Hello everyone~! I wanted to right a fanfic for Kuroko no Basuke for a while so I decided to give this a shot. I hope you like it :D I appreciate all support. This is Kise x Reader- Don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters

It was a typical Thursday morning in Kaijo High School. You entered the school grounds and headed immediately for a small, secluded area in the school garden. It was one of the few spots you could stay without being found and disturbed by someone. As you sat down on a white bench under tree, you pulled out your favorite book and flipped it open to the place where you left your bookmark. Your (eye color) orbs flicked across the page, and you quickly became absorbed in your book. Just as you had finally tuned out everything around you-

-CRASH! A sudden noise startled you out of your reading. You clicked your tongue in annoyance and turned around to find the culprit, and found yourself staring into a pair of golden eyes.

A tall man with blond hair and a piercing in his left ear stood before you. Upon meeting your eyes, he grimaced and muttered, "Oh crap."

You twitched. How rude. He sees someone that he doesn't know, and the first thing that he says is, "oh crap"? Based on his attire, he was a year older than you, yet he had a terrible attitude. What was wrong with this guy? You glared at him before sitting back down on the bench and resuming your reading.

You felt curious eyes drifting over you, making you nervous and unable to concentrate on your reading. Cringing, you closed your book and looked up at him.

"Is there a problem?" You inquired, your voice coming out with less force then you wanted. Since you had a soft voice to begin with, there wasn't really much you could do about it in the first place.

The youth's eyes opened with shock. "Y-you don't know me?" He managed to choke out. You felt your impatience rising. "Why would I know someone I never met or spoke to?" you said.

At this, the blond looked relieved. He laughed and held out his hand for you to shake. "I'm Kise. Kise Ryouta. You are (Last Name) (First Name), am I correct?"

You ignored the extended hand and instead looked up at him. "How do you know my name?" You asked.

"Well, it's only normal for me to know the names of all of the girls in the school, especially the only girl in the school who hasn't come and asked me for an autograph yet." Kise smiled. "I appreciate it, though. My hand probably wouldn't hold out if I had to sign my name on one more thing."

As friendly as he seemed, you found his attitude somewhat cocky. You nodded stiffly, still ignoring his extended hand, and sat back down. "If you don't mind," you said, "I'm going to read now. Please don't disturb me." And with that, you let yourself be sucked into the realm of words once more.

The following day, you returned, as usual, to the peaceful area in the garden. As you read, you were once again interrupted by a certain blond senpai that had disturbed your reading yesterday.

"(Last name), what are you reading?" He inquired while peering over your shoulder. You promptly turned around so that your back was turned towards him. "(Last name)? I asked you-" You frowned and shoved your book straight in his face.

"Owww..." He muttered, rubbing his forehead. "You didn't have to be so rough, (Last Name)..."

"I showed you the title. Are you happy now?" You said, before returning to your reading.

"(Last name), don't you socialize more? You should go and interact with people more, you know," Kise said, sitting down besides you.

"Thank you for your concern, senpai, but the people in this school do not wish to talk to me, nor do I wish to talk to them," you reply, finding yourself utterly distracted from your reading.

"So cold..." Kise muttered. "But I'm amazed that you are able to keep this area so private. Last year, there was a gang that used to hang out here, since it was secluded and was the ideal place for a base."

"Keeping those people away are a simple matter." you say. "You just have to tell them a couple of words and they'll leave."

Kise laughed. "That's not possible, (Last Name). A couple of people tried doing that last year, and they got beat up pretty bad. There's no way that telling them a couple of words will make them get the hell out of here. So, tell me. How did you do it?"

Just then, a rumble of dust arose a distance from your reading spot. You watch as a large man approaches you with a small army following behind him.


"Oh brother..." You muttered. "They never learn..."

Kise looked up, frightened out of his mind. "H-hey, (Last Name), this situation looks pretty dangerous. We should get away while we can..."

"Okay, then as usual, I'm picking the game," You say, setting your book down. "Today we will be playing..." You think for a while. "Shogi." You pulled a shogi board out of your book bag, since you carried random things around for situations like this.

A half an hour later, the challengers were utterly stuck in a predicament where they couldn't win. The largest of them howled and overturned the board. "W-WE'LL REMEMBER THIS!" They screamed, running away.

You stood up and dusted yourself off, before picking up the shogi board and placing it back in your bag. Kise was watching, amused.

"You got them to leave by playing shogi?" He asked, smirking.

"Not every time," you answered. "The first time, we played a word game. Then a math game, chess, connect four, Janggi, Xiangqi, Courier Chess, Fortress chess, and so on..." You say, before sitting back down on the bench.

Kise whistled. "You sure know a lot of games."

You eyed him. "Games that require thinking are my forte. I'll be challenging them to sudoku or something next time..."

Kise laughed as the bell rang in the distance. "Well, then, I'll be seeing you around, (Last Name)-cchi~!" He said before turning and heading off.

You stared at his back as he left. "cchi...? What the heck...?"

"(Last Name)-cchi~!" A certain voice sounded outside of your classroom door. You grimaced and looked up from your book. Kise Ryouta had entered the classroom, causing a stir among your female classmates.

"Hey, hey, are you going to eat lunch now, (Last Name)-cchi? We should go together!" He said, smiling. "Where are you going to eat?"

"Wherever you aren't," You reply. You really couldn't make any progress in your reading while Kise was there. It's the first time you ran into such a troublesome problem. Usually, your cold attitude always drove people away from you. Yet Kise kept coming back again and again. Was he a masochist or something?

Exiting the classroom, you once again set off to the secluded area in the school garden. Upon getting there, your eyes widen at the sight you see. The hedge all around it has been completely cut, ruining the privacy and nature that it provided for you to relax in while reading. You let out a low groan. Great. Now you would have to go hunt for another isolated spot again.

Just as you turned to read, a large hand clamped over your mouth. 'What...?' confused, you thrashed against the large figure behind you. Then, a knife glinted before your eyes.

"You had better be careful, (Last Name)," the voice hissed. "You don't want to get hurt, do you?"

Great. Just great. You had to let down your guard when coming here and get ambushed by the stupid gang leader. And of course, this time he had to have a weapon.

"(Last Name)-cchi?"

You heard a familiar voice behind you, and your eyes immediately found the source. How wonderful. The last person you wanted to see you in this situation had spotted you. Kise Ryouta stood in front of the destroyed hedge, clearly shocked by the sight he saw. You watched as the surprise on his face was replaced with fury.

"What do you think you're doing to (Last Name)-cchi?" He growled.

'Oh brother,' was your final thought before Kise charged directly at the guy holding you, with his fist swung back. That moment, your self defense kicked in. You kicked the guy holding you and threw him over your shoulder, preforming a simple Aikido move. You dusted your hands off before looking up and seeing Kise still running straight at you.

"U-uwaa! C-can't stop..." He yelled out before crashing into you.

"O-oww..." you mutter, trying to get up, holding your head. Only you were stopped by a certain blond head resting on your chest.

Your face flushed as Kise got up, his face even redder than yours. "S-sorry!" He said, getting up quickly and running away, leaving you to sort out the jumble of emotions whirling around in your head. But the first thing you said when you sorted everything out was-


It has been a long time since you had played basketball. Pass. Dribble. Shoot. The fundamentals played over and over in your head as you scored a two pointer. Swish. You felt the sensation of bliss you hadn't experienced in a while. If you couldn't read, then basketball would replace it for a while. Both are simple ways for you to vent your stress and forget about the world for a while.

Your thoughts flashed back to the previous day, when Kise had fallen on top of you. At the thought, you turned red and you shot bounced off the rim of the hoop. Idiot! You thought to yourself. Don't think about it! You're taking down the barriers that you set up yourself! Cut it out already...!

"(Last Name)-cchi?" You turned around at the sound of your name, only to meet the eyes of a certain blond that you did not want to see.

"You play basketball, (Last Name)-cchi? Wow~! That's so cool! I play too!" He exclaimed, entering the gym and picking up the fallen basketball.

"Hey, (Last Name)-cchi, why don't you ever smile?" Kise asked, dribbling the basketball in place.

You found no way to answer his words. Kise glanced at you before continuing.

"You probably haven't noticed, (Last Name)-cchi, but there are a lot of boys who think you're really cute. 'If she smiled, she would be even cuter' they say. So why don't you? It's not like it's a bad thing, right?" Kise said.


"(Last Name)-chan~! What are you doing after school? If you're free, do you want to go to karaoke with us?"

"Ehh? No fair! (Last Name)-chan is going to hang out with us today!"

You smile up at the group of friends around you.

"Sorry guys, but my mother is coming home late today, so I have to go home and make dinner. Why don't you guys go on without me?"

"Aww, too bad... Let's go together next time, okay?"

"Sure!" You reply, before reaching into your bag and pulling out a book.

"Speaking of which," one of your friends began, "You know, Ayumi is planning to ask Souchiro out on Valentine's Day!"

"Really?" You ask, grinning. "Good luck, Ayumi! I'm cheering you on!"


"I...like you!"

You watched in horror as Ayumi's crush, Souchiro, confessed to you in the empty classroom.

The door suddenly slammed open, and Ayumi was standing there with a dumbstruck face. "(L-Last Name)-chan? I-I thought you said you supported me...I mean... Sorry for disturbing you guys!" And with that Ayumi ran away, leaving me alone to contemplate what had happened.


When you tried to approach Ayumi and your other friends the next day, the all avoided you. As you were in the washroom, the door opened and closed, and you heard Ayumi and your group of friends talking.

"(Last-Name) really is the worst, isn't she?"

"Honestly! Ayumi liked Souchiro first! How could she suddenly steal him away?"

"Girls like her really aren't cute at all! I bet that her angelic appearance is just to attract boys."

"Doesn't she understand that no one likes her smile? Gosh, it distorts her face completely. She looks like a warthog when she grins, ugh."

You stood alone in the bathroom stall as you listened to your friends laugh and exit the washroom, feeling an aching pain spread across your chest.

'If this is how a friend treats a friend, then I don't need any. If this is what romance leads to, I don't need it. If my smile disturbs other so much, than I don't need that either.' That was your final thought before you buried your past completely.

-End of Flashback-

"A smile..." you said slowly, "Is useless. There is no need to for me to express happiness on my face, especially to someone that is a mere acquaintance."

Kise smirked. "A mere acquaintance, huh. Even though you hang out with me like this, I'm not a friend. Do you even have any friends to begin with?"

"Friends are unnecessary. If something happens they betray you without a second thought. Getting close to other people will only cause you pain." As you spoke, you wondered why the heck you were telling him all of this. Considering the way you kept your thoughts bottled up for so long, it was probably a good thing to vent once in a while.

At your words, Kise stopped dribbling the basketball. He sighed. "(Last Name) (First Name), I don't know what happened in your past, but you should get over it. If you keep yourself so distanced from others, your future won't be very good."

You frowned. "It's fine. People are very strange. Half of the time you can't even tell what they are thinking. Books are so much easier to understand. They take you into a world where you can forget who you are, and you can learn about many new things. They are much more beneficial than making friends will ever be."

"You don't know until you've tried, right, (Last Name)-cchi?" Kise turned out held out a hand towards you. "Why don't you give it a shot? Being my friend, I mean."

You look up at him. "It's just...a trial, right?" You ask. Kise nods. "Yup!"

Slowly, you take his hand in your own. "Then, I guess it's okay." You say. Kise smiles triumphantly and shakes your hand. "Well then, we're friends from now on, (Last Name)-cchi!" Then he turned on shot the basketball into the hoop.

It was spot on.