Here we go again… Not very original, since I am somewhat obsessed with the character of Hermione Granger who is catapulted through time and space, into Voyager.

So far, one shot unless you like it, or if I feel inspired! Haven't watched Star Trek in a while… :-/

Chapter 1

Captain Kathryn Janeway sipped a cup of coffee in her Ready Room. While setting it on the table, the entire ship shook, and she heard Mr. Tuvok's voice through the com badge.


"Mr. Tuvok, what is the matter? Are we under attack?"

"No, Captain, but I am picking up a disruption in Holo-Deck 2, a massive amount of energy… The sensors are now picking up… a life form of a human female on the deck."

"I'm on my way. Send a security detail."

"Yes, Captain."

Soon she arrived at the Holo-Deck, and she couldn't be more surprised; the crew was already preparing to transport the source of the disruption to sickbay. An unconscious young human woman, dressed rather old fashionably, laid bleeding on the floor, her long messy hair filthy with dirt and blood. A crewmember was scanning her vitals, already, and looking grimly at the woman.

"She's holding on a thread, Captain!"

"Take her to the sickbay at once and inform the Doctor."

"Captain, something's wrong with the Holo-Deck.", said a crewmember. "No one was using it, and the currently running holo-novel is… not on the database."

"What do you mean its not…", the Captain trailed off.

"It's running, but the computer doesn't recognize it as such." The crew member kept at it, lightly punching the computer screen, and then focusing on his PADD, showing her the data. "As if it didn't exist, at all." Then, the program simply shut down, leaving them staring at blank, silver walls where there was once a dark forbidding forest. "And… it's gone. No record of it, Captain."

"Keep searching for it, and report as soon as possible."

"Yes, Captain."

She set to the sickbay calmly, worried with the woman, hoping the Doctor would have good news. Kathryn knew rushing in the middle of the Doctor's work would achieve nothing, considering a life was at risk, but she felt wary. All this time they had spent in space, wonders never ceased, and everything seemed to happen to the ship and the crew. No doubt this stranger would be a new reason for talk. Was she a spy for the Kazon? Hardly. They despised humans, and a female to boot! It was unlikely. Was she some hologram come to life?

Finally, entering the infirmary, she could see the Doctor was now only scanning her, having already administered medication; a sheet was covering her. A Vulcan crew member had been receiving some treatment and had begun to leave but, as Kes was on leave, he had been passing some medical tool or another to the EMH.

"Well, Doctor?"

"She is not a hologram, that's for certain, Captain, if you were thinking about it." Kathryn smiled. "She was far too damaged anyway." She frowned at such words, and noticed the Vulcan Ensign didn't look too pleased.

"She was convulsing when she arrived, apparently from nerve damage. She was not target of sexual assault, but it's clear she was being tortured; all her fingers on her left hand were broken, along with the rest of her arm, and her abdomen suffered damage, probably from a dagger. She was probably used as a punching bag, and stepped on, her wrists seem to have been deeply bitten into, and those are just some of the recent injuries. "

"Excuse me?", said the Captain. The Doctor lifted the sheet; a long scar adorned her torso and in her left arm she bore a carved word.

Mudblood. In capital letters.

What did that mean? Why did that sound like a horrible, horrible word?

"What I don't understand is, it almost looks freshly made, and I can't seem to treat this particular… carving.

"Indeed, Captain.", whispered the Vulcan. "I have consulted the database, and there doesn't seem to be any reference to such a word."

"A mystery that will probably be solved only when our… guest awakens."

"She is now in a restorative sleep, Captain, but I shall be monitoring her." Suddenly, several crewmembers entered the infirmary, gripping their stomaches. "Now what?", sighed the Doctor. "Let me guess, you all ingested Mr. Neelix's cooking..." Their nods confirmed his suspicions, the EMH excused himself and approached them.

"If you wish, Captain, and if Lt. Torres allows it, I would stay with our new patient for as long as its needed."

"Very well, Ensign Vorik. It will not be a problem, and I'm sure she'll appreciate it." At the trademark Vulcan lift of an eyebrow, Janeway responded. "There are many states of conscienceless, Ensign. My mother was once ill, and remained in bed, unconscious for a time, like our Sleeping Beauty here."

"Sleeping Beauty, Captain? You mean, the human fairytale."

"I'm surprised you know of it.", she smiled, "I would read and talk to her everyday and later she told me she heard me."

Vorik remained behind and stared at the young woman. He could see, beneath the blood and dirt marks, she had a pleasing face, despite a messy hair, and a hourglass figure that her scars could not mar. Yes, one could say, in human patterns, she was a beauty.

He took his PADD, punching it several times and set to read aloud about warp core configuration. If he was to watch her, he might as well revise the basics while he was at it. He had always enjoyed science, especially engineering.

Well, enjoying in Vulcan terms, that is.

Yes, control, he made a pause in his reading. He had not been sleeping well as of late.

He dreamt of a dark forest and red and green lights, of shouts and humans falling, never to stand again, which left him oddly disturbed. He would meditate for a while before he could sleep again.

Other times he would dream of a strange library, with books made of paper and encased in leather, some flying above his head, and a figure alone by a window, bended over paper and dusty texts. He would see himself approaching said person and putting his hand – touching! – her shoulder, and she would touch his hand and kiss it. Then, he'd hear her voice call out his name, and he'd wake.

Just dreams, they didn't mean anything. Dreams were illogical.

And he felt the need to revise, so he would read aloud, he would always do so when rereading but reading aloud in his quarters felt…

There it was, feeling, and no meditation would make it go away. It unsettled him, so in the next few days he would go to the sickbay and read to her. There he would feel... normal again.

The crew had asked him questions to which he, with permission, responded dryly without detail as to what injuries she had sustained.

It would only be logical to assume that she would not appreciate the crew knowing what scars she had. Some matters were and should be kept private. They had taken to call her Sleeping Beauty, though.

Her color had improved and so had her recent injuries. Her sleep seemed lighter. The Doctor was of the opinion she would wake by herself. It appeared no true love's kiss would be required, which, according to Tom Paris, was a pity, something Vorik found logical, only because he was considering Mr. Paris probable train of thoughts.

Vorik was droning on advanced warp core configuration when he was surprised by her stirring. She stretched and blinked at the ceiling, and then looked at him.