No, this is not a new chapter, Partners is very much done, but this is something even better. I promise, for reals! Some of you have noticed this already, but I'm posting here in case you haven't all seen it.

Unleashed, the sequel to Partners, has officially started! The first chapter is posted already, and there is a bunch more to come.

It picks up about three months after the showdown with Itachi, and we'll see how they are moving on with their lives. Itachi might be dead, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions, and a lot of trouble on their horizon.

I really hope you'll like it!

Heavy boots pounded into the puddles and streams the rain was creating, soaking socks and pants equally. No sane person would willingly go out in this weather, but then again, you had to be a little bit insane to hunt vampires for a living.

Naruto dragged a hand through his hair, pushing wet bangs out of his face, noting that he was long overdue for a haircut, and then realising that this was neither the time nor place to be thinking about personal grooming. He had a job to do. Places to see, vampires to kill, business as usual.

Even through the loud thrumming of the rain he heard his own breath grow laboured as he ran across deserted streets. His target had a substantial head start, and had pulled him on a wild chase through the industrial district, past buildings closed for the day and through narrow alleys where even the rats had fled for shelter, but Naruto was gaining on him. Every so often there was a flash of red as the vampire looked back at him, so the vampire was equally aware that it was getting closer and closer to being caught up with. Just a little bit more and Naruto could end this. Hopefully the vampire would realise that it wasn't going to outrun him and stop to fight. A cornered vampire tended to be a vicious one, but Naruto was armed and ready.

Read the rest in Unleashed!