Lucy's POV

While we were traveling to the Light Guilds meeting place, I took refuge in Wendy's satchel and started to drift asleep.

I can only assume that we're approaching the meeting place fast because my nose is catching some odd scents, besides Wendy's, Carla's and the forest foliage around us, I'm also smelling some strong scents of my guild. Taking a deep breath and curling into a neater, tighter ball I start to see Fairy Tail and its members behind my eyes.

The noise outside of the satchel starts to increase to an annoying level when Wendy's footsteps changes from grassy terrain to stone and finally to carpet. I crack my eyes open only to have them bulge as Wendy lurches forward and falls to the floor.

The satchel lands on the floor with a *THUD* and I skid and roll forward and out of the bag, only to do three forward somersault rolls before I come to a halt sitting on my hind haunches. It's at that time that my body system decides for me to sneeze out a breathe of blue and gold fire through my mouth.

"I'm from Cait Shelter. My name is Wendy. The hatchling's name is Lucy." Wendy said politely after she stands and dusts herself off. "Please treat us well!"

"A child? And a-DRAGON?!" Some annoying people shout.

"Lu-cy." Erza said as she, Gray, and a sniffing Natsu take a step closer to me.

*Hello everyone!* I greeted as I looked at each of them.

When I turned my head right to inspect the interior of this... place, Natsu all of a sudden hollers, "IT'S LUCE!"

I snap my head over to him and reel it back from the loudness that he was emitting. *Well of course it's me Fire Hazard! Who else would be named Lucy!*

"A good percentage of the female species population." Gray coldly said.

*Alright, I'll admit that I set myself up for that one. But that doesn't mean that you have to be such a ice-caps, Gray!* I retort.

"How do you know Natsu's magic affiliation and my name?" Gray asked as he regarded me with guarded eyes.

*I've known Natsu's affiliation since Hargeon. And your name I've learned in Sorcerer's Weekly before joining the guild and being acquainted to you in person.* I answered.

"Huh, for all that we know, you could be Lucy, or you could be a spy for the Balam Alliance." Gray said.

*Hold still for a minute!* I instructed as I started climbing up his pants and got onto his chest. *Let this be proof to you that I am Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail.* I 'said' as I let my wings surround his head, blocking out the others from what I'm about to show Gray. In a smaller, separate Ahn Emeru screen, I reveal personal information only known within the members of Team Natsu, as well as personal things that Gray and I shared when we were just hanging out. At the end of the quick message that has left Gray with wide, shocked eyes, I 'ask', *Now do you believe that it's me?* Gray's eyes swiftly go from shocked to a playful glower.

"Alright, alright. I admit. It's Lucy." Gray said before I blew a raspberry at him. Gray throws me a secret raspberry of his own before he plucks me off of his jacket and places me atop his shoulders. "So, since you've convinced me that your you, can you explain to us all how you turned into a tiny reptilian?"

*To put it short and sweet, after I completed my job, I was rewarded with a box, in that box was a tiny book that is perfect for the size that I'm at right now, in the forest that I camped out at just two days away from the nearest train-station I read it and it turned me into this dragon hatchling.* I explained.

"Well, at least your safe now and have managed to get back to us!" Erza said as she stepped closer to Gray and plucked me right off his shoulders.

As Erza brought me close to hug in her chest I closed my eyes and prepared for some pain. *OUCH!* I 'exclaimed' before realizing that it wasn't really as painful as it was before. *...wait-a-minute...* I 'said' as I cracked one eye open. Seeing Jura of Lamia Scale looking at me with a stoic yet questioning gaze, I turn to look at Erza's armor. 'That didn't hurt as it usually does...' I thought to myself as I easily slid through Erza's arms and crawled up to her plated shoulders. I crouched down and got myself situated for this alliance's meeting. Feeling someone's eyes on me, I look directly in front of me.


Reeling back with my scales up like a cat or dog would with their hackles, I stare wide-eyed at this strange-person?-who's directly in front of me.

"Erza~, my darling~! Your parfum is most enticing!"

With a low grumble, I hiss at this man in warning while kneading my claws into Erza's shoulder plate before I spit some fire at him and start chasing this man around the room with breath after breath of 4 seconds of fire. As I rounded the pillar with some skids and slights (seeing as this place as marble tiled flooring), one of the Wizards from another Light Guild sends a spell my way that buries me in a neat pile of purely white snow.

Putting my back paws right behind my front paws I lift my body up enough to where I can pop my head right out of the snow pile. Blinking owlishly around the others, something cold tickles with the sinuses of my nose causing me to sneeze on the snow pile. Blinking my eyes rapidly, I see that my sneeze has caused the pile of snow to burst up 5 feet into the air, turn a ethereal blue that, as it descents to the ground, turns silver and fades away like the stars do as the morning sun approaches.

*Excuse me for my sneeze.* I 'said' as I rubbed my nose with a paw.

Footsteps quickly approach me before the short, blonde Blue Pegasus delegate lifts me up to his face level. I look back at him before a slight blush spreads across his face and he murmurs, "Kawaii!"

Deciding to indulge the sparkly emerald eyed delegate farther, I let out a yawn and stretch my limbs cutely to get the drowsiness out of my body. I lick my lips and coo uniquely to the occupants in this room. A dark blonde young adult steps over and inspects me from head to tail. He reaches forward and tilts my petite and narrow head up before saying, "She'd make a cute pet."

'PET?!' I exclaimed loudly in my thoughts. With a quick deep inhale, I let lose a brief rampaging fire that leaves his bangs and eyebrows singed lightly.

The room is silent until the dark blonde man lets out a shrill cry and goes to the opposite end of the room.

"You know, that wasn't very kind." The blonde holding me said as he turns back to me.

*Then he shouldn't have called me a 'pet'. Because I am most certainly NOT one!* I reply back to the blonde Wizard. The blonde does a quiet hum with a nod of his head in understanding. *Um... can you set me down?* I asked the blonde as I looked over to Wendy and Carla, who's finally caught up to us. *I'm wanting to go hang out with Wendy and my guild mates.*

"Of course!" The blonde said as he set me down. "My name's Eve by the way." 'Eve' said as he held out his hand.

*I'm sure you've heard my name from Wendy when she introduced herself but my name is Lucy. Pleasure to make your acquaintance Eve.* I said as I shook two of his fingers in kind.

Going back onto all fours, I trot over to Fairy Tail's group of four just in time to see Wendy and Carla being ushered away to a couch that Eve and his guild members have set out and to see Natsu eating up my stray flames that have caught on the carpet and some walls. Sweat dropping a little at Natsu's antic's, I stop beside Happy and sit down on my hind legs.

"So, how's it like to be a dragon, Lushi?" Happy asked.

*It's good enough. I'm learning new spells that come to me from an unknown source that just knocks me out so I can have dream like presentations on how they work. I can fly, whap people with my tail, breath gold and blue fire, and I can still write.* I said as I watched Natsu and Gray pretend to be friends once again when Erza looks their way but instantly hiss silent profanities towards each other when she turns her back to them.

"Is this blue screen thing a spell of yours that this source taught you?" Happy asked as he gestured to my Ahn Emeru spell.

*Yep. This spell is called Ahn Emeru, I can make multiple other screens pop up and address to other people. There's one other spell that I've learned. It's called Udefeum. Would you like a demonstration on how it works?* I asked Happy as I chip a small pebble of marble from the ground. I glance at Happy to see him nod his head frantically in anticipation.


Right after I utter that word aloud, I release the tiny marble pebble and a primary Udefeum portal of half an inch opens beneath the pebble and makes it levitate. Two other Udefeum portals open above Natsu's and Gray's head and two football sized marble slabs fall on top of their heads from it's half a foot high position.

"Handy!" Happy said. I hummed in agreement. "Ne, Lucy? Why didn't you return to us immediately after you changed into a dragon?" Happy asked.

*Because a guild of six got me right after I transformed.* Erza turned towards me as I turned to Happy. *That book that I mentioned before to the rest of you, its what caused my transformation and after I finished turning into a dragon hatchling, one of the six members shot my book and turned it to ash. I was placed under a sleep spell and when I woke up, I was in an unknown mansion at an unknown area. After learning my first spell, Udefeum, they took me out to help out on a job and even then, I didn't see of where I was at. I slipped away from them the first chance I got after I scared some people and then I came across Wendy and slipped into one of her bags. The next time I was fully awake, I was at Cait Shelter.*

"Did you by any chance get the name of this guild that caught you?" Erza asked.

*Oracion Seis.*

A hiss comes from both Natsu and Gray. I turn to see Gray narrowing his eyes and running his hand through his hair as the air around him cools down some significant degrees and Natsu punching his fist into his opened hand with flames licking around him dangerously.

"Don't worry Luce." Natsu growled. "We won't let those guys take you away again. We'll find a way to get you back to normal too."

"AYE!" Happy cried with a fist pump.

A sudden magic washes over me as my vision splits between my hatchling height and my human height. My senses and muscles scream in protest at whatever magic is being casted over me. A distorted whine comes from the depths of my throat and starts to rise to a wail before the wavering magic cuts off and goes back to the sandy blonde. Safely back to my hatchling height, I flop down onto the ground wait as my senses even out. I open my eyes and glower at the dark blonde who casted that magic on me and hiss, "Never do that again!"

Most of the people in the room shiver in fear before I sat up.

"Hibiki?" Erza addressed the dark blonde, 'Hibiki'. "What were you doing to Lucy?"

"I have a spell that can temporarily turn Lucy back into a human. I've never performed it before and it'll take some time to prep it, but I can do it and make Lucy a human for one time." Hibiki explained to our group of 14 [AN: did you forget to add Happy and Carla? tsk, tsk].

"Define 'one time', playboy." Gray growled as some ice started to form around his feet.

"For a duration of two months, Lucy will be human so long as she doesn't break a certain hidden rune that'll be placed on her after the spell is finished. She'll be her old human sized self for this mission and be able to assist us better than she can as a drake since she has 6 keys of the Celestial Zodiac." Hibiki explained.

Erza's eyes widen a bit before she turns to me, "Lucy," she starts, "where are your keys? Were they taken from you or are they one you? Can you use them as a dragon?"

*I still have them, I just can't come into physical contact with them and they can't get in my range of site in this form. So, they're attached to me and if I ever get out of this spell, they'll still be on me since I'm contracted to them.* I explained as one of my eyes starts to illuminate blue.

"So, what does this have to do with 'one time'? Can't you use it again?" Content with my answer Gray presses on.

"No, it just is a one time use spell. I think it might be used one time per person but I've never used this spell, so I can't be totally sure."

Gray grumbles in his throat before pressing on, "How long will it take for you to prep it?"

"A couple hours." Hibiki answered.

Gray nods his head before the strange, orange-haired man-?- pulls attention back to him with a flashy move. "Now... it seems we are all finally accounted for. Allow me to explain the mission. But first, a trip to the little boy's room first."

My front paws skitter on the marble floor as I try to save myself from an ungraceful face-plant. I hear some noises of exclamation go around me as I try to rebalance myself and when I finally am back in balance, somebody swoops down and plucks me right up off the floor. I let out some noise of protest as I try to swivel around and see just who is carrying me so that I can light there face on fire but when I catch glimpse of Natsu's white scarf, I cease my struggles as I realized, he'll enjoy eating my fire more than fearing it.

Author's Note:

Hello all!

It's birthday month! Sigh, first it was my cousin's birthday and then it was my birthday. Good parties they were. *Nods my head in reminiscence*

So, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as this version of the Nirvana arc is moving along. I'll update again soon.

Until next time and;
