A/N: Wish I can keep up with updating regularly, lol. Anyways here is the Rose and Amy conversation you've all been waiting for! Enjoy and please leave comments to let me know what you think! Thanks!

Chapter 7

The Gelth café was an unusual addition to the line of stores and buildings on the busy street of London it was in. The street was lined with stores with flashy signs on the front or loud music coming out of them. The café was significantly smaller in appearance. Instead of flashy lights and decorations, the café had a small 'open' sign hanging by the door to indicate that they were, in fact, open for business. They had flowers and shrubs lining the windows like a sudden explosion of nature in the middle of the modernized street. Because of the significant difference of appearance, the café did not attract as much people as the other stores that surrounded it. "It looks like a place my nana would like," one passer-by observed. That was why it was unusual for a black Rolls Royce to park in front of the small café. The people walking on the street and sales representatives in other stores paused what they were doing and peeked.

Inside the car, a very nervous looking Rose looked outside the window towards the café. "Would you like me to wait for you here or come back, Miss Tyler?" The driver asked, looking at Rose through the front mirror.

"I'll probably take a while. You can leave me here, and I'll text you," Rose muttered, still looking outside. After a few minutes, Rose released a heavy sigh and stepped out of the car.

The first thing Rose noticed when she got outside was that Amy's car hasn't arrived. She's going to make me wait, Rose deduced.

Rose walked towards the café, opened the door, and was immediately welcomed by the smell of coffee and baked desserts. The bell on the door dinged when Rose entered which alerted the barista.

The barista was making foam for a customer's latte when she heard the door open. When she raised her eyes to look, she found her favorite customer walk in.

"Rose!" Gwyneth squealed, and almost dropped the mug she was holding. She quickly finished the foam, delivered the drink to the customer and ran towards Rose at the door and hugged the smiling teenager. "I can't believe you're back!"

Rose chuckled and hugged the excited woman back. "Oh, I've missed you, Gwyn! How have you been?"

Gwyneth pulled Rose to a table near the window and sat her down. "I'm doing fine, but how about you? Where were you? We missed you here!"

"You only miss my sordid tales about private school boys, and scandals of the elite!" Rose laughed.

"Well, you know how much I love boys and scandals!" Gwyneth responded with a chuckle, and without missing a bit she asked, "Where's your twin?"

Rose checked her watch. "I'm meeting her here. Well, she should've been here by now but she's making me wait."

The bell by the door dinged indicating another customer coming in and both Rose and Gwyneth looked to see if it was Amy. When it was just a stranger, Gwyneth stood up and said, "Well, duty calls! I'll get you some water after this customer and return with the menus when Amy arrives."

Rose sat there and looked at the passers-by on the street through the café's window. She thought about London constantly while she was away at Scotland. The boarding school she attended was far from the city, and they weren't allowed to leave the castle without giving notice. Rose never went to the city with the friends she made at boarding school, and told them that she preferred the quiet buzz of the country over the noise of the city. The truth was, Rose didn't want to be reminded of what she had lost when she left London.

She loved the city and its noise. She loved seeing hundreds of people walking and talking on the streets. Although none of her friends appreciated the tourists that flood the streets of London during peak season, she loved watching them bounce around shops and tourist spots. Her friends thought she was weird for thinking so but she just liked being surrounded by people, and being in a boarding school in the middle of nowhere was an absolute change of phase.

During her first few weeks in the school, she didn't have any friends. Everyone knew each other because they've been going there since they were ten years old. When they found out who she was, however, their attitudes toward her changed. Of course, Rose didn't appreciate the fact that they were only being nice because of who she was, but she felt extremely lonely and so she went with it. A month later, they've all become relaxed and started treating Rose like she was truly one of them and not like a princess.

Rose did have fun in the boarding school. It was hard for her to say good bye to the girls when she decided to leave but she did think it was time for her to come back to London. Not only because she missed the city, but also because she didn't want to completely destroy her already fragile relationship with her friends. She didn't contact anyone while she was away, and that was why she understood why Amy was having a hard time forgiving her.

Speaking of Amy...

Thirty minutes have passed already when Amy finally showed up. The people outside the café paused when another black car—a BMW this time—parked in front of the café. When she entered, she looked around inside and found Rose sitting near the window. Amy waved at Gwyneth and walked towards Rose.

Rose felt her heart beat fast. She was nervous, and she knew it showed right on her face. She wasn't sure how their conversation would go, and she wasn't sure if she could fix the mess she started. All she knew was that she wanted to have her best friend back, and her life back to normal.

"Well, this is nostalgic," Amy commented. Before Rose could respond, Gwyneth came with water for Amy and a pair of menus. Amy and the excitable barista exchanged pleasantries, but Gwyneth knew that she was interrupting a heart-to-heart and didn't stay long like she would usually do when the girls come to the café.

After Gwyneth left, Rose leaned forward on the table and said, "I'm sorry."

Amy leaned back and crossed her arms, looking at Rose coldly. "What are you sorry about?"

"For leaving," Rose replied simply.

"You make it sound like it was not a big deal," Amy replied coldly.

Rose sighed. "I know how much of a big deal this is, Ames. I know I made such a mess of everything, and I have no idea how to make it up to you."

"Well… what's done is done, Rose."

"Please, Amy, you have no idea how hard it was for me to leave and not talk to you everyday," Rose said desperately. "I was going through something and I didn't want you to be in the middle of it."

"I'm your best friend—Well, I was your best friend," Amy replied cuttingly. "I wouldn't have mind to go through hell for you. But I guess you just didn't care enough about me to include me in your life or whatever it was you were going through."

Rose's eyes became sad with her best friend's remarks. "I wasn't thinking, Amy. I panicked and left. I—"

Amy cut her off and asked, "Why did you leave, Rose? Hm? Tell me your reasons and I'll decide whether leaving was the right decision."

Rose flinched and looked everywhere other than Amy. Amy nodded in understanding and motioned to leave. "Maybe you need to figure out what you want first before apologizing to me. You're clearly still planning to keep secrets from me."

Amy turned around and started walking away when Rose suddenly stood up and grabbed Amy by the arm. "Please don't leave," Rose plead. Amy stared at her best friend, seeing the sadness and the desperation in her eyes. She turned and sat back to her seat.

"A whole year. You were gone for a whole year," Amy whispered. "Do you know how humiliating it was to call you at your place and to be told, 'Oh, she didn't tell you? Rose moved to Scotland!' I felt like a used toy, Rose. And before you even spout some bullshit about going through something, I was also having problems. My parents had a divorce while you were gone, and I didn't have my best friend for support." Both of the girls' eyes were filled with tears at this point. The hurt feelings Amy harbored finally coming out.

Rose wiped the tears off her eyes. "I'm truly sorry, Amy. I'm sorry for not being here and I'm sorry for not being the best friend I promised to be. I did something bad that could hurt myself and my family that was why I had to leave."

At the mention of the word 'family,' Amy's eyes went big. She now knew how serious Rose's issue was. Amy knew that when the families are involved, it was a matter of life and death. Amy leaned forward and searched Rose's face. "What do you mean by that?" she asked.

Rose looked around. Even though the café only had two other customers inside, and the two baristas they were friendly with, she didn't think she could discuss something serious in public. She leaned forward and whispered, "I can't talk about it."

"You can't talk about it here or you can't talk about it… ever?" Amy asked in confusion.

Although Rose knew she still owed Amy an explanation, she chose the easy way out. She said, "I can't talk about it ever."

Rose was known to be the worst liar in their group. So when Rose kept her eye contact with Amy steady, and forced her voice not to waver, Amy believed her. Rose could tell what happened to Amy but chose not to. Not because she felt like she couldn't trust her best friend, but because she thought Amy would think less of her when she finally finds out what she did. She didn't want to risk it. For now, she was safe.

Amy reached for Rose's hands and squeezed them. "It must have been incredibly bad if you can't discuss it with anyone," she consoled. All Rose could do was nod. "I'm sorry for being mean, Rosie," Amy finally said.

Rose smiled widely and stood up to hug her best friend tightly. "You have no idea how happy I am right now! I missed you so much, Ames."

"I missed you too, Rosie," Amy replied sweetly. "You're not going to leave me anymore, right?"

Rose laughed as they broke apart. "You'll need an army of Roman soldiers to keep me away from you!"

Amy laughed. "Now I'm imagining Rory as a Roman soldier."


"Hot. Very hot."

The two girls laughed and everything was finally back in place. Almost.

Spotted: Ames and Rosie out and about!

Yawn! I was preparing for a bloody fight but was greeted by a heart-to-heart. The two were spotted in their favorite café in London catching up and talking about Roman soldiers. Well, cat fights are always better with cocktails!

Now that our amazing duo's back in business, should we assume that things will be back to normal or are we going to witness more unexpected things? Hmm… I do love surprises!

Well, my beautiful readers, I guess we just have to wait and see!

You know you love me,

Gossip Girl