Chapter 17: Chase the Wind

"Come on, Jack!" Hiccup called over his shoulder, a Gronckle hatchling tucked under each of his arms, Toothless walking next to him with a third hatchling in his mouth, "We're losing daylight!"

"This isn't exactly easy, Pushup!" Jack shouted back from the other side of the island as he tried to keep a small group of hatchlings moving forward in front of him, reaching out and hooking a Nadder hatchling with his staff as it tried to scamper away, "It's like herding cats!"

The three of them made their way down to the shores of the lagoon where the remains of the longboat sat, a large group of dragons gathered around it, ushering their hatchlings into the hold of the ship.

"Alright, that's the last one" Jack declared as he tossed the Nadder into the squirming, chirping mass of hatchlings in the hold before them, "Now what?"

"Now, we sail it home," Hiccup answered as he walked towards the ship.

"Sail it home?" Jack questioned, looking at the back of the young man's head like he was crazy, "I hate to break it to you, Teacup, but we don't have enough boat for that."

"That's where you come in," Hiccup replied as Toothless helped boost him up onto the deck of the ship, "I need you to make a bunch of ice all around the ship. Like it's trapped in an iceberg."

"I suppose that will make it float," Jack agreed with a nod, "But icebergs aren't exactly known for their speed."

"That's why we need this," Hiccup said as he grabbed one of the ropes dangling from the ship's limp sail and pulling it taut and tying it down.

"Using your powers we can make our own wind and sail this thing all the way to Berk in no time," Hiccup went on as he finished securing the sail, the washed out canvas dotted with small holes.

"Well, I can't say that I have a better plan," Jack stated with a shrug, "Let's give it a shot."

Twirling his staff in his hand, Jack pointed it at the ground in front of the ship before a burst of frigid air shot from the end of his staff and quickly created a thick sheet of ice upon striking the ground. Making his way around the ship, Jack encased the bottom of it in ice, causing it to sit a few feet off of the ground. Stepping behind the ship, Jack swung his staff at it, creating a large gust of wind that sent the frozen ship skidding across the ground and splashing into the lagoon where it bobbed in the water. The sudden movement caused Hiccup to lose his footing and fall to the deck with a cry of surprise as the hatchlings began chirping and screeching loudly in the hold below.

"Warn me next time you're thinking about doing something like that!" Hiccup shouted as he picked himself up.

Jack smiled and shrugged helplessly in reply before leaping from the shore to the boat, landing noiselessly on the deck.

"Everything ready?" Jack questioned as he rested his staff on his shoulder.

"As it will ever be," Hiccup answered, looking at the adult dragons as they restlessly watched from the shore.

"Alright!" Jack declared as he walked towards the center of the deck, stopping directly in front of the mast as he twirled his staff in his hands, "Hold on to something!"

Hiccup had a split second to grab hold of the ship's deck railing as Jack swung his staff at the mast, creating a gust of wind that sent the boat skipping across the surface of the lagoon. The ship lurched forward as the sail caught the wind, nearly knocking Hiccup off balance again. After taking a moment to regain his footing, Hiccup turned and glared at Jack.

"What?" Jack questioned with a laugh as he noticed Hiccup's glare, "I warned you that time."

Hiccup grumbled and rolled his eyes, prompting Jack to laugh again as he swung his staff a second time, creating a gust that sent the ship sailing out of the lagoon and into the open waters of the North Sea.

Glancing back towards the island, Hiccup saw Toothless and the rest of the adult dragons rise into the air, the sun glittering off their scales in a brilliant array of colors. As Hiccup watched them, the spirit-made wind whipping through his shaggy auburn hair, he noticed the flock start to turn in a different direction than the one the ship was heading in and a few of the dragons had started to turn towards them and roar in irritation and frustration. Realization striking him, Hiccup turned and looked at Jack, watching as the spirit gleefully and blindly battered the sail with blasts of frosty wind.

"Jack!" Hiccup shouted, catching the godlings attention over the howling of his gale, "Where are we going!?"

Jack blinked in surprise as he looked around at the open water that surrounded them before grinning at Hiccup and shrugging.

"I don't know," he admitted, "But we're making great time!"

Groaning and rolling his eyes, Hiccup stumbled away from the railing and grabbed one of the ropes holding the sails down and giving it a sharp tug. The shift in the sails caused it to catch the wind differently, forcing the ship to turn

"Follow the dragons!" Hiccup ordered, pointing towards the creatures in questions as their position aligned with their path.

"Aye, aye, Cap'n!" Jack replied as he gave Hiccup a mocking salute, earning another roll of the eyes from the Viking. Walking over to the edge of the ship, Hiccup leaned over and looked down into the open hold to check on the hatchlings. The infant dragons were more active than Hiccup would have liked, hopping and bouncing off one another as the ship skipped across the waves, sprays of salt water splashing against the ship and the ice.

As Hiccup watched, his blood suddenly went cold as he watched as a few hatchlings tumbled out of the hold and onto the ice. As he scrambled down from the deck, Hiccup watched as a baby Nadder stood up and began wandering towards the edge of the ice, shaking its head dizzily as it went. Hustling across the ice, Hiccup reached down and scooped up the Nadder before it could wander off the side.

Unfortunately, Hiccup's feet found no purchase on the slick ice. his momentum sending him sliding towards the edge with the Nadder hatchling in tow. As the two of them let out screams of fear, the Nadder began to beat its tiny wings rapidly, carrying it into the air as high as Hiccup's reach would allow, the young man's hands clasped tightly around the dragon's mid-quarters. As the Nadder continued to try and fly back towards the ship, it managed to generate enough momentum to spin Hiccup around and stop him right as he was leaning over the edge of the ice, leaving the Viking balancing precariously on his metal foot while his other foot kicked wildly in the air over the cold, churning waters beneath it.

With a final squawk of effort, the Nadder managed to yank Hiccup and itself forward, sending the two tumbling across the ice before they came to a stop with Hiccup on his back and the Nadder laying on his chest.

"Thanks, little buddy," Hiccup said breathlessly, patting the Nadder on the back as it tried to catch its breath, the other hatchlings gathering around them, chirping in excitement, "I owe you one."

"Hey!" Jack called from the deck, "What's going on down there!?"

"The hatchlings are getting too wild!" Hiccup shouted back, "If we don't find a way to corral them, some of them could fall in the water!"

"That would be bad," Jack surmised as he blasted the sail with another gust of wind, "Any ideas!?"

"I don't know!" Hiccup shouted back before a thought came to him, "Sometimes Merida sings to them!"

"Maybe that would work!" Jack yelled "What songs do they like!?"

"I don't really know!" Hiccup replied with a frustrated sigh, grabbing the tail of a Nightmare hatchling and yanking it back towards the ship, "They're Highlander songs, I don't know all the words!"

"Well, we've got to try something!" Jack shouted, "How do they go!?"

"I think one goes something like…" Hiccup paused as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to collect his thoughts, "When the cold wind is a callin'"

"Oh! Oh!" Jack exclaimed, "I know this one! I love this one!"

"...You do?" Hiccup mumbled in confusion as he looked up towards the deck as Jack began to sing.

"When the cold wind is a callin'," Jack sang, the winds around him amplifying his voice, "And the sky is clear and bright!"

"Misty mountains sing and beckon," Jack continued as he followed the dragons towards the fog enshrouded area near their former nest, pillars of rock rising out of the swirling cloud around them, "Lead me out into the light!"

As Jack sang, the dragon hatchlings began to quiet as they turned their attention towards the source of the music.

"It's working!" Hiccup exclaimed, watching as a few of the adult dragons swooped down and began to fly alongside the boat so they could listen to Jack's singing, the young man reaching out to scratch Toothless's neck as the Night Fury glided next to the ship,"Keep it up!"

"I will ride, I will fly!" Jack declared as the boat sped through the water, dancing between the rocks with grace and ease, "Chase the wind and touch the sky!"

"I will fly!" Jack continued as the ship skipped across a wave, hanging in the air for half a second, causing the hatchlings to squeal in delight as Hiccup let out a cry of alarm before the boat dove back into the water and went speeding along once more, "Chase the wind, and touch the sky!"

"Na na, nana, na na," Jack sung as the ship disappeared into the mist, the spirit's voice bouncing off the surrounding rocks as it was carried away by the wind, "Na na, nana, na na na!"


The sun had begun to set over the island of Berk, painting it with golden yellows and light oranges that were at odds with the evergreen that covered most of the village. A sense of cheer prevailed through the village, undermined by the feeling that something was missing. On a cliff that overlooked the harbor, Merida stood watching the horizon, her hands knotted together with a look of worry on her face, Varis perched on her shoulder, his black eyes looking out to the sea as well.

"How long have you been out here, Printsessa?" North questioned from behind Merida, causing the young woman to jump in surprise, having not heard the large man approaching, causing Varis to caw in alarm and ruffle his feathers. Recollecting herself, Merida turned to look at North before sighing and shrugging.

"Do you not zeenk you should be coming eenside?" North asked, a concerned look on his face, "Eet ees growing cold and eet ees being varmer eenside."

"Ah'm alright," Merida answered, wrapping her arms around herself and shivering while Varis puffed up his feathers to keep warm, "Plus, Ah think Ah've had enough Snoggletog cheer fer th' evenin'."

"He ees going to be coming back, you know," North said, walking up next to Merida and watching the darkening horizon with her, "Jack veell be breenging heem back."

"Ah know," Merida replied with a nod, "Why else dae ye think Ah'm standin' oot here?"

This response did not seem to cheer North as he looked back at Merida with a sad expression.

"I could go looking again, eef you vould be liking thees," North said, "Now zat ve are knowing vhere he ees, maybe I can be helpling as vell."

"Nae, North," Merida replied as she turned to face the Rus and lay her hand gently on his arm, "Ye've already daene more than enough."

North sighed and looked at the ground in defeat, not noticing the look of confusion on Merida's face as she turned her attention back towards the horizon, Varis giving a questioning caw as she did.

"Still, I-" North began to say but he was interrupted as Merida held up a finger and shushed him.

"Dae ye hear 'at?" Merida asked, her brow furrowed as she tried to ascertain what she was hearing.

"Hear vhat?" North question in confusion, "I don't...vait...da, I do hear somezing...Ees zat…?"

"...Singin'?" Merida finished, equally perplexed, "Wait a moment. Ah know this song!"

"Where dark woods hide secrets," a voice sang as it was carried over the whole island by the wind, "And mountains are fierce and bold! Dark waters hold reflections of times lost long ago!"

"Look!" Merida exclaimed, pointing at something moving on the darkening water as Varis cawed loudly and flapped his wings, "Saemethin's comin'!"

"Zat ees not all zat ees coming!" North declared as he pointed towards the sky, "Look!"

Looking in the direction that North was pointing, Merida's face lit up with a smile as she caught the unmistakable sight of dozens upon dozens of dragons flying towards the island.

"Th' dragons!" Merida shouted, loud enough so her voice carried across the whole village, "They've brought th' dragons back!"

A murmur seemed to go through the whole village, their curiosity peaked by Merida's call. Curiosity quickly turned into enthusiasm and excitement as, one by one, the villagers spotted the dragons returning to the island.

"I will hear their every story, take hold of my own dream!" Jack declared as he ran towards the front of the ship, balancing on the figurehead carved in the shape of a snarling dragon and thrust his staff forward, creating a gale that pushed their ship towards Berk, "Be as strong as the seas are stormy, and proud as an eagle's scream!"

"We're getting pretty close, Jack!" Hiccup shouted as he looked at the rapidly approaching docks, "Maybe we should slow down!"

"I will ride, I will fly! Chase the wind and touch the sky!" Jack continued to sing, ignoring Hiccup as they raced towards Berk, "I will fly! Chase the wind and touch the sky!"

"Jack!" Hiccup screamed as he gripped the deck rail tightly, the villagers who were now watching from the dock beginning to move away as a whisper of fear went through the crowd.

"Chase the wind! Chase the wind!" Jack sang as people began to run from the docks with cries of panic. Suddenly, the ship hit a smooth rock that was jutting out of the water near the shore line, the stone working like a ramp to launch the speeding boat out of the water and into the air.

"Touch the skyyyy!" Jack called as they flew over the docks and the surrounding buildings before hanging for a moment in the air, backlit by the red, setting sun as Jack held the note. Then, the moment passed and the frozen ship went falling back to Earth, Hiccup shouting in terror as they fell. The boat landed in the village square with a crash, the ice lining its bottom shattering, the impact sending hundreds of ice shared skidding across the cold, hard ground in every direction. The remains of the ship ground to a halt at the base of the great pine tree at the center of the square, the ship's boards groaning painfully as it came to a stop.

There was a quiet moment as the villagers rushed into the square before stopping a safe distance from the wreck. Merida hesitantly stepped forward, looking around worriedly for either Jack or Hiccup, neither of whom were anywhere to be seen.

Abruptly, Jack leapt from the wreckage and landed back on the dragon figurehead, smiling jovially as if nothing had happened at all, his staff planted on the figurehead with one hand while the other hand rested on his hip.

"Happy Snoggletog!" Jack shouted before the hold of the ship cracked open like an egg, sending the dazed horde of hatchlings spilling out onto the ground in a cacophony of squawks and squeals. A second later, the adult dragons descended on the square and the crowd cheered in delight as each of the villagers went racing to their dragon.

"Stormfly!" Astrid cried happily as he Timberjack slide over to her and nuzzled her with his nose, prompting the young woman to wrap her good arm around his snout in a one-armed hug, "You came back!"

Suddenly, three Timberjack hatchlings, each a different shade of green, descended on her wrapping their serpentine bodies around her in an effort to be the one that cuddled her the most.

"And you brought babies!" Astrid squealed in delight as she pulled the hatchlings closer while Stormfly watched happily.

Growling as he dug through the wreckage of the ship, Toothless reached down and grabbed hold of Hiccup's cloak with his teeth before yanking the young man up and out of the boat and setting him back down on unsteady feet.

"Thanks. pal," Hiccup said, patting the Night Fury on the head as the dragon climbed down to stand next to him.

"Hiccup!" Merida exclaimed as she crashed into the young man and wrapped her arms around him while kissing him, her greeting almost knocking them both to the ground, but Toothless was quick enough to steady them with his tail, "Ah was sae worried aboot ye!"

"I know, I'm sorry," Hiccup apologized, as he held her close, and buried his face in her hat-covered hair, breathing in the scent of her with a smile, "I missed you."

"Ah missed ye too," Merida stated as she pulled away before giving Hiccup a lingering kiss, the young man smiling dreamily as she pulled away.

"Hiccup!" Stoick called as he walked over, a bright smile on his face, "Son!"

Before Hiccup could react, Stoick reached down and wrapped his powerful arms around Merida and his son, the Highlander laughing joyfully as the Viking chief picked them up and hugged them.

"Oh, I'm so happy to have you back, son," Stoick said as he set Hiccup and Merida down again.

"It's good to be back, Dad," Hiccup replied with a smile as he looked around the crowd and spotted Jack standing apart from the others, smiling contently, "Though it wasn't without help."

"Indeed," Stoick agreed with a nod as he looked over at Jack as well, "Frost!"

His eyes widening in surprise, Jack turned to look at Stoick, as the chief made his way through the crowd towards him. For a moment after reaching him, Stoick merely stood over Jack, looking down at the increasingly uncomfortable spirit. Then, slowly, a small smile spread across Stoick's face before he reached down and put one of his large hands on Jack's shoulder.

"Thank you for what you did," Stoick said, his voice barely above a whisper, a look of sincerity on his face, "For bringin' back our dragons. For bringin' back my son."

"It's not a big deal," Jack replied with a deflecting shrug, looking at the ground in embarrassment, "It was the princess who figured out where they were and it was your son who figured out how to get us all back. I just did the leg work."

"So, that was you," Hiccup said to Merida as the two of them walked up next to Stoick.

"Aye, it's a new trick Ah've been learnin'," Merida answered with a shrug.

"Seems theres a lot of perks to being a magi," Hiccup observed with a smile.

"There are," Merida replied, smiling as she slipped her hand into Hiccup's, "But they're nae th' best perks tae bein' me."

"Oh gods, would you two get a room?" Jack groaned, prompting Merida to shoot him a glare.

"Jack, ye hae th' uncanny ability tae get under ma skin even when Ah'm happy with ye," Merida growled at him.

"It's part of my charm," Jack replied with a smirk as he lazily leaned on his staff.

"Still, Ah really shud thank ye again," Merida as he face softened into a smile, "An' daenae bother tryin' tae sell yerself short again. We wuldnae hae this withoot ye."

"Fine, I guess that's true," Jack admitted as he shot Merida a sly look, "But I wouldn't have done it if someone hadn't convinced me that I could be pretty good at helping people if I put my mind to it."

Jack's words brought a warm smile to Merida's face.

"What was that about?" Hiccup whispered as he leaned down towards Merida, smiling at the redhead.

"Ah'll tell ye later," Merida answered with a smirk.

"Yes, I believe this has been enough talking for now," Stoick said before he turned to address the gathered villagers, "Now, we go to the Great Hall to celebrate our Snoggletog!"

A cheer went up through the crowd as they began making their way towards the Great Hall, a few of the villagers reaching down and lifting Jack up onto their shoulders, carrying the bewildered spirit along as Merida and Hiccup laughed in amusement.


Night had fallen over Berk but the Great Hall was bright with light and cheer. The villagers laughing and drinking with one another as their dragons wandered about, watching happily as their hatchlings played and ate.

"Hey, Merida," Fishlegs spoke up from his seat on one of the many benches at one of the Hall's long tables, "Do they have any songs for the Highlander winter holiday? Hogman?"

"Hogmanay," Merida corrected with a smirk from where she sat on the same long table, her feet resting on one of the benches, stroking the scales of one of Boudica's hatchlings as it lay curled up in her lap while Varis sat perched on her shoulder, "An' yes, there are."

"Let's hear one!" Astrid called from her seat next to Fishlegs, one of Stormfly's hatchlings laying draped around her neck, fast asleep, "Teach us how one goes."

"Well, th' most popular ane is probably Auld Lang Syne," Merida replied thoughtfully.

"Auld Lang Syne?" Snotlout questioned from his position next to Merida, where he sat straddling the bench, "What the Hel does that mean?"

"It means 'Times Gone By," Merida explained, "Hogmanay is th' end o' th' year festival in th' Highlands, an' we sing th' song tae bid th' auld year farwell."

"How does it go?" Hiccup questioned, sitting next to Merida on the bench, his back leaning against the table and one hand resting on the young woman's knee, the other scratching the back of Toothless' head as the Night Fury laid it on his lap.

Merida smiled down at Hiccup before taking a breath as she started to sing.

"Shuld auld acquaintance be fergot an' ne'er brought tae mind?" Merida sung, her friends' attentions focused solely on her, "Shuld auld acquaintance be fergot an' days o' auld lang syne?"

"Fer auld lang syne, ma dear," Merida sang as the hatchling in her lap perked up while a few of the other dragons turned their attentions towards her, "Fer auld lang syne."

"We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet," Merida continued, her singing slowly catching the attention of the dragons and villagers in the Hall, "Fer days o' auld lang syne."

As Merida sang, Hiccup glanced through the crowd and noticed Jack leaning against the wall near the great door to the Hall, smiling at the young man.

"We twa hae run aboot th' braes an' pu'd th' gowans fine," Merida sang as Hiccup stood up and made his way through the crowd over to Jack as the villagers began to gather around his friends, Toothless following behind him, "But we've wander'd mony a weary fit, sin days o' auld lang syne."

"I thought you were done with this loner thing?" Hiccup questioned with a smile as he reached Jack.

"We twa hae paidl'd i' the burn, frae mornin' sun til dine."

"It still has its advantages," Jack shrugged with a sly grin of his own.

"But seas between us braid hae roar'd sin days o' auld lang syne."

"So, what's the plan now?" Hiccup asked as he leaned against the wall next to Jack.

"Fer auld lang syne, ma dear."

"What do you mean?" Jack questioned as he quirked an eyebrow at Hiccup as he pat Toothless on the head, "I thought you wanted me to hang around so that I could help with this whole end of the world thing."

"Fer auld lang syne."

"We do need your help with that, but we've got time," Hiccup replied, "I think there's something you should be doing before that."

"We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, fer days o' auld lang syne."

"What are you getting at, Teacup?" Jack asked, confusion written across his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"An' surely ye'll be yer pint-stowp!"

"Have you ever thought of going back to Arendelle?" Hiccup questioned solemnly.

"An' surely I'll be mine!"

"Are you drunk?" Jack questioned sharply, narrowing his eyes at Hiccup, "After everything I told you, you have to understand that I can't ever go back there."

"An' we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, fer days o' auld lang syne."

"Haven't you learned anything from all this, Jack?" Hiccup questioned in return, "You can't let your mistakes hold you back. You can't be afraid."

"An' there's a hand, ma trusty fiere!"

"This is different," Jack stated as he turned away from Hiccup, "This is so much different."

"An' gie's a hand o'thine!"

"Is it?" Hiccup pressed, stepping in front of Jack so the spirit had to look at him, "Fifteen years is a long time, Jack. She's a different person now."

"An' we'll tak a right gude-willy waught, fer days o' auld lang syne."

"What's it matter to you?" Jack said quietly as he looked up at Hiccup.

"Fer auld lang syne, ma dear."

"You're my friend, Jack," Hiccup explained as he reached up and placed a hand on the spirit's shoulder, "And my friends matter to me."

"For auld lang syne."

"You really think she'll forgive me?" Jack questioned, a look of hope slowly forming on his face.

"We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, fer auld lang syne."

"I've learned a lot of things over my life," Hiccup stated, "But the most important thing I've learn is that there's a chance you'll fail if you try something, but you're guaranteed to fail if you don't try."

"Fer auld lang syne, ma dear."

"You and your girl are just full of advice today, aren't you?" Jack questioned with a smile.

"Fer auld lang syne."

"What can I say," Hiccup replied with a shrug, "We like to help."

"We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet fer auld lang syne."

"Alright," Jack said with a nod, his excitement growing, "Alright! I'll do it!"

"You veell be doing vhat?" North questioned as he walked up to them, a mug of mead in his hand as Merida's singing ended, "Vhat are you two talking about?"

"Me and my buddy here were just talking about how it's probably time for you and I to be moving along," Jack explained.

"Moving along?" North questioned in confusion, "Ve need to be preparing for ze return of Pitch Black. Ve can not be leaving. Vhere ees eet you are vanting to go?"

"...Arendelle," Jack admitted, giving Jack a nervous smile.

"Arendelle?" North questioned in shock, almost spilling his drink in the process, "Arendelle!? Jack, you are knowing ve can not be going back to Arendelle!"

"Do you know that, North?" Hiccup spoke up, "Fifteen years is a long time. Wounds heal."

"And zey also leave scars," North replied solemnly before turning his attention back to Jack, "Eef ve return, ze king veell-"

"Th' king o' Arendelle is dead," Merida interrupted as she walked up to join them.

"Vhat?" North questioned in shock as he turned to face Merida.

"Th' king an' queen died when their ship sank coming up on three years ago," Merida explained sadly, "Elsa is gaein' tae be coronated soon, from whit Ah understand. Why are ye all talkin' aboot this?"

"Your boyfriend convinced me that I should make a trip to Arendelle, to see if I can make up with Elsa," Jack explained, "I was trying to convince North of the same."

"Hiccup's right, ye shud gae," Merida said as she turned to address North, "Though nae fer th' same reason."

"Vhat reason zen?" North questioned.

"From whit Ah've seen an' heard o' other blessed, Elsa is likely quite powerful in her own right," Merida explained thoughtfully, "Both her an' her kingdom wud be good tae have on our side if whit's comin' is as bad as ye say. Speakin' o' which, if Pitch Black truly has somethin' sinister in mind fer Jack, then he probably will be after Elsa too."

"We have to go then, North," Jack said, a look of panic on his face as he reached out and grabbed the sleeve of North's coat, "I can't let this...thing get his hands on Elsa."

"Ve von't be letting him." North said resolutely, "For ve veell be going to Arendelle to speak vith ze Printsessa."

"Great!" Jack exclaimed happily, as he turned his attention towards Hiccup, "I don't remember the last time I was this excited!"

"I'm happy I could help," Hiccup stated with a small smile of his own.

"You did a lot more than that," Jack replied, giving Hiccup a genuine smile, "I would have never thought of going back if I hadn't met you, Hiccup."

"It's…" Hiccup began to say as a look of realization crossed both his and Merida's faces, "Hey, you got my name right."

"Of course I did," Jack replied with a shrug and an impish grin, "What kind of jerk would I be if I purposefully got your name wrong."

Hiccup sighed and rolled his eyes, causing Jack to chuckle.

"Seriously though, thank you," Jack said, reaching out and putting a hand on both Hiccup and Merida's shoulders, "Both of you."

"Daenae worry aboot it, Jack," Merida said with a shake of her head.

"Yeah, that's what friends are for," Hiccup added.

"I like the sound of that," Jack said, hesitating for a moment before pulling the both of them into a hug. Hiccup and Merida were caught off guard for a moment before they happily returned the hug, Varis squawking from his perch on Merida's shoulder.

"Tell the others I said bye, will you?" Jack asked as he pulled away.

"Wait, you're leaving now?" Hiccup questioned in surprise.

"No time like the present, right North?" Jack inquired as he hit the Rus playfully on the arm.

"Da," North agreed with a thoughtful nod, as he set the mug he had been holding down on a nearby table, "Ve veell be needing to make a few stops along ze way, so eet may take us some time to get to Arendelle."

"All the more reason for us to get a headstart," Jack stated.

"Ah cannae believe ye're already leavin'," Merida said, "It feels like ye've only just arrived."

"The wind comes and goes," Jack replied with a shrug, "But it always comes back. Until we meet again, Merida."

"Until then," Merida answered with a smile and nod.

"I'm happy to see that Hilde's good traits got passed along," Jack said as he held his hand out to Hiccup, "I'm happy to call you my friend, Hiccup."

"I'm happy to be your friend, Jack," Hiccup replied as he shook Jack's hand with his burnt one, warmth and cold seemingly radiating off their clasped hands for a moment.

"Take care," Jack said as he patted Hiccup on the arm with his free hand before pulling away, "Sorry, I'll miss the wedding. Try not to get too wild on the honeymoon, we don't need you knocking her up just yet, alright?"

Jack laughed as Hiccup turned crimson as Merida glared at him, the spirit backing away towards the door as North stepped in between them.

"Do not be minding him," North chuckled, "You are knowing how he ees."

"Aye," Merida groused as she crossed her arms, Varis ruffling his feathers to match her mood, "All too well."

"Both of you be keeping up your training vhile I am away," North said, "And be zanking your father for his hospitality. Zees vas quite a vonderful holiday."

"I will," Hiccup replied.

"Thank ye fer all o' yer help North," Merida added, earning a smile and a nod from the Rus as he made his way towards the door as well.

"And with that, we slip quietly away into the night," Jack said as he opened the Hall door and stepped out into the night.

"Indeed, old friend," North agreed, closing the door as he nodded to Hiccup and Merida one last time, "Do svidaniya."

And with that, they were gone.

"This has been a crazy holiday," Hiccup sighed with a shake of his head as he scratched the top of Toothless' head again.

"Ye're telling me," Merida chuckled, "When dae ye think we'll see them again?"

"Sooner rather than later, I hope," Hiccup stated, a touch of worry in his voice, "I think we're going to need them for what comes next."

"Let's nae worry aboot whit comes next, love," Merida said as she looped her arm around Hiccup's and turned the young man back towards the celebration going on in the Hall, "Let's worry aboot right now."

"Let's," Hiccup agreed, smiling as they began walking back towards their friends and family, Toothless trailing behind, "That was a very nice song, by the way."

"Thank ye," Merida replied with a smile of her own.

"I think I'd like to learn it," Hiccup stated, "How does it go again?"

"Should old acquaintances be forgot, and never brought to mind?" Jack sang softly to himself, his bare feet crunching in the fresh snow that now covered the ground. Glancing up, Jack smiled as he saw great snow clouds rolling in from the North, snowflakes dancing on the chilled wind that ruffled his cloak.

"Should old acquaintances be forgot, and days of auld lang syne?" Jack continued as he began racing across the ground, his light feet leaving no footprints as he took a flying leap off one of the cliffs.

"For auld lang syne, my dear," Jack sang as he pulled up just before hitting the water, the sea water spraying him as he flew just above the crashing waves.

"For auld lang syne," Jack went on as he glanced back, smiling as he saw North riding Donner off one of Berk's cliffs and went sailing through the air.

"We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet," Jack sang as he flew upwards from the sea and pieced through the snow clouds that covered the sky, revealing the glittering heavens above. The moon hung directly in front of Jack, full and bright in the clear and crisp night air,

"For days of auld lang syne," Jack finished softly before dropping back beneath the clouds, leaving the moon floating alone, it's pale light lovingly illuminating the night.

A/N: And that's the end of this story. Hope you guys liked it, despite it being a bit on the shorter side! Thanks again for all your support, you all are the best readers and reviews a writer could ask for. Next on the slate will probably be finishing Seven Days in Corona and then starting on a small side story I'm thinking of naming The Legend of Gobber the Belch. Let me know what you think! As always, feedback and critiques are always welcome, so please review! Later!