Chapter Seven

Six Angels faced off one Demon Lord, amidst wisps of dust, charred flooring and frozen door fragments. The Demon Lord was cloaked in black like the Angels, except the girls had white gowns floating mere inches above their ankles. No one moved.



One curve of dark fiery light exploded while blinding white light shined from one side, meeting in the center of the room to fight against each other for dominance. Rosa had one hand up high in the air with her heavenly light shining from her open palm.

Laxus cracked open his eyes only to have them close again. "I can't believe it…" he whispered, "she's has Heaven God magic…it was said to be lost."

The light diminished as it was obvious that the fight was going nowhere. Lucy stepped up and crossed her wrists, placing one on top of the other, and yelled, "OPEN GATE OF THE SCORPION AND WATER BEARER: SCORPIO AND AQUARIUS!" A golden magic ring burst from underneath her feet, and it raised her up a foot or two, when it suddenly opened and out came a scorpion and mermaid, Scorpio and Aquarius.

From underneath Lucy's magic circle, Juvia was stationed along with Wendy. "Hmph, you interrupted my date." Scorpio tried consoling the mermaid, but unlike the other times, she couldn't be deterred, and she ended up sending a tsunami out.

Typical Aquarius.

But unlike the other times, Juvia suspected Aquarius's behavior and turned the tides so the water split into several waves and hit the Demon Lord all at once, but he evaporated the spiritual water with his Hell Fire. "DEMON SHADOW!" The Demon Lord emanated an inky darkness that threatened to cover everyone in an eternal darkness.

"STAR SHINE!" A flurry of stars entered the darkness, and for a second there was nothing that happened, when an entire inferno exploded washing away the stark black. The Demon Lord, had a few scratches across his chest, and his hair looked ragged. Levy ran up towards the side, holding Lisanna's hand, "UNISON RAID: ANIMAL SCRIPT: RAMPAGE!"

So, "rampage", was practically an understatement, it was basically chaos in that small still standing guild. Debris flew everywhere, ghostly animals were everywhere and somewhere in the haze of the animals was a scream, "HELL RAGE!" Fire lashed out everywhere and Juvia was lucky when she was able to protect everyone with her water. The fight went on for quite a while. The Angels ended up being separated by fiery whips that spread out like tentacles.

Rose called out, "Girls! Initiate the—" She looked out at the five girls.

"…plan." *sweatdrop*

From Lisanna to Wendy, they were dressed in new clothing, emitting a halo. In scary unison, they brought their hands to their sides, spheres of light shining.

"I am the Angel of Serenity and Waters, feel my wrath…" A sphere of water shot around the Demon Lord.

"I am the Angel of Healing and Forgiveness…feel my understanding…" A bright light

"I am the Angel of Nature and Animals, feel my life…" A white stream of air around the water

"I am the Angel of Inspiration and Literature…feel my thoughts…" A golden light

"I am the Angel of Patience and Stars…feel the fire…" Flames...

"We are the Fiore Angels…FEEL OUR POWER!" The orbs in their hand shot towards the others, joining the Angels by their light. The joined lights then shot forward to the figure in the middle.




And then he was gone.

"Well, another guild taken down, eh?" Wendy stretched her arms up and out, yawning all the while. It was still night when they exited the small, run-down guild, so they tied up all the culprits and stored them in their rooms at the inn they were staying at. They decided to sleep under the stars for that night. They returned to the inn and fetched the still unconscious dark mages and brought them to the police, on the way notifying the mayor and collecting their award. The Fiore Angel's hoods were up once more.

"Hey Luce."

Lucy turned around, and then pulled her hood down. Laxus stood behind her. "It's been a while since I've seen you…sis." Lucy smiled and brought her arms around Laxus's torso.

"It has been a while…is there something you need?" Laxus nodded.

"Yup, as much as I hate to say this, but Natsu's looking for you." Lucy's eyes hardened.

"What for?" Laxus shrugged.

"I don't know, he just asked me to go and get you. Are you going to go meet him?"

"…Yes, I think I'll go, what harm can he do me?"

Juvia was walking towards her destination: the beach. She was meeting up with someone. As much as she didn't want to, she felt like she needed to. Her cloak was secured around her neck, the low tide washing her ankles. "Hey…" Juvia turned around to face the Ice Mage.


"Juvia…it's been a while since I've seen you." Juvia nodded.

"What is it that you need?" Gray seemed to be nervous. He was fidgeting with his fingers and ice was forming across the sand beneath his feet.
"U-u-um, is it okay i-if you c-came back to…Fairy Tail?" Juvia gave him an incredulous look.

"Why in hell would I do that?" Gray, though nervous, seemed confident that he could persuade Juvia into bringing her back."

"Be-because…because I love you!" Silence fell, save the noise of the waves and the occasional shift in the sand.

Finally Juvia spoke.

"…No. You don't love me. 'Your love will never be met Juvia. Why do you insist on having these feelings?' Don't you remember that?" Juvia turned her back towards Gray. "Goodbye." Gray stared at her retreating figure.

Oh Juvia…this isn't the end of our meetings…

Lucy made her way towards the inn. She had exchanged final words with Laxus before making her way towards the location Laxus had given her. The wind blew the branches and leaves lightly. The inn appeared after a few minutes of walking and just as she was approaching the door, Lisanna came out, looking frantic. When Lisanna's eyes sought Lucy's, she sprinted towards her, and dragged her by the arm towards the cover of trees. Lucy opened her mouth to talk, but Lisanna shook her head.

"Lucy, don't say a word. Natsu's in there looking for you, you know that right? Laxus came to me before you. Listen carefully, whatever Natsu says to you, refuse everything. He's going to want to bring you back to Fairy Tail, he's going to appear to deny everything that he's done to us before, but please Lucy, refuse him, refuse going back to Fairy Tail. Now quickly! Go before he suspects something." Lisanna gave Lucy a hug before rushing off. Lucy looked confusedly at her fading figure before turning towards the inn. She pushed her hood back and entered.

Natsu was sitting at one of the tables set near a window, staring out into the distance. Lucy approached him and lightly kicked him, rousing him from his daydreaming state. Natsu snapped up and looked at Lucy, before giving a sigh of relief. "Oh Lucy…you're here."

"Yes, what is it that you wanted?" Natsu gestured towards the seat across from him. Lucy cautiously sat down, gathering her white dress and cloak before sitting down fully. Unexpectedly, Natsu grasped her hands after she had set them in front of her.

"Lucy…how would you like it if…if we—I—brought you back to Fairy Tail?" Lucy stared into Natsu's obsidian eyes.


Natsu leaned forward and squeezed her hands tightly, "Why not? Luce, I didn't mean those words I said, you're amazingly strong and not a burden. So—"

Lucy stood up, yanking her hands away. "First of all, don't call me Luce, you of all people don't have the privilege of calling me that. Second, I know that you meant those words. I was your partner for a while. You would've have fought against Gajeel and Gray 'til you were blue and bloody, and still would've been fighting. You…complied with their desires of us being gone. So…I'm sorry Natsu but I'm afraid I'll have to decline your invitation." Lucy turned her back towards Natsu, but stubborn as always Natsu leaped and grabbed her left hand, turned her around, grabbed her right hand, and then leaned in close.

"You're not going anywhere."

Frightened by his behavior, Lucy tried pulling her hands away, but to no avail. Natsu's eyes were squinted to slits; faint scales appeared under his eye. "SPIRIT'S CONTROL!" Natsu froze, the fierce look never leaving his face. Lucy snatched her hands away and ran from the inn, speeding away.

"Hmm, I wonder where that buffoon is…"

"Wendy, watch your language."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure."

Wendy and Levy made their way into the heart of Hargeon. They ended up in the market place, standing underneath the shade of a tree. "Wendy, Levy…" They turned to face Gajeel, eyeing and sizing him up.

"What is that you wanted?" Gajeel quietly took steps towards the girl, and quite unexpectedly, pulled them into a hug, burying their faces into his chest in an iron grip.

"I missed you guys so much…"

There was a silence after that; it was just them, the slight wind, and a fresh scent of fruit and baked goods…it seemed like a perfect moment…

At least, until Wendy said something muffled, that sounded vaguely like, "bullshit."

Gajeel heard and spoke, "It's true, it's been too lonely without you guys, I'm sorry for what I said, I wasn't thinking right."

Another muffled response, "Yeah right."

"I'm serious. Come back to Fairy Tail with me."

"Is it just me or am I smelling b-"
"Wendy listen! You too Levy! That remark…whatever, just come back to Fairy Tail with me."

"No way! Let us go!" Levy struggled to escape Gajeel's grasp, but failed to do so. Wendy tried kicking at him, but due to her closeness and her height, she failed to kick him successfully.




Gajeel was out like a light, "C'mon guys! We have to leave!" Loke rushed and grabbed Wendy's hand, Lucy Levy's. They ran away from the area and towards Juvia and Lisanna who in the distance were heaving Laxus and Rose into a train at the station nearby.

"Get back here!" Over their shoulder, they could see Natsu and Gray dashing towards them, gaining speed.

"Hurry guys!" It was a race to the train…

10 feet…








And then they were gone.

"Damn, they left."

"So much for our plan."

"We'll get them…no matter what."

"…Even if it causes a guild war."

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S (EVE!)! I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a while so I tried making this a bit longer then usual. I also apologize in advance if some parts seemed rushed or if there are grammatical mistakes or just errors in the story. I hope you guys have a wonderful new year, and thank you for the support you've given me with this story and others.

Happy readings!
~Moonlight Listener