Author's note: This is the first in a series of one shots that I decided to write for Luna, Hermione, and Ginny. I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think.

Happy reading!

The Proposal

Lumionny One Shot

Luna typed away at her laptop writing an article for the latest edition of The Quibbler. Hermione read from a thick law textbook. And in the middle of both of them in their large bed, Ginny scrutinized a sports magazine.

Ginny chewed her lip and glanced over at Luna. For once, her girlfriend didn't playfully chide her and steal a kiss for the gesture. She was too absorbed in her article. Ginny looked toward Hermione. The brunette glanced over and smiled before returning to her reading.

"We're such boring people these days." Ginny grumbled and she climbed out of bed.

The other two girls looked up. They were a bit dazed a moment from their respective work.

Hermione recovered first. "Want to do something?"

Ginny shrugged and walked out of the room. She stretched out on the couch and turned on the TV. She flipped through a few channels before Hermione entered the room. She stood watching Ginny a moment before she pushed at her feet and sat down on the end.

"Is there anything wrong?" Hermione asked gently.

Ginny flipped through the channels a few more times before she turned off the set. She rubbed her face and then looked at Hermione. "I'm going to try out."

"For?" Hermione asked. Somewhere along the way she began to rub Ginny's foot.

"A professional team. Some scouts are supposed to be at some of the games this season." Ginny sighed and closed her eyes. "And they may want to see more."

"And who are they? Where are they from?"

"All over."

"Luna, come in here please." Hermione called. She looked back to Ginny. "We need to talk about this."

"I know. I've been scared to."

Luna came in and leaned against the wall, still typing with one hand on her computer. "What's up?"

"Ginny may be trying out for a professional team soon." Hermione explained.

Luna looked up. "Sounds great."

"It won't be if she moves to the other side of the country or a completely different country."

"Right." Luna clicked around a few times and then closed the computer. She sat on the coffee table. "I'll be done soon, too."

"But my law degree is for laws mostly specific to California. I'd have to start over again in some respects." Hermione pointed out.

"We wouldn't all have to move." Ginny sat up and pulled Luna across the space. "If I even get hired… no matter where I go, I'll start out alone to even see if it works out. All sorts of things could happen, I could be injured, I could somehow not be the right fit…"

"We'll hope for the best." Luna said.

Ginny nodded. "And I'll hope for somewhere close. There are teams all over California and up the coast. A few hours driving is much better than the hassle of plane rides."

Luna kissed her cheek.

Hermione said softly, "Know that we love you, Ginny. And that we support any decision you need to make about your career."

"Thank you. I love you both, too." She kissed Hermione. "Let's…" She didn't finish. Was she sure she even meant the thought. She took a deep breath and tried again. "What if we got married?"

Luna giggled. "That would be awesome."

Hermione smiled. "I know some ways we can make it completely legal, too. Yeah, let's do it."

"Are you sure?" Ginny looked between them.

"I'm all for it!" Luna exclaimed.

Hermione shrugged. "Why not? So in case you do go and get yourself injured in your first week on a professional team, we can take care of you."


"But nothing too involved." Hermione stood. "I have a law degree to finish."

"I can do all the planning." Luna suggested.

Hermione and Ginny exchanged a dubious look.

Ginny patted Luna's hand. "Lu, honey, darling, dear, love of my life, center of my universe, I say this with the greatest adoration for you: not a snowball's chance in Hell."

"And why not?"

"You planned Hermione's last birthday party in a haunted house. And mine doubled as a pixie hunt. We love you and your imagination, but we need to steer clear of the supernatural for this. It's already going to be hard enough for all our families that a three-bride-wedding is happening. We don't need to add nyads into it."

"Well, not unless we're near some source of fresh water." Luna sighed. "Okay."

"We'll sit and talk it out and decide elements that are true to all three of us." Hermione suggested. "And if you want something whimsical and fun, we can mix that in. But you don't need to have complete control, babe." She leaned over and kissed each of her girlfriends. "Come to bed." She practically purred.

"Don't have to say it twice." Ginny popped up and scurried back to their bedroom.