EDITED: 24/12/2014

Welcome to the first chapter of my new story, Modern Girl.

As well as the 7 Kisiragi students I'm going to add some OC's as well For more of a story and so I don't have to change the characters personalities an stuff.

i do not own anything corpse party and this is entirely my idea!

Enjoy! (=゚ω゚)ノ

Chapter one

A young woman with her blue-black hair, pulled sleekly into a fashionable knot at the side of her head, sat at the edge of a train station bench, which was painted a dull grey and peeling off. In her slight hands was a large, transparent prodject case, about A3 sized and filled with various art works that she had taken from school. She had revised her speech a thousand times in her head, muttering it under her breath whenever she had the chance to. Today was a big day for Ayumi Shinozaki, and she wasn't likely to forget it for a long time. It had been several months since she had applied for the place at Japan's best creative arts school, and was waiting for her train to take her to it so she could be interview.

Her art teacher was related to one of the interviewers there, so had made a special recommendation for her, making her go straight through to the interview stage. As well as the interview, she had to fill in a questionnaire and show some practical work that she had done in school. The art teacher had helped her pick pick out a vast range of drawings, paintings and multi media art works for her to choose from, some that were her very best and she was most proud of. Before she had left, her fellow classmates had wished her good luck. They consisted of: Satoshi Mochida, who had studied a range of subjects but had not decided on his job yet; Naomi Nakashima, who had been accepted into a nursing school already; Seiko Shinohara, who was also still studying media however hoping to be a talk show presenter on tv; and Mayu Suzomoto and Sakutaro Morishige, who had both auditioned for the same dramatically arts school, and were waiting eagerly for the results. They had all patted her on the back too, and the girls were busy sending her supportive texts, which Ayumi didn't reply to. She needed to stay focused, and keep a clear and calm mind. The wir of the train on the tracks, woke her from her daze with a jolt, making her leap up. Taking a big breath, she followed everyone else towards the train, however, was pushed aside roughly by a large, menacing looking man.

"Excuse me," she said in an irritated tone. But the man just laughed a horrible laugh, and pushed her roughly against the wall.

"I like 'em when their busy and cute." he boomed, spiriting rudely at her "Makes 'em a lot more fun to mess with."
The burly man grinned at her with crooked teeth, making her wince in discomfort and shock.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't miss this train, I have an interview-"

"I'll be the only one interviewing you fine lil' lady..." he sneered, drawing closer to her. His breath reeked of alcohol and other nasty substances, making Ayumi practically gasp for air. He was about to draw nearer when Ayumi felt a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late." came the soft voice. A tall, muscular boy with floppy straw coloured hair had approached the scene, and was staring, confused at the tall man.

"You know this kid darlin'?" the harsh man asked her, pulling away slightly. She glanced at the boy, who send her a reassuring look in return, before quickly grabbing the boys arm.

"Yes I do actually."


I'm her boyfriend, and I'm here to escort her to her interview. Now please leave before I call the cops on you for...harrasment."

The man glared at him meanly, but nonetheless backed away from Ayumi and stomped off. She let out a sigh of relief, noticing that the boy still had a firm grip on her arm. He nodded pointedly at the group of old, creepy men that were eying her still.

"Stay with the act," he ordered, nearing the train and letting Ayumi on first before climbing up himself. They backed into an empty carriage and Ayumi flopped down on a four sweater section, putting her project case aside. The blonde boy sat opposite her with a grin.

"You've got to be more careful around here," he said, glancing out of the window as the train left the station. "There can be some...rough people round here."

She nodded gratefully In return, scolding herself for not getting on the train quicker. She had probably made a right fool of herself.

"Thanks, My names Ayumi Shinozaki by the way."

"Yoshiki Kishinuma." the boy replied. "Where are you heading?"

Ayumi wondered if she should tell Yoshiki, since she'd only just met him, and even though he had got her out of potential trouble, he could still be any old creep.

"Uh, just an interview for a place at The Creative art collage a few stops away. You?"

"I wasn't planning on getting this train 'till I saw you, but I suppose I could busk a bit in the town centre."

It was only then that Ayumi noticed the large black guitar case slung over his shoulder.

"Huh. I presume your my age?"

"I'm 17 if that helps, Shinozaki?"

"Me too, but shouldn't you be at school at your age still?"

"Dropped out," he admitted with a shrug "It wasn't worth my time since I wasn't good at anything. Musics more my thing, you know."

"I suppose that's your choice."

Ayumi didn't really approve of giving up or dropping out, she believed even if it was hard or boring you should persevere no matter what, to achieve your goal. Maybe Yoshiki just wasn't committed enough to keep going with school.

"You look like the studious type though!" he pointed out, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"So what if I am," she said back defensively "I just want to do well in life."

Yoshiki's eyes hardened, making Ayumi instantly regret her strong words. How cruel of her to insult someone she had just met.

"I'm so sorry! I don't mean you, your doing great following what you love, sometimes I'm a bit blunt with my words..."

He chuckled, making her blush ever so slightly in her pale cheeks. She found it so annoying when she blushed, because it was an automatic thing that gave the wrong impression to people.

"I'm not offended, I do know I'm not doing the best I could in life!"

"Then why not go back to school? Kisaragi high is really great and I bet there's a music course you'd like."

"Is that your school?"


"I'd never pass the entrance class, I hate to admit it but I'm not an academic in the slightest."

"So? You just need to try your best and if you don't get in, you can always try another school!" she said encouragingly, with passionate eyes. It was her duty to persuade people to get educated, and it really gave her pleasure doing so.

"I'll think about it..."


A few quiet moments later, the speaker started buzzing, alerting all the travelling passengers to look at the screen.

"Stop 3, Kyato Square. Please remember all luggage before you leave promptly. That's Stop 3, Kyato Square. Thank you!"

"Shinozaki," Yoshiki started, climbing out of his seat. "Looks like this is our stop."

"Yep!" she replied with a nod, heading out behind him. He stopped at the platform and turned to her with a grin.

"Well, it was nice meeting you!" he said, holding out his hand for her to shake.

She took it politely, surprised at how rough the inside of his palm felt. Yoshiki turned away, guitar bag swinging in the breeze, as Ayumi looked down at her hand. Whilst he had been shaking her hand, he had pressed a small crumpled piece of notepaper into her hand. She unfolded it curiously, smiling at the contents. It was his name and number, written with scrawled, untidy handwriting. As she left the quite quiet platform, she had a feeling that she'd be seeing a lot more of her rescuer and new friend. Glancing at her watch, she scurried up the stairs and out onto the street. It was quarter past four; she had fifteen minutes to find the collage, which wasn't a worry since there were plenty of bright signs showing the way. Ayumi couldn't help feeling that the interview would go well, and maybe she'd pass after all!

It was all a matter if time.

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