So this is it, this is the Epilogue. :) (God I'm so happy I'm posting it!) I hope you all love it!

(And yeah, I know I misspelled Mheena's name in that last chapter. I meant to fix that but I fucked up and forgot).

Karkat sat in his favorite chair, staring out the window. It was a bright sunny day without a cloud in the sky. It was a very warm spring that year.

"What are you thinking about?" Feferi asked, turning the wheels on her wheelchair with her hands to come over to him. Karkat smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing really." he said. Feferi smiled and stared out the window too. Karkat stared at her. Even though she'd been in a wheelchair for nine years, he still sometimes found it odd to see her shorter than him. Feferi noticed his staring and smiled.

"I'm still the same me." she said. Karkat nodded. He knew that. He leant forward and kissed her.

"Eew!" Karkat sighed and looked at the door. The kids were peeking out from behind it. Feferi giggled.

"I thought you were all playing hide and seek?" she said.

"That's boring! Can't you play with us?" Teddy asked.

"Yeah! Please Mrs. Vantas?" Izzy asked.

"Alright. But please just call me Feferi." Feferi wheeled over to them, still smiling. "Let's keep playing hide and seek. I'll seek, so all of you hide. Ready?" The kids nodded and Feferi covered her eyes and started counting. The kids laughed and all ran off loudly. Karkat smiled and looked back out the window.

The orphanage had a great view of a nearby forest. It was built a bit of a way's away from the mansion, and since Karkat had wanted to live at the orphanage with Feferi he'd let Kanaya have the mansion. She really just kept it clean, along with the other servants. And Gamzee stayed there too.

Dave and John Jr. had never returned. Their families didn't even know where they were. Kanaya had had some friends try looking for them but the searches came up dry. She was a friend of Rose's and would comfort her as best as she could.

Karkat sighed as he stared out the window. He could see a few kids playing on the swing on the apple tree in the yard. To Karkat, all the orphans were like his own children. Of course, he knew they would get adopted eventually so he didn't get too attached to them. And anyway, in a few months he'd have a child of his own.

KNOCK! KNOCK! Karkat stared at the door and frowned. Who could that be? Nepeta wouldn't be home from school yet. Maybe Kanaya was paying him a surprise visit? He got up and the person knocked again.

"Coming!" Karkat said. He walked to the door and opened it and froze.

"Hi Karkat."

"Terezi?!" She was just as much of a wreck as she'd been when he'd last seen her nine years ago. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were red and puffy from crying. She had some makeup on but it was smeared from tears and wiping her face.

She handed him something wrapped in a white blanket. Karkat took it and realized it was a baby. He looked up at Terezi in surprise.

"I can't take care of him. Please, just…raise him for me." She turned and started to walk away. Karkat grabbed her wrist and she stopped.

"Who's his father?" Karkat asked. Terezi hesitated. She pulled her arm out of his grip and ran away. Karkat watched in shock until she disappeared from view. He looked down at the boy in his arms. He was asleep and breathing peacefully. Karkat sighed and sat back down in his favorite chair. He waited for almost an hour until Feferi returned from playing with the kids.

"Oh! He's new!" she exclaimed. Karkat handed her the baby and she held him gently like she was his mother. "Did he just arrive?"

"Yeah. He's…he's Terezi's son." Feferi looked up at him, a look of surprise on her face.

"I see." They were silent for a moment. "Did she say who his father is?" Karkat shook his head. "I see…"

"Nepeta, you really are good at acting." Nepeta's drama teacher said. Nepeta beamed proudly.

"Thanks. I'm glad you think so."

"Yes, I do. You should look for a career in acting." Nepeta shrugged.

"Maybe, I'm focusing on being a cartoonist right now."


"School's out for the day!" Nepeta cheered. She said a quick bye to her drama teacher before running to her locker. She grabbed her things and put them in her bag. She ran outside where Sollux was waiting for her.

"Hi Nepeta." he said. Nepeta grinned.

"Hi Sollux! Hey, hey, did you hear about the latest shipping?!" Nepeta asked excitedly. Sollux grinned.

"You mean Cathey and-"

"Yes! It's just so purrfect!" Sollux chuckled.

"Yeah, I jutht thaw them a few minuteth ago. They thaid they're going on a double date with Horruth and Rufioh."

"Yeah! Isn't that just the cutest?!" Sollux grinned and nodded.

"Yeah. Hey, if you're ready I'll walk you home now." Nepeta nodded and they walked off home. It was a nice warm spring day and Nepeta couldn't help but smile. She loved days like this!

When they got to the orphanage Nepkat was there to greet them. She sauntered over and Nepeta petted her fondly. Nepkat didn't run around lots like she would when she was younger, but she was still feisty! Nepeta had a strong suspicion she would outlive her and Karkat.

"Welcome home Nepeta." Karkat said. Nepeta grinned.

"Hi Karkitty!" Then she noticed the baby Feferi was nursing. "Who's that?"

"Uh, that's Terezi's kid." Karkat said. Nepeta's jaw dropped.

"Oh." she said. She really didn't know what else to say. Then the baby started crying.

"His diaper needs to be changed. I'll be right back." Feferi said. Nepeta nodded and Feferi left the room.

"Hi Sollux." Karkat said.

"Hi KK."

"Hey Karkitty! Guess what? Guess what shipping?!" Karkat smiled and sighed.

"I dunno." he said. Nepeta grinned.

"Aranea and Casey!" Karkat was silent for a moment before he burst into laughter.

"Are you serious?!" Nepeta nodded.

"I told you it was a purrfect shipping!" Karkat nodded, still chuckling.

"You must be so proud." he said. Nepeta nodded, still grinning.

"I've still got the shipping drawings! They're in the cupboard with the pictures of Latula and Mituna's wedding!"

"I didn't know you took pictureth." Sollux said. Nepeta grinned and nodded. Then Sollux tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at Karkat. Oh yeah, she'd almost forgotten.

"Oh, um…we-we were going to tell you something." she said. Karkat stopped laughing and looked confused.

"…Okay." He leaned against the wall and waited for them to talk. So Nepeta took a deep breath and spoke.

"Well, we sort of have feelings for each other-"

"Hold it! What?!" Karkat exclaimed. Nepeta blushed and stared at her feet.

"Um, we like each other."

"You're four years apart! Nepeta, you're only sixteen and Sollux is twenty!" Nepeta nodded.

"We aren't doing anything." she said.

"I am not liking this conversation." Karkat said.

"I won't date her until she'th ready." Sollux said. Karkat sighed.

"I don't-"

"Hey, look at what happened to my parentth! They're five yearth apart! I know what can happen! I promithe to be careful!" Karkat looked surprised. After a few seconds of silence he sighed.

"Alright. Once I think Nepeta's old enough you two can start dating." Nepeta sighed and grinned, relief flooding her. She'd been so afraid Karkat would be mad. She grinned and hugged her big brother.

"Thank you Karkitty." she said. Karkat nodded and patted her head.

"You're welcome. Are you staying for supper Sollux? Porrim and Kankri are visiting with Dolorosa."

"Thure." Sollux said. Nepeta grinned.

"I can see Dolly again!" she exclaimed. Karkat smiled and nodded. Feferi came back in.

"Then we should probably get the table set up." she said.

"I'll help!" Nepeta said. She followed Feferi into the dining room and helped her set the plates.

"I'll help too." Sollux said, joining them.

Karkat watched Nepeta set plates with Feferi. Sollux started helping and he watched them all with the feeling of a father watching his daughter grow up. He smiled to himself. That really was how he felt. They'd all grown up so much in the ten years Nepeta had been in Karkat's life. Despite the upsetting things it had brought on throughout the years, he never regretted his decision. He changed the life of one living being, and in return she changed his life forever.

So why don't you change someone's life today? Because anything could happen.

I am so pleased with this fanfiction. It's like, the first one I ever wrote and I'm so glad I posted it all! :)

And there was SolNep! And I'm probably the only person to ever put an Aranea and Casey shipping in a fanfiction! Yay me! :)

And while you're all probably losing over Terezi, don't worry! I've got a (really short) fanfiction on what happened to her and I'll post it next! I promise!

I hope you all loved this thing. Thanks so much for reading it.

You are all awesomesauce!