I know is been ages since i update but I've been really busy! This is the final chapter and i hope you've enjoyed this fic!

I think you're all amazing! Thanks for reading this and i hope you have a great Christmas! :) xxxx

Five years later

"Where are we going?" He asked as Kurt led them into a building that he wasn't familiar with.

"You'll see," Kurt said with a bright smile on his face. He took his hand and pulled him further into the building.

They walked all the way to a large front desk where Kurt signed in and then they went to sit down in the waiting area. It felt like he was taking a trip to the doctors.

"You're making me nervous, you're not ill are you?" He asked and Kurt shook his head.

"No of course not, I would tell you if you I was and don't worry, this is going to be good I promise," Kurt said giving his hand a squeeze. He allows himself to smile but his heart was racing, he didn't have a clue what Kurt was up to.

"Blaine Anderson," a women called and his head flew up.

"What? Kurt, what is this?" He said getting up the fear growing. Kurt stood up next to him and took his hand guiding him towards the women, before following her further as she left the waiting room and walked into a room close by.

It looked like a doctor's room but next to the bed sat tools that didn't look so pleasant. Kurt gave his hand a comforting squeeze as the women turned to him.

"So you're here to get your slave tag removed?" She asked and his eyes widened. He turned to Kurt who had a huge smile and he pulled him into a hug.

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" He said tears growing in his eyes. He was setting him free.

"I wasn't going to keep you as a slave a day more than I needed to Blaine, I love you so much," Kurt said and a tear fell onto his cheeks.

"I love you too," he replied as the women gestured to climb on to the table and lie on his front. He did as he was told and reached out to hold Kurt's hand keeping it tightly in his nervousness suddenly springing into his stomach.

"Don't worry I'm right here," Kurt soothed probably sensing his worry.

The pain wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be and the result was amazing, a bandage was placed on his neck and he sat up while Kurt talked to the women.

"Do you have his papers?" She asked and Kurt nodded before handing them over.

The women brought out a big stamp and stamped them before turning to him.

"Well, Mr. Anderson you are now a free man. I hope you have an amazing life," the women smile and he laughed turning to look a Kurt.

"Don't worry, I'm happy," he said jumping off the table and running into Kurt's arms. He had been waiting for this day ever since the day he started training and there were points that he was scared it wasn't going to happen at all, and then he met Kurt and everything changed.

As they walked out of the building he held Kurt hand tightly.

"I can't believe you did that for me," he said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Really? I've had it planned for a really long time," Kurt said and he stopped them before turning and pulled Kurt into another hug.

"I guess I'm not surprised that you would do something like this, I just didn't expect you to be able to keep it from me," he said and Kurt's mouth fell open in mock surprise.

"You have no idea how hard it was not to tell you," Kurt said giggling.

"I thought it might have been, but I'm glad you did keep it a secret even though I nearly had a heart attack. I didn't have a clue of what you were doing," he said and Kurt nodded.

"Yeah, you're face when she call your name. I thought you were going to run," Kurt said and he nodded.

"Me too," he laughed. "But you do know what this means, don't you?" He asked pulling back to look into Kurt's eyes.

"What?" Kurt asked and he smiled leaning his forehead on Kurt's.

"It means that I'm going to save up for a ring and I'm going to marry you Kurt Hummel," he said and Kurt's face lit up.

"You want to marry me?" Kurt said and he laughed.

"Of course I do you goof, you're the love of my life Kurt, I don't want anyone else," he said and crushed their lips together.

"I love you," Kurt said holding him tight.

"I love you too baby," he replied closing his and thanking anything and everything that he managed to meet someone as wonderful as Kurt.