Hey there, Maiden-sama's back ~

There...is nothing much to put in the A/N. IF I need to add anything, it will be at the end of the chapter.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. nothing from RWBY is mine, only the story. Enjoy

Weiss p.o.v

I rubbed my eyes at the new morning light that drew into the large cold room. Sitting up from my bed, I took a deep breath and let out a breath before dragging myself out of the warmth and onto the cold stone flooring. There was barely any time to sleep yesterday due to the audition that was held by BEACON. After I confronted my father that I wanted to work in BEACON as their model, he signed me up and advanced to all the paper works.

Of course, in this new company, there are new rules. One that consists that I need to work with another person while in BEACON. No matter how much time I told them that I was capable to work on my own, they simply did not allow it. But the real intentions of being in BEACON was to leave the SCHNEE company for good. The way they are treating me will not bring me anywhere in the modeling world. Above that, I have found a new aim for me that is in BEACON.

Walking towards the closet, I picked out a sky blue wrap dress with a white leather jacket and simply slipped them on and walked towards the mirror. The polished silver lining of the full body mirror before me still held a crack on the upper right hand corner. I never had my father replace that for me. It was a reminder of my goal to surpass the SCHNEE company and...my sister.

"Come on Weiss, you are going to miss it if you run any slower" My sister cried as we ran up the stairs of our mansion. The red rug placed on the steps made it so my feet made no sounds during the cold dark night as the two of us rushed towards the roof. Towards the eastern wing, we exited the balcony and started to climb up with a ladder that I hid behind the curtains of the door way. Pulling it out and leaning it towards the top, I started to climb up as my sister followed.

The two of us sat by the ledge of the roof and looked out at the star filled sky with our backs laying back. Star gazing was a event only known for the both of us. Ever night, after a certain event, we would join back together in the main hall and climb up towards the roof and look out the the horizon. It was the one thing that connected me with my sister. The two of us would burst into stories of what happens while the other is away. We share things that we were given or found in different places, and we never kept a single secret between us.

Though, I was the naive one to think that we were always going to be that way. It was snow fall that year. And my sister was at an event with my father. Home alone, I crept up to the roof alone. There, I saw my sister behind the house, and peeking from a bush before hiding herself back in. After a brief moment, she stood up again and entered the house. With curiosity, I snooped back into the same position where my sister hid and found a small mound hidden with a few scattered branches and leaves that was freshly dug.

Kneeling from outside view, I pushed away the dirt and found a silver box in the ground. sliding the lid open, was a few charms I gave to my sister, and a few dairies. Starting that day, I continuously went back t the same back every few days to find out what the diaries wrote.

It was then that I found out my sister's real intentions. To keep me out of the modeling company. Reading this made all the things she ever said to me, a lie. She said that one day that we would be working together. To be by each other's side to become the best of father's proud company. But it seems that wasn't her real plan.

'Dear Diary,

I'm tired once again. Its been a long night just like any other day. The event this time was for the Christmas event in SCHNEE magazines. And as always, I was being called to be their main model. Of course that was an opportunity that I did not say no to. But there is still that little thing that makes me very uncomfortable. Weiss. She's been a good girl as usual. But things do not always stay as they do after a while. Father will soon pick the next cover of the SCHNEE has to be me. It must me. Weiss can not take on that role. whatever it takes, I will stand.

By that point, I dropped the dairy and quickly slipped it back into the chest before running back inside with tears running down my face. I trusted her as my sister, I trusted her more than anyone. I repeated the words in my head. I can never believe my own sister saying such things. Yet the words still haunt me today. Up to when my sister went to London, I was the only one that didn't see her off.

I plan to improve myself while she is in London. For the 3 years since she left, I trained myself within my large bedroom. Every night, I would bare the pain of those ratchet heels that places the bruises in my legs and walk around my bedroom to get use to them. Then, I would walk around with perfect posture that made me hold my breath every time I walk on the streets to make myself look more taller and skinnier. I also started to diet myself and ate very little to contain my shape. There was once, that after I ate the cake for my birthday, I rushed to the bathroom to throw it back up.

No one knows of my secret. No one can. It was the only thing I can do. I was not born like my sister, with perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect...in every way. I was always second place to her. Even when I try my best to be like her, dress like her, be like her, no one ever looks at me. Even with my sister in London, my parents still watch her modeling programs over mine, even if it was right in front of their face.

It started to be a normal thing for me. After all the shows and work, I always end up in my room crying because the ones I want to see me most, are blind. But things turned different.

I got a job over seas to work with BEACON company one day because my dad's childhood friend was the head inspector of that company. At first, this was just another photo shoot to me. But this time, I was paired with an opposite gender.

He was a very tall man, with blue hair that were gelled to his right. He wore a simple crimson cardigan over his white collared shirt and a pair of ripped jeans and sneakers. Though, his gentle eyes and side way smile must be the thing that won him into the modeling world.

"Well hello there, snow angel" He said as he approached me while I was sitting patiently for the staffs to set their equipment. He leaned his elbow against the chair.

"The name is Weiss" I corrected him and our eyes met for the first time. I quickly turned away from him after afterwards.

"You look like someone" He said with surprise, taking a minute to remember. "You're Winter's sister right?" His words hit straight into my chest.

I nodded while staring down at the floor.

"I see, you must be really gifted huh, seeing where your sister is at." He continued.

"I am nothing like my sister" I muttered aloud. There was a slight silence that hung between us before he said the first words.

"That's good to hear. I wouldn't want to work with something that is trying to copy someone else" He let out a chuckle before one of the staffs called for us.

Those words were the things that broke the glass. 'I'm not trying to copy my sister' I reminded myself. 'I'm trying to surpass her'

After the shoot that day, I requested my father that I wanted to work in BEACON. Seeing their progress in the pass few years, they have stood to be the top three modeling companies in the world, along with the SCHNEE company and ATLAS company. So, after the papers were turned in, I made a visit to BEACON and attended the event they held out to find a partner for me to work with in BEACON. Of course, I did not know why I needed to work with anyone to begin with. All my life, I modeled alone and only when I was assigned to collaborations, that I ever work with another person.

But seeing as this is a requirement, I took my chances and sat through the day, seeing different people coming in and out trying out for BEACON. For my case, it was a waste of time. None of them were merely as good as standing in heels, and others did not even try to work on their body. I tried to convince them that I didn't need to work with anyone, but they still refused. After that day, they told me that they will select the one most suitable for me and within a week, I will be moving into the BEACON dorm with my new partner and working together before we start any collaborations with other companies.

Today was the last day in the SCHNEE family house hold and the first day of the new life in the dorms. Knowing that it would not possibly be as big as the room I am in now, I braced the thought of me living with another person in a small place. I looked back at my parents, who were seeing me away on the flight to Vale.

Ruby's p.o.v

I was nervously sat in front of my phone as I waited a call. It was announced that BEACON has chosen a person from the audition and will be making calls that day to inform all those that either made it, or did not make it.

To be honest, it was giving me a nervous wreck all day because of it. I checked my phone nearly every moment of the day that my parents started to become concern. And now, here I am. Sitting on my bed, staring down at my phone while dinner was being made. I can almost imagine the phone bursting out the ringtone any minute now. But the thought only made me more anxious.

Then, all of a sudden...

"Red...like roses-" My ringtone sang out, as I jumped in surprise and dove to my phone while answering it.

"Hey Ruby!" Penny's voice rang from the other side. I let out a groan before laying down on my bed.

"Peeeeeeeeeennnnnnyyyyy" I whined. " Why would you do that to me"

"Relax Ruby. You have been talking about this all day now. You should calm down a little so if they ever do call, you wouldn't sound like a crazy" Penny explained.

"I know...But this is a big deal for me. I am so close to my sister, I can't be let down now" I let out a sigh.

"You can't expect them to just take you because your sister is in there" Penny continued.

"Yeah, but modeling is also a big thing for me too! If I get accepted, I'm hitting two birds with one stone" I sat back up

"Ruby!" my mother called from the living room.

"Gotta go Penny. I'll talk to you later" I quickly ended the call and raced down to my mom, who was still wearing her apron with a phone in her hand.

"This is for you" She handed me the phone with a smile. Questionably, I took the phone.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Greetings. Is this Ruby Rose?" A deep voice spoke on the line.

"Yes, how may I help you" I asked suspiciously

"I would like to inform you that you have been chosen as the new accepting model in BEACON modeling industries. You will have a week to ready yourself as you will be moved to the company's dormitory with a picked partner. The both of you shall be working together in improving your skills as a model before taking the first steps as a model in BEACON. Congratulations and I'm looking forward to working with you."

My breath stopped for the moment that I heard those words. But looking at my parents, I felt tears rushing down my face as my lips slid into a smile. I threw my arms around my mom while sinking in the words I just heard from the monitor.

"I'm coming Yang" I looked at the family photo by the counter of the living room.

Third p.o.v

A yellow motorcycle pulled up in the drive way as the driver pulled off the helmet and undid her hair. The golden locks drifted down past her shoulder and rested against her back. She let out a sigh before getting off the vehicle and headed to the large house with only the door light to lead her towards the door.

"I'm home" Yang said, kicking her shoes off in front of the ledge before heading to the living room to see Blake laying down on the couch.

"Welcome back" Blake greeted as soon as she walked into the room, and re-positioned herself to sit up right and saw Yang holding a white bag. "How was the meeting?"

" Boring, as usual " Yang responded, setting the bag on the glass table before throwing herself on the couch next to Blake. "We're going on another shoot soon...this time for the mid summer festival they are holding by the temple and shrine. Though they did promise that we get to spend some time during the festival, so that's something to look forward to."

"It sounds nice" Blake suggested looking over Yang. "Knowing that they might give us a bit of a break now."

"When was the last time you went to the festival?" Yang asked, "Did you have anything like this back home?"

Blake's eyes began to fog as she seemed to be looking at something else. It took her a minute to snap from her thoughts and shook her head.

"This is going to be my first time" She confirmed. "Speaking of which, whats in the bag?" Her attention faced the white plastic on the table.

Yang looked over with little effort. "Just some food they gave out since there were a lot of untouched dishes. Help yourself, we don't need to cook dinner tonight."

Blake took out the warm box from within the white plastic bag and revealed a packed box of chicken and broccoli over rice. "Chinese food?" She asked.

"Ren was treating...this time" Yang broke into a laugh. "By the way, where are the guys?"

"Sun and Neptune?" Blake asked, already devouring the boxed food. Yang took a moment to realize that was her partner before giving her a small nod.

"They went out to play night ball. Something like dodge ball but you know, in the dark" Blake answered, switching on the t.v.

"Are they coming back?" Yang continued, turning her attention to the television.

"I am going to guess so, knowing that they are lazy bums and don't wanna drive home this late at night" Blake said irritably. Yang let out a laugh

"Orrrrr, they are just trying to free loan our house and take our food" She suggested. Blake gave her a shrug.

"Why not both" She answered. Blake then stood up and walked towards one of the cabinets to pull out a envelope. "Ozpin sent us this"

Yang rose a brow before sitting up and taking the letter from her partner and slugged back into her seat while she opened it. Inside, was a few papers with two pictures of two girls and the BEACON label on top of the page. Her eyes widen as she stopped at the page where it held a picture of a red head with silver eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Blake snapped into Yang's thoughts. The blonde quickly shook her head before biting her lips.


The name sank into her head and repeated itself. Nervously, Yang quickly flipped into another page where there was a picture of a phantom haired girl. Her hair perfectly set to the side and her white hair in a ponytail on the right side of her head. Her eyes gave out a chill that fell down Yang's spine.

Blake sat on the arm of the couch and rested her chin on Yang's head to look at the letter at the same time. She frowned at the picture of the white haired girl.

"Why am I still surprised...that she made it" Blake muttered to herself. Yang let out a sigh and scanned the rest of the letter.

"There are a lot of things in this world that I still do not understand. One is the choices that Ozpin makes." She continued.

At that moment, the door opened and in walked two bodies covered in red spots and bruises. The girls turned to see them with a blank face but quickly ignoring them and focusing back into the letter.

"I'm home~" Neptune sang, changing into his sandals and walked into the living room with Sun following short behind him.

"This is not your house" Blake quickly retorted, standing up and sitting on Yang's stretched out legs while the boys took their seats in the next couch.

"Whats that? New job?" Neptune asked, ignoring Blake's response. Sun picked up the remote form the table and started to make himself comfortable while switching channels on the television.

"No, the new recruit reports." Yang answered, stuffing the papers back into the envelope towards Neptune before wiggling her legs from Blake. She then stood up from the couch and raced up the stairs. Blake sent a glare at Neptune, who held his hands up in defense.

"Yang..." Blake said under her breath, staring at the flight of stairs. Neptune slipped open the bonded papers and the first page held the picture of the white haired girl.

"Hey, its that Schnee girl" Sun said, looking along with Neptune. Flipping the pages, Sun noticed another familiar face. Taking the papers, he stopped at the picture of a red headed girl. "Wasn't this the girl that you met at the ice cream shop a few days ago?" He asked Blake

"Yes..I think so" Blake looked closely at the picture. The name Ruby was printed neatly next to her photo and info.

"I'm Yang's little sister." "But please don't tell anyone about this...for...personal reasons"

"Blake?" Sun poked her shoulder, seeing that she froze in place. Jumping back to reality, Blake backed away from Sun's touch and rubbed her eyes.

"It's getting late. I'm tired. There's still some food in the plastic bag. I'm going to bed" She said quickly and stormed up the stairs. After a minute, you could hear the doors closed shut.


I will warn you that my stories can be very quick but be very slow at the same time due to the amount of work that I need to do. You have been warned u .

Either way, I'm happy that I can finish this.

As always, R&R your thoughts and until next time

~Maiden-sama out~