Kenna staightened her jacket as she walked up the front steps of Olivia D'amencourt's house. She had done her research; Francis and Olivia had dated all through college, and then he had met Mary. It didn't end well, because he had dumped Olivia for her and she wasn't happy. She ad been expecting a proposal from him. She raised her hand and knocked on the door. Within seconds, a beautiful blonde woman she had assumed was Olivia answered the door.

"Miss D'amencourt?" Kenna asked.

"Um, yes, that's me. Though, no one has called me that since I got married," she laughed. "Come in, come in."

So, she was married. That was a good sign for the procecution, Kenna noted as she came through the door and smiled. "Thank you. My name is Kenna Harrison, and I'm here to ask you a few questions."

"Is it about Francis and Mary? Oh dear, once the news released their names my heart went out to their families. And to think that the person who did was his own brother! I met Sabastian, he was such a nice guy."

"Uh, I'm representing Mr. de Poitiers, actually. I wasn't aware the media had released the names."

"Last night, miss Harrison. Please, sit."

"Thank you, and call me Kenna, please." She smiled as she sat.

"As long as you call me Olivia."

"Okay, Olivia. I understand you and Mr. Valois were in a relationship while you were in college."

"That's right. He was in my sorority's brother frat."

"And how long did you two date?"

"Four years."

"And why did you break up?"

"He...he found someone else."

"So, it ended badly?"

"Yes. I wasn't happy, of course."


"I would never hurt Francis, or Mary. It was over ten years ago, and I'm married now." She gestured to a picture smiling.

"I see. Thank you for clearing that up, Olivia." Kenna got up and smiled at her host.

"You're welcome. If there's anything I can do, please let me know."

"Of course." Kenna said as she left.

Well, it probably wasn't Olivia. Though the way she was rambling was sketchy, and she would have to double check on the fact if the media released the news on who the victims were. That was definitely weird. If they didn't, there was a very strong possibility she was the killer. Or she knew who was.