Author's Note: I honestly just wrote this one night while I was feeling down. I felt so much better when I was done with this fic. This is an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE fic of their kid selves. Now go on, be free my children~

Same night, just like every other. He couldn't sleep and endlessly kept thinking of ways to escape, of leaving the damn hell hole he was forced to call home, once and for all. He was tired of it all.

'What does freedom taste like?'

He craved something he never really had a taste of before. Freedom wasn't something easily attainable for him. His life belonged to his parents. Everything was for them, nothing was for his sake, and he was just a simple tool. He was given orders which he obeyed and dared not defy.

That was the sole purpose of his existence; it was all to please them. Not a single hug, or single kiss, or sincere smile was given. It was always cold and that was the only feeling he was used to from his family.

'How does affection feel?'

The boy always questioned if he'd ever become like his parents, the oh so glorified nobles. No, he decided to never become like them, ever. No matter what the future had in store for him, he would surely become different from all of their disgustingly selfish expectations. Tonight was the night. He was going to do it. Sabo, the little blond noble boy (who would surely hatebeing associated in those terms), decided to sneak out and enjoy the night for once. He's not quite sure when he started truly craving the outside world. Maybe his patience just grew too thin? No, it wasn't that. It was something more. He couldn't really explain it. Maybe it was something inspiring that he witnessed, or better yet someone.

This someone, whom Sabo was thinking of, was a younger looking boy wearing a yellow straw hat. He would always hang around outside Sabo's home. He wondered what the dark haired little boy was even doing in his yard to begin with. Did he not have common sense? Was he even aware of the trouble that he was getting into? He might not have known this little boy, but even he felt sorry for him so he would warn him every single time to go away and never come back. The younger looking boy would only pout with furrowed brows and ask him to play. The first thought that came across Sabo's mind was:

'Is he an idiot?'

But even after explaining the circumstances to the younger boy, he showed no sign of intimidation. He didn't care about Sabo's status or maybe he wasn't aware of what it meant. Whichever it was, it seemed he simply saw him as a new friend. Sabo wasn't sure what to feel about this predicament. That's when Sabo decided to ignore the boy with the yellow straw-hat. He was convinced he'd only bring trouble. That was the one thing Sabo didn't want. He would rather be alone than cause trouble to another, despite the fact that he might have actually liked the idea of having company for once, company that actually wanted him around. But he soon realized that the boy was persistent and 'no' wasn't an option.

"Why me?" Sabo asked from his window one day.

The dark haired boy smiled widely. "Shishishi, because you look bored up there!"

From that point on, he started accepting the fact that talking to someone else who was sincerely interested in knowing him for who he really was, was simply nice and that maybe he should just relish in this feeling for once. It was oh so nice, and he got a warm feeling in his chest from it. The only condition he decided to lay down to the other boy was to never decide to sneak into his home (of course the younger boy tried to argue on that but Sabo won that argument) and when he gave a signal to leave, the younger boy was to obey if he wanted to continue seeing him.

Sabo wasn't used to this at all and many mysteries remained, such as him not being able to figure the little boy out. Why was someone he barely knew going through all this for him? He was the most unpredictable creature he'd ever come across. He'd be a species of his own in Sabo's book, (well he actually was, but there was hardly any data) but he tried not to really think about it like that.

A few days had passed since he'd last seen the younger boy after their last encounter. One thing they never exchanged was names. It was quite a strange experience, seeing as asking for someone's name would generally be the first thing to do. The younger boy was an energetic chatter box, but their time was always cut short due to Sabo's schedule. Things were already unconventional for him since meeting the other, but somehow Sabo started not to really mind. The other was like a break from his mundane and unfortunate reality. Maybe if tonight went well, he'd be able to see the boy later in the day and finally ask for his name.

Sabo wasn't necessarily certain about his destination when he snuck out, but he knew anywhere away from the city (especially his so called 'home') would be nice and he did just that. Sabo made it to a nearby forest and just kept moving forward. For the first time ever, he was unprepared. This felt different, it felt surreal to him and he would be panicking over not having a game plan but he wanted something new, right?

It was dark, but he was still able to see his surroundings decently enough. He wasn't afraid, if anything, he was trying to absorb the atmosphere right in front of him because it was exciting and mesmerizing like this was what he'd dreamed of. He breathed the air in a bit deeper, he blinked more times than he could count, and he even pinched himself to make sure he was still there, that this was reality. He did it. He actually snuck out of his room. He felt so free. He felt alive. He felt so many things at once.

Sabo didn't hesitate on grinning widely to himself. The sound of crickets, the bright and clear night sky, the fresh mid-summer night breeze, and the brilliant stars were all around him. He was only ever able to see the beautiful night sky from his window. He didn't dare step out after dark, especially after the stories his parents would feed him or certain rumors he'd hear from nobody in particular, but people talked a lot and he's glad he took this chance. His room paled in comparison to this. This was all so new to him, but it was a good kind of change. Even if he got caught, Sabo, at this point, could care less, because he got his first taste at a life outside his 'home', away from that putrid city. Even if he asked himself where this courage came from, he wouldn't really know what to say. He couldn't exactly call it logic. If it were logic he wouldn't have planned to sneak out in the first place. At the back of his mind, he figured it was all that talking that he and the younger boy with the yellow straw hat had. The adventures the boy spoke of in the forest and his so called training. He really did wonder how this boy squeezed into his life like this without him really objecting after the first few encounters. Maybe deep down Sabo felt like he needed a way out, some sort of push to get him started. Heck, he probably really wanted a reason to change his lifestyle. He knew the life he was living was a big lie. Sabo knew he would never truly be happy living the life his parents planned out. Maybe this other boy was his reason for his sudden spontaneity. Was it so wrong to want something different, something for yourself?

The only times he was ever allowed to be out were when he attended special events, always having to put on a different face. No one cared for him; they only cared for his status, about his so called nobility. No one bothered to look deeper or wonder if he was truly happy, because, who wouldn't be happy with that kind of title, right? Where you could get away with any action, no matter how cruel or unusual, and the people of lower class were forced to bow down to your very presence and lick your feet (metaphorically or even literally speaking). No one cared and why should they? Sabo soon realized that ugly truth, and grew to accept it. He grew to accept the fate that was given to him. But it didn't mean he had to like it, and then this kid came out of nowhere, this kid who actually seemed to give a crap about him for no apparent reason at all, aside from the fact that he apparently looked bored being cooped up in his room studying and reading every single day and this kid genuinely wanted to see him have a good time.

With these thoughts in mind, Sabo ran towards a nearby hill, while he tried to rid himself of all these questions and clear his mind. He had always been fascinated with the idea of star gazing. Somehow being on that grassy hill, he felt so much closer to the sky. It always looked so close, like if it were physically possible to reach with a mere hand, yet it was so far, just like everything else in life. Even if the distance between him and the actual sky would never lessen, it didn't matter; it was still comforting to feel closer to something so unattainable. It was amazing how something so simple could illicit so many emotions out of him. Sabo felt relaxed and comfortable being in such an open space. He positioned himself on the grassy hill top and rested his arms behind his head, staring at the stars, attempting to find nearby constellations.

Sabo was occupied with his fascination for the sky that it took him a while to notice a small figure hunched over him. They were staring down at him. Sabo was quick to recognize the figure. Yellow straw hat hanging from the neck, short dark ruffled hair, dark round owl shaped eyes, and the widest grin he'd ever seen on a human being. Yup, it was his number one fan alright.

"Have you been staring at me this whole time?" Sabo decided to stare back at the kid with a hint of amusement.

"Yup. You looked like you were really focusing on something, shishishi~" The boy with the straw hat stopped grinning and looked at Sabo with a straight face, challenging his stare.

Sabo blinked a bit after a few more seconds of staring. Strangely enough the boy looked like he could see beyond what was right in front of him. Sabo didn't like it much. He didn't like the idea of another person being able to see him so clearly, and yet, it was oddly comforting. Someone was actually looking at him for who he was, but really, who was he? He didn't even know anymore.

"Uhm yeah actually, I was looking for constellations."

"Con- what?" The boy looked at him with a slightly baffled expression.

Sabo couldn't stop a light chuckle from escaping and the boy huffed in annoyance. "Constellations. Think of them as bright stars that appear close to each other on the sky, but in space they're really far apart." He gestured with arms. "Each of these clusters of stars creates patterns in the sky and if you look really closely, sometimes you'll be able to see actual figures in the sky! It's pretty amazing."

"WOW!~ That sounds so COOL!~" The boy seemed very fascinated and lay down next to Sabo on the grassy hill top. "Tell me more!" The boy moved excitedly.

Sabo couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm. It was pleasant sharing interests with someone other than himself. His parents never cared for any of his interests, and shot down anything he had to say, reminding him to stop wasting time on useless matters. He never had friends either, so that was already out of the question.

"Hmm, no. I won't say more until you answer me one thing."

The boy whined, "Eh! What is it?! I'll answer you!"

Sabo chuckled and turned his head to look at the boy lying next to him. "What's your name? We never exchanged names—kinda silly don't you think? You can call me Sabo."

The boy with the straw hat's face lit up and he grinned happily. "Luffy! My name's Luffy! So can you tell me more about these costel things?"

Sabo sighed. "Nice to meetcha Luffy! And it's not costel things. It's Con-ste-lla-tions!"

"Yeah the pictures in the sky. Tell me more! I wanna see some!" Luffy's eyes gleamed more and more. Sabo couldn't help but give into the look. He thought it was quite adorable how interested the other seemed. He wasn't going to deny that he was having fun himself.

"Okay, okay. Well those patterns in the sky ended up getting their own stories by different civilizations. Some are based on stories and people that were important to them. But the ones we're mostly familiar with come from Greek Mythology." Sabo continued speaking excitedly until he noticed Luffy's pouting face. He started to realize he couldn't exactly go off on a tangent without thoroughly explaining himself.

Sabo broke down the concepts he knew as easiest as he could for Luffy to understand. He was at least glad to be getting reactions from the boy instead of puzzled looks. They star gazed for a good while. Sabo pointed out the certain constellations that were only visible during the summer and explained to Luffy that when each season came, different constellations would be visible. Luffy listened to Sabo talk and tell stories of each group of stars. He really liked Sabo. Luffy was even convinced that he could probably get his grandfather to adopt him. Luffy always did want siblings and he could tell just by looking at the boy next to him, that he wasn't happy.

"Sabo? Do you always sneak out at this time?"

The question was so abrupt that it caught Sabo off guard. They were star gazing and Luffy just brought up a grim reminder of reality. He snuck out. He wasn't supposed to be here. Why was he doing this again? Sabo just sat up from his lying position and froze in panic.

"I need to head back." He got up off the ground and a hand pulled back at the bottom his small blue coat.

"Wait! Why are you leaving? You snuck out to have fun right?" Luffy's eyes were full of genuine curiosity.

"Something like that. I need to get back. I don't want to get into any more trouble."

Luffy let go of Sabo's coat with a defeated look, "Okay, want to meet here tomorrow night?"

Sabo thought about it. Would he really do this again? Would he risk it? If he somehow got away with it this time around, why should he push his luck? "I don't think so."


"Because I'm not even supposed to be here!" The blond didn't mean to yell and blurt that out, but he was starting to get frustrated. It wasn't Luffy's fault but he'd never understand.

"You shouldn't have to stay locked up in your boring room all day. You need to have some fun too." Luffy looked down at the ground with a pout. "B-But thank you for teaching me about the pictures in the sky."

Sabo laughed out loud at the boy, he didn't mean to make fun but it was a bit endearing. "Too scared to even try to say constellations now?"

Luffy looked up and furrowed his brows, "No! Constels! Ima call them constels! The way you say it is weird anyway." Luffy stuck his tongue out to Sabo as a personal victory.

"Ha! Okay then. Suit yourself, but people will laugh at you if they hear you say it like that." He was having fun teasing the boy. He would soon learn to accept that simply being around Luffy made him feel better about himself.

"Hm, I don't care! A lot of people are stupid anyway! Sabo will you come tomorrow night?" The look on Luffy seemed to get darker for some reason, and Sabo couldn't really think of a reason aside from maybe loneliness? But how? Luffy seemed like an overall friendly person, he would imagine the boy having a lot of friends. But then again, why would he constantly seek Sabo out? There was more to this that he wanted to know out of sheer curiosity.

"Why do you want me to come tomorrow night so badly?"

"Because it's always fun with you… I'm always by myself and when I saw that you were here—I was happy—since we don't get to play or talk much. Sabo makes me really happy." Luffy gave him his signature grin that just made every other grin in the world pale in comparison, not that he would ever tell the boy that because it was way too sappy.

Sabo felt a rush of heat on his face but ignored it. What now? How was he supposed to respond to that? He figured he'd begin with a typical thank you. "T-thanks Luffy. Look, I'll try to come tomorrow night too." In all honesty, he could do it again. Heck, it could become a nightly routine. He was confident in himself to at least plan out the safest times to sneak out. Sabo doubted that his parents even knew about his little adventure tonight. Everything was calculated. He was good at thinking on his feet. The only thing he didn't plan was meeting Luffy here, but it was a pleasant coincidence.

"Besides Luffy, what about you? Why are you out so late? And you're by yourself too." Sabo raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"I sneak out because I can't sleep alone in my dark scary room. Gramps is never really around unless he wants to train me. This spot makes me feel better. It makes me feel not so lonely. The stars make everything light up too!"

"So you get lonely?"


"What kind of training are you even talking about?!"

"Gramps wants me to be marine when I grow up." Luffy grimaced, not really showing that same enthusiasm he had earlier.

"A marine? Sounds rough."

"Bleh. I don't wanna be a marine!"

"Oh? Then what would you wanna be?"

Luffy's eyes gleamed happily. "I'd work with food! Shishishi!"

Sabo put his hand against his forehead. "That's not very reassuring."

"I'll show you! I'll work with food when I get older!"

Sabo wasn't the least bit convinced on this explanation but the look of determination on Luffy's face almost convinced him. "Alright then." He patted the boy's head. "This training though, you just do it in a random forest?"

"Sometimes. It depends what gramps is in the mood for. He'll sometimes push me off cliffs or leave me to get lost in the forest, or fight with animals. Then I have to find my own food but it's not too hard because the animals will always chase me—Sometimes it gets too scary." Luffy had a sudden saddened expression.

That cheery exterior Luffy had sure fooled him. Sabo would have never guessed for Luffy to be going through things like this. Sabo was also sure there was more behind him that he didn't know. Yet Luffy had something Sabo didn't. He had options. He had the option to walk outside whenever he pleased and just enjoy the simple things. He had the option to change his future. He slightly envied Luffy, but he was also aware that if he wanted change, he would have to work for it.

"Alright. Fine. You win. I'll come tomorrow night too."

"Really?!" Luffy's mood lightened up at Sabo's response.

"Yeah. I already did it once right? It'll just get easier." Sabo smiled at Luffy with reassurance.


It felt nice to genuinely be wanted around. Sabo hoped things would stay pleasant like this, but he knew that happiness never lasted. His nobility always found a way to snatch everything away but he would try to fight this time around. He would try to make the best of it. He would protect Luffy no matter what, and protect the little piece of happiness he found.

A/N: I had more planned for it (well more like saved in my document), like adding their adult versions and possibly adding someone else to this *cough*. But I also originally just wanted to write their kid versions so I'm not sure yet. I guess I'd need opinions first? I'm not even sure who reads this. But whoever did, thank you! Good day/night to you all~