Author's Note: I have no idea if anyone would be interested in reading this, I suppose I will just have to write it and figure it out. But I had a thought floating around in my brain during Philosophy class this week and before I knew it I had most of this written instead of my notes (whoops haha). So please, comment and let me know what you think! Positive or negative, I want to know what readers want to read :D That being said, this is just a prologue until I see if it's worth continuing.

Disclaimer: Not my characters, not my settings. But I own the plot lines :)

The original doesn't know how they've been tracked, who knew their true identities. But panic has set in. The baby is quiet now, so tiny and defenseless. They need to move. But Rebekah isn't sure if she should be the one to care for Hope now that they've been found. Her identity is known to relatively few considering her years on this planet, but she is known enough. People know her, and they know Nik. And Hope may be presumed dead, but it wouldn't be much of a leap to assume that the baby with the blonde sister is truly the magic miracle baby from New Orleans.

The tracker hasn't shown their face yet, but Rebekah has felt them being watched all through Europe and she hasn't been able to shake the would be assailant so she is departing a plane across the Atlantic now. It may be best for Hope to be under someone else's protection, she knows. But it breaks her heart, the thought of leaving the baby she's been caring for. She doesn't even want to think how her brother will react when it makes it's way back to him that she's passed the infant along. There are so few people that would take on the responsibility of an infant, let alone an infant hybrid. And the number of people who would do so for the Original family, for Klaus, is nearly non existent. There is only one person to call and Rebekah grits her teeth at the thought.

She scrolls through her phone contacts and scowls when she finds the number. She doesn't even know what is going on that bloody town but it can't be worse than New Orleans, she tells herself. So she hits call and waits for the line to connect. Before the respondent has a chance to speak, Rebekah's clipped voice rings out.

"Caroline. Where are you right now? We need to meet. At the mansion in four hours. I need your help."

Without waiting for a reply she ends the call and shifts the sleeping infant in her arms as she heads to baggage claim.

The baby vampire is pacing in what used to be the library of the Mikaelson mansion, anxiously waiting for the Original sister to arrive and explain what the hell was going on. A car pulled into the driveway and slowed as it neared the house. Caroline tucks a blonde curl behind her ear as she strains to pick up clues from outside.

The front door of the car opens and a heeled boot steps onto the gravel, taking a step back before closing the door. A few steps and another door opens. It sounds to the young girl as though someone is unbuckling a seat belt or some other restraint. The door closes and the tell tale whoosh of a speeding vampire is heard and then silence as the front door to the residence opens.

Rebekah can hear Caroline's heart pounding from entryway. She regrets now that she didn't give the girl any information. But she's here now. She sets the car seat down, taking a moment to rock the sleeping baby before walking down the hall toward the pacing teen. Caroline turns as she hears the other blonde enter the room, takes in her appearance. The older woman looks as immaculately put together as ever, but there is a frantic tiredness in her eyes and her body was wound so tightly Caroline thought she might bold or attack at any moment. That's when she hears the second heartbeat in the house, quick and faint, coming from the hall and shot a questioning look at Rebekah. A small sigh escapes the girl's glossy lips before she addresses the girl she's not sure she wants to trust.

"Hello, Caroline. I need your help. Not just me — there's been a situation. And I…I need to explain a lot to you and I need for you to reign yourself in until I get it all out, alright?" She states it as a question but her tone leaves no room for discussion. "I know that I have no right to ask anything of you, but you are on the short list of people that I—we, my family—can trust."

There is a cautious yet expectant look on Caroline's face as she nots for assent. She crosses her arms delicately and waits for the other woman to continue. The curiosity is swirling in her mind while her stomach is churning anxiously as this clearly has something to do with Klaus. The same Klaus she hasn't seen since the day Katherine died. The same Klaus she has been forcing herself to not think about because now that she has opened herself up to him and her feelings to him, she is certain that he was right at that dance so long ago. She knows now that she will seek him out, and the thought terrifies her as much as it excites her. So whatever it is that Rebekah and the Original family needs of her throws a wrench into her avoidance plans.

"I don't even know where to bloody begin with this mess. Last year, before leaving Mystic Falls, Nik had a dalliance, an indiscretion that came back to bite him. His partner…magic and nature too the rights and the girl's werewolf nature," Caroline's brow creased heavily at the mention of the only female werewolf she knew to be in the area at the time, "called out to Nik's werewolf side—the side he was born with. You know enough about magic and its ties to nature to understand the loopholes ingrained into curses and spells."

"Like when Elena's doppelgänger blood was needed to make his hybrids," Caroline responds absently, to show she was following the train of though and feeling sick at the realization she was coming to. The loophole—a baby. "And werewolves can have…children. I'm assuming that's what you mean."

Rebekah eyes the girl cautiously before continuing, knowing that that this information is a lot to take in, even without the emotional turmoil between the young vampire and the ancient hybrid. "Exactly. And, understanding the importance of family to Nik, you can imagine how this has been received, responded to. Before he even knew of the child, witches found her, tied the mother to their coven to use them to bend Klaus to their will. They wanted him to drive a vampire out of power, one who had taken over the areas in and around New Orleans and denied witches the right and ability to practice. This is one side of the argument. He, Marcel, was doing it because New Orleans witches aren't like Bonnie and my mother, like the witches you know. They practice by drawing power directly from their ancestors—through sacrifice, not nature. The witches called upon Nik without considering his tendencies or attitude, the inability to control him, and without knowing the relationship my family had with the vampire in question. Nik himself raised and eventually turned Marcel and the bad bloom between the two has turned New Orleans upside down for the past months. Non of the details matter in the immediate—I can fill you in later. But, in all of this there is an innocent. The part you need to know is that the witches tried to kill the child. And the world needs to believe hers was one of the lives lost and being mourned in New Orleans right now. Nik trusted me to raise and care for her, he knows how badly I want a family of my own. But someone has been tracking us, Hope and myself. Too many people know the Original family for me or any of us to keep her hidden."

"But no one knows me."