AN: Okay, someone has brought to my attention the fact that Arthur and Molly aren't supposed to be at school with the Marauders. I KNOW this. So let me post the explanation here and hope that I don't have to keep repeating myself. The first 30 chapters were written by someone named orchidtani. He/she was the one who put them at Hogwarts at the same time and I really don't want to have to change the entire story because of it so please just ignore this fact and enjoy the story. It's not going to change so please do not bring it up every other chapter (that's what happened the last time I posted this story and I got really tired of it). Thank you.

Chapter 1 –

The arrival of the trio –

The three marauders were returning to their common rooms after their classes. It had been a long day and on top of that they had managed to successfully pull off some of their best pranks today. Though tired they were perfectly happy.

"Hey, prongs, isn't that Dumbledore's phoenix?" asked a bewildered Remus.

"Yup," confirmed James.

There was a flash of light and the phoenix left a single feather plus a note on the cold floor. James bent to pick it up.

"Hope, we didn't get into too much trouble with our pranks" joked Sirius but there was an underlying tension in his voice. An ANGRY Dumbledore was really scary even for Sirius.

"Let James read the message and we would find out" said Remus. "Not that it is the first time that your plan has gone haywire, Padfoot."

Sirius gruffed. "Read the note ".

"Well, THIS is weird, even for Dumbledore," said James in a worried tone. "He has asked us to meet in the Room of Requirements. And I didn't know that he even knew about this room.

"Yup, it surely IS weird," said Sirius. "Well, then what are we waiting for…? I think we should go at once. After all it is the headmaster calling.," joked Sirius.

The marauders turned their steps and moved towards the seventh floor.

They crossed the enormous tapestry depicting Barnabas the Barmy's foolish attempt to train trolls for the ballet.

And opposite the tapestry waited Dumbledore himself.

"Come, children, we were just waiting for you," he said, his eyes twinkling at them.

'Sir, can we ask the reason for which we are called at this godd…., I mean, ungodly hour..?" asked Sirius, blushing after nearly swearing in front of the headmaster. The marauders, troublemakers though they were, respected Dumbledore.

"Well, come inside we will explain these rather unusual circumstances." Said Dumbledore managing to increase their anticipation. He walked three times in front of the wall concentrating hard. Suddenly a door appeared in the wall. The marauders for whom this was no big deal did not seem all that much surprised but it did seem odd to see their headmaster doing this instead of one of them.

But, they were in for a surprise of their life as they entered the room. It was lavishly furnished with lots of soft couches and beanbags. However, what surprised them most were the people in the room.

On the chairs sat their housemate and friend Lily Evans, on whom James had real big crush, their fellow Gryffindors Frank; Alice; Arthur; Molly; their head of the house, Professor McGonagall wearing her typical green (Sirius always lamented about the color) robes, and, their arch enemy and the target for most of their pranks, Severus Snape.

"What, in Merlin's name' are they doing here?" exclaimed Sirius rounding on Dumbledore. "And why are we all meeting here,"

"Mr. Black, let me explain. I owe an explanation to all of you and even our three other guests. Please don't interrupt me before I finish my explanation. We will be staying in this room for quite a few days. As, we all know that this room can provide us with all that we need.'

Sirius showed every sign of interrupting, but kept his mouth shut after receiving a glare from Remus.

"Now this may sound funny to most of you assembled here, but there are three persons from the future assemble here, though u can't see them as yet. They would read us two books from the future, which would help us change our future for the better."

"People...? From the future..? Is this some sort of a joke, Albus?" exclaimed McGonagall. James had never seen her face looking so utterly funny. Moreover, he could hardly hold in his laughter. However, the sight of his archenemy along with the love of his life in the same room boiled his insides with anger. More so, as he knew that they were good friends in the former years of Hogwarts.

"No, Minerva." chuckled Dumbledore. "Sadly, this is no joke. It is a fact.."

"Headmaster, just who are these three people?" Questioned Lily.

"Excellent question, Lily Flower," chimed Sirius.

"Don't call me Lily flower, Black," glared Lily. Moreover, even Dumbledore had to acknowledge the fact that her glare was frightening. Sirius shut up for good. Severus smirked.

James was about to retaliate when Dumbledore held up his hand to stop the quarrel.

"Children, this is really important to forget our house rivalry even if for these few days. Strange things are happening, no doubt about that. But if this can guarantee a better future then we must go along with this.

"Well, there are a few things to take in to account. Firstly on no account Judge a person before the end of both the books, and secondly don't be all that shocked when you are revealed the identities of the people from the future. Before I bring them, let me tell you their names.


The people in the room gasped. And James's and Arthur's Face was worth sniggering at. Dumbledore understood their plight and continued, "Future Mr. Potter is the son of James and Lily."

At this declaration, a Small explosion went up.

"YES!"-shouted James with glee. "Evans is my wife!"

Remus grinned.

"Well done mate, she sees the softer side in you after all!" Sirius said.

Lily looked gob smacked. McGonagall smiled and so did Dumbledore.

"Can't believe you marry him, Lily," said Alice. Lily smiled slightly.

"I – I guess you aren't that bad …" said Lily slowly. James whooped. No one noticed Snape's face losing all its color.

Dumbledore continued, "Well and Mr. Ron is the son of Arthur and Molly."

The said people blushed a tomato beet red. The other people in the room clapped. Even Snape.

"Well, now let us welcome them," chuckled Dumbledore. "We have made them wait long while."

With a pop the Disillusionment charms lifted and the people in the room got their first view of the people from the future.