Jounouchi no ko-inu
(Jounouchi's Puppy)
Author: Sakura Kaiba

Disclaimer: I own nothing. There is my disclaimer.
A/N: Okay, this is my first attempted Seto/Jou yaoi fluff fic.o.O;; I got this idea at 11:30 at night, so no laughing. I finally decided to type it! Yay! *pats self on back* Okay, people, here is my fic!
It was Christmas night, snow softly fluttering down outside the windows. Seto and Jounouchi were sitting on the couch, Jounouchi wrapped in Seto's embrace. They looked up at the brightly glittering Christmas tree.

"I have one more gift for you." Seto murmured to Jounouchi, slowly standing up from his seat on the couch.

"You do?" was Jounouchi's confused reply, as he looked up at the auburn-haired boy.

'What could it be?' he thought to himself, as Seto went into the other room. Jounouchi sat there, wondering.

Not much later, Seto emerged from the other room, with a smile on his face, and something furry and yellow cradled in his arms. He approached Jounouchi with the little furry ball. When Jounouchi glanced at the little yellow thing in Seto's arms he realized, it was a puppy!

"Oh, he's wonderful!" Jounouchi exclaimed, taking the puppy in his arms as if it were an infant. It was a little golden retriever puppy, about 6 months old, with a ruby red bow tied around his neck.

"I'd hoped you'd like him." Seto said, smiling warmly and brushing dark-blond bangs from his lover's forehead.

"He's the second best Christmas present ever!" with that, Jounouchi looked up at Seto, who had a intrested look on his face.

"Oh? And what's the first?" Seto said placing his arms around Jounouchi's waist gently, as Jounouchi set the little ball of love on the floor beside him.

"You." he answered, wrapping his arms around Seto's neck and placing a small kiss on his soft lips.

Seto looked into Jounouchi's deep brown eyes.

"I love you." Jounouchi whispered, pulling Seto into a warm hug. They stood there for a few moments, embraced in their sweet love for each other.

"What shall we name him?" Seto questioned, looking down at Jou.

"Snuggles." Jou answered.

Okay, for my first attemp, I hope you liked it! Don't ask, I know it's a little overboard on cute. And don't ask about 'Snuggles', that's what I came up with after an hour of long and hard thought. I'm so lame. *thwacks head* Anyways, R&R! Tell me what you think! ~Sakura Kaiba