night that I would tell you what our decision was today about your father. You probably already read Tom's letter. We have decided to cleanse your father as well. Tom sent the letter, so you can get out of Malfoy manor and away from Narcissa to spend time with your father.

By the time you read this we shall already be with the Goblins, probably already in the process of the cleansing. By the time you get to the manor this afternoon your father should be waiting for you. Spend time with him, get to know him. I can't wait to meet you in person and see your barer as well.

I'll see you tonight my love,


Draco's face broke out into a huge smile and he laughed as he realized just what his mate has done for him.

"What son?" Lucius asked surprised at the delight on the normally blank face.

"It's a surprise Mother," Draco smiled at the submissive veela. He tucked the letter into the inside pocket of his robe. "Pack for a long trip. We probably won't be back here for a good while. I promise that everything is going to be okay."

Lucius eyed his son for a moment. He couldn't wait to take him to have the damn spell removed so his son's true appearance could be seen. He nodded in acceptance and they left the room to pack for their new adventure. One in slight worry and the other in happiness.

Gringotts Kingdom

1100 AM

A low groan echoed through the quite bedroom as the figure on the bed came back to wakefulness. Rabastan sat up as his memory came back in a rush. He remembered everything, that he was a dominate veela and mated to Lucius Malfoy, that Tom wasn't actually a Dark Lord and was mated to his older brother who is a submissive veela. He remembers that pain and heartache as his creature was locked away.

But he is back now and is ready to fight. He stood from the bed and pulled the curtains from the window to look out at the goblin kingdom. In the new light he could took in his appearance in the mirror. Gone was the grey sickly appearance. He was still pale and skinny, but a lot of sun and proper diet could fix that. He is back to his full height and his shoulders were broad again. The best part were his wings, they stood proudly from his back in a beautiful white, there were a few blue ones within to show his mate's magic.

Rabastan noticed the clothes on the chair and dressed quickly. Just as he finished there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," he called and blinked slightly at how strong his voice was now. He was used to it being raspy and soft no matter what he did. The door opened to reveal a young female goblin maid.

"If you are ready there is a light lunch set up in the main dinning hall," She said to the tall man.

"Lead the way ma'am," He said politely. He was glad to be back in control and remember his manners and training.

The walk was short and quiet. He was led to an ornate door that opened softly when they stopped in front of it. Inside he could see Severus, Sirius, Remus and who must have been Harry Potter. Potter was seated next to the Princess. At the head of the tale was a middle-aged goblin who could only be the Emperor. He walked in slowly. Harry was the first to see him and smiled at him. This caught the attention of the others.

"Rabastan," Severus said in welcome. He stood and walked towards the hesitant veela. "Glad to see you looking back to your old self my friend."

"I am as well," Rabastan said as he clasped arms with the dark elf. "Though I am still missing a lot of what happened. I never knew really everything."

"Come sit," the goblin at the head of the table said. "Welcome Rabastan Lestrange-Malfoy to my kingdom. I am Silverblade, the Emperor. You already meet my daughter earlier."

"Your Majesty," Rabastan bowed before taking a seat next to Sirius who clasped his shoulder in welcome.

"What do you remember?" Remus asked as Rabastan filled his plate with food. He was hungrier now than he had been since Azkaban and he felt as though he could actually eat more than a few bites.

"I remember that last meeting, I remember Severus telling us that James was gone," Rabastan said thoughtfully. "I know we planned to storm Hogwarts but that's when everything stats to get fuzzy."

"Well we lost," Severus sighed glancing down at his plate. "Dumbledore had James and a few others held hostage. We had no choice but to give in. He cast a spell that we are still researching that bound everyone. Everything was the way he wanted it."

"Geez," the man muttered. He looked across the table at who was obviously his friend's son. "Hello Harry."

"Hello," The submissive smiled at him. "It's good to see you normally."

That's when Rabastan noticed that all his friends were not wearing glamours and were looking as they should. This made him smile.

"The rest should be joining us shortly," Silverblade said in the small silence.

At that moment the door opened again to reveal a young witch. She looked so different than she had that morning. Gone was the brown bushy hair, in its place was long straight black hair. Her skin was a pearl color instead of the tan she had before. Her features were much sharper, and her eyes were a beautiful blue instead of honey brown. She spotted them at the table and slowly made her way into the room.

"Hermione," Harry breathed before smiling and moving to her. When he reached her he pulled her into a hug and she melted against him. Rabastan blinked for a moment and his brain caught up that this was his niece. "You look amazing."

"Harry," She sighed and squeezed him tighter. "Thank you for coming to get me so fast."

Rabastan was the next to stand and make his way to her. Harry released her and stood beside her as her he approached. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Uncle?" She questioned just to make sure. He smiled and nodded. That was all she needed before she wrapped her arms around his middle. He out his arms around her and held her.

"Hermione," He rumbled quietly. His Veela instincts recognizing her as family and it relaxed him. He gently separated from her to take her in more. "You are so beautiful and so grown."

Hermione smiled at him before looking around at the others in the room. She bowed in greeting to the Emperor who nodded back. She then took in the other three men at the table and raised an eyebrow.

"I am obviously missing somethings," She said to Harry in question. He smiled sheepishly and that's when she really noticed how different he looked. "You're an elf!"

"Yup," Harry chuckled. "James was a submissive light elf mated to Severus who is a dominate dark elf. There are a lot of things that need to be explained."

"No kidding," She muttered in shock. Before anything else could be done the door opened one more time to admit two new figures. Their appearances hadn't changed to much save for the fact that Tom no longer had red eyes but a deep blue that matched his daughter's. Hermione looked at them and they froze for a moment. Then in less than a second, she was between the two and they were all hugging. Rodolphus was crying into her shoulder and Tom's arms were like steel around them. The others in the room smiled at the display. Rabastan thinking to his own mate who he had been pregnant when this all went down. He thinks to the blonde Malfoy heir that was talked about but had yet to actually meet.

"They will be waiting for you," Harry said quietly to the dominate veela.

"Pardon?" He asked the elf surprised. Harry smiled at him.

"We sent a letter Malfoy manor this morning," the raven-haired teen explained. "We told them to be at Tom's manor this afternoon. Draco is looking forward to meeting you."

Rabastan smiled and reached out to clasp his shoulder. "Thank you"

"Of course," Harry winked, "I want my family together."

"Your?" Rabastan's eyes widened at the implication.

"Draco's mate," Harry smiled, then let out a squeak as he was pulled into a bone crushing hug. Everything was like this for a moment before they all separated and settled down at the table. Then the discussions began as they filled everyone in.

Gringotts, Diagon Alley, London


Their talks when on for about an hour before it was decided to call it an afternoon. They rode back to the surface in near silence as everyone absorbed the information once again. They quickly made their way back to the main lobby with their glamours in place. Except for Tom and Hermione as no one would recognize them anyway.

"We'll see everyone tomorrow," Tom said before they parted ways. He shook hands with Sirius, Remus, Severus and Harry.

"See you Harry," Hermione smiled and hugged her friend before her father took her shoulder and apparated away. Rodolphus and Rabastan smiled and waved before they too were gone.

Just after the four had popped out were they informed that the Weasley's had arrived for their meeting.

"We ready to do this all over again?" Sirius sighed. They all nodded and were led to a meeting room to wait for the read heads and more discussions.
