-Hello, sorry this took so long. But here it is. Better later than never as they say. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!-

Gibbs and Amanda did most of the talking during the late lunch. Jenny was starting to feel bad. Gibbs and Amanda chatting away, little did they know they were father and daughter. Gibbs was smiling, a real smile, something he hardly ever does. Jenny saw what she made Amanda miss out on. Gibbs never got to hold his little girl after she was born. Gibbs could see how Jenny was feeling. He thought she desired it in away, keeping him from his daughter, but at the same time he had to fell bad for her. It wasn't her fault she got pregnant. She was doing what she thought was best. Although, it wasn't the best thing.

Gibbs could see something started to bother Jenny. Even Amanda saw it. Jenny excused herself from the table and went to her office bathroom closing the door behind her. She walked over to the mirror above the sink and looked that herself in it. Jenny decided there was no time better than this to tell Gibbs that Amanda was his daughter. He seems really happy right now. She thought it would be best to tell him when he was happy like this. Only God knows when Gibbs would be happy like this, probably never if she didn't tell him. 'There's no time like a happy, smiling Gibbs. Better now than when he isn't in a good mood.' she thought. "Here goes nothing." she murmured.

Jenny walked out of the office bathroom. "Gibbs, can I see you for a moment? In private." Jenny stood holding the bathroom door open with her back against it. Meaning she wanted discuss whatever it was in there.

"Sure, Director." Gibbs stood up. He walked over to the bathroom where Jenny was standing still holding open the door.

Jenny's office phone rang. "I'll just be a moment." She said, walking over to her desk. Seeing it was her personal line. She answered. "Shepard."

"Mr. Oshima," said a woman's voice," you are quiet lucky. Next time we won't hit the wrong target."

Jenny was worried and scared. Her facial expression alerted Gibbs. He walked closer to Jenny. Jenny knew that the undercover work they did in Europe might come back to haunt them and now it has. When she heard that one of the agents that Gibbs and her worked with die from a heart attack she was relived. "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number. There isn't any Mr. Oshima here." Jenny said looking at Gibbs.

The second Gibbs heard Jenny say that his heart grew with fear. Fear he might lose Jenny. Or he might die. Maybe both of them would die. He knew he had to keep Jenny safe. Not just because she's Director of Ncis and it is his job to protect her but because Amanda needs her. He dialed McGee. He walked over and gentle rubbed Amanda on the head. Amanda had no idea the serious in this. To her it was just another phone call that would take her mother away from her.

"McGee." Answered the young agent.

"Track the incoming call on the Director's personal line now, McGee." Gibbs said sounding important and serious.

"On it, Boss." McGee usually wouldn't just track the Director's personal line but Gibbs had that tune in his voice and he knew not to question it.

Gibbs gave Jenny the sign to keep her talking. He walked over and stood in front of Jenny's desk. Jenny stood on the right side of the desk, by the phone. She stood facing him.

"We know the truth. We will not by that lie. You don't have much time left to tell lies. I hope you have made arrangements for your daughter to be well taken care of after your death. Pity she was in the way of the shot. Such a pretty thing." Said the woman.

"You leave her alone. One finger on her and your good as dead. You leave her out of this. She knows nothing." Jenny said, looking at Amanda.

"Oh, we have no need to hurt her if she stays out of our way to kill you."

"Was that suppose to be a threat?"

"More of a warning if you want your daughter to live." Said the woman simply before hanging out.

Gibbs saw a little red light appear on Jenny's blue blouse, where her heart is. "Jen! Get down!" He shouted pulling Jenny to the ground. As Gibbs was pulling Jenny down they heard the gun shot and the bullet came through the window braking some glass and grazing Jenny's left arm. It was just a scape. Easy patch up for Ducky.

"Mommy!" Screamed Amanda in fear falling out of her chair and crawling over to them as fast as she possible could with the case on her right arm.

Jenny put her arms around Amanda, assuring her everything would be just fine. She looked over at Gibbs thinking, 'Well, the cat is out of the bag now.' Gibbs didn't seemed the least bit shocked.

Two agents, Agent Waters and Agent Cleaveland, were walking by Cynthia's office when they heard the shot. They drew their guns and came running it. Seeing the broken office window, Gibbs, Jenny, and Amanda on the floor next to the directors desk in cover, and some blood on Jenny's right arm, they crawled over to this uncertain if the coast was clear.

"What just happened?" Asked Agent Waters.

"Someone just tried to kill the Director." Answered Agent Gibbs. Although it wasn't just a someone or people like everyone has to think. Gibbs didn't know who was behind this but he gut told him that Jenny knew.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" Asked Agent Cleaveland.

"Yes, I'll be just fine. Thank you for your concern." The Director answered.

McGee came running in. He saw that no one has seriously hurt.

"What took you so long, McGee?" Gibbs asked his youngest agent.

"Boss, I have an address." McGee replied catching his breath.

"Go tell the team to get ready I'll be there in a minute." Ordered Gibbs. McGee did as he was told. "Waters, Cleaveland, watch the Director. Don't let her out of your sight. Take her to Doctor Mallard and have him clean her up." Gibbs ordered then walked out of the Directors office.

Jenny got up and followed Gibbs. Gibbs stopped, and closed the door to exist Cynthia's office. Jenny closed her office door.

"Three words: you're not going. They are trying to kill you. That little girl in there needs you. Ncis needs you. If you go there is a greater chance for them kill you."

"What about you? Do you need me?" Jenny asked, taking two steps closer to Gibbs.

"Jen, this isn't the time."

"There is no time like the present they say. One or both of us could die. Its our past that got us into this. No one but us knows about what we did. And in the circumstance only your team can know. Doctor Mallard and Abby can know on a 'need to know' basis. I can tell that little girl in there really likes you. I've never seen her take a liking to anyone that fast. She must unconsciously know there is something about you that is important to her. You are her-." Jenny was stopped short by Gibbs.

"Jen, I Know. I'm glad you decided to tell me before I would of had to confront you." Jenny looked surprised he knew. "Nice to see I can still surprise you. We will talk more about this later. When you are safe." Gibbs turned around and began to walk to the door.

"Jethro, the real reason I came out here was to say," Gibbs stops, he turns back and faces Jen, "stay safe. I would hate for Amanda to lose her Dad so soon after meeting you. After all she doesn't know you are her dad yet. And I know who is behind this."

Gibbs walks over to Jenny. "Who?"

"Svetlana." Said Jenny waiting to hear Gibbs go off about it. Svetlana is suppose to be dead but Jenny couldn't pull herself to do it. So, she let her go.

"What?! That isn't possible. You killed her over eight years ago. "Gibbs is now questioning the truth to that. "Or did you?"

"No, I didn't okay. I couldn't pull the trigger. I let her go. Huge mistake I get that now. Now, my love ones are paying the price! Svetlana has no limits for what she can or can't do to get me. She proved that when she shot through Amanda! She can do whatever she wants to me but don't touch my daughter!"

"Jen, I'll handle this. Don't go and do thing stupid. Your duty is to keep Amanda safe. Leave the rest to me."

Jenny nodded and Gibbs left. 'This is my fault. If I would have been able to pull the trigger Amanda would be safe. I am going to fix this', thought Jenny. She went back into her office and picked up Amanda.

"Yes, Mommy, before you ask. I'm fine." Said Amanda before her Mother could say a word.

Jenny smiled. "Is your arm okay?" Asked Amanda.

"Yeah, it will be okay. It's just a scape. Ducky will patch me up and i'll be good as new. Okay?" Answered Jenny. Amanda nodded.

Jenny and Amanda headed down to autopsy accompanied by Agents Waters and Cleaveland.

-So, whatcha guys think? Please feedback! I can't wait to hear what you guys think! Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure I spelt "Oshima" right. If it's spelt wrong please let me know is I can fix it. Thanks!-