
As the night grew on, the full moon rose in the ink-black sky, bathing the small town in Northern California as well as rural New York.

The strong rays directed their way into a slightly open window, belonging to a five year old girl, curled in her canopy bed. The little girl let out a small groan, when a piercing pain struck her side. Her eyes shot open when it happened again, ten minutes later. She stumbled out of her bed, her ringlet curls stuck to her sweating forehead. She let out another whimper before slowly dragging her bare feet across the worn-carpet to her parent's room. Though, when she reached the threshold, she stumbled back, as if she was shoved by something. She let out strange cry. A burn on her fingertips brought her attention to her trembling fingers. She watched, unable to stop, as her own pink fingernails ripped open, to reveal black, sharp nails. They were too long and too sharp for her comfort, the pain causing her to whimper out.

While her mouth was slightly open, her own dull teeth shattered, dropping to the ground in white, microscopic pieces. Her eyes widened as her gums ripped open, allowing long fangs to grow out. The length of the fangs caused her ting mouth to expand uncomfortably, only allowing her to let out small blubber of pain.

Another discharge of throbbing came without warning. Her skin was shredding itself open, not stopping until the skin had vanished, and leaving behind slightly bloody, golden fur.

The young girl dropped down to her knees as the nightgown she had worn to bed tore, tumbling off of her from the pressure if the fat fur. She pressed his moist forehead to the ground, shuddering in agony.


The girl's light eyes rolled to the back of her head when her spine jackknifed into the air, snapping in halfway. She tried to let out a scream, but fell back down, passing out.

Across the country, an eleven year old boy stood under the full moon, allowing it wash over his body. He let out a long howl, the change for him, the first time. It was much smoother, much more blissful. He let out a growl of pleasure as he dropped down, refusing to let the wolf take over.

Then, a beckon of pressure soared into his mind. The pain was something he wasn't accustomed too, nor had his Alpha, his mother, told him about this. It was strange and though it didn't hurt, it confused him to the point where he was worried for his life—her life, the one screaming in his mind—his sanity, her sanity. He let out another howl, this one attracting her mother for assistance.

The young girl's eyes when another flourish of damage hit her. Her bones immediately responded by splinter, conforming into shapes she didn't understand, before rapidly healing themselves.

The girl let out one last blood-curdling scream, making the eleven year old boy drop down to his knees, grunting in pain.

"What the hell was that?" A mother in a two-bedroom apartment snarled out. When her eyes opened, it unveiled her glowing yellow irises. They allowed her to see in the dark, better than before. She rolled out of bed, flicking out her hands, as dark nails shot out as well. The scream had came from her only daughter's bedroom, but she didn't allow her senses to take over, she only started to dash towards her ajar, bedroom door. She didn't know what she was running into, but only thing was that she wanted to protect the young child from any pain she was going through.

Her husband grabbed her hand with his own talons, his fangs baring at her. "Stop," He ordered as his irises flashed a blood red. She paused as he tested the tense air. "She's turning."

The mother widened her eyes at her Alpha, her mate. "What do you mean?" She then narrowed her eyes. "She's too young,"

The man turned around, grabbing his wife's shoulders as they shook in fear. "Do you hear it? Smell it?" The man shouted back, listening to the sounds of bones snapping and raw cries and the scent of a feral monster coming radiating from their daughter's room. "It's happening now! We have to help her, before she lets it take over." His voice dripped in venom as he dashed out in his bedroom.

In the opposing room, the girl was retching out blood as something within her body trashed around, becoming stronger, attempting to yank themselves out of her body. The young mind of the child realized that this was inevitable, that whatever was fighting inside of her was going to win, and if she found any longer, she might not live. She finally let whatever it was take over her tiny body that she couldn't recognize anymore and even though she could still feel the pain, she was given so much ecstasy from the relief that she didn't mind that she couldn't control her body. She was relishing in the fact that she could barely feel the sting of her face stretched out, fur exploding from her pores. It morphed into a sinister snout; her eyes bulged out, turning a bright green that glowed in the dark room. She watched in dismay as the wolf face puked once more as a collarbone shredded and a tail formed.

The boy's mother had collected her shivering son, half-turned. Her eyes widened as she took in his dreaded expression. "I can feel everything!" He sobbed out, drenching the side of her blouse. She didn't understand what he was talking about, until his eyes found her, his yellow irises turning from a dark green, back to his yellow. She felt a large weight drop on her shoulders as she brought the boy back to her chest. "Make it stop!"

She placed her lips to her son's warm head before murmuring, "Your mate is changing." She paused, wondering how she was going to explain this to her son, who had just acquired his first girlfriend. "You're connected to a person, someone in this world, and she is changing for the first time. That's why you are connected; the universe set this in place. You both had your first change. Together,"

The boy shook his head, not understanding. Before he could question it, his mother shushed him as she peered at the carters in the moon.

The two werewolves entered the bedroom nails out, blazing. Their faces had morphed into an unattractive, feral face, but they were in control of their actions. They froze when they came to see a untamed, golden wolf, standing over shards of teeth, nails, skin and a nightgown. The wolf leaned down, baring her sharp fangs, letting out a warning rumble at the couple.

"What … what is this?" The mother snapped out. "She's not supposed to be a wolf! She's supposed to be like us!"

The wolf tested the air, finding the woman's fear. She let out a bark of laughter before taking a step forward, challenging the two.

"I am aware of that," The father barked out, revealing to the wolf that he was an Alpha, someone to be feared, someone to be listened to. In retrospect, the wolf should have backed down, summiting to her Alpha, but she only let out another roar, showing them that she was challenging them—to be the next Alpha, or to run as an Omega. "The wolf wants to be Alpha," The father mused, slightly surprised. "This isn't our daughter, she gave us. She let it take over. It's pure instinct now. The wolf does not want to be taught, she wants to kill me."

"Like hell," His mate snarled out.

The young girl watched afar as her parents got into a fighting position. She whipped around in her body, trying to take over, to stop the horror happening in front of her. "Please!" She begged, but the wolf only growled at her parents, not being able to hear her cries.

"We're sorry, baby. We should've told you; we should have taught you," The father moaned out in pain, realizing that if he had told his daughter about her destiny she would have fought. She was a True-Wolf, something that happened occasionally. It wasn't rare, but it was still a topic that had to be taught. She was not like her parents, who could only shift their face, and nails. She was part-wolf and when she shifted, allowing the wolf to take over, she would become a real wolf, instinct taking over. "You'll learn, don't ever give up! Don't let this beast ruin your life!" He then turned to his mate, who was shredding tears at the thought of her daughter; a monster.

"We can't kill her!" She cried out, fear consuming her body.

The wolf licked the emotion up, fueling her rage.

"I know," He dropped down to his knees, breathing out. He looked up to his mate. "Run,"

"No, you fall, I fall." The mother wrapped her hand around her love's, dropping down as well. They both shut their eyes.

The young girl screamed in horror as she watched the wolf tear the two werewolves to shreds, relishing in taking two innocent lives.

The boy's mother held her son as he screamed out, "It's okay," She muttered, remembering a loophole in the principle. "If you want it to stop, I can make it stop."

The boy peered up, tears gleaming. The dark green his mate had was now turning into an icy blue, making the mother gasp. She had taken an innocent's life. "How?" He let out another whimper. "Mom, she killed them. Her own parents!"

"I can make it end; I can make it so you won't feel the effects, until you meet her." Her mother smiled a bit when he shook his head violently, frightened at the thought of meeting a murderer. "Don't worry, the paths rarely do not. It's all fate."

The boy wrapped his arms around his mother's waist, nodding. "I don't want to be a monster," He whispered. "She will make me into a monster."