A young couple is walking down the beach at dusk. The orange of the sun sets the sea ablaze, creating a stunning light show to be cast across the sand. The coupledoes not a care in the world, they are just enjoying the time they have together. She is the daughter of a large technology mogul in Japan,the man with her owns an upscale restaurant in Tokyo. They are currently on vacation on a private island owned by the girl's family. The man is softly whispering in the woman's ear when she suddenly gasps.

"What's wrong, Mya?" The man asks.

"Rei, look over there! Is that a child?" Mya quickly asks.

Rei looks to where Mya is pointing and sees a young boy staggering out of the ocean. His clothes are torn and tattered, the ends of his white overcoat are burnt and charred. Light reflects off of the water droplets in his silver hair, casting a dull halo around him. Remnants of soot cover his clothing and pale features. He is clutching at his left side, where his coat has been stained a dark red. A metallic object hangs from his neck, bouncing against his chest with every step. He falls to one knee and grasps the object around his neck with a blood soaked hand. The whites of his eyes are devoured, leaving his crimson iris's surrounded with black. Suddenly, the black reverts to white and he collapses to the ground, unconscious.

The boy's eyes snap open, his right hand instinctively grasping the object around his neck. His eyes scan the room before breathing a sigh of relief. But the boy catches himself.

'Why did I just do that? Where am I?' he asks himself.

The sliding door to the room opens and the boy extends his left arm tworads the intruder, his right hand once again grasping the object around his neck.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a second! I was just coming to check on you!" The man exclaims, covering his face instinctively.

"Oh, sorry about that. I am not entirely sure what caused me to react in that manner." The boy responds.

"Wait? You can speak Japanese?" The man asks, his surprise written all over his face.

"I guess? Is that strange?"

"Kind of. You don't look Japanese for sure. There's also the fact you just walked out of the ocean."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember? Wait, can you remember anything? Do you know your name?"

The young boy searches his mind for information but shakes his head after coming up blank.

"Huh. I guess you may have amnesia then. How about those clothes on the chair next to you? Do the remind you of anything?"

The boy looks at the pile of tattered and bloodstained clothes but shakes his head once again.

"What about that necklace of yours? That bring back anything?"

The boy raises the the object around his neck into his line of sight. It is a small metallic cube, with strange characters inscribed in the metal. He turns it over and squints at the small writing on the bottom.

"Archimedes." The boy says.


"Its written on the bottom of this. I think it may be my name."

"That sure isn't a Japanese name. You really can't remember anything else?"

"No. Sorry."

After Rei and Mya returned from their trip, they adopted Archimedes and raised him as their own. The doctors were able to determine that he was about seven years old. Archimedes and his new family decided to make his birthday the date he was adopted. They enrolled him in school were he had exemplary grades. He aspired to take over Mya's father's business when the time came, as he and his adopted grandfather made a deep bond after Archimedes was adopted. But, his fate was sealed shortly after his tenth birthday.

"Shiba Archimedes?" The female teacher called, directing Archimedes to the large CAD.

At Mya's father's request, Archimedes was given his mother's surname rather than his father's. This was due to his interest in having Archimedes eventually taking his place in managing his many businesses. Archimedes was named the heir-apparent to his grandfather's holdings despite being adopted due to his intellect and because Mya's brother, Tatsurou, had been absorbed into the Yotsuba clan, renouncing his claim to the Shiba fortune.

"Yes!" Archimedes said, placing his palm on the cool display of the CAD.

"Do you remember how we said to operate it?" The teacher asks.

"I do."

Archimedes focused on the small rolling platform in front of him. Engaging the Activation Sequence, his hair began to float and the whites of his eyes turned black, something that hadn't happened since he showed up on the beach. The characters on the small metallic cube that hung from his neck burned red and the Activation Sequence he was trying to construct was changed. Psions began whirling around the cube, slowly destroying it. As this happened, memories began flooding back to Archimedes. But he did not regain memories of his past life. He regained memories of the Ancient Magic that he had learned from a young age. A small ring fell out of the quickly disintegrating cube. It was white as snow, with tiny characters inscribed on it. As soon as the cube disappeared completely, his eyes reverted to normal. He stared at the ring for a moment before slipping it over his ring finger on his right hand. He turned to the small classroom assistant robot.

'If I remember correctly, I have to understand the inner workings of an object before I can use my magic on it. It has to be able to function on its own and I can only control its movements. It also has to either be unconscious or accept my control over it.' Archimedes thinks to himself.

He extends his right arm towards the robot and invokes his magic. The whites of his eyes turn black again and the characters on his ring burn a bright red. He feels the robot come under his control and smiles to himself before mentally ordering it around.

"Mistress. It would appear the Shiba family has another surprise for us."

Yotsuba Maya looks down on the servant who has come to inform her of this new development.

"Out with it then." She orders.

"Shiba Archimedes. The adopted son of Shiba Mya and Suzuki Rei. Apparently they found him washed up on a beach in 2087. In his recent test to judge latent magical ability, he displayed a unique ancient magic." The man says before pausing awkwardly.

"And? What kind of magic is it?"

"That is the problem, Mistress. There is no recorded ancient magic that match it."

"Are you saying we have no idea what kind of power this child possesses?" Maya demands.

"Not entirely. The boy has seemed to have lost his memory of the past, but he has appeared to recently regained the knowledge of the magic he possesses."


"And, the child claims it is Necromancy."