Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker


Bella and her father Charlie are wolves. They come from a long line of spirit wolves. They can change at will and have other powers granted to them by the spirits. When Edward leaves Bella sees Sam and they both imprint. This is a Spirit Wolf story…


Bella's POV

I am Isabella Swanna and I am a Spirit Wolf of the main bloodline of Swanna. One of the last known bloodlines of Spirit wolves. Well one of 8 last bloodlines.

All my kind protect all living beings weather they by human, werewolf, shape-shifter, witch ETC. If they are judged worthy by the spirits or a spirit wolf. Spirit wolves could see the truth in ones soul. We read the colours of souls like fingerprints.

When I was little Dad told me stories of my heritage. By the age of 13 I transformed into my Spirit Wolf. White with gold paws. And one gold and one silver eye. I can be how big or how little I want. It depends on what the spirits need from us.

I am rare on top of being a Spirit Wolf I am also a Dream Wolf. It means able to get into peoples dreams and alter them. Bring back memories blocked. Heal nightmares. That is why I have a purple stripe on my fur. So when I run in Wolf form my kindred knows I am a Dream and Spirt Wolf. I have a brother named Luken who is a Spirt and Elemental Wolf. Able to control the elements in wolf and human form. His wolf was white with brown paws and green stripe on his fur. My brother lives in Boston working for the Spirits on a project there.

Every Spirit Wolf was always doing something to help others, guide them. We had little time for ourselves. That made finding a mate hard. Spirit wolves are mostly pure souls living to protect life. It is very rare that one of us finds it's other half. We are normally too busy working for the spirits that surround us to look for a life partner.

And we are hunted by many dark creatures wishing to control us or destroy us. We take measures to hide our true selves.

The Spirits gave me the assignment to check out the Cullen's to see if they were good or bad. I took the challenge even though I have never been a big fan of vampires. But I didn't expect the boy vampire and he is really just a boy trapped in a vampire's body to break up with me leading me to my attended mate the Spirits had planned for me…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)