Development for the show started back as early as 1979 when Britt Allcroft received the copyrights to the Railway Series written by the Reverend W. Awdry. And so production began around the first season of Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends, based around the first eight books in the Railway Series. As far as 30 years back from now, was it a success? If you wanna know my answer to this, read and find out...

1. Thomas And Gordon/Thomas Gets Tricked

And so we begin with the pilot of the episode and it just happens to be one of the best Thomas episodes ever made. It was a good adaptation of the original story and I would rather have this then Down The Mine as a pilot episode. I believe that this episode deserves a solid 10/10.

2. Edward And Gordon/Edward Helps Out

Wow! We come to the second episode of the entire TV series and it's just brilliant. A great introduction to one of my all time favorite characters Edward. It's another brilliant adaptation and a very clever idea to merge two stories together. It takes a lot of courage to be someone like Edward but there was one thing I didn't like. Since the Railway Series was out of order at the beginning, the narrator says that the other engines were all bigger than Edward and boasted about it, especially Thomas, who happens to be very good friends with Edward? It makes sense that he was there with the other engines as their station pilot but the narrator could have said that most of them were bigger than Edward. I think this episode deserves a 9.8/10 because it just had that minor fault. Everything else about it was great.

3. The Sad Story Of Henry/Come Out, Henry!

A bit of a step down from the last two episodes but not by that much. I have nothing against the Reverend W. Awdry's stories and it's another faithful adaptation but I feel that this episode could've gone better with more action throughout. I do feel that it was harsh of The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt to consequence Henry the way he did and it just struck me in the UK version to think how he would be there for always and always and always. Overall, I still think it's a pretty good episode so I'll give a 9/10.

4. Edward, Gordon And Henry/Henry To The Rescue

This one was kind of an improvement. Everyone's in character, especially Gordon while we see that his pride gets the better of him. If there's something I don't like about the character development of the big engines, it's always how they see Edward as old and unreliable, no matter how many times he has to prove himself but it seems realistic that Edward and Henry would only be able to pull the express together. Overall, I think it's a 9.5/10 for me.

5. Thomas' Train/A Big Day For Thomas

Meh. I've seen better. It's a very faithful adaptation and I do love Thomas' theme music in this season. It reminds me of happy things. Despite the moral of patience being used perfectly in this episode, I do feel sorry for Thomas and how he is looked down upon by the big engines. I guess it's an 8.8/10 for me. It was very enjoyable compared some episodes we've started seeing in the 1990s.

6. Thomas And The Trucks/Trouble For Thomas

Now this is more like it. I haven't seen episode this good since Edward And Gordon/Edward Helps Out. Rumor has it a little have been going around that Edward being one of the engines cross with Thomas at the beginning was a visual mistake forgiven by the sign of the show's early stages but any engine would be annoyed with Thomas by how he was behaving at the beginning. Ah well, that's not really important. What is, however, is the episode itself. It's another favorite for me. The music is top notch and the shots of Thomas rolling down Gordon's Hill are very good. I do feel that they done better model work on the trucks/freight cars like how they did with the succeeding season. On the whole, it's always worth the watch and I do feel that it deserves a 9.6/10.

7. Thomas And The Breakdown Train/Thomas Saves The Day

This a good step and an improvement. It's a great adaptation and finally, after several cameos throughout the previous episodes, we are properly introduced to James. Thomas' courage is great and it's nice to see how he becomes really useful and earns some sort of respect from the big engines. It could, though, whether or not Thomas came back for the breakdown train or not. It's an excellent watch and that's why I think it deserves a solid 10/10.

8. James And The Coaches/James Learns A Lesson

Here is where we get to know the character James a little better. His personality is shown and his theme in this episode is great. There was a small nitpick though. It stated that James could well remember that dreadful accident on his first day but he's been on Sodor longer then the events of the last episode. Also, James could've learnt from his first telling off from The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt from he behaved towards the coaches and I did feel sorry for him at the end, knowing what the consequences of his misadventure in this episode would lead too. So therefore it's a 9.4/10 for me.

9. Troublesome Trucks/Foolish Freight Cars

A much better episode here. I loved James' triumphant theme for it suits the storyline of James' courage well and it's nice to see how much James has learnt from the events of the last episode. Though I don't get why Thomas was shunting James' trucks when he was supposed to be on his branch line. Surely one of the big engines could have taken his place since they tease James in the next episode. It's a 9.8/10 for me. It was that good in my opinion.

10. James and The Express/A Proud Day For James

Wow! Another episode adapted to perfection! James' personality is great and it's nice to see, yet again, how Gordon's arrogance gets the better of him. This episode showed some railway realism about signals and it started a friendly rivalry between James and Gordon which would carry on later in the series. I don't think you guys would know what I'm talking about there. But I think this deserves yet another 10/10.

11. Thomas And The Guard/Thomas And The Conductor

And now we come to the Tank Engine Thomas Again adaptation where we explore more of Thomas on his branch line and as a start, it is adapted perfectly. I love Thomas' theme and both narrators do a great job. However, like I said before, I have against the Reverend W. Awdry's stories or how he developed the characters but...don't you think Thomas would've heard Annie and Clarabel while going at that speed? Anyway, it's still a pretty good episode and that's why I think it deserves a 9.1/10.

12. Thomas Goes Fishing

Now, this is a pretty good way to continue the adventures of Thomas on his branch line. This is where Thomas discovers his dislike for fish and well...I don't if I have much more to say about this episode. It's very well adapted and I just feel it's always worth the watch. That's why I think this deserves a 9.9/10.

13. Thomas, Terrence And The Snow/Terrence The Tractor

I never liked Thomas' attitude towards Terrence in this episode. Again, no offense to the Reverend W. Awdry. He was a great man who wrote great stories that became successful enough to be put on television but I feel that Thomas kind of takes on the personality of either Gordon or James in this episode would and I always felt sorry for Terrence. Other then that, it's always a great watch for me and perfectly adapted. That's why it's a 9.3/10 for me.

14. Thomas And Bertie/Thomas And Bertie's Great Race

This had always been a favorite of mine ever since I was a child. Bertie's theme is spot on, the narration is very enthusiastic and it has a nice simple plot that introduces a road vs. rail theme. So it's a solid 10/10 for me. I know you guys would probably agree with me on this one.

15. Tenders And Turntables

Hmm...this was a nice one. It was faithful to the original story but there was a major problem with this and I think you guys might know what I'm talking about. Britt Allcroft wanted to produce 26 episodes for this season and for Henry And The Elephant being the first episode not to be adapted in RWS order, I must say I am quite disappointed. It really seemed like Henry went on strike for no odd reason because nothing that bad happened to him. It was a good watch but I would've definitely had Henry And The Elephant before this one. Ah well. You can't have it all, right? Anyway, it's a 9.1/10 for me. It was pretty good besides the major fault with how it was adapted.

16. Trouble In The Shed

Now here is an awesome episode. The moral about doing what you are told and how consequences may be severe is perfect concerning the big engines. Although, I do feel that James is sort of a hypocrite for saying that Edward has black wheels. We are introduced to Percy and his personality to start with is great. I also love how his theme is handled in this episode. It's nice and peaceful but there was one little nitpick: why were all the engines at the workshop covered and could it have been the wind that blew the covers off Percy? Who knows. Anyway, it's a 9.9/10 for me. It was that enjoyable in my opinion.

17. Percy Runs Away

And so we come to the end of the Troublesome Engines Trilogy or should been a quadrilogy? Enough about that. Anyway, it's another great watch for me. We expand upon the character Percy and it's actually the most development we see from the character throughout the whole season or in Awdry's case until the Percy The Small Engine book. The near collision between Percy and Gordon was exhilarating and the music was done perfectly. Overall, it's a 9.8/10 for me.

18. Coal/Henry's Special Coal

And so we begin with the Henry The Green Engine adaptation and would it have been for the series to follow the RWS exactly, the engines would've all been numbered by this point. Back to the episode itself, like the rest of the season, it was adapted perfectly but just a little slow paced. That's all. Some episodes in this episode have the same problem but that doesn't give me a problem with any of the episode. Overall, it's a great watch and that's why it's a 9.4/10 for me.

19. The Flying Kipper

Did I just find myself another all-time favorite? Yes, I think I did! This episode is regarded by fans to be one of the best episodes of all time and believe me, there's no questioning to why that is. The adaptation is to perfection, the sets of Sodor in the winter is beautiful and the crash, aw come on, that's nothing we've seen in our recent years since HIT took over the show and the music leading up to it was great. I know how many people think that the production was lazy from the looks of Henry's new shape but that doesn't really matter. Overall, it's a solid 10/10 in my opinion and I know how much you guys wouldn't beg to differ there.

20. Whistles And Sneezes

Hmm...this episode was alright. Not my favorite though. It was nice to merge two stories together but I feel that this episode would have gone off better with a little faster pacing, that's all. I don't have much more to say about and that's why I'm giving this episode an 8.6/10.

21. Toby And The Stout Gentleman/Toby The Tram Engine

And so we are introduced to the last new character of the season: Toby. While it was slow paced, that didn't mean it was a great adaptation. Toby's theme is great and the sets of his old tramway are great. A few plot elements do make you feel very sorry for Toby though and there is one visual nitpick: Toby has the #7 on his side before meeting The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt. The end of the story kind of makes you wonder about the events of the next story. Overall, it's a 9.2/10 for me.

22. Thomas In Trouble/Thomas Breaks The Rules

Now here is another favorite of mine. It was perfectly adapted and the new constable seems like a reasonable antagonist. Toby becomes a part of The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt's railway and the part with the butler is funny and memorable. Don't ask me why, I just don't take that part seriously for some reason. Overall, it's a solid 10/10 for me.

23. Dirty Objects/James In A Mess

Here's another great one. James and Toby are in character and begin some kind of rivalry. Remember, I don't like how the big engines, like James for example, constantly look down on those who are older and seem weaker. Ah well, that's no biggie for me. The crash with the music leading up to it was great and we do see a bit more characterization out Percy since his introduction. It's always worth the watch and that's why a 9.7/10 for me.

24. Off The Rails/Gordon Takes A Dip

And so we come to the Gordon The Big Engine adaptation and it's pretty good to start off with. While I do feel that Gordon seems kind of grumpy for some odd reason and this episode is a little slow paced, it's another great adaptation and it shows how consequences may happen depending on your behavior. I don't really have much more to say about this episode but it's worth the watch and that's why I'm giving it a 9.4/10.

25. Down The Mine

Originally planned as the pilot episode of the season, it's still a very nice episode which will remain always remain one of my favorites of the season. I know the story Leaves from the book was left out but that wasn't too much of a big deal considering that the plot of at the beginning of the episode links closely with the previous episode. Thomas' accident is based on a real-life incident from 1892 and the music leading up to it was great. The development of the two characters at the end always brings a smile to my face and both the narrators do a great job in that aspect. I was disappointed though that Paint Pots And Queens didn't follow because the 26 episode count. It's still enjoyable anyway and that's why it's a 9.8/10for me.

26. Thomas' Christmas Party

This is a nice way to end off the season. What's better to end off a season like this other than a Christmas episode. I don't have much more to say about this. It didn't really matter that it didn't stick to the original title. Overall, it's a 9.3/10 for me.

Overall Views:

On the whole, the first season of Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends starts off the show with a bang. We become introduced to seven characters who become part of the core character base during HIT's takeover of the season. It focused mainly upon the first eight books of the Railway Series and as a result, the stories are sweet and simple compared to the darker and more intense Season 2. The entire season is still a great after thirty years back as a history.

One thing I don't get though is the urgency to have only 26 episodes. I would have probably had 30 episodes instead and had Henry And The Elephant as part of the Troublesome Engines adaptation. After that, I would have adapted Paint Pots And Queens/Thomas Meets The Queen to continue after Down The Mine. Then I would have adapted Leaves/The Trouble With Mud and Percy And The Trousers/A Scarf For Percy to lead into Thomas' Christmas Party. Therefore we would have every story from the first eight books adapted for television. That would be cool, wouldn't it? An autumn episode leading into two wintry episodes.

Aside from that, this season remains in my top 5 favorites and that's why I think it deserves an overall rating of 9.6/10.

Top 10 Episodes:

1. Thomas And Gordon/Thomas Gets Tricked

2. Thomas And The Breakdown/Thomas Saves The Day

3. James And The Coaches/A Proud Day For James

4. Thomas And Bertie/Thomas And Bertie's Great Race

5. The Flying Kipper

6. Thomas In Trouble/Thomas Breaks The Rules

7. Thomas Goes Fishing

8. Trouble In The Shed

9. Edward And Gordon/Edward Helps Out

10. Troublesome Trucks/Foolish Freight Cars

Top 5 Least Favorites:

1. Whistles And Sneezes

2. Thomas' Train/ A Big Day For Thomas

3. The Sad Story Of Henry/Come Out, Henry!

4. Tenders And Turntables

5. Thomas And The Guard/Thomas And The Conductor