"You need to get back out there," Francis told his brother bluntly. "You haven't had a date in…I don't even know how long."

"I don't want to date, Francis," Bash muttered while grading papers.

"Why? Are you dating one of your students?"

Bash threw a pillow at him. "You're disgusting. They're 16."

"Like that's ever stopped anyone before."

Bash sighed. "Fine, I already know you have something planned."

"Mary has the perfect girl for you."

"We'll see."

"You'll love her."

"You'll love him, Kenna."

"I don't know…"

"Come on. Don't you trust me?"

"Don't pull that card."

"Well, do you?"

"Of course I do."

"Then go out with him. You haven't been out with anyone since Henry, and he was married."

Kenna groaned. "Don't remind me."

"Will you go out with him?"


Mary smiled and hugged her friend. "You'll thank me when you two are getting married."

Kenna was sitting at the table, waiting for her blind date. She was lost in thought when someone tapped her shoulder. She jumped.

"Kenna?" the handsome man asked, chuckling. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Sebastian, Francis's brother?"

"Oh, hi," she smiled. "I was just lost in thought. Please, sit down, Sebastian."

"You can call me Bash," he said as he sat.

They talked, laughed, and ate. Kenna liked this guy already; he was smart, charming, funny, and obviously handsome, but he didn't seem like the type that he knew it. He was the kind of guy that pulled out her chair for her, helped her put on her jacket, hold open the door for her, and pay for dates. The date ended in a series of kisses and they ended up back at his apartment, naked and in each other's arms under the covers. They were kissing when all of the sudden, the door opened.

"Francis!" Bash yelled and threw his alarm clock at him.

"I'm sorry! Mary came over and we wanted to see if you wanted pizza!"

"What's going on?" Mary asked as she appeared at the door.

"It looks like the date went well," Francis smirked.

"Get out!" Bash told them.

"And tell us the pizza is here," Kenna chimed in.

"Wait just a second…you're welcome," Francis smiled.

"And we told you so," Mary said before she shut the door. "We'll call you when your post-sex food is here!"

Kenna laughed. "Well, we definitely won't forget this first date."

"Absolutely not," Bash agreed as he kissed her.