'sup n.n

Here is the second chapter! :D I was really surprised to see how many views this fic had o.o I mean, I expected more from the Naruto or One Piece one XD because there are way more people that know those Animes, but still. It makes me really happy to see that you like this story n.n Thank you for the Favourites, Follows and Reviews :) It made me feel all fuzzy owo

Review replies:

Sora Arashitori: Your review was encouraging! Don't worry :D even a smily would have made me happy n.n

Black Heart: Thank you :D It's fine n.n I know how that feels XD

Guest: Haha X'D Oh well, Lin freaks out in this chapter even more. It did take its time n.n I didn't write it in one day ;3 I usually need longer, because I always get distracted and bored with writing so easily X'3

'Damn it! I'm going to crush the first fucking thing that'll cross my path, if this is going to continue!'

Lin was just walking through the empty halls of the sick bay, just barely suppressing her anger. This damned Yukio! He was definitely making fun of her attempts to make him take her along! She was sure that he knew that she wanted to come along. Just a second ago he told her off once again! With that freakish smile of his. Argh! On the top of it, she had the feeling that every time she tried something he would make her Japanese lessons insanely difficult. That wasn't fair at all! Life wasn't fair at all.
However, she had to admit that he really was a nice person. She didn't feel awkward at all around him and he was a good teacher as well! Still, her Japanese was kind of – how to put this – primitive. Considering, that she had been able to read katakana and hiragana even before his lessons (Oh boy, she remembered his face when he found that one out. He really wasn't expecting that.), her performance was honestly weak, at least in her opinion. Yukio always praised her diligence and interest in their culture. It was kind of sweet of him to do that, but she knew that she needed someone to beat it into her, not someone who babied her.
With a defeated sigh, she weakly pushed open the door to her room. Her anger had dissipated once more and only this hateful indifference spread inside of her. Not quite indifference, loneliness and agony were lacing her gloomy mood. A few day ago the painful realization of the past few weeks hat hit her like a wet towel in her face. She died. She freaking died! Her sister hated her and everyone would have forgotten her by now, even the person she had called her best friend for years… She had always been alone and since her parents died, she also had no one to depend on anymore, no one but herself.
Listlessly, she let herself fall onto the soft mattress. She covered her eyes with her arm and took in a deep breath, silently listening to her beating heart. Why did everything have to be this complicated? Why couldn't problems solve themselves for god's sake?! Why did a feeling like guilt even exist?! It ate her up from the inside out.

'It's all my fault.'

Yeah, it really had all been her own fault and she had to take responsibility for it, but she couldn't carry it anymore! She just couldn't. She threatened to drown in worry and guilt. With every passing day she felt her life escaping from her own palms and the worst was that she didn't even felt the urge to stop it. She just let it flow away from her, leaving her drained. Even Yukio had noticed her weird behaviour lately. Fortunately, she could keep her secret up until now, but she couldn't keep on lying while looking at his worried face. All that she would achieve, was to make him feel at fault. She was his first real patient and if she was going to die on him, it wouldn't leave a great memory. That and the fact that she refused to let everything end up like in the anime were the only things to keep her from letting go. What else would there be waiting for her? The only persons she knew were Yukio of course and Mephisto, but she had long found out that he only kept her for his entertainment, not that she argued, she was actually glad to be of any use. As long as she didn't build any kind of bounds with anyone here, everything was fine with her. Gosh, she already sounded like Sai. At least he was one of her favourite characters, besides Obito. She really had a sick taste. A lifeless asshole and a mass murderer? She could only laugh at her own idiocy.

"Suzu-san? Are you in here?" Someone knocked on the door. Naturally, she already knew who it was. This voice… and that way to call her. It had to be Yukio. But what did he want? He had told her that he wanted to head home and he wasn't going to take her along.

"Suzu-san? I'll open the door now." Just as the sentence was spoken, the door was carefully pushed open. Lin swiftly sat up and put a wide smile on her face. She didn't want to worry the poor boy any more than she already did. She didn't want him to suffer like she had been in her former life.

"Hello 'kio-san! Didn't you want to head home? It's already getting dark. You should hurry!" She blinked, pushing all her thoughts into the farthest corner of her mind. Better not think anything at all or else he would find out that she was not feeling well again. He was really good at seeing through her acts. He probably learned that because Rin always told him that he was fine as well, when he wasn't. But she thought it was only because they were twins. It seemed like, she had been wrong the whole time.

"I changed my mind. My father has been bugging me since I told him about you. He insists that he wants to see this girl that I-" He cut himself off. However, Lin didn't even notice. She had stopped listening as soon as he said that he had told his father about her. Why would he do that?! She thought that he would be too professional to break his obligation to secrecy as a doctor. It was good to hear that he wasn't. He was just fifteen after all.

"-eed to promise me that you won't be rude."

Dang it, she forgot to listen again. At least she got to hear his last sentence. Lucky.

"Of course. Don't worry. I'll show him my best side." She smiled brightly and then linked her arm with his, pulling him along. "Let's hurry or it'll turn dark before we even arrive."

"Sure..." Yukio stared at the back of the smaller girl. Almost a whole month had passed without him noticing. He had been visiting her every day, checking up her health and teaching her Japanese. Everything had been going well. Her body had recovered remarkably well and the fact that she had already been taking Japanese classes made it far easier to teach her. On the top of it she was a fast learner, he only had to give her guidelines and she would do everything else on her own. Day after day he found something new out about her, but it still felt like he didn't know her at all. At least he came to the conclusion that she was far from being as reckless as his big brother. He was honestly relieved to know that he could leave her unwatched for the night without worrying about her well-being. However, around the third week her health suddenly got worse as the days passed by. She thought that he hadn't noticed it, but he could see her struggling to keep up her façade. There were dark bags beneath her dull eyes. They had lost their piercing and clear blue colour and her movements got less animated, apathetic even. It seemed like she didn't care about anything anymore. He didn't know what happened, but he couldn't stand watching someone suffering right in front of his eyes. He had asked his father what he could do to help someone like her and of course he had asked who that certain someone would be. He should have known that he would tease him about it, but he also knew that he couldn't do this on his own.
The black haired teen stopped all of a sudden, let go of his arm and turned around. She was still smiling, but he knew that she was barely keeping it up. She was a strong and kind-hearted girl, smiling for someone else's sake.

"Ne? 'kio-san? I don't know which way to go. Gomenasai, ehehehe~." Lin sheepishly scratched the back of her head, while looking up at Yukio. He simply gave her his usual good-boy smile and wordlessly led her through the still empty halls of the sick bay. Neither one of them dared to break the pregnant silence, even though they knew that both of them had so many questions. Why did he suddenly decide to take her along after all? What had happened to her? How could she prevent Shiro's death? What was his father up to? What if she slipped up? Why did he want to see her? Would Yukio hate her? Would he separate him from her?
They stopped right in front of the entrance. The younger Okumura twin pulled out a key and opened the door. Without a second thought, Lin gripped the hem of his jersey. He immediately stiffened at the touch. It was weak and he could feel how cold her fingers were even through his shirt. She was shivering, but why? Was she scared? Or was she cold?
Just as he wanted to turn around, she pushed him through the door onto the lawn of his 'home'. Not far behind, she was looking at the 'house' with awe. It was something like a church. A little one. Although, compared to other houses it was still big.
Lin swallowed hard. Her heart was mercilessly beating against her chest and she felt hot and cold at the same time. What was up with her body? She couldn't stop shaking at all. Hopefully Yukio wouldn't notice that, but she guessed that he already did. Damn it. Why was that happening right then?! She always used to have her body under control. It was really frustrating.

"Suzu-san?" The boy had turned to look at her. "We should head inside. It will get cold here."

She simply shifted her gaze without moving an inch. Inside… Yeah, she had to go inside. This was what she had always wanted, right? She had been annoying the poor boy the whole time because of that and now she was having doubts, when it was too late already. She couldn't retreat now. She had to pull through.
Straightening her back, she stepped forward and once again gripped the sleeve of Yukio's jersey. With a little smile on her face, she lightly pushed him towards the entrance.

'Here'''Here I come~'

Just as they stepped through the door, a loud welcome home was yelled out. Out of instinct, Lin hid behind the broad back of Yukio, who was warmly smiling at the greeting.

"I'm home."

She could feel the vibrating of his voice against his back. Leaning closer to his frame, she could also hear his heart steadily beating and feel the warmth that he was emitting. It was so soothing and secure. She wanted more. More heat, more security, simply more of everything.
Absentmindedly, her hands slowly wandered up, tracing over the seam of his top. It felt so nice being close to someone. Close. Then she abruptly stilled her movements. No. This was wrong. So very wrong!
Tentatively, she took a step backwards, while looking at the boy in front of her in disbelief. She couldn't afford to create a bound with anyone. She couldn't depend on anyone. She had to handle this on her own. Always on her own…

"This way Suzu-san." With utmost care, Yukio put a hand on her back and gently pushed her forward. He could tell that she was completely intimidated, downright frightened even. Her ridged fingers had been clinging to his jersey for support not a second ago and the fact that she had given him that look – lips pressed into a thin line, head slightly casted downwards and eyes as wide as platters. He hadn't expected a reaction like this, but after almost four weeks, he learnt to expect the unexpected from her. That didn't mean that this sight wasn't alarming. Even for her conditions this was far from being usual. She had been looking forward to this moment since the first day she had woken up on. Every single day she would nag around about him and why he had refused to take her along. And now? And now she had completely shut off, not responding the way she usually did. She probably didn't even notice.
But… She never even told him why she insisted on meeting his family. It wasn't like him to stick his nose into someone's business. Nonetheless… wasn't it kind of his problem? She was his patient and she wanted to meet his family.

"Yukio! You're late man! We already started eating dinner without you."

Lin held her breath, not daring to disturb her hearing by making noise with her breath. There he was, lazily sitting at the full table and eating without a single care in the world. Rin. The hue of his hair was just as dark blue as in the anime and his eyes had the same shade of a sapphire. Fascinating. Simply fascinating. She though in awe. He was the complete opposite of his twin Yukio, who was the calmness in person. Rin emitted an aura of vigorousness and rebelliousness.

"Sorry, I had to take care of—" He paused and glanced behind him. "-something important."

"Ha? You always use the same exc-"


"Y-Y-Yukio, y-you-. She-. A girl!" He screeched while pointing at his brother. His fork had slipped out of his hand. Said girl only slipped further behind the boy in front of her, kind of feeling ashamed for what reason ever. She felt her face heating up and her legs turning into jelly. Oh no, she was reverting to old habits. She needed to get a grip of herself. C'mon she was no scaredy-cat. Not anymore.

"Well deducted Nii-san." Yukio smiled teasingly.

"B-but how come my little brother gets a girlfriend before I do?!"

"Well Rin, I would be worrying, if I were you."

"Old man!"

"I agree with father Nii-san."

Rin choked and looked at his family members in disbelief. Lin, as well, could only watch the scene with confusion. She was dumbstruck. How the hell did Rin even get to the conclusion that she was Yukio's g-girlfriend?! And why didn't Yukio correct him?! This was all so embarrassing! Wasn't he the one who had told her to behave? Damn him and his way to make her obey.
Shyly and slightly flustered, the black haired girl stepped forth from behind the said person. Her gaze instantly fell upon the younger Okumura twin.

'Whoa, great combination of colours. Blue eyes and black hair. I love blue! No. Get a grip. Get a grip! Getagrip! I really need to concentrate now. If I slip up, everything would have been in vain. Just act like Lin again. Be Lin. I am Lin!' She released a breath that she didn't know she was holding in. 'Fuck.'

"Good evening." Her voice was barely above a whisper, almost not audible, but still, everyone present in the room went silent and turned to look at her. 'Well, that went well, didn't it? – note the sarcasm. What now?' She clenched her fists. 'I gotta say something. C'mon, there must be something I could say or do with my epically bad Japanese.' A soft smile was gracing her features. 'Oh man, I give up. Just play nice.'

Everyone - what actually only included Rin, Yukio and Shiro – stared at her as if she was going to say something else. It felt like years before one of them noticed that she wasn't going to continue. Yukio was the first one to take action. He placed a reassuring hand on her back and carefully pushed her forward, his expression showing genuine concern. To him she looked like a panic-stricken animal, gaping at his family members with wide eyes. He could literally feel her trembling beside him – her hand was still clinging at his jersey after all. Why was she this frightened anyways? He couldn't place a finger on it.

"You should introduce yourself." He whispered, causing shivers to crawl down her back. He was so close! Too close for comfort - that didn't mean that it wasn't still nice.
She swallowed hard and then bowed deeply. "I'm Suzu Lin. Please take care of me." It came out in a slight stutter and her accent was also present.

Rin just dumbly stared at her. How the hell did Yukio, – Yukio! – this little scaredy-four-eyes, get a girlfriend like that?! How did he even manage to meet a girl like her? He couldn't imagine that she had been the one to approach him. She was way too timid and shy. Hell, he could barely understand her whispery voice! However, he had to admit that she was kind of cute. The adorable cute and there was something about her. Something-, something abnormal. His gut feeling told him not to trust her. Yeah, as if. He had to stop that. He was already thinking like his old man. It was probably just the fact that he didn't know her. Still… He couldn't stand her, for what reason ever.
He blinked. The girl's pitch black hair was tied into high pigtails, smoothly falling around her frame. It reached just past her shoulders. Her icy blue eyes were dull and unfocused, still somehow its piercing glare made his gut do flip-flops – not the good kind.
His gaze shifted downwards. She was wearing Yukio's old clothes. What the hell? Wha-. Why was she freaking wearing his brother's clothes?!
His expression mirrored his thoughts – sour. He could see the little girl cower beneath his glare – literally little. She was almost two heads smaller than Yukio. How old was she even? Ten? But why would his little brother choose such a young girl?! He always thought that he was the rational one between the two of them.

"You don't have to be this scared Lin! Come here, sit down. You must be exhausted after this long day." It was Shiro who called her over. He was grinning widely, just like she could remember from the pictures in the manga. Her breath hitched. He was the strongest of exorcists. A paladin. The one who would soon die…
As the said man saw her unsure expression he added: "Don't worry this one won't bite. Right Rin?"

The boy was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts, quickly casting his head to the side. "What do you want to say with that?!"

Yukio ignored the whole ruckus and gently lead the confused girl to one of the seats. He himself sat down as well, watching his family argue. He should have expected his Nii-san to act like this. He always did, without noticing that he was intimidating half of the people around him.
A sigh escaped his lips. Why did he want to take her with him in the end anyways? He glanced to the side. Her pale skin seemed even whiter if possible. Her whole body was trembling and her eyes were wide open. Not even when they had first met, she behaved like this! He was impressed by how calm and collected she had seemed. After all the principal had decided to be unreasonably blunt. The news of her near death experience didn't seem to bother her at all, but now, weeks after the incident, she was cowering in fear for no comprehensible reason. It couldn't be that she had to talk with someone. He had seen her talking and playing with other children, who stayed at school while summer break. She had no problem with kidding around. In his eyes, she was an outgoing and lively girl, not the kind of person that he was witnessing at that moment.

"Thank you."

Her soft voice should have been drowned by the loud bickering of the two males that were occupying the room, but the noise stilled at her comment. Rin turned to look at the weird girl. She was nervously twirling the tips of her hair, not daring to face any of them. Well, of course besides Yukio.

"What are you thanking us for? You're a weird little girl." Shiro inquired and grinned at her, kind of setting a final to the fight with his older son. The younger one took the lead at that and spoke up, while gesturing to Shiro.

"This is my father. He might be a bit too much at times, but he is actually a respectable man." Said man proudly nodded in agreement. Then he pointed at his older brother with a sigh. "This is the one I already told you about."

"Eh?! You've been talking about me?"

Ignoring the outburst of Rin, Lin shifted her attention from Yukio back to him. He, as well, had an aura of pride surrounding him. It must have been that Yukio admitted that he had been talking about him behind his back. Who wouldn't be, if his younger sibling did? She had always been happy, when her sister mentioned her.
She shook her head. Oh man, she really had to pull herself together. 'Stop spacing around!'

"It is a pleasure to meet you." She bowed slightly. Not very creative, but it had been the first thing to pop up in her head. There wasn't much that she could say, without sounding like an inept dimwit. Hey, she only had had a four-week crash course in Japanese and all of her former knowledge had been wiped out of her memory – not literally of course, but it wasn't useable at all.

Rin glared at the hunched form of the girl in front of him. He felt like hitting her, but that would have been so wrong in many perspectives. The feeling alone was wrong enough! What was that? Why was he in such a bad mood? Not even the fact that Yukio admitted defeat, made him feel any better. Was it really because of- he narrowed his eyes –her?


The sound of a grumbling stomach pulled him out of his thoughts. A blush was spread across the girl's otherwise pale face. Damn it. He couldn't possibly let a friend of his brother starve, neither could he treat her the way his gut told him to At least not that brutally.

"I am sorry."

Well, he did have to admit that she had good manners. But those momentarily hidden eyes still unnerved him. Was she wearing contacts? No, that would have been really unreasonable.
Rin turned in surprise as his father began to heartily laugh. "You don't have to be! Everyone gets hungry. Dig in! We have enough for everyone."

Lin gratefully smiled at the man and then looked at the plates placed on the table with longing eyes. Could she just take something? Or did she have to wait for someone to start? She didn't know! Wasn't it rude to take the first turn? Oh well, she just had to wait and see.
As if on cue, Shiro picked up his chopsticks and put his food on the plate in front of him. Rin eagerly followed.
Nervously, she herself reached for her chopsticks and eyed the meal once more. Sushi, onigiri, sashimi, soba, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, of course rice and mochi were placed across the table. Only the sight made her mouth water. Nonetheless it wasn't hard for her to decide. She didn't like raw fish at all and the red bean paste has never been that appealing to her. However, she loved ramen and soba and other kind of Asian noodles. Obviously she chose the delicious looking soba. She had always wanted to taste Rin's cooking and now she was sitting at the table with him, Yukio and their father! It was so unbelievable, surreal even.


Lin jerked slightly in surprise and watched as everyone put their hands together. Oh right, she had to say that before she started to eat.
Hesitantly, she raised her hands in a silent prayer and spoke with her soft voice. "Itadakimasu."

Within the blink of an eye everyone was already devouring the food. Not literally devouring, but they did eat with eagerness.
Lin stared at the plate in front of her, then at the family eating and back to her food. 'It must be delicious. Still, somehow those looks Rin are giving me… Nah, just eat already Lin and stop thinking.'

Carefully, almost lazily, she began to eat. As soon as the first noodles touched her tongue, all her doubts were gone. It really was as godly as they had described it in the manga. She really had the urge to inhale the food, but she couldn't do that now. It wouldn't look very ladylike, so she had to force herself to eat slowly. 'Fuck being ladylike. I've never been much of a girl anyways.' She glanced at Yukio. 'But I'll behave, just like I promised. Mark my words Yukio. I never break my promises. Better be grateful.'

"Lin was it, right?" Shiro suddenly asked.

She turned to the source of the voice as she heard her name, then quickly nodded as she eventually processed the question.

"Tell us a bit about you! Yukio is always very secretive about his school life. He never even told me that he has an exchange student to take care of!" He was kind of pouting.

'Exchange student? Great excuse. And where the hell do I come from?' She threw the younger Okumura a confused look and then proceeded to sweetly smile at the paladin. "Yes. Uhm… I'm an German." She felt a shocked pair of eyes on her. "But I'm a Filipina as well."

Shiro nodded and waited for the girl to continue. His son hadn't been exaggerating, when he had told him that his charge was more than unnerving. She didn't quite feel like a demon, but she didn't feel human as well.
He narrowed his eyes. Rin, as well, had a negative reaction. Usually the gut feeling of a demon wasn't wrong. So what was she? On the top of it, it was Mephisto, who had given Yukio the task of looking after her. That man had never been up to good. However - He, once again, smiled brightly. – She was his son's first actual patient, if you ignored Rin, and he had already gotten attached to her. He couldn't scold him for that. She was an enigma and the boy didn't like not being able to solve something. That meant that him asking for help was an exception. He couldn't just leave him high and dry now that he had brought her here.
His gaze wandered upwards, but then all of a sudden he halted. How could he not have noticed it before?! The demons! They were passing through her as if she weren't even present at all!
He had to force himself not to gasp at that. How was this even possible?! He could see her just fine and she could touch them without any problems. Was she even aware of her state? It seemed like she was only present in Assiah, but from what Yukio had told him, she could feel their presence, if not even see them. The more he thought about her, the more questions popped up in this head. He wanted to bluntly ask her, but his son had insisted on not traumatizing her in any way. If he wouldn't know better, he would have said that he had fallen in love with that timid girl. He could only laugh at that ridicules idea.
Looking up, he noticed that she was absorbed in a conversation with his older son, who was wearing an expression of discomfort. He really didn't like her, now did he?

"How old are you anyways?"

Lin kept up her smile, not wanting to set off the other boy. She could clearly see his blunt glare that was directed towards her. What had she done this time? She had only told them their heritage, before Rin openly stated his displeasure. I can't stand your face. He had said. It felt like a punch into the gut to her. Her heart was still pumping like a maniac. Ba-dump, ba-dump – it went.

"I am seventeen years old."

She was barely holding in her tears. Yeah, she was way too emotional, but who was she to complain. After all, she wasn't emotional at all – not emotional at times that she wished to be…

"You are fifteen, right?"

The silence that greeted her was devouring and awkward. Rin was only focused on eyeing her from head to toe. She didn't expect things to turn out this way. Although… She should have known. Everything had always turned out the wrong way as soon she was present. She was a magnet for misfortune. She meant, did Rin ever hate anyone without a reason? No. And here she was, him seeing her for the first time and he already hated her guts. How was she supposed to help them, if one already rejected her completely?

"Yeah, obviously." The boy grunted. What was she supposed to do now? She had assumed that they would get along, but now…

It's all my fault.


I should have known.

'Yeah. It never turns out the way I predict it to be. I can never make myself behave the way I want to as soon too many people that I don't really know are present. Why?... I hate it.'

I hate myself.

"How come that you have Yukio as your guide and not someone your age?" Rin hissed, empathizing the 'your age' part.
Lin bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to show anyone how much words could affect her. Was she that unlikeable? How depressing…
She evened out her breathing and looked straight into those mesmerizing eyes of the dark haired boy.

"Why not him? His Japanese is great. I am learning Japanese." She had to halt, searching for the right words. "My Japanese is honestly bad."

Was that the reason why she kept her sentences as short and easy as possible? Rin stared ahead. He had thought that she was speaking unwillingly and that that had been the reason or her refusal to speak without being spoken to. Really now, he had to stop having prejudice against this girl- Maybe if he wasn't such an asshole towards her, she would turn out to be really cool.

"Haa? Why did you come to a Japanese school then?"

Whoops. That was a bit harsh. He didn't intend to make it sound this mean, but whatever. It was too late now anyways.

"My uhm-. I like Japan. I am alone and I do not like my home. Rather I've been kicked out of my home…" The last part wasn't meant to be said out aloud. Luckily, Lin had reverted back to English without noticing before those words had left her lips. Plus they were spoken that softly that no normal human would be able to make sense out of them. However, no on one of those occupying the room was normal. They were far for being normal.

Yukio, who wordlessly had been listening to their conversation, watched them getting used to one another. He could see them struggling, both for another reason. While Lin looked like she was going to keel over, Rin was balling his hands into tight fist, obviously trying to hold himself back. Those glares he was giving her and the way she bit down on her lower lip… He had thought that they would immediately get along, but reality had proved his prediction to be way off from the truth. His brother hated her and she was scared of him. Not the best ground to build on. All he could hope for was that his father would solve what was keeping Lin from getting healthy. It had to do something with her home. Yukio pressed his lips into a thin line. This one side note. She probably thought that he hadn't heard her whispering it. Rather I was kicked out of my home. She had said. What did that mean? Had she been blatantly lying into their faces the whole time? Hadn't she told the principal that there was no one to contact about her absence and that she was in Japan for a trip? Why would she lie about that? Didn't she want to return to her home? Of course! His eyes widened in realization. She had told his Nii-san that she didn't like her home! But where did she come from? All this time he had been spending with her didn't further their knowledge about each other at all. Neither of them told the other about themselves. That only showed that this girl wasn't as dumb as she made herself appear. He could also see that in her studies. They hadn't only studied Japanese, but also all the other subjects. He wanted to make sure that she was prepared for what was to come. However, there was no need for that. Apparently, she was actually quite able. It was surprising to see that out of all subjects math was one her strong point. Naturally she went through the English exercises as if they were written in her mother tongue. Which lead him back to his actual question. Where did she come from? The Philippines? It was possible, but she said that she was German as well. It had really shocked him at first. She hadn't even once mentioned that. It was fully plausible. Her skin had a natural pale colour, even if you neglected her momentary state. However, knowing that, she was even more suspicious. Did Mephisto really not know her? He wasn't that sure of it anymore. It would make a lot more sense, if she was his acquaintance. Then the princ ipal would have a reason to save her. At the moment it looked like he took in a random stranger that he had run over. Not very convincing, if you asked him. He had had his doubts from the beginning, but who was he to question the principal. He had to have his own reasons. Still, the fact that this girl had the same heritage as him was unsettling.

"Thanks for the meal." Lin put her hands together and bowed her head. Oh no. Now Yukio had missed the whole conversation with Rin! He sighed for the upmost time this day. Being around those two made him tired.
After following the blue eyed girl's lead, Yukio thanked for the meal and put down his chopsticks.

"Yukio. Rin. Why don't you go ahead and prepare the guest room?" Fujimoto, who had kept quiet for most of the time as well, stood up and grinned at his boys. He wanted to have a word with the girl without someone glaring at her or another factor keeping her at bay. He wanted to hear the full truth out of her own mouth.
Rin and Yukio looked at each other and quickly left with a 'Later' and 'Yes'. They probably knew that their father wanted to be alone.

"So." A voice resounded. Lin turned around, facing the man completely. "You're that little enigma Yukio told me about? You sure are a mystery." He put his elbow onto the table surface and leaned his head onto his palm. "Tell me more about you. I'm all ears. I want to know what kind of person my son spends his time with."

Lin swallowed hard and gripped the hem of her shirt for support. She felt her gut churn in disapproval and chills running down her back, causing goosebumps to form on her porcelain skin. The world around her started to spin in circles. Why was she this nervous? Okay, scratch that, she knew why she was nervous, but still. Her hands wouldn't stop trembling and she could feel the blood pulsing through her veins. You know the feeling when you are standing on the edge of a high place without any kind of safety measurement? Yeah, she felt just like that. However, what she didn't understand was how this could be even though the air was neither awkward nor thick. Actually the man in front of her was emitting a vibe of security as if she could really tell him anything. It must have been because he was a priest.

"What I tell you should? I cannot say much." She literally couldn't tell him much with her limited Japanese, but she couldn't just tell Shiro something without Yukio approving of her answer. Then again, he had sent his son away. Perhaps he wanted her to talk without worrying about what he Yukio would think.

"Your likes. Your dislikes. Hobbies and dream for the future. Anything actually." He was waving his hands along his suggestions. Somehow this seemed familiar. Lin blinked. A picture of Kakashi entered her mind. Oh right. That introduction. She had been brooding about the answers to those questions since she started writing fanfictions and actually… never came to a conclusion. What did she really like? What did she dislike when there was nothing she hated? Oh wait, she did hate something or more like she was scared of it.

Before she knew it, the words had slipped past her lips, making the temperature seemingly drop beneath sub-zero.

"I hate your death."