Yay for ideas that plague my mind during work. Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think.

This is my new disclaimer for anything I write: If I owned anything I wrote in the Fandom world EVER I would not need to work five days a bloody week. I just toy with the characters lives for fun and not for any future monetary gain. =]



There was little bits of things that came to her mind once she woke up from her slumber. She had been sleeping the equivalent of four days. That wasn't normal, at least, it shouldn't be normal. Sure, she liked to sleep, but not for that long. She had no idea who she was. None. She licked her dry lips stretching out on the bed sitting up looking around. It was some sort of...small room with a medical supply in it, the only one room, she was willing to guess, that had even a bed that looked more like a tanning bed, than an actual bed, but that's where she was. She looked down at herself, finding that she was dressed all in white, blonde strands of her hair fell into her eyes. The white trousers looked torn and dirty as if she had been running, and running far and fast. So, she enjoyed running. That was interesting to know. She looked around curious as to where she could possibly be. She went to a sort of window thing looking out and seeing people moving to and fro. That, was an army of people. Why would an army be here? Were they about to or readying for an attack? Who was the person or persons they were going against? She then noticed her reflection in the glass and stared at it, this being the first time she really saw herself. Her blonde hair was a mess. So, she might have been running for a long time, and not have had time to put a comb or a brush, but really, this was just ridiculous. She turned around staring as one of the military people entered the room she was in. "Ma'am? She's awake." He said pressing the button on his walkie-talkie to speak to whoever was on the other side of it. She stared at the military man eerily. Like a predator would watch it's prey before striking. The piece in her hair softly hits her cheek, hanging and chiming in a soft melody. Hmm. Melody. That would be important later, with that knowledge she stored it in her head, which was currently at the moment either buzzing too loudly for one single thing to get through or so quiet with the little information she had thanks to her amnesia, for she was certain that was what she was suffering from, because nothing else explained her sudden inability to know who she was or had been. She watched as the door opened again revealing a middle aged woman with brown hair tied up severely against her head, dressed in black or a really dark brown, and her one brown eye stared at her analytically. The right one** was covered by a metallic eye-patch. So, she decided to call the leader, Female Terminator. For it was apparent that she was the leader of this establishment.

"Well, well. Sleeping Beauty awake at last." Female Terminator said. A fairy tale story, once written by the Brother's Grimm in 1697 then in 1959 was turned into a Disney production. The information came from pretty much nowhere. But she was grateful for it. She wouldn't seem silly. "So, what is your name?" Female Terminator asked.

"It's rude to ask me my name, when you haven't given yours." She said, and was almost startled by the way she sounded. It was like a blend of proper and lower part London England accent. And given by the slight surprise that Female Terminator had given her before it melted away quickly, she hadn't been expecting it neither.

"I am Madam Kovarian." Female Terminator introduced herself. Hmm. For some reason, she didn't trust this Kovarian person. There was just something...not all there. But how to gain a name when she didn't even know who she was? Then she saw something on the wall for just a split second, but it burned in her eyes and into her brain. She knew the language. But not from where it came from or where it originated from, although it should be obvious to her.

"Arkytior. I like the name, Arkytior." Arkytior said. It was a language very old. It meant: Rose. But where did it come from?

"That's not your real name then?"

"No. But call me Arkytior. I will answer to nothing else." Arkytior promised a stubborn pose came over her body almost as easily as breathing. So she was also stubborn. Good to know. She had a stare down with Female Terminator and finally the other woman had to break away making Arkytior smile. Good, let her break. "Where am I?" She asked curiously.

"It doesn't have a name yet. But it will be called Demon's Run." Female Terminator answered.

"Doesn't have a name yet?" Arkytior asked tilting her head curiously once more feeling like a predator. "Yet you just named it."

"It hasn't happened, yet it already had." Kovarian gave the non-answer. Arkytior thought about this information pacing. That was something he used to do when facing a problem he had no idea how to get out of. But...who was he? And why did it feel like there was a crushing feeling on her chest? She coughs leaning against the wall.

"Oh...I get it...time travel. Bound to give anyone headaches. NO! Don't touch me." Arkytior growled, yes, actually growled when Tweedledee and Tweedledum had tried to get near her. "I'll be fine. I just...have a bit of a memory gap and it hurts." She said the two backing off as she gathered her strength and stood up on her own again wondering why it was they were staring at her aghast. She hadn't grown an extra head, for Rassilon's sake! Hmm. Rassilon. She thought she ought to know that from somewhere.

It's dangerous, has been dangerous, will be dangerous right now. You cannotremember. A voice said in her head imploringly. She blinks and readily agrees with the voice. She had no idea where it came from, but knew it meant her no harm. So she wasn't meant to know right now. She would eventually know who she had been. And apparently, she had a lot of time to do so.


Things grew into a pattern at Demon's Run. Arkytior would manage to break out of the prison like room, and sooner or later someone from the army would find her, and after a long and fascinating talk with the person, getting to know their story, she was lead back to the room. It was apparently being built for a companion for the one they were facing against. Really? An entire army? Fighting against one person? How ridiculous. Hmm. Apparently, ridiculous was a word she'd often use. Especially as nothing else in the English language could comprehend just how silly it sounded to her. An entire army. To fight against one person. Who did that? Apparently, Kovarian and her Slender-men did. Female Terminator had back up. They were some sort of...alien that looked like the game Slender-men, but had a face. A really strange face. She realized that none of the other people that didn't have the metallic eye patch like Female Terminator and herself could really remember these strange aliens. How Arkytior knew for sure she was facing aliens, well, she had a feeling she's faced worse aliens before. Images of men in tin suits, changed into nothing but robots, unfeeling. Images of humanoid trees. Images of pepper pots that Exterminated anything that wasn't like them, seeking total destruction. Images of the Devil. Images of ghosts and Charles Dickens. Image of a werewolf and Queen Victoria. Image of a man who changed his face defying death one with blue eyes, the other that replaced him, with brown, and impeccable hair. Image of a beach. Images of a reptilian alien that could fit in another man's skin as long as they were big enough. Image of an Abzorbaloff. Image of a blue police box that was bigger on the inside that felt like home. Images of cat nuns. Image of a head in a jar. Image of a flab of skin. Image of a man with a flirtatious smile, black hair and blue eyes to die for, dancing to Glen Miller during a war. Images of different planets in space, seeing the stars. Nothing concrete that Arkytior could really base real memories of, but they were real enough to know that she faced them and was still somehow standing. They were about to kidnap the newly wed companion of the man they were facing against, as she would become pregnant at this time. But they still had a question of how they would do so. Apparently the ship the man traveled in had tons of shields up and could only be entered through the front door, and without a key, they weren't getting in anytime soon. She wanted to stop the war. She had to keep the man safe. It was more than a want. It was a need to see this man safe. They were planning on raising the kid to kill the man. Her eyes hardened. She would never allow that to happen. Not while she was here and drew breath. She put her hand in her trouser pockets drinking some tea eating with some company, it always changing and pulled out a chain looking at it curiously. She could have sworn that it hadn't been there before. It looked like an ordinary alloy key. Nothing all together special about it. And Arkytior put it back before her company could see it. She decided, then, that she'd go.

"What?" Kovarian demanded when she heard the proposition.

"Well, I can drive a ship." Probably not. But still, couldn't be hard with the information pouring into her head about it. "This man whoever he is wouldn't expect someone like me to pretty much waltz into his ship, abduct his companion, replace her with a Ganger, and walk out without raising suspicion." Arkytior said reasonably. Besides if he faced them once, maybe some residual memory of them could be out there somewhere. And time was always in a flux...except for those tiny moments when it's fixed. It can be rewritten in a flash. You could be born and raised in the 2000's but die in 1869. She hadn't gotten the man's name who they were facing. Or if she had, that voice was protecting her against knowing right now. She still trusted that she would remember. One day soon. Kovarian stared at Arkytior and nodded.

"It's our best bet, since I don't think he's ever seen you." I wouldn't bet my money on that. The thought came out of nowhere. So...he did know her.

And you can't see/be seen by him yet. Too early in both your time streams if you want this plan of yours towork, have worked. The voice said reasonably. It was female and sounded beautiful, if the tenses were somewhat shaky to understand.

"Thank you." Arkytior said and grabbed the coordinates for this man's last location, grabbed the Ganger, and placed the body in the bed of the ship she was taking. She grins happily. "I'm stealing a ship. At least for a little while." She said giddily as she took off, laughing the whole way there. There was a crude looking time machine on her arm, and could link to the ship so she could track down the man with the coordinates given, singing a song.


Time travel without a proper shell sucked. Really really badly. She winced as she placed the Ganger on the trolley bed and carted it off on Earth twisting and turning this and that way. She was hit hard with nostalgia although she couldn't place why. Well...maybe she was from here. It would explain a lot. She stopped as the blue box came into sight holding her head as the images began to be memories associated with it.

No! You will not/cannot remember now! Your plan to save his life depends on it. Come on now. Get inside.The voice said as the doors seemed to open all by themselves and even a ramp for the trolley was provided. Arkytior walked inside the bigger on the inside not lying but the interior was a whole lot different from the image in her mind and she caressed the console awed. "You are gorgeous." She said.

Actually, it's Sexy. The voice informed with a purr to it's voice as if proud to say that's what she was called. Arkytior did as instructed and gathered the pregnant companion after replacing her with the Ganger. Then she went back to the ship she had taken to do this mission walking away from the box the most hard thing she's had to do since she woke up, and drove off tears in her eyes blurring her vision. But if this would in the end help her save that man's life, she would do it. No matter the price to herself. She looked at the companion and her name. Amelia Pond. She smiles slightly. "I like your name. It sounds like one from a fairy tale. You should keep it." She said softly having no idea she echoed the man in her memories words when his face changed once more, and had met the woman when she was a little girl, and had kept her waiting for twelve years. She then once more went to Demon's Run, knowing that her room would be occupied now, and that she had time to do what she planned to. Sabotaging Female Terminator's plan.

Hay there. So this is the first chapter of [maybe many] a story of where Rose comes back to her original universe with Bad Wolf in her head, which is why she doesn't remember who she is, because of the trauma that led her return to her natural universe in the first place...which I haven't really thought of clearly as of yet. Perhaps she got here after The Doctor reset the universe? Oh well, seeing as this is fan fiction and people do as they please anyway, why not? As I stated somewhere, I am a huge Doctor/Rose shipper. Huge. Love those two together. Always.

Double bullet: England's left, our right. England's right, our left. I think we American's just really wanted to be different. Ah well.

Fun Fact: Arkytior is in fact High Gallifreyan for Rose. And Arkytior was Susan Foreman's name as she was The Doctor's granddaughter and the first real companion for him. [I just say this in case non-Classic Who people are reading this and have no idea where I got this name from. -magic sparkles- Internet. It provides lots of answers. Even ones I didn't want to know.]