Lucy's POV

My eyes start to droop as I read the last few words of the small text in the mini hand size book. Said book slips out of my hands as my eyes glue shut, my breathing slows down and my mind's thought's turn fuzzy and disoriented. My body relaxes and goes slack as a warm buzz connects my heart and head. Some odd feelings happen in my ligaments and I speedily move my whole body around to make the small growth pains go away; I stretch my legs as bone, muscle and joint pop and snap dully as if they are adjusting to a new form. I stretch my arms out as they do the same and roll my shoulders and arch my back as something connected between the two stretches out to its full length, flexing and rolling itself as it retracts to my back. I open and close my hands as if I'm clawing something like an animal; I do the same process with my feet as I roll my ankles and curl my toes and feet.

Its only then that I start to feel a noticeable difference such as; my nails feeling as though they are being massaged on both my feet and hands. That rolling pressure grows and spreads all along my body as I start to feel my organs twist and contract. My face starts to have an irritable itch all over that makes me want to scratch it bloody but when I try to bring my hands up to relieve the itch, my muscles and bones protest and creak as though I'm using my arms wrong. Straining to crack open even an eyelid proved futile but that has even more results that my arms.

As my being, senses, and nerves reconnect my hearing goes from a buzzing ring to an overwhelming loudness, then back to a deadly silence before going back to that unbearable level of unknown, never noticed before noises before going down to the nerve wrecking silence. My nose's and mouth's irritable itch starts to grow; my jaw starts to grow and lengthen out like a yawn that people do when the air pressure changes, my nose starts to catch all sorts of unbelievable and unthinkable smells from the area around my small 'camp'. I finally open my eyes as one pair of eyelids go up and down and the other pair goes left and right. I look down at my hands and see my human hands for a second before they fade out to reveal small scaled paws with mixes of blue and night blue scales on the back and palms of my paws that blend into a deep earth orange from the bottom joints of my fingers to the nails—er, well now claws—that are turning from a pale pink to a brown.

My eyes start to blur in and out of focus as all my senses settle on an uncomfortable level. I skim my tongue over my now needle sharp teeth and I find myself genially surprised to find that my tongue isn't cut and bleeding from my new teeth. I take a deep breath in and let it out as I close my eyes, curl up and find myself levitating above my bed in a fetal position, with a tail.

A warm, sleepy sensation rolls over me as the hand book that I was reading just moments or minutes or hours ago, floated across from my curled up figure, as the last few lines recite like a mantra in my head, seeming to echo in my bones and ears and mind as well as the general camping area. I let out a sigh from my nostrils, that I know in some odd intuition come out as a puff of smoke, and drift to sleep with ease.