As I became more aware of things going on around me, I also became more aware of all the pain my body was feeling. It seemed as though I had been run over by a bus; they put it in reverse and rolled back over me. Everything hurt. I couldn't really focus on one thought. It was like I was floating in space and couldn't concentrate. The darkness consumed me again.

The second time I was able to think again, the pain was still there, but it seemed to have lessoned some. Despite not being able to open my eyes or move, I was able to focus on noises around me. I could hear someone snoring beside me and two people talking in quiet voices.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"Her mind has shut off to help her cope with the trauma she has experienced. It is giving her body time to heal. She will have a long road to recovery, in body and mind."

"I'm worried about Paul. He hasn't left her side for anything other than to go to the bathroom. This is the first time he has fallen asleep in three days."

That must be who is making all the noise snoring. After my brain made that connection, I drifted back out.

The next time I woke, I was able to squint my eyes open. I immediately shut them due to the sun that was streaming in threw the window and moaned from the pain it started in my head.


I moaned again at the load noise someone was making by speaking and rolled over. Regret came as soon as I moved. All of the pain seemed to come back at once. Tears immediately came to my eyes.

"Shhh, honey. Don't move. Let me call the doctor in to give you some medicine or something. Just stay really still."

That was so not going to be a problem. I don't think I was going to more for the rest of my life. I heard the person walk out of the room and quickly came back with another person, judging by the footsteps I heard. I still hadn't opened my eyes again.

"Ms. Henderson, I am happy to hear that you are awake. Paul came and told us that you are in quite a bit of pain. Before I can give you any pain medication, I am going to have to examine you. It will likely be uncomfortable, and I'm sorry for that. Can you please open your eyes for me?" All of this was said in a quiet voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Paul and a man in a green button-down shirt and khakis. I assumed he was the doctor from the reservation hospital.

"There we are. Glad to see your eyes open young lady. I am going to need to shine this light in your eyes. Please keep your eyes on my finger." As he said this, the doctor held his finger up and shined the small flashlight into my eyes. It immediately brought back the sharp pain and I made a pathetic whimpering sound.

"Is this really necessary! She is obviously in pain. Just give her some pain pills!" Paul angrily said to the man that was causing my current pain.

"Yes, it is quite necessary if I am to give Ms. Henderson any pain medication. I need to be able to tell if she has sustained any brain damage. I realize this is upsetting for you Paul, but let me do my job," the doctor quickly, but firmly, replied in a calm, even voice. He thankfully seemed satisfied with my brain by that point as he took the light away. "Ms. Henderson, I am going to need to examine the rest of you now and you will need to take your shirt and pants off for me. Would you be more comfortable if I brought in Ms. Young to sit with you?"

I immediately froze up. In the past couple of days, I had been naked enough. I also did not know this man at all. There was no way I was going to be comfortable alone with him. I cleared my throat and whispered out, "Is that really necessary doctor? I think I will be okay in a couple of days. There really is no need for you to examine the rest of me."

As I was saying this, the doctor got a strange look on his face, almost like a mixture between sadness and pity. "Ms. Henderson, you have been unconscious for 8 days now. It is imperative for me to check you over in order to ensure you are okay."

As soon as he said this, I stared to panic. How had I missed 8 days? Rick was going to be furious! I didn't even want to think about what he would do once he found me. As breathing became more difficult, Paul slowly walked over to me.

"Ella, I am just going to sit behind you. Okay sweetheart?" Paul slowly maneuvered his body so he was sitting right behind me on the bed with my back touching his chest. He hesitantly put his arms around me, lightly holding me to him. "Just take slow breaths with me, okay Ell? Just breathe with me."

As Paul continued to whisper in my ear, I slowly calmed down and was able to breath again. I really didn't want to get examined by this stranger but knew he was not leaving until the job was done.

"Can Paul stay in here with me?" I asked looking back at Paul with pleading eyes.

Paul immediately responded, "Whatever you want Ell." Confident that I was able to breathe again, Paul scooted out from behind me and sat in the chair conveniently placed next to the bed. The doctor instructed me to take off my top and bottoms and stepped out to give me some privacy. Paul closed his eyes and turned away, somehow sensing that I was uncomfortable with him looking.

I was feeling extremely conflicted. I wanted Paul to stay but couldn't handle the idea of him seeing me in such a vulnerable condition. I didn't even know why I wanted him there in the first place. Afterall, I barely knew the guy. I had spent a couple days getting to know him after being bullied by him all my life. Then I spend a week in hell and now can't fathom the idea of him being away from me. It was like I had to have him near in order to stay calm.

A knock came at the door and the doctor walked back in. He wasn't even anywhere near me and I was already panicking. As I started to pant, desperate to feel air fill my lungs, a hand slid in front of me, palm up. "It's going to be okay Ellie. I know your scared but I am right here with you. I won't leave unless you tell me to."

Glancing over, I saw Paul sitting, arm extended, with his eyes still closed. I don't know how he knew what I needed. I didn't even know what I needed, but that seemed to be exactly what I needed to hear. My breathing slowed down as I gripped his hand tightly. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the torment that would be the next few minutes.

"I know this is going to be uncomfortable. I will try to go as quickly and gently as possible. If you need me to stop just tell me," the doctor explained.

For the next 20 minutes he poked, prodded, bandaged, and covered any wounds or bruises he could find. I just sat there counting each second until it was over. Finally, after what felt like forever, the doctor explained he would go into the hall to allow me to dress again in privacy. I let go of Paul's hand and put my clothes back on. Letting Paul know I was done, he called for the doctor to come back in.

"Ms. Henderson, you have sustained quite a few injuries, but it appears that you will fully recover with rest and time. I will write up some prescriptions for antibiotics and pain relievers. I will explain to Ms. Young how to clean your wounds and change your bandages. In addition to the bruises, cuts, and abrasions, you also have a sprained ankle, three broken ribs, and a mild concussion. You will need to spend the next few days in bed resting and then only light, nonstrenuous movement. I am quite sure Mr. LaHote will do his best to help keep you entertained and comfortable while you recuperate." With that last statement, the doctor seemed to glance at Paul with a smirk on his face. "If you begin to feel worse, dizzy, or fall unconscious, please be sure to come into the office immediately. Otherwise, if you have any questions, feel free to call."

The doctor walked out, leaving me alone with Paul. I glanced over at him and saw him looking at me with concern. I quickly glanced away, uncomfortable with the attention. Not knowing what to say, we both sat awkwardly for a few moments.

When I looked at him again, he seemed to be struggling, wanting to say something.

I couldn't take the tension anymore and words just seemed to come blurting out of my mouth, "Where exactly are we?" I closed my eyes at how rude that sounded. He had done so much to make me comfortable, and here I was being ungrateful. Looking back at Paul, he seemed to be relieved that I started a conversation, not even minding that I seemed to have lost my brain to mouth filter.

"This is Sam Uley's house. He and his fiancé, Emily Young, live here." Paul seemed to be holding back something. I just continued to look at him until he continued, "This is where you will be staying for the next while, until we can figure things out."

Well, that certainly was not what I was expecting.