Disclaimer: I don't own W.I.T.C.H or Winx. If I did, you would know it. I don't own the characters either.

I don't own the prequel of this story "Betrayal is silver, Vengeance is gold" which is a fanfiction by TTigerz who gave me the authorization to write this what if. If you didn't read it, you should understand where it comes from, as well as to read a good dark Will story.

This chapter was written the 12/03/2013. At the moment I publish this 13 Chapter for this story have already been written and are in Beta.

Company of Shadowed Light

Prologue: The Oracle is dead. Long live the Oracle

"Any last words?" She asked, knowing what would come.

He nodded with his unnerving grin, which she knew was his last. She armed her sword.

"Tempus Retro V..." 'SLSH' Her sword, doused in dark flame, cut at his throat before he could finish. His head fell on the spotless marble before burning away.

"Not on my watch." She said with a malevolent smirk, wiping her sword upon his pale blue dress, before sheathing it back.
"As I said, I'm the new Oracle." With those words the body in front of her disappeared and she felt the power entering her.

'Uh. It'll take time to take it in. The man could have easily killed me if he had not been so foolish'
As those thoughts crossed her mind she sat back down. There were still others out there. Five former Guardians and the three members of the council she had allowed to remain. But she would give them some time to wallow in their defeat.

After all, the old-man was still right about one thing. Now that she had accomplished her vengeance she had to do something of the infinite time she had. So she would take that time to decide her course.


Outside the chamber the first wave of cries was followed by a second, fiercer and shared by all who lived in Candracar. If the first had been out of grief, the second was out of dread. The Oracle had died. Will had won.

Taranee fell to her knees. They had tried, at one point she had even believed they could stall her long enough. That all would be made right and that she would be given a… They would be given a second chance.

Now she knew all was lost. Soon the fallen angel who could have been her friend, had she not been the coward she was, would go out and torture them all once again. And the worst thing, she somehow felt that she deserved it. She had already gone through that, she knew she should try something else, but now all she could do was wait for Hell's door to open. If only her suffering could make it right.

"Taranee Cook." She heard a voice behind her.

She slowly turned her head and saw the battered face of Luba. Her robe didn't look like anything dignified anymore and she was still gripping a broken sword in her right hand

"All is not lost." She said in a surprisingly gentler voice than the one Taranee thought the Elder would have. Maybe the sadness was getting to her. "There are still worlds to be saved"

"Saved!" Taranee burst out. She too was on edge. "She has three Hearts and is now probably absorbing the power of the Oracle. By the time she is out we will all be dead."

"You're wrong on two points, Guardian of Fire." Another voice said from her right. It was the voice of Alfor. The man was helping Cassidy to heal Kadma's burn. As the Guardian of Fire she knew that the woman would bear those scars on her right side forever.

She was about to ask, but seeing Kadma reminded her that Hay Lin had suffered the same fate. She'd thought both Hay Lin and Kadma to be dead, but seeing Alfor and Cassidy try and heal Kadma, gave her hope her final friend had survived as well. She looked around.

"Fear not, Guardian of Fire. Your friend is being healed by Tibor under Yan-Lin's watch. Just behind those fallen columns, we could not take the risk to move her."

"Good, I guess." She said in a trembling voice," How long were you here, I didn't see you enter."

"I've been calling you for a while now as you were self-pitying."Luba said in a tone which she was more habituated to. Now, as Alfor was saying, you're wrong. One, she doesn't even need to go out to kill us as we are now, and that's why I know she doesn't want us dead yet."

"Of course she doesn't, she wants to torture me and Hay again". Taranee mumbled.

"Probably yes, and in a sense, I will let her to do so. Because it's the only mean we have left. The Oracle told us before the battle of a place where you could find new allies and powers. It'll be hard and it won't be enough to fight her, but if you make enough allies you should be able to stop her from invading those worlds."

"So, Guardian in exile." Cassidy said as Kadma seemed to wake. Alfor made his way to where Hay Lin was, probably going to heal her.

"In a way, yes. But we must be sure she won't follow you, so we have to send you to one planet which is already fallen. From there you'll have to make your way and try to prevent her from reaching them. They may not believe you, but you have to convince them and find your way to Magix."

"Magix, what is that? I never heard of it." Taranee asked, resigned.

"It's a test, right." Kadma said with a knowing but hurt look.

"You... You won't come with us?" Cassidy asked at the same time. Taranee was so used to work with her group that she had not thought it strange. But testing them was normal, at least for Hay Lin and her. Now why couldn't they come?

" Yes, once the Air Guardian is healed enough to be moved we will open a way to the Magic dimension before going to destroy the sanctuary where you got your power. We should have done it earlier, but..." Luba bowed her head.

"You had a lot to think about, We all had." Kadma said in a faint voice, massaging her arm. Taranee could still see the tears wept for Angelo. Out of all of them he had been the one who truly had done something for Will.

" Yes, and we already know we won't survive the destruction so don't wait for us and seal the other way. I know you already know how Kadma, and Yan Lin too." She followed. At that moment Taranee saw Yan Lin get up, Hay Lin in her arms. It was still strange to see the old woman in that young body.

"You heard what I said Yan Lin." Luba turned to her.

" Yes... I had hoped it would end here. But as long as there is a hope we have to try. I just hope my little Hay can survive long enough." The woman got met by a strange feeling. It was like when she had first become a guardian. That forgotten feeling of unity, of having something greater than yourself bestowed upon you. However, this time she did not feel impatient to start.

Tibor made a tear and a white, blue portal opened, giving way for a freezing wind. "Do we have anything else to know?" Kadma asked as Cassidy was already entering the fold.

"Only two things." Tibor said gravely, his hand tangled in is beard. "The Magical dimension was ignited from the void with the power of the being that once was Xin Jing. All that was not left in the Heart of Candracar and Aurameres are there."

Taranee was speechless. An entire dimension had been created from leftovers. And now all that power and more was in Will. Could they really win against that? How did she even handle all that power without breaking down.

Finally, she was still the first able to speak again "Okay... And the other?"

"Earth is where it all started. Earth is where it'll have to end." With those cryptic words Taranee felt a violent push and was hurled forward, falling down in the snow. Behind her, she could hear the rasp chant of Kadma and Yan Lin as they sealed the way. And as it closed, she also heard the demented laugh of the monster they had created, followed by a shout.

"YAN LIN!" Both Cassidy and Kadma called for their friend before the fold collapsed. Along with the old woman back in her true body.

"Yan Lin, tell me you're alright." Cassidy ran to her old friend.

"I don't think so..." The raspy voice of the elder woman said " Give me Hay Lin's hands, please."

Taranee looked at her and understood. Yan Lin had taken the hit to protect her granddaughter. With all the power needed to close the fold she had to take it with her body.

"Here... here it is." Cassidy said with a sob, taking both hands in hers while Kadma glowed green as she tried to heal her with her power.

"Thank... I hoped (cough)... I hoped I could stay a little longer (cough) with you... Hay Lin (cough)" Yan Lin said slowly as a Silver aura came from one and went to the other.

"Don't say that Yan. I'll heal you" Kadma said with the most conviction she could. However Taranee could see that the bleeding would not stop. And the weather of this planet did not help.

' What Am I doing? If it's something like temperature, I can do something.'She spread her arms and a ring of fire was circling around them, cutting the winter wind. Kadma and Cassidy both nodded at her before going back to tend the Lin.

"Ah, It got warmer... But it won't be enough... and you know it, (cough, cough, cough) It's the same flame that burned your arm and Hay's face..." She stopped taking back her breath and probably letting it sink in, she then slightly turned her head toward her. "Taranee. You are now all that's left for Hay Lin. She is a strong girl, but I know how much frail she is too. She already tried to kill herself twice. Please, be there for her."

"I will." Taranee promised. "On my flame, I won't ever let a friend down." Yan Lin made a small smile before coughing again.

"As for you, my old friend." Yan Lin turned to Kadma."Protect and help those young ones... You're the only one with experience left. Guide them... and don't let your anger guide you." She said the last part jokingly, but they knew she was serious. Kadma just nodded, still concentrated on trying to close the hole in Yan Lin's side. She had almost stopped bleeding, but she had become livid.

"Nothing for me?" Cassidy said, probably trying to up the moral. In that she really reminded her Irma. A less attention whore-ish Irma, which was what they would have needed to oppose Cornelia's stupid plan. Once more, Taranee bit her lips, It was her fault too. She had admitted it before her death, but putting the fault on the others was easier. Deep down she knew that Will's darkness was still in her. It would probably never leave.

"Cassidy... I am sorry." Yan Lin said sincerely. " I should have done something... When Nerissa."

"We already talked about it. It wasn't your fault." Cassidy said gently.

"In a way it was (cough), as much as it was for what happened to Will." Her voice was becoming fainter even so Taranee had gotten the place a tropical temperature. "But I wasn't finished. When Candracar took the heart from Nerissa, it's you they chose as the Leader (Cough, cough)... I ask you to take on that role once more." Taranee could see Cassidy widen her eyes in surprise. The twice resuscitated girl was speechless.

"... But you just said... Kadma.. " Cassidy tried, which made the elders laugh, sending into Yan Lin a cough again.

"She asked me to guide you, not lead. With Zamballa I understood I was not a good leader. I hate to be in accord with Will but good leaders are born not made. You're the one who brought us together, and the only one left without a crippling grief towards her." The last bit left a bitter after taste in everyone. Taranee felt tears on her cheek before they evaporated.

"I... Understand. I will try my best to at least get us safe." Cassidy was trying to hold in her tears. But after everything they had gone though.. She didn't knew which of Fate or Will was the Worst joker.

She then saw the green light fade, even so the tear in Yan Lin's side was still wide. She looked at Kadma and saw her hopelessly tighten her fist around some of the remaining snow. It seemed that she had finally understood she could not heal the burn given by Will.

"As for you... Hay Lin... I wish... (cough) I wish I could have seen your true smile once again." The Silver light around Yan was fading as Hay's was getting stronger. "Please be happy once again... I'll always be with you..."

On those words, the old Silver Dragon drew her last breath and they heard the young one weep as she finally awoke. It was when Taranee finally saw the mark left by Will's dark flame. 'Oh.. Hay Lin... I hope to see you smile, but you'll never stop crying.'

Alfor stood over the body of his old friend, closing its eyes with the one hand he didn't use. When they had gotten to the sanctuary, having let the Guardians to close the fold, there was already someone in. Waiting for them.

"Elyon Escanor, how can someone as pure as you, the light of Meridian, could turn so bad." Luba asked, not waiting for an answer as her broken sword stood between the young girl's ribs, her other hand charging magic to destroy the place.

"How you ask? The same way you let Will become what she is. Not that I complain, but you could have chosen better guardians for the centre of Infinity." Elyon had a snicker as she slowly got up.

"How did you know about the sanctuary?" Alfor asked, still shocked to have found her here. Had it not been for Tibor he would be the one to have his eyes closed.

"I didn't. Will called me and ordered that I wait here for her." She shrugged. "Now that I see what was guarded here, I understand. I would have taken it for myself... but you know the Boss" Alfor Shuddered, what kind of smile was that? Had she gone so nuts as to worship that monster?

"Yes. And yet you failed." As he said that both him and Luba hurled all their power at the swirling mass of energy that was the last bit of power the sanctuary held.

'BOOOOM' There was an explosion,

but he was still alive. Something had gone wrong.

"No, she didn't." Even amongst the ringing of his ears, he could recognize the voice.

"YOU!" Luba jumped at her in anger, forgetting Elyon who struck her by behind with a beam of light.

"Sorry, but no. I can't let you die yet." He heard a metallic snap and saw a cage of light forming around the form of Luba. "You have to see your failure to the end." Elyon said, as the budding Oracle extended her hand to take the last power of Candracar. There was something beautiful, and yet scary to the scene.

His sole solace was that he knew the power of the Oracle would take years to settle in with all those powers in conflict. No one had ever managed to hold the power of the Oracle and a heart at the same time. But if someone could do it, it would probably be her, the one chosen by the Heart .

' Hurry up Guardians. For one day she might surpass the one that were there before time.'

Will finally had it all in her and her blood-red hair flickered with power. A power so great that if he wasn't already dying, he would be right now. In the blur of his vision he could see that even Elyon had gotten to her knees.

"You did good Elyon. Now go fetch the others and wait for me in the castle. I am moving." She snickered before turning her icy glare to him. "You know what, you're lucky. That explosion did so much on you that I don't even want to finish the job. " It was true that he felt himself go away. He heard her turn away from him as well as the characteristic sound of teletransportation.

"Now, Luba you're all that remains. You never liked me so I guess you're the only one here that I can't say betrayed me."

'So, my destiny was to see the last day of this Era. I'm ashamed to even present myself before my predecessor.' Those were Alfor last thought as he drifted away.

"For that, I have a surprise for you..." The last sound he heard was that of Luba crying as energy got through her.

On Arkhanta, Yua, the strongest yet bounded Banshee of Arkantha was one of the rare spectators of the last act of Candracar.
"So he failed." She said, passing a hand in the water.
She had not felt so scared of someone since forever. This Wilhelmina was very bad news for her plan, as well as for anyone that had a plan for anything for the years to come for that matter.

Even the combined power of all banshee wouldn't be enough to stop her now. There were only three ways out of her quest. Either the Guardians managed to gather what the Oracle had asked in his last wish and it worked or the girl became the next evil goddess. The third option was too horrifying to think about.

And that idiot Ari, who had counted on the Oracle's temporary weakness to attack and save Maqi. She had to prevent him. Convince him to put his plan on hold.

She would get her revenge before she either died or became that monster's slave. She had no illusion, for her there was no other meaning. But she could at least make the idiot wish to keep Arkhanta safe. It would keep it out of The Warrior Queen's radar for long enough for her to break free.

On Magix, in the Magical dimension, Faragonda, an elderly woman with already white hairs and headmistress of Alfea was getting the school ready for next year, squinting her vivid eyes behind triangular glasses. After the girls had defeated Valtor things were finally getting back to normal and she could take care of the everyday things like the assignments of new rooms for her new teachers.

She smiled, was it already three years. All those menaces had made it look like shorter, and longer at the same time. Now those girls were Enchantix fairies, as far as she had gone. And they would probably get much farther. Maybe they would even get to Sirenix like Daphne before them. They surely had the drive. And destiny seemed to like playing around with them.

Well, Bloom was the keeper of the Dragon's Flame so she supposed it was something to be ready for. Now that she thought about it, she had to check if the Book of Faeries was still in here.

As she descended the stairs, she felt a strange sensation of discomfort. She quickly got down, but there wasn't anything strange. As she was about to enter the section for the enemy of the Magical dimension where she could see that a painting had fallen down, she stumbled on an old book next to the Myths' section.

That section was where they placed stories that even they didn't know if they were true, and strangely enough half of them talked about Earth, Like that one even if it was not the main subject.
"At the center of Infinity, The Story of Candracar."

She knew an omen when she saw one and decided she would read it, having already checked for what she was here for. But before that, she had to check what that thing was she had seen in the enemy section. If there was a link, at least she would be ready.

Once I the gloomy hall she saw there indeed was one. The picture which had fallen down was one she had covered up; so much did those men disgust her. The "fairy hunters", the reason Earth had almost no more magic.

Whatever was going to happen, it would be on Earth. A good thing that Bloom had chosen to go to her friend's home this time for the holidays. At least she wouldn't be alone in the middle of an enemy attack when they would come.

Remembering that she still had a book to read Faragonda got back to her bureau while thinking of every time that fate had been a bad joker.

The proof that she never had any good sight was that she never saw the electric eyes behind the painting she had put back in place. But at the same time who would have thought that the biggest threat was on the wall itself since its foundation?

Will got to walk through her new palace. The palace at the Centre of Infinity was a perfect place to reign from, as well as having her fun. However, something was nagging at her. It wasn't the Guardians, she had let them go away on purpose, so that she could play with them again and again until it was no longer fun.

The whole council of Candracar had been destroyed, its remain scattered to the winds, the blood of the battle already cleaned by the new and old maids she had engaged.

She had even made the place where she had killed the former oracle her bedroom, tossing his body down in the sea of Candracar. It had surprised her to learn there was a sea down that floating castle, but it made for a perfect dump.

Her lone loss was Caleb, but it was his own fault for losing to Angelo, and it made on fewer people she couldn't kill.
"So why am I so on edge... I need to destroy something before I start my conquest of Earth or I might destroy it. And that wouldn't do at all. Until I find where Tibor has sent them it's the only place I can really take my time 'playing' with a purpose."

After she had taken over Heatherfield she would go to Fadden Hills saying a little 'Hello' to old friends. Then well... then Earth was waiting for her. By the time she was finished with Earth she would probably have found new toys she could mess up and mess with. Being the heart of Earth would surely help her with that.

"And that is why I can't destroy Earth!" She shouted, lashing out a spear of pure energy in the sky. As she was readying another to see if she could break it, she suddenly had a vision of a purple planet being destroyed as trees ran around.

"Zamballa" She murmured, smirking. It would be perfect to unleash the steam. For some reason she had some issue with the planet even existing. It would be a perfect test of how much destruction she could wreck by her lone self.

"Lisa." She called her personal maid.

"Yes, what do you want Will?" The young girl answered with a soft smile.
Since she had gotten with Eric she seemed to be even more beaming than usual. Had she been that happy when she was with Matt? Truly foolish. Yet she didn't say it out loud, just snickering a bit when she remembered Irma's cry when the stupid boy had died.

"I'll be late for dinner." She said before opening a fold to her first act as the new Oracle.

"Understood." She heard Lisa acknowledge as she passed the fold.


She had chosen the middle of the forest to start even so she knew she should have gone to the central pyramid. As she arrived she let her darkness flame out to burn her direct surroundings.

"Now where is Ironwood..." She mocked a pout, as if she was really thinking about it, basking in the sound her surroundings made.

When she had made a clearing big enough she decided it was time.

"Right, I just have to do this." Will unleashed the biggest storm she could by using each of the elements. The plea for help from the trees, living or not, was a music to her ears.


Here is the end of the prologue. Please tell me what you think of it in the review, I'm opened to any constructive comments.

Don't hesitate to ask if something bother you, I made and am still making a lot of world building as this will probably be my second biggest project. ( Book of Void Is Still my Biggest, The only reason I don't publish chapter is because I got back to the world building stage and want the next fight to be perfect.)