My new, fantastic, IDEA! OH BOY I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY! I GOT IT ALL PLANNED OUT. I kind of got it from a few books I , From Bad to Cursed, Gravity, the murder part was all my idea, trust me. And other parts. But those two books, yeah I kind of got PART of the idea from them. Continue to read!

Chapter one: She Was Six

Sebastian Sanders looked at the body before him, shaking his head disapprovingly. Photographers took pictures of every single detail showing on the small, exposed arm peeking out of the sod ground. The rest of the body was hidden beneath the grassy earth, yet to be uncovered.

"Sanders, we do not know what to make of the COD. There is nothing on the arm. This COD does not make sense, at all." Chloe Lawry confronted him, a solemn look on her face. Sebastion sighed, and glanced at the crime scene, photographers taking pictures of the scene, people writing down details, collecting evidence.

"Uncover the body." He said, furrowing his eyebrows as he focused on the small arm peeking out of the dirt. Chloe nodded and went over to a couple of police officers. He pursed his lips and turned his view somewhere else, instead of the arm. He felt bad for whoever's family this body belonged to.

"Sanders, you might want to look at this." Chloe called over, pushing him out of his thoughts. He frowned and walked over to the body, focusing on the face. The body looked sort of...peaceful. Her eyes were shut, lips closed, almost as if she were sleeping. Her curly brown hair framed her face, reaching up to her small shoulders. It were as if she were dreaming, but she wasn't. She was dead. Pieces of dried mud stuck to her face and dirt peppered her body. The sad thing about this crime scene is that 1) She is dead. 2) She was young. Really young. In fact, she looked as if she were between the ages of 5-8 years old.


1. Follow a stranger around a store and spray everything they touch with disinfectant spray.

Beastboy grinned as he held the LYSOL disinfectant spray. He looked around Target, wanting to find somebody he can annoy. This was going to be so funny. He saw a teenage girl, a blonde, green eyes, rosy cheeks, wearing a plain black Tee shirt, Shorts, and high black knee socks. He grinned at his target, and nonchalantly walked over and observed some things that she was observing. She took a box and examined it, before putting it back and making her way out of the aisle. He sprayed the box with disinfectant spray, before following her a few feet behind.

The blonde touched this and that, every thing she touched, would get sprayed by disinfectant spray. A few times the blonde would look back, casting odd glances at him, and he would smile and wave, then continue the pattern. Eventually she turned on him with an irritant look on her face. He stumbled back two steps, slightly shocked from the sudden outburst.

"What the hell is your problem?! WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?" The girl asked, yelling at him. He held up his hands, and gave a reassuring smile.

"Just doing my part to keep your nasty germs from spreading. It may even cause Auto-Immune Disease." Beastboy explained, giving an apologetic smile. Her face became red as she glared at the changeling with intense hatred.

~Scene Break~

"For the LAST TIME Beastboy, you CANNOT, FOLLOW SOMEBODY AND SPRAY EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH WITH LYSOL!" Robin lectured, his hands at his temples as he gave a strained smile at the green boy. The Blonde girl had gotten the manager, complained that Beastboy was harrasing her, and the manager kicked him out of the store. Beastboy faked a taken-aback look and shook his head at the Boy Wonder.

"Robin, I wasn't trying to annoy anybody. I was trying to get rid of germs by helping them not spread. Geez, is it always like this? When you do something nice for someone, you get yelled at instead of rewarded or honored?" Beastboy babbled, lying through his teeth. Robin was fuming, his blue eyes twitching under his mask. Beastboy fell silent when he saw Robin's face, and Robin relaxed. Robin stared at Beastboy for a few minutes, as if to say, You know what you did. Don't play stupid with me. The kind of look Teacher's would give you if you were disrupting the 'Educational Process of Learning'. Robin sighed and sank into his chair, then gave a pointed look at the changeling.

"Look, as much as we appreciate you' keeping the germs from multiplying,' we would like you to stop, and if they get germs, they get germs. Got it? Good. You're dismissed." Robin shooed him away, turning around away from Beastboy, waiting for his footsteps to trail out of his office. Instead he heard his cookie jar being messed with, he whirled around and grabbed Beastboy's hand before it could snag a cookie.

"YOU, do not GET a cookie today. First, get your shit together and lose the Lysol. Leave. My. Office." Robin hissed, letting go of Beastboy's hand and pointing to the door. Beastboy scoffed as he stood up from his chair.

"Ever since you got this damn office you're acting like some God." Beastboy huffed, stomping out of his office before Robin could open his big mouth and insult him back. Beastboy walked to the Common Room and sat on the couch, next to Raven and Cyborg, whereas Starfire was floating above him, Silkie in her arms.

"Watcha' guys doin'? Beastboy asked, nudging Raven with his elbow. Raven glared at him and nodded towards the TV.

"Watching the news." She replied monotone. He scrunched his face up and glowered at the TV.

"The News? Haven't you guys heard of MTV or something?" Beastboy asked, frowning at Raven. Raven rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No, you idiot. Haven't you heard of the Amber Alert?" Raven asked back, and he nodded.

"Yeah, it's been on all week. We've had like three missing girls. This is the third one." Beastboy answered, pursing his lips and cocking his head as he observed the girl in the corner of the TV, her picture. She was young, blue eyes, brown curly hair up to her neck, a huge smile on her face. They found her, but not alive.

"Who is killing these innocent girls! She was 6!" Starfire testified, her eyes burning green as she glared at the TV. They had found that poor girl's body.

"I don't know man, But it says no one had murdered her." Cyborg nodded towards the TV, which showed the dead body of the girl. Kind of. The girl's mother held her dead body in her arms, the six year old's pale, lifeless legs dangling over her arm as the mother cried into the six year old's shirt.


"We've found her body, but we need you to come in and identify her." Sebastian Sanders said solemnly, fiddling with his fingers. Already the mother's eyes were filling with tears, her lower lip trembled, and you could easily tell she was struggling to hold her tears back. The father put a comforting hand on the mother's shoulder, while the eldest child-now the only child- looked at her shoes with a disappointed expression. Sebastian headed for the second room on the left end of the hallway, where the body was waiting to be identified.

The mother gasped and held her hands to her mouth as she saw her six-years-old dead daughter, laying in a gurney, dead silent, her eyes shut, just like they found the body. Sebastian waited, hands in pockets, staring at the mother, waiting for her to identify her daughter.

"Hollie," She managed to choke out through her tears.

"Her name is Hollie Colander." She repeated, turning away from the body.

"Can you tell me her age, maybe?" Sebastian asked in a kind voice.

"She was 6," The mother said in a shaky voice, before breaking down into tears, crying into her husband's shirt. He too looked miserable, but held his tears back as he comforted his wife. The young girl that was with them stared at her dead little sister, saying nothing, showing nothing, but a blank expression. She was absolutely quiet. Sebastian let them cry for a little while before moving onto the next question.

"Can you guys tell me anything suspicious that happened during days, in the other room?" He asked the family. The mother nodded, and Sebastian led them into the next room, had them take a seat, grabbed a clip board, a few papers, and a pen, and sat on his swivel chair. Sebastian asked them if there was any problems with Hollie lately, family problems, any problems...

"Nothing, Nothing was happening! We just woke up and SHE WAS NOT THERE!" The mother cried, glaring at Sebastian.

"Is there anyone suspicious that may have been around your daughter Hollie?" Sebastian tried.


"Ma'am, people are not what they seem to be. You need to cooperate here on how she ended up in the forest, half buried in the ground, 12.5 miles away." Sebastian said with a little more seriousness in his voice.


"I think she had Schizophrenia." The young girl stated, interrupting her mother. Everyone's attention turned to her, full of curiosity in which she had to say.

'What is your name, young lady?" Sebastian gave a kind smile at the girl, who was focusing on the table.

"My name is Genie and I am 16 years old." She stated simply, still staring at the wooden table blankly.

"And your little sister had Schizophrenia?" Sebastian pressed.

" She had an imaginary friend named Cookie. Every time Hollie got in trouble, she blamed Cookie for it. The last few days she has been doing some crazy stuff, and instead of blaming it on Cookie, she would say Cookie told her to do it, and point at her head. Plus, she became really self-conscious. She would try to use my make-up, etc. What was her COD?" Genie asked.

"...Her COD was drowning since she was buried in the dirt. But if you want, I can get some brain scans or sum and see if she had it." Sebastian asked the two parents, who nodded their heads.


3 weeks Later

Genie stared at the ground, pulling her curly brown hair into a ponytail and stared at her sister's coffin. Hollie was all prettied up, laying peacefully in her cushioned coffin, a bouquet of red roses wrapped delicately in her tiny fingers.

If only she didn't throw that red ball at her, none of this would have happened. She wouldn't have snapped. She was tired of Hollie being rude, selfish, and mean to her. She held that same red ball labeled "HOLLIE " In big black letters, before placing it next to Hollie's lifeless left arm.

Genie gulped and focused on the ground, not at her dead sister. As they started burying Hollie, she threw a red rose into her coffin, tears running down her cheeks. But before anyone could see, she wiped them.


There has been two missing girls in the past month, things were getting out of control. And with each missing girl, they found them dead at strange locations. For example, one was found on a highway, 60 miles from her home, and both were diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

And Robin was pissed.

Robin scowled at Sebastion Sanders, head of the police force.

"And you don't have a lead?" Robin asked Sebastian, frustrated. Robin has to be one of the most uptight person in the whole wide world about the citizen's safety.

"No." Sebastian answered in the calmest voice he could muster. All they could do now is to warn girls about it, they know that whoever is murdering the girls murders girls between the ages of six and eighteen, mostly after schizophrenic girls.

"Have you even been doing any work? There has to be more information than that!" Robin screeched. Sebastian tightened his lips and glared at the boy wonder.

"You're right. They all have sisters... and all those sisters come from one high school, but I would have been able to tell you that if you hadn't so rudely interrupted me." He scolded. Robin drummed his fingers on the wooden table, pursing his lips in thought.

"ALL of them were schizophrenic?"


"And the schizophrenic ones, at their school, they weren't 'special?' Did anyone know about their Schizophrenia?"

"..No." Sebastian answered, realizing where he was getting at.

"Huh." They sat in silence for a moment, till Sebastian decided to make a move. He sighed and lifted his green eyes to Robin's mask, debating if he should ask such a favor. Robin squinted at him behind his mask, watching Sebastian's face become contorted as if he wanted to ask something.

"What?" Robin asked, sounding a bit harsher than he wanted to. Sebastian frowned and furrowed his eyebrows before taking a deep breath.

"I have a plan, but your team may have to participate in it." Sebastian started, listening for his reaction. Robin motioned for him to go on.

"It's a... undercover mission. I only need your two girls." Sebastian came out, biting his bottom lip.


"You want us to do what?" Raven asked Robin, raising her eyebrow. She and Starfire was seated next to each other on the red couch, with Beastboy in the form of a Chihuahua, under her cloak. She was to curious about this mission to point him out, he wasn't really obligated to be there in the first place.

"We would like you to.. go undercover at the high school and get some clues..maybe?" Robin tried to convince Raven, watching his choice of words, even though Starfire was all for it.

"What will we have to do if we choose to go undercover?" Raven asked, crossing her arms and cocking her head, making Robin feel uneasy and Sebastian divert his eyes to the floor.

"Well, we will need to completely change your identity and your look, you will have to move in a temporary house, go to a high school of course, etc. We will cover all bills and rent." Sebastian added, shoving his hands into his Jean pockets.

"What if we do the failing? Will it risk our lives?" Starfire asked, folding her hands as she leaned forward, eyes bursting with curiosity. Sebastian smiled.

"I doubt it." He answered.

Starfire looked at Raven pleasingly, in which Raven glared at her before sighing a breath of annoyance. It was after all, their job to protect the city. But she wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Why can't you send someone else? What if a villain decides to rob a bank or something while me and Star are at school?" Raven asked.

"First, they are all either on another mission or in training. Second, I'm pretty sure the boys can fight them off." Sebastian answered, glancing at Robin. Raven concentrated at the floor. She didn't feel like doing this. But this is murder here. She signed up for this.

"Fine. Just fine." Raven hissed, and Starfire jumped up and squealed, clapping her hands together and jumping up and down.

"GLORIOUS! When shall we start the under of cover?" Starfire said ebullient.

"Next week. We need time to set everything up." Sebastian grinned, glad that they were in on it. Raven pulled up her hood and scoffed.


A week later

"Hello!" Chloe boasted as she sauntered through the Tower's doors, a whole crowd of make-up artists, fashion designers, and objects walking through the door. The titans watched in shock as they gathered in front of the five teenage superheroes.

"It's time to give you girls a new look. Hi, I'm Chloe Lawry, and I am Police Captain. I will also be working with you guys!" Chloe greeted, her blonde hair swinging in it's pony tail, blue eyes full of life. Starfire grinned and Raven just tucked her hood, hoping it would fully conceal her face. Beastboy and Robin gently pushed the two girls ahead of them.

"Okay, we don't want to waste time. Let's get started, your make-up team will set up...where?"

"They can go in the guest rooms." Robin interrupted, before Raven could say something about not going in her room.

"Great! Okay, let's go!"

As soon as the make-up teams were set up in separate rooms, Starfire in one and Raven in one, they decided to start with clothes.

"Hello Raven! I am your fashion designer. We have brought selections of clothes for you to pick out which suits you best. Please choose at least three oufits, try them on in the corner of the room, then come back to make changes or something." This woman had really preppy clothes on, looked kind of young, had brown eyes and wavy brown hair just below her shoulders and olive skin. She had a pin on her shirt that labeled her as Riley. Raven frowned and nodded, then got up from her chair to pick out some clothes.

"Can I help?" Beastboy rushed into the room and up to Riley.

"No." Raven automatically answered without looking.

"Sure!" Riley said. Ignoring Raven, he took Riley's word and began asking what he could help with.

"Well, after she picks out her clothes, you can help with the.." Riley continued to talk to Beastboy as Raven examined the clothes. There were three racks with three styles. One was peppy, more like Starfire's choice of clothing. One was causal, not bad, and one was too revealing, which was an automatic no-no for her. She chose three outfits from the casual selection, then moving to the corner of the room where a changing screen has been set up for privacy. She slipped in and tried on her first choice of clothing, which was a long sleeved blue top with black jeans and some blue and black converse to go with it. The second one was a brown top with a white and blue sweater, along with blue shorts and brown boots. The third one was a jean jacket and a white t-shirt, black jean shorts, knee high black and white converse, and a black and white hat. She came out and let Riley see much to her distaste, since Beastboy was grinning at her.

"I'll take the casual closet." She answered Riley when asked.

"Great! Now get those clothes off and put on a bathing suit because we're tanning you." Riley smiled, and Raven stared at her unbelievably.


"Raven, with all due respect, everyone will realize you are a titan because I have never seen anyone paler than you." Riley answered with a nervous laugh. Raven glared at her, and went back behind the changing screen.

When she came out, a tanning bed was waiting for her.


"Hehehehe.." Starfire giggled as they curled her long red hair and drew in longer eyebrows. She had picked a wardrobe full of casual dresses, heels, high knee converse, sneakers, belts for her dresses, etc. She examined a curl by picking it up, pulling at it and letting it go, watching it bounce back in place. It looked natural. They told her about her all green eye to tell everyone it was a condition, if anyone asked. When they were done, they examined her.

"She looks to much like Starfire. Change her hair color." One of them said, and the others sighed. Next thing you know, Starfire's hair was brown curls. She marveled at her now brown hair, she liked it.



Raven was now out of the tanning bed, not really tan, but she had sun-kissed skin. She was glaring hard at the floor as they decided what they were going to do with her short hair.

"Raven, you have the power to grow your hair?" Riley asked. She nodded.

"Can you grow your hair?" Riley asked. Raven sighed, and her hair began to grow longer, up to the middle of her back.

"OOO" Beastboy wiggled his eyebrows, you don't see Raven with long hair everyday. Raven scowled at him and returned her gaze back to the floor.

"Perfect!" Riley flipped a lock of Raven's purple hair and the rest of team started playing with it, till they decided they were going to make it jet black. They would give her bangs to hide her chakra. While they were dying her hair, they started working on her face.

"Raven, we're going to make your eyes light blue instead of purple." Riley ordered as two people started cleaning some light blue contacts.

"Open up!" One of them said, and Raven made her eyes wide as they placed the contacts in her eyes. Riley muttered something as she pulled out a make-up kit, an Raven groaned. Why did she agree to this? Riley applied light blush to her cheeks, black mascara to her eyelashes, and lip gloss to her lips.

"Perfect!" Riley cried, marveling at her work. Once they were done dyeing her hair, Beastboy ran over and snatched up her hair, beginning to braid it up. Raven sighed with exhaustion and placed her head in her hands.


Silkie gurgled as he dashed around the house happily, his six pink legs clicking against the wood floor. Starfire giggled as she brought in a box of her new closet she had picked out during her transformation, placing them in her new closet. Raven and Starfire each got a small, nice penthouse for the mission- they were told by Chloe they would get their new identities tomorrow. For now, they would get information on their school and get school supplies, also have the freedom to decorate their temporary house.

"This is pretty nice." Robin looked around, small smile on his face as he set a box on the kitchen counter. Starfire nodded in agreement, going to the bathroom to take a look. She marveled at what she saw. Robin peeked over her shoulder. Inside the bathroom was a small heated bathtub, and next to that was a stainless steel shower, along with a marble sink and counter, and another closet behind the bathtub. It was fairly big, to Starfire's approval. They both exited the bathroom to take a peek inside the living room. The living room had a light brown carpet, a large window and a door to the backyard, which was huge and grassy with pretty brown fences, a large flat screen hooked to the wall, and a white and blue couch with decorative pillows. The kitchen had wood flooring, along with marble counters, it was beautiful. Starfire grinned at her pretty house, glad that they didn't choose a scrappy one for her live in. Robin smirked at her facial expression, and Starfire looked at him questionably.

"Imagine Raven's face." He said, and Starfire giggled.

"I truly can not wait to go to our high school. I know we are going undercover, but I have always been curious as to what is a human high school like." Starfire mused, staring up to the ceiling in thought.

"Speaking of high schools, we better meet Sebastian at the police department, to discuss the high school you're going to. Starfire reached on her tippy toes and pecked him on the cheek, a small blush on her cheeks. Robin smiled. They were new to this whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing. Robin led Starfire out the door and locked it, then gestured to his R-Cycle that was parked on the curb.


"That was AWESOME!"

"That was terrifying." Raven replied, stepping out of the car from the passenger seat. Beastboy stuck his tongue out to her as he hopped from the driver's seat.

"My driving wasn't that bad." Beastboy retorted. Not at all. The car didn't even have not a scratch. Raven and gave him a look of disbelief.

"Yeah, cause you weren't slamming on the breaks, you weren't speeding at all, you didn't almost hit that car, and this bruise on my forehead just appeared by itself." Raven said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. The car they pulled up in was a rental car they had given them for transportation. It was for Beastboy, mostly, and Raven didn't plan on using it because if Beastboy got into an accident, it wouldn't be her fault. She planned on riding a bicycle to school. Beastboy frowned at Raven as they headed inside.

They were immediately guided into a room, where they saw Sebastian and Cyborg standing next to each other, and Robin and Starfire standing on the side, and in the middle was a long, sleek, brown table. There was two backpacks placed on the table, a black jansport and a pink jansport backpack.

"So... What's up?" Beastboy asked, shoving his car keys into his pocket. They were wearing civilian clothes, except Starfire and Raven, who were in their regular attire. Sebastian stepped over, holding a box that was once behind him, and dumped its contents onto the table, out came a bunch of school stuff.

"Go on, fill in your bookbags," Sebastian welcomed, gesturing to the table. The girls stepped forward slowly, looking into Sebastian's eyes for a catch. When they didn't find any, they picked their backpacks and begun to put the school supplies in them. Starfire picked up a professional looking UV Pen. She clicked the button and blue light came out from the top.

"What's this?" She asked, clicking it on and off.

"It's a UV Pen. You can write secret messages in invisible ink, no one can see it, unless it's lit by the UV pen. It's for, you know, secret messages, of the mission." Sebastian explained.

"Cool." Raven mused, grabbing a UV pen for herself, and then stuffing it in the front pocket of her backpack.

"I have enrolled you two in Ashton High as Juniors. That is what grade the sisters of the recently deceased girls are from, and if they don't have sisters, they have some form of relation." Sebastian added, then Cyborg grinned.

"First, sorry to say lil' sis, but Raven, you'll be having to attend all of the high school's events." Cyborg said. Raven narrowed her eyes.

"You're not sorry."

"Nope, you're right, I'm not. Though Star will have to go to, plus I picked out your identities." Cyborg grinned even wider, if that were even possible.



The two girls compared each others papers, studying their new characters and personality. At least they didn't pick something stupid, or Cyborg owed an explanation to them.

Raven- Gracie Sadell


Birthday: October 15, 1997

Personality: Not girly, kind of mysterious and smart, sarcastic, and can be mean if necessary

Starfire- Madeline 'Maddie' Days

Age: 16

Birthday: June 6, 1997

Personality: Girly, makes up words, fun, nice

They weren't bad.

"In what transportation will you ride in?" Starfire asked, full of excitement. They would be new students in a school TOMORROW. Raven shrugged.

"A bike." She said simply. Starfire gaped at her incredulously.

"I WISH TO HAVE THE BIKE TOO!" Starfire beamed happily.


"Hold still…" Robin steadied her, one hand on the bike handle and one hand around her waist. Starfire placed her feet upon the street again, and maintain the position of Robin when he is on his bike.

"This is hard." She complained. Every time she tried, she was afraid that she was going to fall, and now she was back at the start. Robin smiled at her.

"It's not that hard. Try putting one foot on the ground to balance yourself." Robin suggested and Starfire did so. Robin wrapped his hands around Starfire's waist for support.

"Okay, now just give yourself a boost. Like a scooter." Starfire gave herself a boost, so that her bike was riding, her one foot just above the ground as Robin ran along with her, beside her.

"Now put your foot back on and start pedaling!" Robin told her. She did so, and gave a victorious sigh, before going back to biting her bottom lip nervously. Robin let go after a moment, cheering her to keep pedaling. She struggled to steer the bike- the bike jolting this way and that, till she forced herself to keep it in the middle, and before she knew it, she was biking. Robin whooped and Starfire chuckled, whooping herself.


Raven fixed her wavy, black hair into a braid, two small locks of hair framing her face. She looked at herself for a while, making different facial expressions, mostly at her bright blue eyes. Some people have such dark blue eyes, they almost look purple. But no, she had to have bright blue eyes.

Whatever. She put on her blue jacket on, to match with her blue jeans, some white and blue hightops along with a white T-shirt that read 'I *heart* Waffles' which was true, since waffles were her favorite food out of many.

"I need to use it Raven! You NEVER take this long to get ready!" Beastboy whined from the other side of the room. Raven could just about picture Beastboy's face. He had spent the night. Despite when Raven told him to go home, he has to be the only person in the world to be brave enough to not obey Raven when she made up her mind. First, that time when he and Cyborg went into Nevermore, Second, when Beastboy pulled off Raven's cloak and tried to persuade robots that they didn't need their identification, and now, He spent the night when Raven specifically told him not to. And many more I do not feel like naming.

"Well you're a boy, go solve your own problem. Go outside or something!" Raven shouted back. Beastboy groaned, and morphed into a dog. He stayed in front of the door though. He wondered and scratched upon it, but seeing that Raven was not going to open the door, he went outside in the backyard, much to his disgrace.

Raven stepped out of the bathroom, fulfilling her duties. McDonald's sat on the counter, some breakfast that Beastboy had picked up during his 'morning drive' (He is really fond of his rental car). She rummaged around in it, settling down for an Apple pie and some oatmeal. She wanted a breakfast sandwich or something, but she should have known Beastboy would pick vegetarian choices. Beastboy jogged back inside and morphed to his regular human form. He scowled at her and took the rest of the McDonald's bag, stuffing an Apple pie of his own into his mouth and settling in front of the TV, watching MTV.

Raven dug through her backpack. She admits it, she is a little antsy. This is her first day of school. Starfire lived down the road, they planned that Raven would come by and pick her up for school. She could only imagine what Starfire was feeling like. Probably screaming with joy and bouncing off the walls powered by excitement and adrenaline.

"You ready?" She looked up to see Beastboy grinning at her, searching her eyes for an answer. She frowned, but said yes anyway.

"Great!" He took her hand and raced towards the rental car, and Raven snatched her hand back, and a bike that was wrapped in black energy floated in front of her.

"I told you that I'm riding my bike. I didn't buy this for nothing. Plus, what would all the girls think if they saw you pull up in a car in front of a school dropping off an oh-so-regular girl like me?" She asked, rocking on her feet. Beastboy grinned.

"I guess you're right, Rae. See ya after school." Beastboy hugged her from behind, and she rolled her eyes as she hopped on her bike.

"Bye." She said before pedaling off towards Starfire's house.


"WooHoo!" Starfire pedaled as fast as she could down the hill. Down the hill was Ashton High.

"Starfire I don't think that is such a wise choice to-" It was too late. Starfire's bike went to fast for Starfire to stop, and her bike flipped over, sending her flying across the field, rolling away. Raven skidded her bike to a stop and ran towards Starfire.

"Are you okay?" Raven asked, leaning in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I caught myself." Raven looked below Starfire, only to see she was hovering a mere inch off the ground. Raven gave a small smile.

"Remember- No powers during school." Raven warned Starfire before getting up to collect her bike.

"The alright, Gracie." Starfire beamed, and Raven smirked at her.

"Good, Maddie." Raven fired back. They pedaled to the school, and put their bikes in the bike rack, locking them. They exchanged a nervous look, and faced the school. Obviously, they were late, seeing as the campus was desolate, all except one preppy looking girl, standing on the steps with a white polka-dot backpack slung over her shoulder, holding a couple of books, and a friendly smile upon her face.

Wow, I am kind of proud.