Hello everyone!

I don't know if some of you maybe know my youtube channel… well if not here it is: user/buchjj/featured

And I can't make movies at the moment because I don't have my computer -.-' hope to fix that soon. Well I miss making movies and then I thought why not write a fanfiction instead, haven't done that yet so why not.

Well I thought I'd publish the story of Hermione and Legolas. That story is based on this video by the way: watch?v=yOIZNzGZE9M&list=PLnYNBa3vXIkB4bkZqDquMzbyPG_P6JDu8&index=5

Here again: I'm not a native English speaker so please have patience with me I'm trying my best. Criticism is always welcome of course, I want to learn more so don't be shy.

Well hope you like It and have a nice day :)