Firstly I want to thank you all of you from my previous story. it never fails to make me smile when I read comments .!

And you can say it's a sequel from my lastest story (eventhough this story is wrote from my random whim)

here - A Day to Remember

but it's still Ok if you just start from this story. it's not that related so...yep

This story is supposed to be only one chapter but well, its content is too long

so I cut it into 2 chapters.

A/N : KnB isn't mine

Grammatical error(A lot)

No fixed pairings, hint of allxKuroko

English isn't my native language so don't expect too much

Hope you enjoy :D

Kuroko no basket

Sequel from: A day to remember

A day in amusement park

I. Invitation

Kuroko blinked his eyes as he regarded his friend across the table which was being piled up with a mountain of cheese burgers. The blunette tilted his head to one side and repeated what the redhead has just said.

"Amusement Park?"

"Yeah…" Kagami rubbed the back of his neck. "Remember that fussy day when we painted the wall? At the street basketball court with everyone and those uncalled-for Generation of idiots?" seeing his partner nodded, the ace of Seirin basketball team continued whilst chewing on his burger. "Tatsuya gave me two free-passed tickets to amusement park on that day saying he won them or something, and since he has neither time to go nor anyone to accompany him, he gave them to me instead." The tall boy waved two tickets in mention idly.

Kuroko merely raised his brow. "And you ask me to go with you?"

Kagami took another bite on his food, shrugged. "If you're free on this Sunday, that's it."

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

The redhead instantly choked all everything he had eaten out upon hearing what the other boy has just said. His eyes went round as his face uncontrollably heated up.

Kagami's jaw hung low. He sputtered "WHAT—!?"

"Have you just asked me out on a date?"

"What the hell makes you think that way!?"

Kuroko blinked as he innocently inclined his head to one side. "Eh? It's not?"

"Of course NOT! It's just because we have neither school nor practice on Sunday and besides," Kagami grumbled through his gritted teeth "Aren't you the one who said that 'let's go somewhere together'?"

Blight blue eyes blankly stared at the redhead before him. His soft lips slowly parted,

"Am I?"

Kagami's vain dangerously popped up on his head. The redhead felt a sudden urge to bang his head on the table and just died right at that moment. Kagami leaned his head on the table, allowing an exaggerated sigh to leave his parted lips as he muttered under his breath,

"Fine. I'll just ask someone else…"

Kuroko amusedly looked at his partner. He quietly placed a big sized cup of vanilla milkshake on the table. The teal haired boy smiled a little.

"Kagami-kun can be quite cute sometimes."

"What!?" Kagami snapped his head up and irritably glared at Kuroko. His brow twitched in annoyance when he heard a soft chuckle slipped out of those pinkish lips. "Are you trying to make fun of me—?"

"No, Kagami-kun. I'm sorry."

Kagami lowly muttered "…You don't look like you are sorry at all…"

"Well as compensation," Kuroko leaned toward the table and slightly tugged one of those thin papers in Kagami's hand out into his, waving it lightly in front of the redhead's face. He smiled faintly "I'll go with you on this Sunday. Is it Ok by this?"

Kagami just heaved a feeble sigh. Crossing his arms around his chest and turned his face aside, mumbled "Do what you want."

"See? Kagami-kun is being cute."

"Shut up!"

~Akita, Yosen's dormitory~


Himuro looking up from the monthly basketball magazine he was reading and had gentle smile paint on his lips upon seeing the yawning purple haired giant with a big bag full of snacks entered his room.

"Atsushi" the raven placed the magazine on a nightstand beside his bed as he sat himself upright on the soft futon. "I thought you were asleep already, do you want something?"

"Hmnn" Murasakibara hummed as he bit on chocolate pocky. "You still have those right, Murochin?"

"Have what?"

"Amusement park's free-passed tickets" the taller boy yawned again. He slid himself down beside the bed and craned his head to look at Himuro. "My classmate heard you got ones so he begged me to ask them from you. How troublesome…"

"Ahh, tickets." Himuro smiled "Sorry to say, but I already gave them to Taiga."

"Taiga? Kagami Taiga?" Murasakibara raised a brow.

"Yeah. When we went to Tokyo for wall-painting remember? Taiga came and asked for them after we took a group picture." Himuro slightly laughed "I doubted he would go with that interesting guy."

"Interesting guy?"

"Yes. That little cute, interesting guy. If I remember correctly, his name is Kuroko Tetsuya." Himuro widened his smile when the picture of a curtain teal haired boy flashed on his head "It seems he's a good friend of Taiga and he's your friend from your middle school too right?"

Himuro quirked his brow up and blinked when he sensed the taller boy's body went stiff and a sudden drop of a bag of chips on the ground that sent a soft 'thud' echoed through the room.


"Murochin" Murasakibara's eyes were covered under his long bangs "Do you know when they will go to amusement park?"

"…On Sunday, I think." Himuro looked concerned as he worriedly eyed the taller boy "Atsushi, are you all right?"

The purple haired boy stood up "Sorry Murochin but I have to go now."

"Eh, where are you going?"

"Make a phone call."

"Eh? W—wait!"

As soon as Murasakibara pulled the door shut, he then fished his phone out of his pocket. The tall boy flipped his phone open with ease and hastily dialed the number.

He pressed his phone near his ear when a demanding voice rang through his ear.

"I suppose it would be an important matter that makes you called me at such a time, Atsushi."

"Akachin" Murasakibara called his former captain's name with a serious look on his face "Kurochin will go to amusement park with Kagami on this Sunday."

Deaf silence…followed by a snipping sound

"All right" a smirk "Leave it to me"

And the emperor hung up.

II. Entrance


Kagami was strolling along the rather crowded street with his hands jamming deep in his pockets. The redhead relaxedly hummed as he turned around the corner—that's when he felt his cellphone faintly vibrating.

The tall young man frowned slightly when his eyes saw the name of the caller. Still having a big question mark on his face, he pressed a green button and pulled his phone near his ear.


"Ah Taiga" the gentle voice of his big brother greeted him "Are you going to amusement park today?"

Kagami frowned at a sudden question, puzzled. "…Yeah? Is there something wrong?"

"Not exactly" Kagami turned left, heading to the amusement park that was just two blocks away. "I have some sorts of feeling that I have to call you."

"Are you trying to be a fortune-teller now?"

Himuro ignored a chuckle from his brother as he got to the point, "You know, Atsushi came to me and asked for tickets a few days ago."


"I said I already gave them to you."

Kagami deepened his frown. "I don't see any problem there."

"I also said that you will go with Kuroko-kun."

The redhead halted dead in his tracks. His inner feelings vigorously alarmed him when he caught a glimpse of something purple amongst many people that gathering up in front of the entrance of the amusement park. His sweat continuously slid down his face as he took more steps toward the entrance and all he could see was those six damn conspicuous haired colors that looked so familiar—fucking too familiar.

Nononononononononononono, it can't be….!

"Tatsuya…" Kagami's voice gone dry as he blinked his eyes several times making sure that the mobs of rainbow were really there or just only his delusional imagination "Tell me, that stupid ogre is with you."

"That's why I call you, Taiga" He heard Himuro tiredly sighed. "Atsushi is not here."

Kagami stood rigidly on his ground whilst absentmindedly put his cellphone back in his pocket. The redhead was sure enough of what he was seeing—those weird haired colors belonged to no one but the generation of nuisances.

Why the heck are they here!? Kagami cursed under his breath while he saw the curtain model waving his hand at him.

Meanwhile, Kise Ryota was giving his charming smile toward the poor girl who had all her face brushed hard at the sight of a prince-like young man that only made her swiftly hide behind her mother's legs with her big round eyes sheepishly peeking at Kise.

"Stop smiling like an idiot, Kise. You are scaring her."

Kise pouted as he turned toward the ace of Touo "I don't." he diverted his gaze back to the 7 years old girl and bathed her with his infamous smile with a little friendly wave of his hand that made her face blush harder. Kise threw a triumphant look to the tanned teen who only scoffed back. "See? She likes me."

"Are you a lolicon?" Midorima disgustingly said as he adjusted his glasses.

Kise frantically shook his flushed face. "What with that thought Midorimacchi!"

"Ooh~ your face is all red Prince charming." Aomine sarcastically teased "You really like lolicon, huh?"

"NO, I DON'T!"

Murasakibara confusedly raised his brow up. "Eh—? But I like it."

3 pairs of eyes promptly stared at the giant of the group in disbelief while Akashi just plainly sighed.

"'Lolicon' is not a 'Lollipop' Atsushi."

"Eh? It is not?"


Murasakibara tilted his head, his finger on his lips. "But it sounds tasty…"

Akashi diminutively smiled. "Perhaps we can find that out later."

The rest of the generation of miracles sweatdropped at the chancy conversation while the only girl in the group suddenly caught a glimpse of something red from the corner of her eyes, Momoi pondered out loud that gained all eyes turned to where she was pointing at.

"Isn't that Kagamin?" the pink haired manager inclined her head to one side. Her brow raised up "But what is he doing with his phone? It looks like he is nearly breaking it."

"There's only one way for us to find out Momocchi." Kise happily said as he vigorously waved his hand toward the redhead. "Oh Kagamicchi! Here! Here!"

The redhead startled at the loud shout before fumingly stomping his feet toward their way. Kise had to blink numerous times to confirm that whether Kagami was fuming literally or not.

The ace stopped two steps away from the rainbow group. Narrowing his eyes, he growled

"What the heck are you doing here?"

Akashi shot his head up high, smiling. "I assume that it isn't a polite way to greet the same old acquaintances, Kagami Taiga." And the smile broke into a mocking smirk. "And I also conjecture that you know the answer of your question already."

Kise pouted hard. "Kagamicchi you meanie—you planned to have a date with my Kurokocchi!"

Aomine pushed the blonde away in irritation, ignoring a loud yelp from the wailing model while his eyes glaring tensely at his ultimate rival. "Like hell we'll let you hog Tetsu all by yourself, Baka."

Midorima just pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, looking annoyed "It's not like I care or something, it just happens that my sister wants the limited edition of dancing spongebob which only be sold in amusement park."

Momoi crossed her arms around her ample chest, puffed. "You are no fair Kagamin! We want to hang out with Tetsu-kun too!"

Murasakibara bit on his vanilla pocky whilst the crimson haired boy gave him a victorious grin.

"Like Satsuki said, we just want to spend our time with our old friends, nothing else behind it." Akashi said "Are we clear?"

Kagami wanted to facepalmed right then and there. He snorted at the arrogant gesture of the former fearful captain of the GoM. "Then just go somewhere else and spend your precious time with your idiotic friends as much as you want."

"Your nonsensical brain misses something important Kagami Taiga." Heterochromatic eyes piercing through the red ones. "Tetsuya is one of 'my' friends too."

"Has someone just called my name?"

All of them sans Akashi spontaneously jumped as they heard a soft voice from behind Kagami's back.

Akashi smiled at the sight of powder blue haired boy. He greeted "Long time no see, Tetsuya."

"Akashi-kun." Kuroko bowed his head a little. His emotionless eyes conveyed everyone's faces before raising his brow in confuse. "Why is everyone here?"

Kise broadened his smiled after finally regained his composure back. He cheerily pulled his beloved mentor into a hug. "Isn't it obvious? We come for Kurokocchi!"

Kuroko muffled against Kise's shirt, slightly annoyed. "Please let me go Kise-kun. I can't breathe."

Both Aomine and Kagami dragged the model out from their shadow by the collar before Akashi would 'accidentally' throw something sharp straight to the blonde's forehead. The former captain diverted his dead glare from Kise and just simply smiled at his old pal.

"We just happened to meet here." Akashi naturally stated. "And you? Why are you here Tetsuya?"

"I have a date with Kagami-kun."

A pregnant silence…followed by a sinister, creepy chuckle

Akashi's smile has never been this bright before. He slowly turned his ominous eyes toward another redhead and pulled out his scissors from his pocket whilst the rest sweatdropped and preyed silently for the tiger who unconsciously stepped back when Akashi started snipping his scissors.

It seems there's no need for us to step in the scene. All of the GoM—excluded Akashi—plus Momoi thought in unison.

"Oh ho? You really got me surprised Kagami Taiga."

"Actually, me too." Kuroko monotonously said as he scratched his cheek. "I was surprised when he asked me to go with him instead of girls."

Akashi's smile widened dangerously as he took a step forward the ace of Seirin.

"Very well, eh? I suppose you have a good clarification about this Kagami Taiga."

"What are you talking, Kuroko!" Kagami frantically barked while shooting a silent 'Help me' to the teal haired boy beside him.

Seeing how desperate his light was, Kuroko sighed. "I'm joking Akashi-kun. Kagami-kun just got free tickets from Himuro-san and he invited me, that's all."

"Hmn." The crimson haire boy pulled his scissors back and put it in his pocket. His eyes then averted to the teal haired boy. "But you know that lying is no good right, Tetsuya?"

Everyone shot an incredulous look toward their former captain and instantly looked away when the creepy smile painted on Akashi's face.

Kuroko apologetically bowed "I'm sorry Akashi-kun."

"Very well then" Akashi patted the other boy's head before took Kuroko by his hand, tugging slightly.

"But as a redemption, you have to let us go with you too." Or else we will stalk you to no ends were the words left unsaid.

Seemingly, Kuroko could sense a meaning behind those simple words. The azure eyed boy sighed internally as he nodded—to the Gom's consent and Kagami's grimance.

"All right, let's go together." Kuroko said while amusedly looked at the taller boy beside him. "The more the merrier right?"

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Akashi smiled and pulled Kuroko to walk together with him as he started his paces "Let's go."

To be continued…

Review ;)?