Warm yellow sunlight of morning bled through the white curtains and spread through the room. A light grey comforter partially concealed a blonde mop of hair, the woman beneath's face expressionless, her breaths slow and rhythmic with deep sleep. A hand slid from behind her, over her shoulder, down her arm and hand, pushing the nest of blankets out of the way and resting gently on her swollen belly. She covered his hand with her own and whispered, "Sleep well?"

He propped himself up on one elbow, resting his head upon the heel of his hand, "Yes. I dreamt of you, like I always do," he breathed into her ear.

She smiled, and with her arm pushed her hair back out of her face. She stretched, yawning, "I really just want to go back to sleep. So many good dreams, so little time." She chuckled to herself, "But then again, living with you is an adventure all its own!"

"Oh, you know how I love an adventure," he gave her the biggest grin he could muster, his eyes lighting up at the mere mention of going on an adventure with this woman, his perfect flower.

"Quite right," said she, "Whole new world out there, and lives to consider beyond our own."

He helped her roll onto her back, and leaned over. His kisses covered her mouth and then he gently kissed her exposed belly, and rested his head upon it, listening to the little heartbeats within. "They're ready. It'll be any day now."

"A bit impatient?"

His voice softened, "It's been a long time since I was a father. Whole different set if circumstances now and it's exciting and downright scary. I just hope I'm good to them."

She rested her hand upon his face and lifted it to meet her own. Gazing into his eyes, it was like seeing the other's eyes- the wisdom, the years, the ages long past- but this was a different man, who was cast aside from the fast paced life from before and dropped onto a beach in Norway, with the woman he loved. He knew his existence was unnatural, an accident borne from war, but then this was his chance, once in the whole of the universe, to be human, ordinary. She understood what that meant for him, and seeing his eyes finally at peace after two years and truly happy, simply put, a miracle. She littered his face with kisses, coming to rest with her lips pressed against his forehead, "I love you. Help me out of bed?"

"Ah, yes, off to work then Missus Smith?"

"And you as well Mister Smith. In fact," Rose, with assistance from her husband, sort of scooted to the end of the bed to dress, "suppose you could drop me at the shop on your way? I've the new product line coming in and I should be ready when you're done."

John plucked his suit and tie from the top of the vanity, "I can drop my flower at her shop and then off to Torchwood. Give us a ring if our little rascals give you any trouble." He nodded in the direction of Rose's very large middle.

John strode into the bath, shutting the door behind him. He stood facing the mirror, ran the fingers of his right hand through his sandy brown hair, and let his hand fall to his face, inspecting the scruff that had grown around his chin and along his jaw line. John cleaned the lines, giving himself more of a clean beard. He noted how his human body was not all that different from his Time Lord one, albeit this body definitely required more maintenance, and sleep, which he had been lacking of late. He had grown more muscular over the years and gained a bit more weight, mostly due to his position at Torchwood and Rose's retirement to open her own clothing shop.

Rose had decided upon returning to that universe that being able to live a truly human life with this man, who was everything her Doctor was and everything he could never be, meant that she no longer needed to chase aliens, fight battles and protect the Earth. She had found what she built the dimension cannon to find and came back with much more than she ever expected.

Rose stood in the bedroom in her pyjamas, looking into the closet through its reflection in her vanity. The blue suit was just visible, reminding her of Bad Wolf Bay, something that came to mind infrequently anymore but when it did, she was overwhelmed with those old emotions, flashbacks.

John entered drying his hair with a towel, glanced at Rose and followed her gaze. He laid eyes on that which caught her attention, his suit. The blue suit he was wearing while fighting the daleks, on the day he was brought to this universe still hung in the closet, covered in dust. John stood behind Rose and hugged her around the shoulders. "Penny for your thoughts?"

She shook off the memories and wiped the wet streams from her skin, "It comes back to me," she paused, putting together her thoughts into words, "and I used to feel like trying to find you was selfish. I missed you so much and when you became human and he left you here with me, I had to make myself remember, this is a different you, you two were the same man until the metacrisis and from that point on you were the man who could let himself love me back. It's all I wanted."