I've written fanfiction before, but never for Lost Girl, so I guess we'll see how this goes! This story is going to take place around 3x10 when Lauren decides to call it quits for a while with Bo. I'm letting you know ahead of time that I'm going to be making up some kinds of fae, so please don't comment saying one of them wasn't in the show.

Summary: Bo goes missing just after Lauren decides they need a break and the gang rushes to find Bo before it's too late.

"It's my turn to choose the takeout tonight!" I call out as I approach the door to Bo and I's little 'crack shack'. We definitely deserve a night in after taking down that stupid tickle-bang monster thing. I can immediately tell something is wrong when I bump into the front door and it creaks as it swings open. That's strange; Bo and I usually keep it locked because the creepy crawlies have a habit of trying to kill us at inconvenient times.

"Bo-bo?" I call as I walk inside. My heart skips a beat and I suck in a breath when I see how much of a mess the room is. There's not just the normal mess, dishes and crap everywhere, but things are thrown about carelessly and the couch is flipped over with a slash in one of the cushions and stuffing exploding out.

"Bo!" I call as I frantically search every room. There's no sign of her anywhere except for the occasional spot of blood splattered on a wall or the floor. I do the first thing I can think of and pull out my phone. But do I call Lauren or Dyson? I have absolutely no idea who she's with right now. No offense to Lauren, but Dyson would be the most helpful, so I press on his name.

Just before I dial the sound of knocking reaches my ears and I grab my favorite sword from a nearby corner to point at the intruder in the doorway.

"Kenzi?" Lauren asks, taking in the scene as she walks across the room towards the room. I breathe a sigh of relief drop the sword back on a table.

"What happened in here?" She asks in concern. I notice that there's a scratch on her forehead and her lip is busted, but her eyes look more guilty than in pain.

"I don't know, but Bo is missing." My eyes start to well up with tears when I say the words for the first time. She looks shocked and tears immediately begin to roll down her cheeks.

"Oh god, this can't be happening." She says as she runs her fingers through her hair. She's obviously not in the best position to help, so I dial Dyson and walk into another room.

"Dyson, I need your help." I tell him through the phone, my voice wavering in fear of what's happening to Bo.

"Kenzi, I'm a little busy right now-" Dyson begins to tell me in a very irritated tone.

"Bo's in trouble." I interrupt him, knowing that he'd stop and help Bo no matter what he's in the middle of.

"Where are you?" He asks, his attention now completely on the idea of Bo.

"Home. Get over here fast." I tell him before hanging up. When I walk back into the main room Lauren is messing around with some test tubes in the kitchen area.

"Do you just carry around a lab set in your bra or something?" I ask her. I walk over to the counter and lean against it.

"I know you're upset, so am I, but this isn't the time for snarky sarcasm. I keep basic supplies here in case of situations like this." Lauren tells me, never looking away from the test tube she's holding right in front of her face. Her eyebrows furrow and she puts the test tube down in a rack.

"The blood on the wall over there is human." Lauren concludes after the liquid in the test tube turns blue.

"Are you telling me you think a human kidnapped Bo?" I ask in disbelief.

"I don't know what I think. You need to give me a minute." She tells me in annoyance. She starts working with another sample of blood.

"Well, maybe this is a good thing. Maybe he was just a thief and Bo kicked his ass and she's out getting rid of him." I point out with hope. "I'll just call her." I say as I retrieve my phone from the table and speed-dial Bo. Two rings go by before Bo's ringtone chimes from the other side of the room.

"Shit." Lauren curses.

"Yeah." I agree as I pick up Bo's phone, which now has a shattered screen.

"No, not that, this is Bo's blood, and it's from over there." Lauren mutters as she points towards a relatively large pool of blood on the ground.

"Oh, this is not good." I say, pacing around the room in stress.

"Do me a favor and collect as many different blood samples as possible? Then I'll know how many people were here and if they were human or fae." She orders me as she hands me several Q-tip-like sticks.

"Yeah, sure." I'm glad for the job because I need to feel useful, Bo is out there somewhere and probably needs help and I don't want to just sit around and wait for something bad to happen.

"Kenzi?" Dyson calls out from the door as he joins the party.

"Bo's missing, now help me search for clues." I tell him as I swipe the little cotton stick across a splatter of blood on the wall and hope it isn't Bo's. Dyson quickly starts sniffing around the room like a bloodhound. When I glance at Lauren, she's staring at Dyson with an expression I haven't seen on her before. She looks almost relieved, or thankful, something like that.

"Guys, I found a shell." Dyson says as he rises from the floor holding a little golden cylinder that used to hold a bullet.

"We don't use guns." I gulp as I stare at it and make the connection between the tiny object and the pool of blood on the other side of the room. Lauren appears to have figured it out as well and breaks down sobbing.

"I'm going to follow Bo's scent, I'll call you if I find anything. Keep searching around here for clues and stay safe." Dyson orders as he rushes out the door, probably partly to avoid Lauren's sob fest.

"Doc? We're going to find her. Just like last time, we'll get her home safe." I assure her as I lift the couch back into its usual upright position.

"No, it's not just that. I was just with Bo earlier, and I... I.." I can tell that what Lauren is trying to tell me is hard to say, so I walk over and patiently wait for her to spit it out even though all I want to do is knock some sense into her and ask her questions about the last time she saw Bo.

"What did you do Lauren?" I ask her, giving her the final push to get her to talk.

"If that was the last thing I said to her, the last time I spent with her, I don't know how I'm going to live with myself." Lauren mutters as her eyes fog with tears.

"What did you do?" I ask her, now slightly frustrated and angry at the thought of Lauren possibly hurting Bo.


"Guys, I can't find Bo's scent." Dyson interrupts. Damn it Dyson! I turn my attention to the newest problem at hand and ask him what the hell he means.

"I can't pick up her scent anywhere." Dyson informs us. Lauren's mood instantly drops even further, if that is even possible.

"Well now that I'm back in here, there is one that smells kind of like Bo... but it's... off." He says as he carefully sniffs the air around him.

"What do you mean by 'off'? Is it her mom?" Lauren asks him. Dyson completely ignores Lauren's guess and continues searching. Lauren and I silently watch as Dyson roams the room taking in every scent.

"It smells exactly like Bo, but it's human." He observes, kneeling next to the blood that we've determined is Bo's.

"Um I think we would have been able to tell if Bo was human. I'm pretty sure she's fae." I can't help it, the sarcasm just slips out of my mouth instinctively, especially in stressful situations. Lauren quickly rushes over and puts a new sample of it in a test tube full of clear liquid. It doesn't turn blue.

"I don't understand this. Bo is fae, her blood would only give these results if she was too young to accumulate her powers..." The further Lauren gets into her sentence the quieter she gets. Dyson seems to understand and I feel like a brick in a room full of Einsteins.

"Remember that parasite that made you and Bo like teenagers?" Lauren asks him, already rushing back to the counter with more blood samples. I listen carefully and try to catch on to their theory.

"Are we going to have to deal with teenage Bo again?" I moan.

"No, this is bad." Lauren exclaims, pressing her hand to her forehead.

"Lauren, what is it?" Dyson questions as he tries to understand her scribbles of formulas written in a notepad on the counter. I stare intently at the doctor and motion with my hand for her to continue.

"If she had the hormones of an adolescent she would have had at least a trace of fae powers in her blood, but there's such a lack of it it's like she is a young child. Bo is completely and utterly defenseless wherever she is." Lauren explains as she begins pacing. "We need to find her right now."

"I'll go grab some weapons to kick Bo's kidnapper's ass." I tell them as I make my way towards the stairs.

"Kenzi, you and Lauren need to stay here, it could be dangerous." Dyson tells me just before I reach the steps.

"Did you not just hear me, I'm getting my weapons!" I say in disbelief.

"Kenzi, I'm going to go follow the new scent." He says before turning towards the door. I angrily stomp back across the room towards him.

"Oh hell no! I've been friends with Bo before you were nice to her, Dyson, and way before you started hitting on her, Lauren. If anybody should go after Bo it's me. I'm coming." I complain, probably accidentally being hurtful in the process.

"Stay." Dyson tells me as he practically disappears out of the room.

"You can't tell me that! You're the dog!" I scream after him. A cautious hand places itself on my shoulder and I turn to see Lauren staring at me with sympathy.

"I know Kenzi. You're not the only one who won't be able to breathe until she gets back. I love her just as much as you do." Lauren tells me as she tries to rub my shoulder comfortingly.

"That's not possible. I would never spy-bang her or lie to her about already having a girlfriend." I spit at her. Her eyes appear hollow for a moment before they fill with remorse yet again.

"I'm going to let that one slide because I know how you feel right now." Lauren says, although I can tell she's still offended and hurt. The look in her eyes makes me realize how much she really loves Bo, Lauren looks like only half of herself when Bo isn't around.

I even surprise myself when I lunge at Lauren and wrap my arms around her, sobbing like a baby. I feel like I should have known that Bo was in danger and come to help her, somehow I still feel like this at least a little bit my fault. I can feel Lauren's uneven breathing as she too begins to cry.

"We'll find her; we'll find Bo." Lauren tells me. I can't tell if she's trying to convince me or herself.

I hope you like it! R&R!