A/N: I wrote this epilogue a couple years ago as a gift to my beta, but never put it up cause I'd hoped to get to writing the last chapter (with Killian's surprise). I don't think I will, now - but I want to give this in case there was anyone who was out there hoping for a little bit more to conclude the story. Hope you enjoy~

Some time later.

"Ready to go, babe?"

After wrapping a thick wool scarf around her neck, Emma grabbed her phone out of the pocket of her parka to check the time. "The lights should be on soon," she added, calling out across the apartment.

"We're just about ready," she heard Killian respond. "If only this little lass could keep her legs still… I only have one hand, here."

Moments later, he appeared before her, their daughter in his arms. "Well aren't you the sweetest thing," Emma crooned, carefully fixing the crooked hat that covered the infant's thick, dark hair.

"A feisty little one, really," Killian smiled, looking down at the girl whose sea-green eyes were fixated on the colourful teething toy in her hands. "Was not in the mood for pants tonight."

"I can appreciate that feeling," Emma laughed, then turned to grab the front door handle. Holding the door open, she said, "C'mon, it's getting dark, and we gotta head out before it's her bedtime."

Walking through the threshold, Killian stopped to peck Emma on the cheek. "Don't worry, love. Hope won't want to sleep through this."

After making a quick stop to pick up Henry, they arrived at the park and pulled the stroller (Marian had kindly given hers to Emma as a baby shower gift–Emma hadn't planned a baby shower, nor had she asked for gifts, but her friend had insisted and Emma was more than grateful) out of the trunk of the car.

Emma watched Henry saunter up to the path entrance, Killian following behind, as she secured Hope in her seat. To Emma's relief, the baby seemed wide awake, flinging tiny arms about and making incomprehensible noises. "Yeah, you excited to see the twinkle lights?" she sang, drawing a soft but warm blanket over Hope and pulling the hood of the stroller over to cover the little one in case more snow was to fall.

As she pushed the stroller up to meet Henry and Killian, Emma took in the brisk air and the fresh coat of snow from earlier that day that covered the ground. Even though she'd seen the display before, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in awe of the hundreds and hundreds of blue-green lights that were threaded around tree trunks and along leafless branches, creating almost a canopy that illuminated the path they walked along.

"Amazing, isn't it?" she said to Killian, still looking up at the lights, but also keeping an eye on Henry who was absorbed by a moving polar bear display up ahead.

Looking only at Emma, Killian responded, "Yes, truly amazing."

He then stopped to peek at his daughter, who giggled at the silly face he gave her. Emma laughed too, her heart warmed by how much she could tell he adored the little girl.

"Guys, you gotta see this one!" she heard Henry call from further ahead.

She noticed that he'd walked down by a small lake that sat in the middle of the park and immediately felt her stomach tighten. "Careful, Henry!"

"Don't worry! Just come!"

Emma looked to Killian, who shrugged. They ambled over to the edge of the lake where Henry stood and glanced over to where he was pointing.

There, in the middle of the lake, were four light-up swans.

"One for each of us!" Henry beamed, and Emma matched his grin. Killian wrapped an arm around her waist, and she leaned her head on his shoulder, trying to absorb his warmth as a chilly breeze picked up.

"Those two swans, the ones closest together, look like they're in love," she heard him murmur into her hair.

"Mmm," she said, shivering as she felt a snowflake land on her nose. "I think they are."

Killian tugged her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I think so, too."

The snow continued to fall lightly as they continued along the path, taking in all the bright colours surrounding them.

It felt like home, to Emma, to be surrounded by this family—a family she once thought she'd never have.

And, to Emma's wonder, it kind of felt like a happily ever after, too.

Final A/N: If you're reading this, I just want to say thanks.