Hi Luca,

I hope you remember me, Spencer Reid-Rossi, I hope it is okay to mail you.

I just wanted to once again say thanks to you for helping me back at the mall.

It was pretty scare there for a while, I have just been in the chair for a few days.

I still have a hard time with the whole wheelchair thing.


Spencer Reid-Rossi

Hi Spencer.

Of course it is okay to mail me that was why I gave you my mail address so that you could mail me and talk with me.

You are once again welcome, I hate people like that bitch, treating us like we are stupid or children it make me want to run her over, just kidding :D

I understand I had also a hard time in the beginning with the chair and all that it gets easier with time and if you get a prosthetic leg you may not need the chair so much.

I hope to hear from you soon again.


Luca Gibbs and Remus the dog

Hi Luca and Remus.

I am a bit bored dad is away with his job and I am nearly alone at home, he has a nurse that helps me with my medicine and a nice lady that make the food but I have no-one to talk to so I thought I could maybe talk to you if you have time?


Spencer Reid-Rossi

Hi Spencer!

I am bored too I managed catch my mum's cold and are at the moment on strict bed rest, Remus is thankfully keeping me company.

So what do you want to talk about?

I have an idea, let ask each other questions to get to know each other, if that is okay with you?


Luca Gibbs and Remus

Hi Luca and Remus!

Sorry that you are sick, I hope you soon feel better.

That sounds really fun.

I can go first, maybe we can have some rules like not asking about why we are in a wheelchair for now at least and nothing too personal.

My question is: What is your favourite book?



Hi Spencer!

I am feeling a bit better already my mom's chicken and pasta soup helps a lot.

I like those rules.

My favourite book I have so many but one of them must be the Harry Potter series I have read them a few times now.

My turn what is your favourite animal?

Luca and Remus

Hi Luca and Remus!

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better that soup sounds really good.

I have read the series myself and I found them to be really good.

My favourite animal is I think the Asian golden cat I think they are beautiful but I like dogs too but they don't like me that much but Remus seemed to have nothing against me.

What was your favourite subject in school and why?


Hi Spencer!

Sorry for the late reply but I had have a rough night with a lot of coughing.

Cool I must admit that I had to look the cat up but they really are beautiful, but my favourite animal is dog, Remus loves nearly everyone.

History was and still is my favourite subject I loved it so much that I a PHD in it.

I have a weird one, what is the weirdest thing you have seen on a public transportation, Bus, subway or train or even plane?

Luca and Remus

Hi Luca and Remus!

Sorry to hear that I hope you are better soon.

I like history too but my favourite subject was math and I have a PHD in it too.

The weirdest I have seen was on the sub a few years ago I was on my way home and a pair walked in to the same part as I was in and started dish out plates of food and then they undressed down to their underwear and started eating the food and smearing it all over themselves, that was the weirdest I have seen.

What is your weirdest food dish you have eaten and liked?


Hi Spencer!

I am feeling better now! Yay!

That was weird my weirdest is on a bus, a guy just stole a fire-extinguisher and just ran off with it, the driver tried to ran after him but had already gone too far away. It was weird he been talking loud and acting a bit strange but nothing too weird.

I know this is weird but I like to eat my mac and cheese cold often I make a big batch and eat some of it and then eat the rest the next day cold it is so good.

What is the grosses you have eaten?

It may be awhile before I can mail you again, I am going on a holiday with my family for the next week or two.

Luca and Remus.

Hi Luca and Remus!

I am happy that you are better and I hope you and Remus and the family will have a good holiday, if you don't mind me asking where you are going.

My weird food thing is I like to mix Cheetos and broccoli and eat it like a snacks and sometime I eat cold pasta too.

The grossest thing I have ever eaten was something my mom did when I was a kid, I should point out that she didn't mean to do this, she cooked a stew with liver and cabbage and it was vile she had managed to burn the cabbage and not cook the liver enough even she said that she hated it and we laughed about it. But I have never been able to eat liver again.

I can't figure out a new question maybe it will come while you are away and I will mail you then.


Spencer and Luca is getting to know each other a bit more, I may do more chapters like this with just the mailing back and forth.

The part with the bus and the guy running off with a fire-extinguisher is true it happened to me once a few years ago.

I was thinking of having Henry meeting Spencer for the first time in the chair how should he react to seeing his favourite uncle in a wheelchair and without a leg?