Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JK Rowling and Marvel

Another cute and fun chapter to write! oh and its just come to my attention that the first few chapters, the time change was wrong. I'm sorry, i tried my best and i thought i had figured it out but apparently i didn't. My bad. Also, i rely on spell check a lot as i dont have time for a Beta so if i spell something wrong or its spelling is used in a different way then what i used, i apologize.


Chapter 23

The twins received a letter from their father who said that Ivy could stay as long as she wanted so the aforementioned girl told her mum and dad. As the days passed, the friends hung out, did homework, and got ready for finales. Every other lunch Joey would come over and sit at the Ravenclaw table and talk to Natalia. Once in a while, Nigel, Cindy, Dora, or Ivy would join in on the conversation. And after those lunches Joey would give Natalia a flower, smile, and walk off. They found out that Joey was a pureblood but didn't look down on the muggle world. How could he though? He liked a muggleborn. Soon the girl's dorm started smelling like flowers with all the ones Natalia received. Than the most important part of the Hogwarts classes came. Finals.

Dora made sure to help everyone with Potions studying and Natalia did the same with Transfiguration. The finals were difficult but the five were confident in their test taking.

Too soon, the friends were on the train heading back to Kings Cross. They spent the time talking about their first year though all refused to speak of Dora's potion debacle. Natalia and Dora promised to invite Nigel and Cindy over as Ivy was already going to be there. When the train stopped, Joey stopped Natalia and gave her a red tulip and a kiss on the cheek, saying he would write her soon. Natalia was practically floating as she, Dora, and Ivy piled their trunks on one trolley. Once the five were through the barrier they gave each other hugs before going their respective ways. Ivy, Dora, and Natalia walked over to where Steve and Hermione were waiting. Natalia was still in a daze and had totally forgotten to hide the flower.

"Hey girls! Natalia where did you get the flower." Hermione asked.

"A friend gave it to me." She said quickly. Too quickly in Hermione's eyes.

Ivy was looking at the car strangely. Dora smiled as her father put their trunks in the boot. Ivy was guided into the car and she sat in between Dora and Natalia. When they started moving, Ivy looked around in wonder. Natalia rolled her eyes.

"It's a car. You know the Knight Bus? Well this is like it but it goes slower and the muggle's can see it." Natalia said and Ivy nodded.

"She how was the end of the year?"

"Oh it was great! Potions was so fun, as we had worked on a funny potion. Professor Zabini said he had learned it from a pair of twins two years above him in school." Hermione grinned. The Weasley Twins obviously.

"Was it the Puking Pastel potion?" She asked.

"Yeah, he said it was an original one though. How'd you know?" Dora asked.

"Because those twins were the Weasley twins. One of the two most brilliant wizards I had ever met. They were two pranksters who created their own line of candies that were called skiving snack boxes as they helped you skive from class. Puking Pastel, Nosebleed Nugget, and more. I acted like I thought they were ridiculous and tried to stop them but secretly, I thought they were brilliant. They actually used to have a joke shop but George closed it down after Fred died in the war." Hermione gave a nostalgic smile. "Their products were called Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. I think Harry still has some products, you should ask him."

"Wicked." The three said together.

"What else happened?" Steve asked as he drove.

"Well Natalia go-ow!" Ivy squealed as Natalia punched her arm really hard.

"Dora your sister hit me! Say something!" Ivy tried to hide behind Dora but really just buried her face in the back of the girls shoulder. Natalia shot Dora a smirk.

"Don't hit my friends Natalia." Dora said though she was blushing.

"She's my friend to."

"Yeah well friends don't hit friends." Ivy muttered from where her head was.

"Well than shut your trap." Natalia said and Ivy moved back to a regular position.

Steve was chuckling at their antics while Hermione smiled, though she noticed Natalia blushing and playing with the tulip she was holding. She probably didn't want to say anything because of her father but Hermione was determined to get it out. They reached the house and everyone got out of the car, getting their trunks one at a time.

"How is your dad so strong?" Ivy whispered. Steve smirked as he heard that but just carried the trunks in.

"Really? You don't know?" Dora teased and Ivy blushed.

"Ivy, we pulled out and extra mattress and put it in the girls room as we don't have a guest room." Hermione said.

"Yeah because someone decided a study was more important." Steve said with a grin.

"Mmmm, says the man who wanted to build a boxing room."

"What, the gym is far." Steve said with a pout.

Hermione patted his cheek. "You poor man."

The girls giggled and the two adults walked to the kitchen.

"Ivy, you want to see about the movies we were talking about?" Natalia asked and the pureblood nodded excitedly.

"Let show her Tangled! That's my favorite Disney movie."

"Tangled? Disney?" Ivy questioned as Dora led her to the couch.

"You'll see." Natalia said as she rummaged under the television where all the dvds were. "We need to show her Brave at one point also." Natalia pulled out the dvd and placed it in the player, grabbed the remote, and plopped on the couch on the other side of Ivy before pressing play.

"Its like a moving picture!" She exclaimed and the others laughed.

They had gotten to the part where Flynn and Rapunzel were on the canoe when there was a knock on the door. Hermione opened it to Natasha and Harry. They suddenly heard the girls say 'aww' as Flynn and Rapunzel started singing to each other.

"No! Why didn't you kiss her?" Ivy demanded suddenly and the other two giggled before shushing her.

"Finally showing Ivy movies?" Harry asked as they walked in. The girls didn't notice them as they were completely absorbed in the movie. Though the twins had seen it many times, they still loved it.

"You should hear the commentary." Steve chuckled and let them in. They smiled as Ivy gripped Dora when the two brothers tried to get Rapunzel. Natasha went over and sat next to Dora, putting an arm around her.

"Oh, hello Aunt Natasha." She said absentmindedly.

"Just wait until the end." The red headed woman said.

"Don't tell me!" Ivy cried as she stared at the television. "I don't get how those two could do that to Flynn!"

"Shhh! Watch!" Natalia said.

Steve and Harry chuckled and walked to the kitchen as Natasha stayed with the girls. Hermione was making lunch when they entered. She smiled at them as Harry grabbed some coffee and sat with Steve at the table. After a few minutes there was a cheer and laugh than a yelp as Ivy watched the movie. Ten more minutes and the end credits were heard.

"That was amazing!" Ivy said excitedly. "I want to see another one!"

"Well we're having a movie night tomorrow night. Aunt Natasha, Uncle Harry, and Ryan come over to and we watch a new movie. It happens every summer after we get out of school." Dora said and Ivy was almost vibrating with excitement.

"Speaking of Ryan, where is he?" Natalia asked.

"School. He doesn't get out for another hour. Did you get the letter he sent?"

"Yeah, it was interesting to hear about his new friend Jason."

"Where did you get the flower?" Natasha asked to the tulip still in Natalia's hand.

"A friend. C'mon, we need to unpack!"

"But I want a snack." Dora complained but her sister gave her a significant look and she nodded.

"Yeah, let's go Ivy." The three girls hurried out of the room. Natasha shook her head and headed to where the other adults were.

The other two were asleep along with the rest of the house so Natalia tip toed out of the room and into the kitchen. She grabbed a large cup and started to fill it with water for her flowers.

"What's his name?" She suddenly heard a voice behind her. Natalia turned around, almost dropping the cup but instead slopping some water onto the tile. It was her mother.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"What's his name? The one who gave you the flower and apparently other ones." The woman eyed the large cup in her hand.

"This is just some water to drink." Natalia said.

"Didn't know you were so thirsty." Hermione smiled. "I won't tell your father. Your grandpa was just the same with boys and I never told him about the date I had in forth year as I knew he would be over protective."

Natalia blushed. "His name is Joey Kings. He's a Slytherin in our year. He was sending me flowers without his name for months before finally revealing himself in June. We're going to write each other this summer."

Hermione grinned. "Well at least he's in your year. A Slytherin, eh?"


"I've never heard of a Slytherin liking a muggleborn."

"He said that though he was a pureblood, he didn't look down on the muggle world. He said it was actually interesting." Natalia blushed a darker red and Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Well lets clean up this water. I want you to tell me more about your ex-secret admirer tomorrow." Hermione said as she grabbed a rag. Natalia smiled and helped her mom clean before finishing filling the cup and going back to her room.


The next night Hermione was making popcorn as the girls and Steve got the living room ready. After the room was done, Steve went to the kitchen. Ivy and Dora watched as Natalia slowly and quietly walked over to the arch way. Ivy and Dora followed and they all three looked in. Hermione had just finished putting the popcorn in a large bowl when Steve pulled her to him. She blushed lightly. According to Steve she used to blush a lot around him in the early days and still did. He grinned and leaned down to give her a kiss. After a few seconds, Hermione smirked against his lips.

"Can we help you girls?" She didn't look over but seemed to sense the three eleven year olds watching.

They all went wide eyed before running off to get blankets from their room. Steve chuckled and kissed Hermione again for a little longer before the doorbell rang. Steve went to go answer it but Dora was faster and yanked it open. Harry and Natasha were standing there with little Ryan holding a Spongebob Squarepants blanket in his small hands. He had a wide grin on his face as he saw Dora. She ushered them in and shut the door. Ivy and Natalia came out then with three blankets.

"Ivy!" Ryan said and gave her a hug. Ivy was still a little startled but hugged him back. He then gave Natalia a hug before Dora.

"What movie did you bring?" Steve asked.

"Ryan picked it out. It's the first Pirates of the Caribbean." Harry said. "I read some reviews and watched a preview and it's a little scary but he wouldn't be deterred."

Hermione came up with the bucket of popcorn and asked Harry to expand the couch since they had Ivy. The raven haired man did as asked.

"Well let's get that movie in and start our movie night." Natasha said and everyone got comfortable as Harry put the movie in the player. The lights were turned off and the opening music came on.

The movie was wonderful and even though Ryan got scared a few times, he stayed put. When the crew became skeletons Ivy hid her face in Dora's shoulder and even though Dora blushed she wrapped an arm around her. Comforting her. Ivy didn't move it even when she looked back at the screen when the all clear was given. That caused Natalia to smirk.

"…he's a pirate."

"That so cool!" Ivy exclaimed after Kiera Knightley said her last line and the end credits came. "Movies are awesome!"

Everyone laughed at her enthusiasm before cleaning up the empty popcorn bowl and returned the couch to normal. Ryan was starting to fall asleep so Harry and Natasha bid them a farewell and left.

"Okay girls, I think its time for bed. That was a pretty long movie." Hermione said.

"What about dinner?" Natalia asked.

"You three ate the most popcorn, practically cleaned the bowl. I think you can last until breakfast." Steve said in amusement.

The girls sighed but nodded and headed to get ready for bed. Ivy knew this would be a fun summer.


Introducing a pureblood to movies, so fun. If you think Joey has bad intentions, he doesn't. Thats all i'm saying though. Read and Review!