Wow holy crap everyone I'm finally back, and no before you ask I didn't forget about any of my other fics I am still working on those I'm just having a little bit of trouble at the moment. Mostly because this fucking thing has been on my mind since I thought of it, I don't even know why I thought of it to be honest...Anyway This is just to get it out of my mind for the time being. I won't even try to act like it's decent because its really not in my opinion but anyway try t enjoy it I guess leave comments telling me what you think.

Rude Awakening

The endless many aeons have I spent staring at this dark expanse. It is nothing, yet it is everything. I've sat here for millennium watching the world change, watching empires rise and fall, civilizations grow and crumble. I've stared into the changing world until it all blurred together, after that nothing was easy to tell apart anymore. At this time I reflected back on my past asking myself questions such as; 'How did this happen to me?' 'Why did this happen to me?' 'Did my brothers and sisters share the same fate?' I couldn't sense them once I awoke in the void, though that doesn't say much as I couldn't feel anything after waking. No, all I could do was sit, wait, and watch, being set in a position such as this it is quiet maddening for even without a physical form I still...ached. Ached to move and to live again, to run free and rule the lands as I once did, to wreak havoc and show those pathetic creatures what true power was. Alas, that's all I could manage in the state I am in, merely dreaming of times long past though it caused me to think caused me longing wishing I had done more in the life given to me.

Perhaps when this void ends I can once again set out and rule once again, but would that be all I did with my new life. Would I just set out and crush any opposition, would I just set my authority in stone as I once did. Or, would I be different would I make as little an impact in the world and stay to the shadows, how strange for me to think of that. Where I once ruled hundreds of kingdoms forcing the pitiful humans to tremble and cower in my presence to simply vanishing into legend, what was it that humans would say 'old habits die hard?' Something along those lines I'm sure, but nevertheless disappearing into myth is no way for a ruler to act, though the age of my brothers and sisters has passed I look forward to the day I live again. To the day I set forth to claim my rightful place as ruler of the land. To the day where humans quake at the mere sight of my magnificence. To the day I rain fire down from the heavens of the insolent! I WILL LIVE AGAIN!

...Yes, I will live once again, to feel the wind and warmth of the sun against my body. My time will come, I must be patient as patience is all I have anymore. Strange, I feel so tired, something I have become accustomed too in this endless expanse though the feeling is stronger than before. I-I think I'll just 'sleep' maybe I'll dream of my future life.

Dark, he was so tired of the dark, the dark was all he had ever known yet this dark was much different that he was used to. A faint sound reached his ears...a sound reached his ears! He could hear, he had ears to hear with, did that mean he had regained his body? Did that mean his aeons of waiting were finally over? Did he in fact live again? He decided to test this as he tried to flex...something, he felt muscles contract and pull taut as a limb bent in his direction. From the position of it, it felt like an arm, maybe...he couldn't be sure after going for so long without a physical body suddenly having one confused his senses. As he fumbled around in the darkness he manged to move himself right-side up or maybe it was upside down, with the absence of light it was hard to tell just which was he was facing or...not facing. A moment or two of stumbling about in the darkness he managed to right himself as he stood, barely, on his own two feet. Two legs what a strange feeling, then again what a strange feeling to have any limbs again.

Taking a few unsteady steps he manged to make his way to some sort of wall, it was cold and damp, with a few raps on it he was able to determine it was a rock wall therefor leading him to the conclusion of being in a cave. How he got into the cave, however was another mystery entirely, One thing at a thing at. a. time. Using the cave wall for leverage he was able to keep himself upright as he paced around the dark cave hoping to find a way out, or at the very least, some sort of light. A chill ran up his spine, a small grin formed on his lips at that thought, despite being surprised though it hinted to him that there was an opening somewhere in this cave. With the constant supply of dripping water, he was damp enough to get a clear directions of where the air was coming from, his slow shuffling began to steadily increase until he was in a full on sprint through the cave. Every twist and turn the cave threw at him he took with hardly any grace as his body slammed into the hard walls, but he pushed on nonetheless after the breeze to what he hoped would be his freedom.

Light, blinding light flooded through the cave and into his eyes, he quickly slid to a halt as he clenched his eyes shut trying to drive away the bright light. Taking tentative steps forward, he kept on his path towards the entrance and towards the light, once he felt the cool breeze on his body he attempted to open his eyes only to grit his teeth and shit them tight once again. Shaking his head slightly he raised his arm to shield his eyes as he tried once again to open them, it was bright very bright though it was painful the change was welcome. His eyes strained against the harsh light as he blinked multiple times before vague shapes began to form, though his vision was blurry he could make out more obvious shapes like trees and rocks. Though there was one thing that escaped his mind, it was in the sky but he couldn't quiet...oh. The shape slowly lowered down to a more reasonable level as he turned the hand...his hand over and observed it, Is this some kind of cruel joke? He frowned slightly as he looked down at the rest of his body, while stuck in his dark prison of sorts and desperate for an escape he didn't properly take note of, new body.

Moving over to a small pond by the cave entrance he was able to see that he appeared to be a young man with dark black hair that fell past his shoulders, in his hair he had streaks of a dark almost forest green color running through it. His eyes were a vibrant ice blue color, he watched as his face formed a frown as he continued to look himself over, opening his mouth caused his frown to deepen as he realized he now had human teeth. Pathetic, fragile human teeth, though his canines were still fairly pointed and sharp so there was at least that. Despite the startling realization of what he had now become he found it more strange that he was in clothes, nothing from his time, but modern-day clothes. This day just gets more and more strange it seems, he was wearing a black sweatshirt with a dark grey shirt underneath, he wore a dark pair of blue jean pants and a pair of what seemed to be combat boots. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he pulled his sweatshirt off and tore it to shreds, he began to pull of his shirt and pants and only stopped when he remembered that the human society frowned on public nudity.

Turning away from the pond as well as the cave, he turned and looked into the forest of trees before him, he couldn't be sure if they had actually grown large from his time or it was simply because of his new form. How irritating...Though he would have rather stayed where he was it dawned on him that his new frail human body probably wouldn't be able to survive in the elements like he was once able to. He begrudgingly picked a direction and began to walk in it wondering just what this new world held for him, at one point he had wished he had awoken in a place closer to civilizations, but then again it probably wouldn't have been a good idea either. Despite that the term struck him as rather odd, awoken, if that was what he could actually call it then why or rather how did that happen. How did he manage to end up in a slumber that spanned many centuries, but more importantly why? Why was he singled out from his brothers and sisters to suffer this fate and end up in this strange time, why was he so special that he was chosen to be here? Did he have some higher purpose to fulfill, was there something important he was meant to do? It plagued his mind and honestly upset him to think that he would never see again, but he put his mind at ease knowing that they were at peace and not trapped as he was.

His head snapped up when a loud rustling sound reached his ears, he eyed a bush that was close by that seemed to shake slightly, he moved past it but glanced back on it occasionally though it seemed to have stopped moving when he moved past it. His journey didn't bring him to much just more and more trees, it was strange the forests he walked through in his time were filled with all manner of creature and yet here there was nothing. The only thing that seemed to follow him was that accursed rustling sound that was beginning to grate on his nerves, almost as if he wished it upon himself the rustling started up again right next to him. Gritting his teeth he turned to the bushes near him and on instinct shouted, "I demand that you show yourself this instant!" The sudden noise too him by surprise but much less so than everything else up to this point, he looked like a human it only made sense that he had the voice of a else would he interact with the wretched humans. His voice grated his own ears, being he wasn't used to hearing something so...husky coming from his own body, despite that the rustling brought his attention back to the bush.

The bush began to shake more violently before a black blur shot forth from the bush followed by another and another, soon a group of strange creatures surrounded him on all sides as he turned to gaze at the creatures. They held themselves much like the wolves from his own time but they were large much large, almost akin to the dire wolves he once saw, their fur was black a deep black that reminded him of that terrible abyss he was once trapped in. The beasts snarled and growled at him exposing their jagged fangs as saliva dripped from their gaping maws, over their head seemed to be some kind of bone plating that served as strange makeshift armour covered in small deep red etchings that seemed to vary on each creature. They snarled at him as they began to move closer, at least until a louder much more guttural growl pierced the air causing the others to stop in their tracks, he turned towards the sound as another one of the creatures emerged from the bushes though it was much larger than the others. The alpha...He could feel his lips curl into a mocking smirk, Interesting, the beast moved closer to him before lifting its forelegs off the ground as it stood on its rear legs towering over the other creatures as well as himself. The alpha was covered in more of the strange bone-like armour, it covered its head more than the others, it ran down its back between the large spikes of bone that protruded from its back. Those same bone spikes were on its forelegs, it made his curious as to just what kind of creature this was, he was brought back to attention when the creature snarled at him as he shot a piercing glare towards it.

"Enough with your petty threats tell me your name beast, I demand it!" The creature looked at him curiously but said nothing, this angered him, how dare this insolent creature ignore his demands back in his time every beast knew their place and knew it was in their best interest not to anger him. "I said speak! Or you shall face the consequences of defying me." The alpha merely huffed at his demand causing a low growl to escape his lips as he sighed heavily, "So be it..." A sudden sound caught his attention as he turned towards it, one of the beasts leapt towards him intending to attack him, a sudden rush of emotions ran threw him as he let out an animalistic growl before throwing his arm and as it connected with the black beast. The beast few back slamming into one of the many trees with such force it shook the large tree down to its roots as small chunks of bark flew from the spot of impact. The beast crumpled to the ground unmoving as he turned back to the alpha who had seemed to move away from him slightly, "I give you one chance, and one chance only. What. Are. You. Called." The beasts twitched eying their fallen comrade but again made no attempt to yield, "Very well, I will show you true pain since you insolent creatures have continued to defy my will. You will know suffering like no other when I-"

"Look out!" He turned quickly to the sudden shout to see a flash of red rushing towards him with a glint of something in their hands, heeding their words he dropped to the ground as he felt a rush of wind over him as the sound of metal cutting through flesh and bone echoed through the once silent forest. He turned over on his back, to see a sight he would never expect to see in his past life or in this life, a young girl clad in black and red carrying a hulking scythe swinging it as she cut through the beasts that merely stood there possibly shocked with the sudden intrusion of the child. She moved with speed that must have been unrivaled as she cut down the creatures without a second though, in the midst of the chaos one of the creatures stalked behind her before leaping out. He opened his mouth to shout his warning when a black ribbon shot out wrapping around the creature's neck jerking it backwards into the foliage as a gunshot rang out through the forest.

The battle was over quickly as the young girl cut down every beast that crossed her path, What a ruthless interesting. He pushed himself off the ground as the large scythe seemed to grow smaller before folding into a strange shape to which she hid it under her red cloak, she took a deep breath before turning towards him a large smile on her face her silver eyes shining brightly almost as if nothing had happened. Her eyes fell on him and quickly a look of concern crossed over her face, she opened her mouth to speak when she was cut off by a rather haughty, light but at the same time almost shrill voice, "You dolt, you should know better than to run off like that, you could have gotten hurt if we lost track of you!" We? An embarrassed look crossed the young girls face as she gave a nervous chuckle while scratching her head.

"H-Heh sorry Weiss I just got a little carried away..." A girl dressed entirely in white, presumably Weiss, emerged from the thicket as she brushed the leaves and branches from her hair. He sneered at the sight of her, she had a large air of arrogance surrounding her, from the way she talked to the way she walked he knew she was someone who was born of some sort of royalty. That fact disgusted him, royals such as her were one of the reasons he was disgusted with the humans, some were born into families of a large wealth and that made them thing they were better than just about everyone else and it angered him to no end with their attitude. The girl in white's eyes fell on him and those ice blue orbs gazed at him such contempt it made him sick as she looked him over, though when she gazed at him he was able to see a barely visible scar across her eye, How curious, but then it was gone when she turned her nose up at him before turning back to the girl in red. "Who is that?" The way she mentioned him in such an off-hand way like he wasn't even there set off a fire in his stomach as he intended to answer her when another voice rang out.

"Ah, you worry too much Weiss Ruby can handle herself just fine, right sis?" Out from the brush came a girl with a large mane of messy golden locks that came down to her waist, she wore...revealing clothes that didn't even seem suitable for situations such as these. Behind her was another girl though she was clad entirely in black, the ribbon he saw snatch the creature out of the air was wrapped around her arm, a large black cleaver like weapon rested on her back. The girl glanced at him with bright amber eyes giving him a curious look before looking away, he swore that bow she wore moved ever so slightly. The two new arrivals moved over to the others and began to speak, rather argue, amongst themselves for a few minuets wherein he was able to learn the names of the new arrivals. The girl with the golden hair was named Yang and the girl in black was named Blake, he liked Black she said few words as was possibly the quietest of the four which he instantly noticed and liked. They occasionally glanced over at him before speaking to each other in hushed whispers, he began to grow frustrated with the secrecy, if they wished to talk about him the least they could do was speak loud enough for him to hear.

Their whispering began to grow louder though he still couldn't make out what they were saying, but suffice to say their exaggerated hand gestures was rather amusing to watch. They suddenly fell hushed as the girl in white looked to each of them before huffing and stepping forward, the younger girl Ruby reached out to try and stop her, "Weiss wait don't!"

"What's your name?" She demanded, she looked towards him with that same look of contempt that sickened him to the very core, she was like every spoiled queen he had the displeasure of running into demanding things from anyone they ran across as they thought their title gave them authority. He didn't speak and she responded just as he knew she would, she huffed turned her nose up and stomped her foot, "I said what is your name, do you know who I am?"

He raised a brow at this outburst as he spoke, "I'm sorry I think you've mistaken me for someone who gives a damn." The look that crossed her face amused him to no end, she was shocked and at a loss for words it was obvious she never had someone speak to her in such a way...of course.

"H-How dare you speak to me like that after we saved you from-"

"Actually girl," He sneered the word as he spoke, "You did nothing of the sort, the child behind you is the one who saved me, and I needed no saving I can take care of a few disrespectful beasts on my own." He ended by turning his nose up in the same manner she previously did to him, she did not seem to appreciate the gesture as she stuttered out half formed responses as he face seemed to flush in anger.

"W-What did...h-how dare...who do you think-"

"A-Alright Weiss that's enough j-just go over there..." The girl in red rushed up behind the one in white and turned her around and gently pushed her towards the other two before turning back towards him sighing softly. She looked at him disapprovingly perhaps she didn't appreciate the way he spoke to her friend but the look disappeared quickly as it was replaced with that same large smile from earlier causing her silver eyes to sparkle. "L-Lets try that again. Hi, I'm Ruby Rose y-you met Weiss already, the other two are my sister Yang and her partner Blake, if you don't mind me asking what were you doing out here?" He looked down towards her extended before glancing up at her again, her hand seemed to falter slightly as he moved towards her.


The voice came from her sister and it sounded like a warning, though not intended for her, he glanced up and was met with stunning violet eyes that seemed to glare at him as he frowned. He extended his hand gripping the young girls shaking it, "Pleasure, as for why I could ask you the same thing. What's a child like you doing out here fighting these creatures?" Her smiled seemed to falter ever so slightly at the mention of child, but it was quickly replaced by that same smile as she casually shrugged and released his hand.

"It's kind of what we do." She said it in a way that suggested it was the most obvious answer and that he should have known. Suffice to say it only caused him to frown in irritation as he tried to calm himself, she was a child after all.

"I'm afraid I don't follow..." A look a confusion flashed across the girls face as she looked at him trying to determine if he was in fact serious when he said that. Though it was hard to tell when he kept his face free of any emotion it was utterly blank, Ruby frowned, Another Blake wonderful, she thought. She scratched her head as she half turned to look at the rest of her team but saw that they were busy harassing Weiss to be of any help, she crossed her arms as she tried to think of a way to explain what should have been fairly obvious to just about anyone.

" see," She frowned in contemplation as she made of few noises of frustration, "Y-You have to know what Grimm are though, right?" Again he just stared at her blankly though he turned his head slightly to gaze at the body of the fading Beowolves before turning back to her.

"Those creatures I assume?" Ruby sighed with relief before nodding her head excitedly, she was at least relived that she would have to explain to him what Grimm were, she didn't care much for learning them so she didn't want to end up having to explain them, she could leave that to Blake.

"Great you know what those are at least, well they have to do with us." She motioned to the rest of her team that now consisted of Blake holding Yang back with Weiss smirking from some sort of triumph. "It's our job as hunters to-"

"Hunters..." He sneered the word as a look of blind rage came over his face as he took a few steps away from the girl, "You humans are so desperate to have a multitude of hunters that they have taken to recruiting children into their ranks! Do they care not about the dangers you will face? Do they not understand they are shorting your life by sending you out into the wilds to face danger for them!" He gave an irritated scoff, "How cowardly have these people become that they send a child to do work they can't do themselves?!" The girl had a confused look on her face, clearly she didn't understand the dangers she faced, usually he wouldn't care if a hunter was sent his way he had no qualms with cutting them down but he would never end the life of a child. "And you..." This grabbed her attention as she jumped slightly looking up towards him, "How ignorant are you to blindly join them surely you must understand the dangers of being a-a hunter!"

By now the others had noticed what was going on and rushed over to aide their youngest, the girl with the golden hair glared at him her violet eyes flashing a deep crimson for split second, "Hey man what the hell is wrong with you, you can't just talk to my sister like-"

"All of you are no better, acting as slaves to those in higher power doing their deeds where they do not have the courage to do it themselves. Do you not see they care not if you fall in the field, that you are slain, they have many more to replace all of you, I'm giving you a chance to reconsider your choices!"

The girl in black quirked her brow, "A chance? What happens if we don't listen to you?"

He straightened his stance as he looked at the four girls before him as a frown appeared on his lips, "If you don't reconsider..." He looked at them all but he eyes fell on the youngest that stood in front of the other three as a quick flash of sadness washed over him, "I'll be forced to end your lives..."

Silence reigned over the group that stood facing each other, a look of surprise and fear were evident in the faces of the four girls. On the other hand, an empty looked filled the young man's eyes as he glared at the girls before him, if they refused to relent he would be forced to carry out his threat though he would feel no remorse for it. "What's your name?!" His cold gaze fell on Weiss who tried to return the same look but faltered as she averted her gaze, his eye caught the movement of her hand as it slowly inched towards her weapon.

"What does it matter?" His voice matched his eyes hallow, empty, and cold it was proof enough that he either planned to follow through with his threat or he had done this enough before to sink into that mindset.

"Please...tell us..." His gaze met silver eyes that were filled with a sadness so prominent that he could sense a feeling of despair welling up inside of him, if he did strike this child down he could at least find it in himself to be courteous enough to tell her his name.

"...Rodric, My name is Rodric."

"Did the White Fang send you?" He cast his gaze over to Blake who stared at him with hard amber eyes waiting to judge his answer.


The four shared a look before turning back towards him, "Rodric we're not going to fight you it's not-"

"Then you relent your position as hunters correct?" Again they all shared a look before the young girl look towards him with look of worry clouding her eyes.


She opened her mouth again to continue but he merely shook his head, "Then there is no need to speak of this subject anymore, I'm sorry it had to come to this." He watched as they all readied their weapons as he took a deep breath, slowly exhaling, he didn't know how he would fare in this fight but he refused to give up without a fight. He might not have his original body but he refused to give up against a few hunters, they slaughtered many of his brothers, if he fell by their hands then so be it but he refused to simply give up. They all readied themselves as they lowered their bodies or bounced on their feet as his eyes jumped from each one wondering who would make the first move.

His question was answered when Weiss stepped forward raising her weapon, it seemed to be a simple Rapier, she took a few tentative steps forward before dashing forward straight towards him. Her eyes were hard as she drew closer but she noticed he made no move to deflect the attack, no move to use his aura, or ready his weapon, or defend himself in general. The closer she got her resolve faltered as her eyes became soft as she slightly lowered her weapon, it was then she knew that she had made a mistake. As she lowered her weapon ever so slightly Rodric quickly stepped forward the blade barely glancing past him as he took hold of her wrist and snapped her entire arm around holding it at an awkward angle behind her. She cried out as pain shot through her arm causing her to drop Myrtenaster as Rodric stood behind her keeping a strong grip on her arm, "Is this what they taught you? To show mercy on your enemies when they show none to you?"

She struggled against his grip as he pulled her arm back further causing her to lean back slightly as she hissed out in pain, "L-Let me go this instant!" Even with her demand he could hear a tinge of fear lacing her words.

"Don't tell me you honestly fear death, isn't that what you hunters march yourself towards every day?" He reached around her and placed his hand across her neck gripping it tightly as she began to shake under his grip, "I warned you, I don't plan to spare any hunter." He tightened his grip on her neck as she gasped out in surprise and fear as he let a low growl escape his lips.

"Now Blake!" He jerked his head and saw Yang and Ruby standing in the same place but the girl in black was gone, he looked over his shoulder to see Blake rushing towards him the cleaver like weapon being dragged across the ground, as she raised the blade to strike at him he quickly turned putting Weiss between the two. Looking over his shoulder he saw Blake frown as she too faltered in her strike, he pushed Weiss forward before kicking her in the small of her back sending her forward crashing into Blake. As they crashed to the ground a series of gunshots rang out causing him to turn his attention to the other two, he was caught by surprise when they were both rushing towards him at an unprecedented speed. Yang reached him first as she threw her fist out towards his head, quickly jerking his head to the side a plume of smoke and fire shot out from her gauntlet along with the deafening sound of the gunshot caused him to stumble back covering his ear, though it seemed to have benefited him, as he stumbled back the blade of the scythe stabbed into the spot he was standing in merely seconds ago.

He shook his head as he swayed on his feet slightly, his sense of balance thrown off as his ear continued to ring, Curse this fragile human body. He continued to evade and dance around their attacks as the ringing began to slowly fade allowing him to move a bit easier now that he wasn't stumbling over his own feet. Though they appeared to be mere children it seemed they were as relentless as the hunters of his time, to many times their blades barely missed his flesh or missed piercing into his body though it was dangerous he moved as close as he could. He closed in on Ruby first intending to incapacitate her, as she swung her weapon he reached out and gripped the metal staff stopping it mid swing as he kicked her in the stomach and away from the fight. He lifted the massive scythe only to find his muscles straining under the immense weight of it, How could a mere child hold something like this. Gritting his teeth he gripped it as best he could, turning towards the others he was shocked to see Weiss dashing towards him, with great effort he held the scythe out in her path only for her to use her rapier to knock it up and away leaving him open.

Yang appeared in his peripheral as she quickly spun on her heel slamming her foot into his stomach throwing him back as he slid across the ground, flipping over he managed to right himself as Blake closed the distance as she swung the cleaver with ease nicking him here and there thin red lines appearing across his skin. He stumbled back slightly before pushing himself forward throwing his fist out only for it to be blocked by the broad side of the cleaver but it still knocked her enough to give him room to breathe. But then she disappeared, just vanished, he noticed movement in his peripheral causing him to throw his arm out only to be met with nothing. Again he saw something out of the corner of his eyes as he again threw his arm out only to connect with nothing, he growled in frustration until a black ribbon wrapped around his arm before pulling taut jerking his arm out.

Baring his teeth he pulled his trapped arm towards himself as he used his free hand to grab hold of the ribbon and pulled her forward as he turned pulling the ribbon harder yanking her harder forward before completely turning and throwing his foot out to slam into her stomach knocking her away, much in the same manner as Yang did to him. As she slid across the ground the ribbon on his arm fell loose as he stumbled back as they began to close in on him. A series of emotions flooded through him, but the most prominent was a feeling a pure blinding rage and unfathomable fury, he let instinct take over as he inhaled deeply feeling his lungs expand and burn. He threw his head forward opening his mouth as a stream of white flame shot forward burning the ground and surrounding trees to slam into the girls before him.

A moment later the white-hot flames began to flicker as he collapsed to his knees panting and gasping for breath. He did it, like he promised he would he struck them down for refusing to relent from their dangerous path, then why did he feel empty inside perhaps it was the fact that he struck down a group of children. His fingers dug into the earth as he frowned they should have given up, they should have quit while they were ahead, did they not value their own lives? He looked up towards the devastation he had caused watching the flames eat away at the greenery around him, why couldn't they just-

"Whoa what the hell was that?!" His eyes widened at the sound, as the smoke began to clear he noticed a strange shimmering glyph protecting the four of them from his attack, after a moment it faded as Weiss lowered her arm sighing heavily, "Quick thinking Weiss we would have been toast if it wasn't for you." Yang smacked her in the back causing her to stumble forward before turning and glaring at her.

" did you survive?" Weiss turned towards him and glared, she made a strange movement with her hands, a bright light appeared underneath him with the same symbol from earlier. In an instant he was launched into the air before he felt a biting cold strike him across his body. As he returned to the ground he noticed he was being held up in the air by smaller glyphs trapping his hands and legs as he struggled against them, "W-What kind of wretched sorcery is this?!"

The group ignored him as they began to talk amongst themselves ignoring his shouts and struggles, "What do we do with him?" Ruby looked at her team before glancing back at Rodric, "We can't really leave him out here he's a danger to others as much as he is to himself..."

"Yeah no kiddin' but did you see that? How did he breathe fire like that? You think its like his semblance or something?" Yang was pretty curious at that, though it surprised her that he was able to do something like that, not to mention it was pretty strong Weiss was barely able to keep her glyph together against that attack.

"Who knows it could be, but during that whole fight did you notice something odd?" The team turned their attention to Blake who had a concerned look on her face, "He wasn't using his aura to fight us, he was just using raw power, honestly I don't think he knows how to use his aura."

"Don't be ridiculous, of course he knows how to use it, how else would he be able to use his semblance then?" They others gave an unsure look to Weiss before turning to look at Rodric who continue to struggle against the glyphs, "Well what do you purpose we do with him?"

"We kick his ass of course!" Yang activated her gauntlets to emphasize her point.

"W-Wait we can't do that Yang!"

"Well what do you suppose we do with him then Ruby?"

Ruby bit her lip as she looked at her team before turning back to Rodric, "Professor Ozpin might like to have a word with him, after all he can obviously use his semblance without using aura I'm sure he would find that interesting...right?" The others mumbled in agreement, and much to Yang's chagrin she deactivated her weapons and agreed with her sister.

Though she pushed past the others and made her way over to Rodric who could only glare at her, "Well it seems like you have my baby sister to thank for sparring you from one hell of a beat down, but let me just tell you I won't hesitate to put you in your place when I get the chance." Rodric bared his teeth at her only for her to throw her fist out and have it connect with his jaw, his vision swam for a moment before he lost consciousness fading back into the black abyss.