AN Herro creatures of the overworld! I have decided no matter how long(or short) it is, this chapter is most definitively going to be the last and that server is going to be the finale. Also, I plan on writing another story that is somewhat a sequel that will be called Foretold, and it will take place in real life a few months after the events of this story, but I will write it before that amount of time :P. Also, I'm a derp and am way too lazy to change my other chapter so the ip to the server I didn't say is . So yeah! Onwards! To the story!


I looked around, outwards from the spawn, it seemed much more obvious Astrea was here, everything was on fire and there were a few random lava spawns. Also the fact Astrea was teleporting around leaving stinging smoke particles. I hear the owner completely freaking out in the background, then, the others started to appear. Floods of players started swarming out of the spawn, all those extra youtubers must've helped. I focus, and hundreds of budder bows drop to the ground. Then I carefully make tons of arrows drop as well.

Then, "Owner Sir?" I asked, skillfully blocking everyone out but the owner.

Sky! Hi, what do you need?

Atleast he/she wasn't fangirl/fanboying, "Could you find the other youtubers here and op them? And gamemode 'em. We're trying to capture that Astrea person."

A long pause.

Okay, sorry, I was just seeing if I could do tphere but it didn't work. I'll op them.

"Okay, thanks." I say, then revert my focus back on Astrea.

"Hey Hero!" I yell.

"Yes Sky?"

"Can you give me a few potions of slowness and blindness? And perhaps a milkbucket or two," I ask, then quickly find the nearby spawned items, equip them, and set to finding a good place to lie and wait for Astrea to teleport, or teleport behind her. I duck behind a tree so I become less visible. Then, I box in the area everyone is in so Astrea is easier to capture. I notice she paused for a moment and teleport behind her, simultaniously dropping the potions on her. She spins around, but they've already landed, I see her eyes suddenly go a tad darker and duller, and her reactions are much more dulled.

"I got a splash of blindness and slowness on her, this will make it so she can't see at all, and her reactions will be very slow," I whisper to all the players, then teleport away in case she still might attack me. I then spawn tons of budder blocks in item form so that everyone could be able to build. Suddenly, all the players are on the trees. I look to see that Jason somehow managed to take Astreas traveling eye so that she couldn't change server again. Ty is, well, distracting her. He is flying around her head and picking at her hair and even her dulled senses can snap at him decently fast.

Then I see her manage to teleport, right into a horde of players. She sees all the players around her and immediately teleports again. This time she is right by Hero, and he doesn't see her somehow, "FATHER!" I scream in warning, but somehow she had managed to thrust a dagger made entirely of flames into his chest. I teleport over, and against my better judgement, punch Astrea in the face, with a gold enforced hand with spikes. She gets luckily knocked out by it, and I kneel beside Herobrine.


"S-son, your brother and your uncle a-as well, n-need t-to rule y-your three r-resp-pective w-worlds,"

Hero gasped, barely speaking at all.

"Healing potion!" I scream, not wanting to lose the new father I had just gained.

"I-I c..." his voice faded off, becoming almost unrecognizable.

I lean over him, crying into his bloodied cyan shirt. The others didn't care as much as I did, because they had always thought they knew who there parents were. I feel some sort of wind and sit back up. Then I see what I know are spirits exiting him, three in fact. I see a cyan blue one, floating peacefully and trustingly towards the heavens or wherever minecraft spirits go. I watch it climb into the sky and look down at the white and black spirit, no, it's a white spirit and a black spirit, seemingly fighting in death. I see the white spirit grab the black one trying to pull up, with a long tendril of white, but the tendril splits and in its wake a misty red appears. Were these spirits fighting as if they had real blood to spill. I quickly spawn a gold bottle and decidedly lock the black spirit in it. The white one seems to acknowledge me.

"I believe you will meet me again young one, my name is Blade, of the world of Spirits as many say." The white spirit spoke, not waiting for a response but vanishing off into the distance. I look down at the jar in my hands, no matter how much I try to warm it it stays cold. Whatever this black spirit is, it should never, ever, be let out. Suddenly, all the player chat stops, and I notice they all just disappeared. I see something and am not sure exactly what it is. I regroup with the others, and like the curious idiots we are, upon seeing it's a portal, we jump through.

I keep my eyes open, but the first thing I notice is I'm sitting down, on something round. I'm still a little sad about Herobrine, but I get over things fast and there is so much to wonder about. I look at my computer screen and see I'm in the Drug Run I'd started in. I disconnect.

"Ty?" I ask.


"Do you...?"


"Like, Herobrine?"

"And Astrea?"

There was another long pause in the call.

"We need to call Jason."

"No kidding."

I add Jason to the call.

"Jason, do you remember all of it?"

"Astrea, Herobrine, Withermu, Yup, pretty much"

"Well dang." Ty said, really adding on to the conversation.

"Is it just me or do you guys feel like you know how to activate your powers in the real world." I ask, as I think about it.

"I do a little too."

"I do to."

"Want to test it out?" I ask.

"Sure! Meet at the front of the house right now!" Ty said excitedly.

"Last one is a rotten egg!" I yell, not even turning off my computer.

I sprint downstairs and see Mitch grabbing a bag of potato chips. He glances at me and nothing more. I exchange a glance with Ty who is at the door, Mitch doesn't remember a thing. I grin. I run over and touch the door, then lean against it and catch my breath in the disguise of sighing and being bored 'cause Jason is taking "forever" to get downstairs.


Jason finally gets to the door, and we decide that it is easy enough to go in a little meadow we knew that was a ways off but not too far.

"Race you to the meadow!" I said, it seemed like today was my day for racing.

I started sprinting in the direction of the meadow, not paying attention behind me, until... wrp, Sky teleports infront of me! "Oh no you don't!" I yell, unfurling my wings and straightening my tail. With one heave I'm up in the air, I make myself a little higher and ride downwards at amazing speeds. I look to see dark gray witherish plates appear out of nowhere and start covering Jason. Then he takes off sprinting at a normally amazing speed. Except the fact that teleporting and flying are much faster. I dive down into the meadow, performing a spin and pulling back at the exact right moment so I can put my feet on Sky's shoulders but not give him all the strength of my dive. Sky falls under the sudden weight and I grin, sitting on top of him like he was my horse. Sky tries to heave upwards but he can't.

"Aw, looks like y-" Sky starts to say, teleporting in the middle of talking, "-ou can't even hold your self up."

I fall flat on my bum, which hurts more than you'd think. I look at Sky and see Jason sneaking up behind him. He sees I see him and puts a finger over where his mouth would be. Then, Jason just slams his hands on Sky's shoulders.

"Boo" Jason says, making his voice extra deep.

Sky jumps at least four feet in the air, squeals like a little girl, then teleports straight into a tree.

I walk up to Jason and give him a highfive, "Teamwork!" I say.


"Hey could anyone help me out here? As it is with teleporting, I can only really teleport where I see."

Jason and I look at eachother, "Not it!" we say simultaneously.

"I guess I should get him since I can fly and all," I say finally.

I easily grab Sky out of the tree. With my tail. He screams like a little girl until I set him down. Then I say the thing I think all of us are thinking, "So what now?"

Yay! End of the story! I decided I'd also do a little bit of the beginning of Foretold for you guys. Also to make it 2k word chapter, but that's beside the point. So here ya go!

John POV

One step infront of the other, something I'd always stood by. I look over the expanse of the desert, my daughter, Rose, loved the paterns the blowing sand made over the expanse of the desert. Looking over the next rise, I see something. Have I finally actually found something important? I've been living alone in a super cheap shack for a long time, only living off of a little money my parents give me. My wife left me, although I get to see Rose every so often, I actually get to see her in a few days. Finally reaching the top of the rise, I see it is a square of sandstone, somewhat like what the pyramids are made of, nothing exciting.

But then I notice something, there is more sandstone underneath me, could I, be standing on an unknown unseen before pyramid? I slowly take all the sand off the block. I look at it and realize it's a cube, not even slightly rectangular. In fact, it has no faults, it's perfectly smooth on the top and has smooth stones on the bottom. Strange, I dig a little more, more or less letting the sand blow away on the breeze, to make an even more amazing discovery, a doorway. I step in through it, looking around at the perfectly carved inside. It has what looks like long decayed orangish fabric of some sort. It's not at all like pyramids are, but it's still intriguing.

I walk to the left side of the room, seeing some sort of symbol under the dust. I wipe it away, it's a picture of an atom! I brush away what's underneath it and it simply says "Logic" underneath it, hmm. I run over to the opposite side of the room I brush away it's picture and see some sort of block with pixels colored somewhat like dirt and grass, underneath it, it says "Creation". I go to the last side of the room, there there is a star, "Spirit".

So that's a little sneak peak of Foretold, although it's not exactly THAT little... oh well, I probably won't accept OC's for it, but some of the OC's I used in this book might be included :). Anyways, please follow, favorite, and review! See you creatures of the overworld later!

Frost OUT!