Sister of the Pharaoh: Hey guys! Chapter 4! I know, I know! My update record sucks right now! But I'm doing all I can. Hope this chapter was worth the long wait.
Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Yami and Yugi quickly escaped from the house into the chill of the unforgiving winter outside. Without a moment to lose, they two began to run as fast as the possibly could. The snow was falling at an unrelenting pace, blinding Yugi's vision. Her velvet red hood falling to her shoulders. Yami gripped the young girl's hand as he pulled her behind a large, nearby oak tree once they were far away enough from the house. After clearing away the snow inside the hollow trunk of the tree, Yami had Yugi sit inside.

"You should be safe here. Stay inside until I come back for you." Yami instructed.

"But Yami, that things dangerous!"

"I will be fine, sweet one. Trust me."

Yami was about to turn and leave when he felt Yugi grab his wrist. He turned to her eyes full of concern, fear and most of all, uncertainty. Yet there was also something else that shined in those deep and beautiful eyes that Yami had grown to love. That thing was trust. Something he was surprised to see from a girl he had just met. Especially after all she went through. Yet Yami could see that Yugi had trust in him. She knew that he had remained by her side all this time because Yami cared for her. She was grateful to him beyond words, but she still had a lingering question in her mind.

"Yami, what that beast said before. Is it true that your the wolf demon king of the forest?"

Yami stayed silent and turned his head in shame, afraid of how Yugi would react. Keeping his back to her, Yami answered in a quiet, somber tone.

"I am Yugi. I am a demon wolf that has lived in these woods for centuries. I feed on the people with ugly, spoiled souls. Ones who would easily betray another for their own well being. Many times, I have seen such people travel from your village into my woods. However I have only killed when needed and I only come out from my home every fifty years or so."

"Then allow me to ask this, are you going to leave me after this is over?"

"That might be best. A sweet soul like you shouldn't have anything to do with a monster like me, Yugi." Yami answered sadly.

Slightly angered, Yugi stood up and asked him another question in a challenging tone of voice.

"And what if I asked to stay with you!? Would you let me?! Would you let me stay by your side?! Or would you keep pushing me away!? Because I won't let you! What you are doesn't matter to me, Yami! Over the time I've known you, I've come to care for you! You're nothing like anyone I've ever met before and I like that about you! Perhaps the time we spend together wasn't long, but I feel...I..I feel like when we met, it was love at first site!"

At hearing this, Yami turned around to face Yugi instantly with wide eyes. A slight blush shown on his face. He was greatly moved at how Yugi was declaring her love for him like this. Completely unafraid or disgusted by him. She stood there with every bit of courage she had left just to tell him her feelings. This touched Yami deeply as he pulled Yugi close to him. He nuzzled his face into her snow covered hair, whispering softly with a smile as he dared to hope. Hope that Yugi would not break the heart he trusted her with. For she was the first and most likely the only human that excepted him this way. The one and only human he would ever confess such feelings too.

"Yugi, are you saying you love me? That you return my feelings, knowing full well that I am a beast?"

"Yes, I please Yami...Promise you'll live. Promise me that when this over, we'll be together! I've never been in love until now, and I don't want to lose what I've just found!" Yugi declared as she clung to the wolf demon desperately.

Moved by her passion, Yami surprised Yugi by lifting her face upwards and kissing her deeply. Placing an arm around her waist, The wolf king held her tightly. Though shocked at first, the young maiden quickly returned Yami's kiss with the same intensity as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Quietly shedding a tear of happiness. The wolf demon growled in satisfaction when Yugi allowed his tongue to slip inside her mouth. He smirked to himself when Yugi shyly tried to return the gesture. Knowing that she had never been this intimate with anyone. Their first kiss was soft and gently, this one was strong and gripping. Like the two new lover's were making a personal silent oath to one another.

When the two finally broke away, Yugi's face was flushed a deep red. Her eyes glossed over with lust as Yami gazed into them lovingly. He pulled away from the red hooded maiden, vowing to himself to return to Yugi as he turned his back to her. With that, Yami left. His cloak flowing in the cold wind as Yugi blushed deeply. Her heart beating fast in her chest while watching the wolf lord go into battle.

The doppelganger beast angrily stomped out of the house as he ripped open the front door. Growling low with a fierce look in his deadly eyes. He had hoped to track Yugi and Yami by scent, assuming they wouldn't get too far away with how dark it was. Suddenly without warning, a surge of power could be sensed through out the whole forest. The trees creaked and the sound of the wind became unrelenting. The moon seemed to disappear behind the clouds as if to hide from something terrifying.

Then in an instant, the surrounded area went silent. All at once the wind died and any sign of wild life in the area stopped moving. The only sound to be heard was that of the approaching footsteps of the wolf demon king. Who silently made his entrance, commanding the forest with nothing but his will and over whelming power alone. The doppelganger beast slightly shivered. Though the beast was about five feet away, the level of strength radiating from Yami made it seem like he was right next to the foolish beast.

The forest king's eyes glowed a bright crimson that was so piercing. His burning gaze cut through the darkness, staring down the doppelganger beast as he prepared for battle. Despite the monster's vicious killing spree, Yami knew full well that the doppelganger beast was no match for his power. The forest king only bowed his head for a moment, thinking how foolish the creature before him was. For he had long since sealed his fate. The beast growled in frustration when the king made his entrance, ready to strike at anytime.

Yami was silent for a moment, his gaze unwavering when finally spoke.

"I hope you're prepared. A deed as fowl as the one you've committed in my forest will not go unpunished."

The beast merely scoffed as he replied. Trying to hide how threatened he truly felt behind words of false confidence.

"You can't tell me you're here to kill me. I've been watching you, knowing you haven't come out to kill in over fifty years. I can only assume that despite your young appearance, that you are too old to fight as you once did. That's why I came out of hiding and put this plan of mine into action. For I knew that if you found out, you couldn't stand against me. Why else would you run when I came after the girl instead of fighting me right then? Admit it! Your no king of the forest in your state! I could kill you now!"

"Dark shadows of the blood red moon, come forth."

Yami whispered softly. With those words, a spell was cast and his form began to change. The moon came out from behind the clouds to shine on the wolf king, showing off his newest form. Yami's arms became that of a wolf's, muscular with long talons on his hands. His fangs grew, glistening like sliver shards of sharp glass in the moonlight. His eyes now blood red, striking terror into the doppelganger beast. Who had no chance of dodging in the spilt second it took Yami to reach him.

In the blink of an eye, the forest king had grabbed his opponent by the throat. Gripping tightly, his claws dug into the beast making him bleed profusely. Yami then broke the beasts arm. Leaving him to scream in pain before throwing him across the yard and into a snow bank. The beast barely had time to get up when the forest king lunged again. Grabbing the monster by his broken arm and slamming him once again into the ground. Moaning in agony, the doppelganger beast tried to fight back. He viciously sank his teeth into Yami's right leg.

Thinking that he would gasp in pain, releasing the hold on his arm. Yet no such happened. The beast was shocked when he looked to see that Yami hadn't blinked much less flinched from the bite. He let go of the now swollen arm and kicked the beast away with little effort. The beast, now barely able to breath was spewing up blood, coughing roughly as he tried to stand. Yami was walking slowly towards the beast menacingly like that of a loin stalking his pray. He stopped right at the beast's feet and spoke with a fiercer, deeper tone of voice that had a monstrous growl.

"As you can clearly see, the race of beast I'm from is different from yours. The reason I don't hunt for long periods of time is because I stock up on food to last me enough for fifty years time. Not that I need much, I can go for weeks or even years without food. This way I'm not constantly having to hunt like you. And despite my age, I can more than hold my own in battle. The reason I didn't confront you before was because I did not wish for Yugi get hurt. You've already spilled far too much innocent blood. You made a foolish mistake, and that was assuming what you thought to be true."

"'ve killed humans as well! Their monsters just as we are! Killing our kind for their own needs...I was just returning the gesture...What...makes you...better than I?" The beast asked panting heavily.

"Because I only kill when I or something important to me is threated. People who leave the injured behind in pain, those who are foolish to attack me. Or those like you, who kill viciously. Your hatred had lead you to treat all humans as food.. Thinking their all their same. Yet despite the many that have stained souls, there are humans that have kind hearts and gentle souls. Those who care for nature and protect the life within it. People like those who live in this forest, people like Yugi."

The doppelganger beast growled in both frustration and pain. He was humiliated by how he was caught off guard and was defeated so easily. The beast couldn't allow this, he had to think of some way to snatch victory away from defeat. Yet Yami had no intention of letting the monster live. That fact was evident in his voice when he spoke again, his claws growing to the size of a sword blade.

"You have no regard for life what so ever. As long as you get your fill, you don't care who suffers. That kind of selfishness is something I will never allow."

Yami used his claws to cut off the beasts broken arm, at which he screamed in terrible pain. Having enough, the beast lunged at Yami's throat with his teeth, prepared to tear into his neck and rip the forest kings head off. That last stitch plan was costly however, for Yami had already seen it coming and had split the creature in half down the middle. The doppelganger beast was an inch away from the forest king's face before his body fell apart in two pieces. Both side fell to the ground and were bleeding out. The beast was dead even before he attacked.

"Never again, shall you hurt another. Especially not my precious one." Yami whispered.

The dead body turning to dust and floated away in the wind. Yami's body changed back into his form and he closed his eyes to let calming moonlight wash over him.

The forest king used his demonic magic to cleanse and repair the house. Any trace of blood, bodies and damage disappeared from both inside and outside of the home. So that when Yugi's grandfather returned, it would appear that nothing had happened.

Yami then returned back to Yugi, who was right where the wolf king had left her. Yugi stood by the oak tree with her red cloak flowing behind her. A light snow began to fall again, which only enhanced her beauty. Yami walked up to the cloaked maiden who turned her head at the sound of his foot steps.

At first Yugi was hesitant, unsure if this person was Yami or the doppelganger beast attempting to trick her again. Yami understood and knew exactly how to tell his maiden that he was really himself. Yami opened his arms wide and smiled. Yugi's eyes were wide, her heart warmed by the site of Yami wanting her to come his side. Letting her make the choice to come to him.

The wolf king then spoke softly, his love for the cloaked maiden shining through his words.

"Yugi, will you let me stay by your side? For I too have never found a person I care for as much as you. I don't want to lose you either. So please..."

Without giving him a moment to continue, Yugi ran into Yami's arms. Tears of happiness and relief falling from her face as she gently wrapping her arms around the wolf demon. Careful so as not to cause him more pain from injuries. Slightly shivering with a few tears falling from her face, Yugi place her head on the wolf king's chest. Though he was covered in blood from his recent kill, the young maiden didn't care in the slightest. Yugi was only happy that Yami was alive. Yami smiled as he returned the red hooded maiden's embrace. Pulling her as close to him as possible to warm her shivering body.

"Let's go sweet one. We should get you where it's warm."

"Yami wait, there's one more thing I have to do." Yugi requested softly.

Knowing exactly what that was and understanding why, the wolf king nodded with a smile and accompanied Yugi back to the house. After leaving something on the front porch, Yugi stood in front of the house for a few moments. Reminiscing over all the memories she shared with her family in the tiny wooden cottage. Every holiday for Christmas eve, every Sunday for family dinner, every time Yugi felt sad and overwhelmed when her parents died, forcing her to take of herself on her own. She always knew, she could come here. Where her grandfather would be waiting.

Yet she knew now that things have changed, for she had found someone else to love and be loved by in return. No longer would she be lonely in the empty house she once shared with parents. For she now had a new home with the man she loved. After leaving behind a letter for her grandfather, the young maiden turned towards the wolf king. Wearing a warm smile while reaching out an open hand her, which she happily excepted.

"I will gladly bring you back here whenever you wish. I would like to meet your real grandfather." Yami asked.

"I'm sure he would like to meet you too. But for now, I just..."

Yami pulled yugi into a warm embrace and kissed her forehead before picking her up bridle style. Leaving a blush on her cheeks.

"Come, I'll take you to your new home. You can relax and forget everything that just happened."

Yugi smiled and nodded in agreement. Resting her head on Yami's chest. Falling asleep as Yami carefully carried his love to his home. As fast as a falling snow flake, two disappeared into the night and deeper into the dark woods.

SOTP: Ok! Sorry this took so long. I know, I haven't been updating that well, but I've got some new ideas which will hopefully motivate me to write more often again. Please leave a nice review!