A/N: Hello friends! It's about time I updated this. Feel free to totally skip past this description, but I've come to a huge realisation over the past four days... Cows are so freaking cute. Like honestly, if you don't think so, go look at about 2347434 of 'em before looking me straight in the eyes and telling me they're not cute. Because they're adorable.

Anyway, along with the story:

Warnings: 1 cuss word, lowkey crackfic, idrk what im doing

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokemon. :D

Dawn sat upon a rusty wooden bench in the middle of a neighbourhood park with her right leg crossed over her left. Her light brown woollen sweater protected her against the cool gusts of wind blowing by, while also complimenting her long wavy locks of blue. A small tinge of red adorned her cheeks due to the chilly temperature, making her look even cuter in conjunction with her bright eyes and wide smile.

In front of her stood her beloved boyfriend, Paul Shinji. Their relationship was rather cute and definitely fun to reminisce on. Polar opposites falling madly in love, it was a sight to see. Their differences caused many arguments, but it was nothing they couldn't overcome. In fact it strengthened their relationship, with their bantering every so often becoming their own little way to show affection. It was endearing to see the cold-hearted male care for a bubbly girl, and vice versa. They've been together for two years and are still going strong.

As suggested (or heavily forced) by Dawn, the past two years of their relationship must be celebrated with some kind of anniversary activity. Paul wasn't a fan of expensive dates and fancy restaurants, he preferred something much more down to earth. He and Dawn went to the park where they first met, sharing fond memories of each other.

The autumn leaves were whisked up in the air by the cool wind, circling around to form a warm series of colours. The yellows, oranges and reds contrasted the fresh green of the grass beneath and the stunning blue of Dawn's hair, creating a picturesque scene. Dawn's smile only widened at the sight of the beautiful scenery, knowing the leaves only made it look much more romantic.






The snapping noise kept going on and on and on, one snap after the other. After what seemed to be about five minutes, it finally stopped. Dawn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "It's over already?"

Paul rolled his eyes. "Troublesome, I've taken at least 100 fucking pictures of you for your Instagram post." He passed the phone to Dawn so she could critique his photography. He mumbled under his breath, "You care about your followers more than me."

Dawn paid no mind to Paul's complaints as she was incredibly used to it, having asked him to take pictures of her almost wherever they go. She let out a groan, her eyes glued to the bright screen before her and swiping furiously. "No, no, no, no, no!" she exclaimed in frustration. "Paul, none of these are good! The angling just isn't right."

"Big deal," Paul said, completely disinterested.

Dawn finally looked up from her phone and narrowed her eyes at him. "It is a big deal! My feed has to be aesthetic as possible, Paul. A-e-s-t-h-e-t-i-c."

"Tch, so troublesome."

"What did you say?"

"You heard me, Troublesome."

"Why you! I swear I-" Dawn stopped abruptly and silence engulfed the couple. Slowly, the corner of her lips twitched upwards before forming a huge grin that went from one ear to another. "This one! This one is perfect. I only need to pop about four filters and do some minor editing, but it'll be perfect! Oh, Paul, thank you so much!" She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. "You're the best boyfriend ever."

Paul remained standing there with his face stoic. "Remind me why I'm dating you."

Dawn stuck her tongue out. "So you can brag about having an Instagram-famous girlfriend."

Paul smirked. "I have more followers than you."


A/N: ye um idk... thoughts? comments? ANYTHANG?

Have a fabulous day.