A/N: Thank you very much for reading this, this is my first published fanfiction. Not much to say; this isn't going to be a Romeo and Juliet story even if I refer to it a lot, and chapters will alternate between Lillian and Cam… and you're the best for reading this. Just saying. Enjoy!

It was weird, Lillian thought, how a bunch of adult farmers could be so interested in dating like teenagers. But there she was, sitting outside of Bluebell's lovely café, eating parfaits with her blonde baker friend Laney, gossiping over tea.

"And what I heard is, doesn't matter from whom, well... apparently Phillip likes me?" Laney huffed incredulously. "Phillip. Like…" Laney stuck a slender finger in her mouth, pretending to gag. Lillian laughed, and set down her tea.

"Of course he likes you, Laney. He likes pretty much everyone," Lillian giggled, tapping the surface of the glass table with her nails. "I wonder who he got rejected by this time. Reina, maybe? I think he was going after her recently." Both girls laughed at the thought of their hopeless neighbor, before the both of them went for another sip of tea.

The weather was often sunny in the town of Bluebell, and today was no exception. Spring was beautiful beside the mountain, Bluebell and its neighboring town Konohana knew it best. It was the same weather as just a bit more than a year ago, when Lillian had moved to the small town to start a ranch. It was the day Lillian met Laney, and most of the other villagers who would come to be her new friends, like the rancher boy Ash, the stable girl Georgia, and the flower boy Cam(Lillian first heard of him from Ash in passing, and until she saw her, Lillian thought Cam was a girl. She grew red as a tomato when she saw him, figuring out that no, Cam is not a girl, he is most definitely a boy). The following day she started to learn much more about her new town, the mountain, and the neighboring village. It was all very quaint in Lillian's eye, she was glad to have been able to move to the area and start her new life there.

"He'd try to date the Harvest Goddess herself if he could," Laney grumbled, taking a not-very-kind bite of her parfait. This brought Lillian out of her thoughts, and she went back to focusing on the matter at hand.


Lillian thought Laney's dating talk was a bit boring, to be honest. But she carried the conversation anyway, as friends should.

"I think the only reason you don't like him is because he's from Konohana," Lillian replied, raising a brow at Laney. Konohana and Bluebell stopped their disputes not too long ago, but with people like good ol' Laney, Lillian figured that it might be a while yet until everyone really got together. Miss Eileen hadn't even finished the tunnel yet, working all alone.

Laney didn't respond to Lillian's comment, giving a little frown and looking away as she grabbed her cup of tea.

"Don't be silly. I'm not- I don't don't like Konohana. I'm just getting used to us not being at each other's throats. It's easy for you to walk between the two towns, but if you grew up between a feud, it'd be a bit more difficult." Laney clinked her tea cup down on the china plate below it, giving a small sigh. Lillian felt guilty for making her friend upset.

"A feud between two towns? Kinda sounds like Romeo and Juliet," Lillian laughed, trying to get Laney to laugh. She almost succeeded, as Laney gave a smile.

"We'd be the cool Capulets, I think. And because you don't mind the Konomontagues, you'd be Juliet, I think?" Laney added.

"What? I don't want to die at the end!" Lillian fake-cried, giving a small burst of giggles not soon after, joined in by her blonde friend. "You should be my Nurse. Uh… Rutger and Rose would be my parents."

"They want you to marry Ash!"

"Ash? Oh my gosh…" The thought of Ash being the Paris to her Juliet made her laugh some more.

"So who'd be Romeo?" Laney asked with a smirk.

"Uh, Romeo?" Lillian paused, knitting her brows. She really didn't know who her Romeo could be if he came from Konohana. Or… even from Bluebell… did she like anyone here, boy or girl?

"I don't know," came Lillian's reply.

"Liar," Laney hissed playfully. "Tell me who you want your Rooomeoooo to be!" Laney demanded, grinning like a madman and staring intently at Lillian.

"I really don't know…" Lillian trailed off, looking down at the table. As much as she pursued friendships, she had barely given a thought about relationships.

Laney sighed.

"Okay, whatever, spoilsport." Lillian heard the tap of china against china, making her look up. Laney had finished her tea and her food, and apparently, Lillian had finished her own lunch without even realizing it. Laney took her dishes as well before standing up. "You think about who you want your Romeo to be, missy. I don't care if you don't want to die, I want you to tell all your dirty little secrets. Is it actually Ash-Paris? Or Kana? You know I'd still love you if you liked a girl, right? Or, like… I'd still like you if you loved a girl. Either way works." Laney gave a shrug. "I have to get back to work, though. I'll see you later!" Laney said with a smile. Lillian waved as she stood up from her seat, though she probably stood there for a minute before leaving.

The sun was still out, it was a high noon on a beautiful spring day, and all the villagers in Bluebell were out and about or working their day away. Lillian passed the statue in town square and looked around, thankful for the friends she had here. She had friends. Some best friends. Nothing more. Lillian started walking again, a little bit slower, savouring the spring sun and thinking as she walked down the road, where she'd find the grand church and the path to her ranch, just a bit ways to the west. But she stopped by the church, not going directly on it's grounds, and just kind of looked at the beautiful flowers that were planted there. She didn't stop there for any reason in particular, she just wanted to walk and think. She'd go where her boots lead her while she was wrapped up in her thoughts.

For some reason, Lillian grew frustrated. How was she supposed to tell Laney who would be Romeo if she didn't even like anybody! She couldn't, duh! Can't she understand that?

Lillian had always been too preoccupied in the last year to even think about dating in Bluebell or Konohana. She didn't need drama while starting out her ranch. She was perfectly fine with hearing about the romantic endeavours of other people in the area, namely the multiple failures of the farmer Phillip.

Lillian thought that she could be Rosaline. Nothing happened to her, nobody cared if she got hitched. But another thought crossed her mind. Maybe she was a Juliet of sorts, and her story just hadn't started yet. If this was so, she was hesitant to think about who her Romeo would be. But one thing she was sure of was that she definitely wouldn't commit suicide for whoever her fated lover would be. They'd just have to suck it up.

Lillian shook her head, laughing at the thought.

A/N: I am totally making this happen :O